Alien Space Gods Of Ancient Greece and Rome (13 page)

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'Genesis' VI, v 4 mentions the Giants on Earth in those days, also the Sons of God who came unto the Daughters of Men. The Sons of God, the Ben Elohim, most revered Beings in Jewish traditions recalling the Els, Sons of Wisdom, engendered Nephilim or Giants, who like the Titan, Prometheus, challenged the 'Lord' himself. The 'Book of Enoch' complains of the 'Fallen Angels' seducing women and teaching men magic; an intriguing reference in the 'Dead Sea Scrolls' suggests that a 'Watcher' or 'Holy One' consorted with Methusalch's daughter-in-law, Bathenosh, and fathered Noah.


Hesiod surely tells the same 'Genesis’ story in his ‘Theogany'. 


'Now all the Gods were divided through strife; for at the very time Zeus, who thunders on high, was meditating marvellous deeds even to mingle storm and tempest over the boundless earth and already he was hastening to make an utter end of the race of mortal men, declaring that he would destroy the lives of the Demi-Gods, that the children of the Gods should not mate with wretched mortals, seeing their fate with their own eyes; but that the blessed Gods henceforth, even as aforetime, should have their living and their habitations apart from men. But those who were born of Immortals and of mankind, verily Zeus laid toil and sorrow upon sorrow.’


The 'Lord’ and Zeus may be identified with the Chinese Lord Chang-ty, who instructed Chang and Lhy to sever communication between Heaven and Earth. The Spacemen possibly influenced by political difficulties on their own planets, realised the difficulty of ruling rebellious Earth and like the British abandoned their Empire; thereafter they restricted their surveillance to solitary visits to inspire chosen Initiates guiding civilisation.


Evidence of a Golden Age ruled by Divine Kings followed by change of climate, cataclysms devastating our Earth and plunging Man to barbarism, is world-wide; it will suffice to summarise corroboration from countries not previously considered. In Britain Celtic bards sang of proud Angels driven forth from Heaven, who fathered men, Gods mounting sky-dragons, wielding magic weapons; the Norse scalds recited sagas of Odin, the Sky Father warring against the Mountain Giants, Thor and his mighty hammer; Freya, Goddess of Love; all similar to those myths of Greece. Aborigines in
tell of an idyllic 'Dream Time'; the Polynesians of Malekula remember ‘winged women’ from the skies; natives of the Caroline Isles describe Wondrous Beings in flying-machines.


Hawaiians talk of solar-boats; Eskimos smile of Great White Spirits; the peoples of
evoke their Divine Kings; in
the ruins of Anghor Wat bear sculptures depicting Beings like Oannes, the Space Teacher of Babylon; the sands of the
are said to enshroud a fabulous civilisation inspired from the skies. North American tribes in
British Columbia
boast of war waged against the Sky People when the Indians tried to climb a ladder of arrows storming a hole in the sky recalling the
. The Mayas remember four World Ages destroyed by disasters and the benevolence of their culture-hero, Quetzalcoatl; in
the 'Popol Vuh' describes feathered serpents, Gods flying down to Earth.


All peoples in all parts of the world treasure oral traditions of an Age of Wonder in far Antiquity, which agree with the evidence advanced for those great civilisations of Lemuria and Atlantis long ago. It is fascinating to realise that had all those marvellous myths of
been lost, we could have fabricated them from the legends of other countries. The Greek myths were not unique, the Gods of Greece existed under other names in other lands; Hesiod and Ovid merely repeated the same tales told all over the world.


Viewed in perspective of world-wide race-memories and our present awareness of Extraterrestrial visitations, Uranus, Cronus and Zeus, with those Ages of Gold, Silver, Bronze, now Iron, emerge from that miasma of myth into shining reality. The Gods of Greece now live for us with all the splendour of Spacemen.

Chapter Four Ancient

The War between Atlantis and
twelve thousand years ago recorded by Solon and retold by Plato poses implications so profound that scholars completely deny its reality since acceptance must surely revolutionise our whole conception of European culture. Solon, universally honoured as one of the greatest sages in Antiquity, influences our laws even today; Plato with his lofty philosophy has enlightened thinkers until our Space Age. These two great Minds symbolising the genius of
are justly extolled for their wisdom, idealism and intellect, which down the centuries inspire the civilisation of the West, yet by some fantastic aberration in human thought, their most fundamental contribution, Atlantis, is rejected.


In his 'Timaeus' Plato quotes the Egyptian Priests at
, who told Solon that in about 10,000 BC Kings of Atlantis with great and marvellous powers ruled
as far as
then launched immense onslaught on the lands of the
, attacking


'And then it was, Solon, that the manhood of your State showed itself Conspicuous for valour and might in the sight of all the world. For it stood pre-eminent above all in gallantry and all warlike arts, and acting partly as leader of the Greeks and partly standing alone by itself, when deserted by all others, after encountering the deadliest perils, it defeated the invaders and reared a trophy, whereby it saved from slavery such as were not as yet enslaved and all the rest of us who dwell within the bounds of Heracles it ungrudgingly set free.’


Such Churchillian oratory recalls those proud and perilous days in 1940 when the victorious Axis Powers overran these same lands and Britain, abandoned by her Allies, faced the might of Germany alone to save the world.


