Alien Space Gods Of Ancient Greece and Rome (11 page)

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Surely no writer would invent such a chaotic description as this! This garbled tale must be true; in just such bewilderment would an ignorant peasant describe a Spaceship; indeed Ezekiel's famous sighting by the River Chebar reads little better. The Gods with wings on each shoulder evoke television's 'Superman' or even the American Army commandos equipped with rockets on their bodies for short flights. This account by its very incomprehension does seem a genuine description of war in the skies by someone utterly baffled. Even so could Shakespeare ignorant of modern Space-science have described the ship much better?


The Old Egyptian Chronicles'
preserved by Syncellus state that Cronus and the other twelve Divinities ruled
for 3984 years. Manetho in his 'Aegyptica' records that Cronus preceded Osiris as King of Egypt; a fragment of the lost 'Chronicles of Mabolas' quotes Manetho as referring to the planet Cronos (Saturn) called the 'Shining Star.’


It is most important to realise that although our main source regarding Cronus (Saturn) is to be found in the confused myths of Greece, independent references to him are scattered in the scanty literature left to us from Ancient Egypt and Babylon in addition to parallel Deities as far distant as Britain, Palestine and India. Such worldwide confirmation of the God's influence and his association with the planet, Saturn, seems to suggest that Cronus was no figment of imagination but an actual Spaceman, well-known all over the Earth.


Astronomers deny the possibility of life on Saturn, diameter 75,000 miles, rotating in 29 Earth-years around the Sun 886 million miles distant; its atmosphere with deep clouds appears to be mainly hydrogen with some methane, ammonia, and a complex of ethane, ethylene and acetylene; surface temperatures are said to be minus 80 degrees Centigrade; it is now suggested that radiation is waning the atmosphere and that the planet has internal heat Scientists, if any, on Saturn, would probably make a similar assessment of our own Earth. The characteristic three flat rings girdling Saturn may have been the debris of a Moon demolished by a Comet, although conventional theory suggests they consist of tiny particles of ice. A noble race of Beings in astral bodies are said to inhabit two of the ten moons, Titan larger than Mercury holds biological interest and might support some form of life.


Dino Kraspedon somewhat doubtfully alleges that a Space Intelligence told him Saturn has no atmosphere and is not inhabited; Adamski, however writes a vivid report of a trip he made to Saturn in a Spaceship in only nine hours; he describes a world of breath-taking beauty with spacious cities enchanted by divine music and living colours; there Adamski had an inspired interview with an Illumined Master who pitied the plight of Earthlings.


Howard Menger, who claims to be a reincarnated Saturnian, gives a somewhat controversial description of an etherean Saturn and lyricises over a Saturnian whom he met in 1956 in an old cabin in the American backwoods; this Wonderman taught him to play the piano in only one lesson, a feat which surprised Menger nearly as much as it surprises us. Both Adamski and Williamson infer that Saturn is the Seat of Justice for all our Solar System. An inspired discipline for ascension to cosmic consciousness was revealed to the Reverend Doctor George King, Founder of the Aetherius Society, an international Metaphysical Order, by Cosmic Intelligences who disclosed that Beings on Saturn have formed themselves into an Advisory Council to which those accepted into the Interplanetary Council of Worlds, send their most highly Evolved Masters, so that they may receive advice, guidance and help from the Saturnians, who give this freely. Dr. George King states that Jesus, the Master from Venus, was delivered to Earth in a Space Satellite, which came from Saturn. Dr George Hunt Williamson records that a Knight of the Solar Cross surveying our Earth in a Spaceship revealed that Saturn was the ancient God of Seed Sowing; as a Man sows, so he reaps; the Saturnians actually did descend to Earth long ago and sowed the seeds of civilisation.


People all over the ancient world held mystic reverence for Saturn; astrologers associated the planet with wisdom inspiring men born under its influence, occultists held Saturnians in great respect suspecting their alleged powers; such beliefs are ridiculed by our scientists although the radio-astronomers do record vibrations from the planets, which may exert some subtle unknown influence on the human mind. The Ancients had some vital reason for venerating Saturn that we cannot fathom. All the accumulated evidence suggests that Cronus symbolised benevolent invaders from Saturn who usurped the old Dynasty of the Uranid Space Kings and ruled Earth in a Golden Age.


Zeus-Pater (Jupiter) derived his name from the Indian God, Dyaus-Pitar (Deva - God, Pitar - Father), the Sky Father worshipped by most peoples of the ancient world millennia ago, suggesting domination of our Earth by Spacemen. The Vedas associate Dyaus with 'dazzling brightness' and 'lightning' evoking a shining Spaceship. As 'Heavenly Father' he was worshipped like a benevolent King dwelling in a wondrous city in the sky with that same awe with which in those golden days of the British Raj some simple coolie in the slums of Bombay regarded his 'Father', King Edward
, presiding at banquets in Buckingham Palace.


Memory of this Sky-Father persists in human consciousness to this very day. Most Christians pray to 'Our Father which art in Heaven' and picture some benign jovial Gentleman basking on a cloud just waiting to help them; this in fact is how the Sky-Father did appear to the unsophisticated peoples of the Golden Age, when he winged down to their aid like some Missionary bringing golden trinkets to the Hottentots. The early Greeks regarded Zeus as the Supreme God particularly responsible for celestial phenomena, lightning, thunder and the weather; he was portrayed with an eagle as the patron God of flight Zeus held a feudal Court above
whither he would summon lesser Gods and Goddesses and lay down his divine Law. The Greeks never seriously believed that Zeus lived on
, no tourist climbed to the top to shake hands with God; there were no hordes of pilgrims like the Mahomedans visiting
was not far from Macedon, home of Alexander the Great. Had that hero imagined for one moment that Juno and Aphrodite were cavorting on top of
he would have raced his army up the hill instead of trailing to


Why did lofty cloud-capped
in the North in remote
exercise such fascination, even reverence for the Greeks when they knew no Gods lived there? The Chinese, the Egyptians, the Babylonians, Ezekiel and observers today, all describe the Spaceships as coming from the North apparently approaching Earth through the Van Allen radiation-belts, opening near the North Pole. Zeus gave the Cretan laws, to Minos on
Mount Ida
, Shamash gave the law to Hammurabi on a mound in
, Jehovah gave Moses the Ten Commandments on
Mount Sinai
, Ahura-Mazda inspired Ormuzd on
. Archangel Gabriel showed Mahomet a golden tablet on the hills near
. In all lands throughout history the Gods are associated with sacred mountains, whither they would summon their Prophets to receive divine instructions. Such veneration of
would suggest that Zeus in his sky-chariot or Spaceship often landed there, Aeschylus in 'Prometheus Bound' develops Zeus into an omnipotent Ruler of the universe sternly inspiring lofty morality and censuring the follies of fallible Man; as Supreme Lord he was greatly concerned with divine justice and the destiny of the human race. The Greek tragedians elevated Zeus to a transcendent Deity just as, about the same sixth century BC, the Hebrew prophets transformed their tribal Jehovah into an omnipresent, invisible God the Spirit sustaining all Creation.


The average Greek ignoring theology loved to think of Zeus as a dignified middle-aged Personage in well-earned retirement after those rumbustious days of his youth, when he fought Gods and Sky-Dragons, destroyed civilisations and seduced every wench in heaven and earth with a virility which made those naughty girls of
shudder with desire. Zeus still gloried in a somewhat sedate sex-life; no longer did he disguise himself as a hot- blooded bull, many were the maidens who conceived heroes to the genial Lord on
. The Priests of Babylon who knew him as Marduk thoughtfully provided a room on a top floor of his
, containing a large elegant bed and a golden table, a sanctuary none dared enter save the Bride of the God. The Israelites made a tabernacle designed to Jehovah's own specification," richly furnished, which He could visit in secret; the Bible is discreetly silent on who entertained Him there. Lest such divine lust scandalise all pious believers, it must be mentioned in extenuation that Zeus, alias Jupiter, Marduk or Baal, is now regarded not as a single Entity but as a generic name for Spacemen from the planet Jupiter or one of its Moons, just as American soldiers from Germany to Japan are known to all their dames as Joe.


Jupiter, largest of all the planets with a diameter of 88,700 miles, rotates around the Sun 483 million miles away in nearly twelve years. Astronomers believe the huge globe consists of hydrogen with some ammonia and methane around a layer of liquid metallic hydrogen surrounding a small iron-silicate core. Pioneer 10 in November 1973 photographed Jupiter and telemetered valuable data, confirmed by Pioneer 11 about a year later. Surface temperatures are thought to be about minus 70 degrees Centigrade, although the Pioneer probes detecting strong radiation suggested an enormous heat capacity of the Jovian atmosphere and confirmed an important source of internal heat.


Since 1878 Jupiter has been noted for its famous Red Spot 30,000 miles long and 7,000 miles wide; this crimson oval may be some localised atmospheric turbulence. Could the Red Spot be an intelligently controlled asteroid? Dr. G. H. Williamson and Lyman Streeter in 1952 claimed radio-contact with a Jovian Intelligence known as Ankar-22, who lived in Adee, the capital city of
, the native name for the planet. Dino Kraspedon denies life in the rarefied atmosphere of Jupiter but stresses that many of the thirteen Jovian satellites, notably Io and Ganymede, about the size of our own Moon, have atmospheres and conditions similar to Earth with inhabitants like ourselves.


The Aetherius Society teaches that ages ago at the time of the explosion of the neighbouring planet Maldek, the inhabitants of Jupiter had reached such a high state of spiritual culture that the planet was used as a reception centre for the Interplanetary Confederation. Radio-astronomers are particularly intrigued by powerful emissions from Jupiter, which arouse romantic speculation as to whether these bursts of radiation signify intelligent signals or indicate tremendous utilisation of electrical energies by its peoples analogous to the radio-aura which has intensified around our Earth in the last few decades. Some of the Ancients associated Jupiter with great cataclysms such as the submergence of Lemuria and Atlantis, legends say the planet gave birth to Venus causing the phenomena described in 'Exodus' enabling the Israelites to cross the Red Sea. Whatever the truth, the fact remains that the peoples all over the Ancient World regarded this brilliant planet with much more awe than we do. Perhaps they believed that in ages past from Jupiter or its Moons winged down those virile Spacemen to destroy the Golden Age of Saturn and dominate Earth.


Science insists that life evolved from protoplasm in primeval seas, developing throughout vast ages into fishes, mammals and ape-like humanoids, which eventually mutated into monkeys and Man, although after a century’s search this 'Missing Link* is still missing. Anthropologists teach that for millions of years Men lived like beasts, then somewhat belatedly chanced to kindle fire, fashion flint tools, hunt, domesticate animals, grow com in a primitive culture, then suddenly in a few millennia the human race spurted from savagery to our sophisticated selves today. This plausible theory fails to convince Students of Space, who with reasonable logic now believe that Earth was first colonised by Extraterrestrials as we too plan to colonise Mars. Suggestions of a series of civilisations ruled by Spacemen from different planets, a Golden Age, interplanetary wars and the degeneration of mankind to barbarism from which Man is slowly emerging, outrage the scientists, who swear our twentieth century is the loftiest peak in human evolution.

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