Comparison between the Atlantean invasion of
and the Nazi blitz-krieg twelve millennia later across the same countries may not be so fanciful as it probably appears. Psychics believe that both wars were waged by the Powers of Darkness, the victories won by Athens and Britain, Saviour of Civilisation, were inspired by the Angels of Light Atlantis was totally destroyed, the evil spirit of the Third Reich exorcised. Strategists sceptical of occultism and Atlantis, agree that if the Atlantean War really did happen as Plato asserts the conflict must have borne a startling resemblance to our own struggle against Hitler. The grandiose design to conquer a continent demanded dynamic leadership, meticulous planning, political genius and military skill backed by arrogant ideology, powerful armaments, organised industry and civil mobilisation presupposing advanced technology.


Theopompus of Chios quotes Silcnus as estimating the Atlantean armies as ten million men, a fantastic force, transport from their island in the middle of the
to assault the shores of
surely parallels the American G.I.s assembled for D-Day. Plato credits the Kings of Atlantis with 'great and marvelous powers', presumably weapons not available in his own fifth century BC. Could he have meant the flying-machines, death-rays and nuclear-bombs described by the occultists and those ancient writers of the 'Ramayana', which the old Indians are believed to have inherited from the Lemurians and Atlanteans? Though Plato in all his other erudite works reveals no technology, his 'Phaedrus' does discourse on Winged Gods descending to Earth and working wonders, possibly traditions of aerial craft; like all Greeks he was superstitious of the lightning and thunderbolts of Zeus. Perhaps we should not be too critical of Plato, in his fascinating though incomplete account of Atlantis, he paints a more inspiring picture of 10,000 BC than all those depressing views of our modern historians.


If the Atlanteans wielded such armed might, what powers were possessed by the Athenians, who routed the invading hordes in titanic battle, then pursued the fleeing enemy across
North Africa
to the
? Did some Athenian Montgomery win an ancient battle at Alamein?


Athens, the dominant State in Greece, possibly led a Confederation of Balkan countries, her alliance with Egypt suggests considerable political and cultural prestige, her successful defiance when fighting alone, then her subsequent defeat of the Atlanteans surely prove her spiritual and martial heroism, anticipating Marathon and Salamis, which freed Europe from the invader. This great war like those conflicts in the 'Ramayana’ and 'Mahabharata' would be waged with contrasting weapons, some more primitive, others more advanced than our own today.


Our twentieth century is characterised by the internal combustion-engine, oil is the life-blood of our modern world, and has dominated the politics and social structure of our times. The last two wars, deprived of tanks, lorries and aeroplanes, would have been fought by cavalry, like
, in conjunction with frightful electrical weapons since science would probably have developed in a different direction. Aircraft in far Antiquity were apparently motivated by radiation devices, Immanuel Velikovsky claims that all our terrestrial oil rained down from the hydro-carbonaceous atmosphere of Venus during that planet's approach to Earth as recently as 1500 BC, so the ancient world could have no technology like our own. Traditions insist that Initiates of Atlantis and presumably Adepts in Athens utilised static-electricity by techniques not known to us now; they are believed to have probed into the subtle forces of the universe and developed sonic, vibrational and disintegrating weapons including terrible sidereal-bombs.


Science in most ancient times evolved on mental planes unlike our physical materialism. Initiates mastered psycho-magical powers, possibly learned from their Space-Teachers; remnants of this cosmic wisdom still persist among the shamans and witch-doctors of primitive peoples, degenerate descendants of those proud civilisations of the past.


The Sanskrit Classics, recording traditions of that Golden Age when Gods mingled with men, glow with enchanting descriptions of aerial-cars, annihilating-darts, anti-missile- missiles, laser-beams like heat-rays, presupposing sophisticated guidance-systems controlled by a few Initiates; the footmen and cavalry used slings, javelins, swords, bows and arrows; similar weapons existed in Atlantis and contemporary
. Such contrast in arms is not so incredible as it may appear;' in armies today nuclear-weapons are restricted to a specialist elite and are not standard issue to all soldiers like rifles. Gunpowder was known in Ancient India as in
and probably in Atlantis and old
too, but its use was limited by the devastating annihilation-bombs.


Society in Antiquity consisted usually of a small ruling caste isolated socially by a vast gulf from the uneducated populace, possibly modeled on the earliest civilisations when the Divine Dynasties or Space Kings ruled the peoples of Earth. The 'Bundhasvamin Brihat Katha Shlokasani- graha', a wonderful Sanskrit romance from old Nepal telling entrancing tales of Divine Beings winging down from the skies, wenching and warring in the exotic lands of the Himalayas, reveals that aerial chariots and Space-cars were built with surprising ease but the secret of their construction was restricted to a few Adepts who jealously guarded it from the masses. The 'Brihat Katha' discussing the manufacture of aerial craft states that 'As for flying-machines the Yavanas (the Greeks) know them'. The 'Harscha Charita' of Northern India mentions 'Kakavarma, being curious of marvels, was Carried away, no one knows whither, on an artificial aerial car made by a Yavana (Greek) condemned to death.' It intrigues us to learn that the peoples of Ancient India should attribute the knowledge of building Spaceships to be a secret of the Greeks. Surely there must have been some reason for this belief, now lost to us?

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