Alien Space Gods Of Ancient Greece and Rome (16 page)

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The mapping of the spherical Earth on a flat surface poses highly technical problems in trigonometry, the excellence and accuracy of the Piri Reis map proved that its original compilers possessed great geographical and mathematical knowledge equaling our own. Years of research were required by Professor Charles H. Hapgood at the State College of Keene in
New Hampshire
before the map's co-ordinates could be resolved and the map re-orientated to the Mercator projection adopted today. Amazed at the uncanny accuracy charting continents believed unknown so long ago, Professor Hapgood extended his studies; maps of the great Ptolemy (AD 140) showed Greenland half-covered with ice though Germany had glaciers unknown in historical times; the Map of the Brothers Zeno in AD 1300 revealed Greenland as ice-free with rivers actually named, confirmed by a 12th century Chinese map hitherto thought fabulous.


After consideration of world-wide legends Professor Hapgood published his findings in
'Maps of the ancient Sea-Kings
, Evidence of advanced Civilisation'; he concluded that these maps were made by a highly cultured people, whose civilisation was destroyed about ten thousand years ago by a cataclysm displacing the Earth's axis, a disaster ascribed by Hans Hoerbiger to the capture of our present Moon destroying Atlantis and the brilliant civilisation at
; possibly the same catastrophe mentioned by the Egyptian Priests to Herodotus.


Radio-carbon analysis proves that the advance of the ice occurred about 11,000 years ago, previously this maximum period had been assumed to date from about 25,000 years ago, reported by P. Johnson and W. F. Libby in 'Radio- Carbon Dating' (University of Chicago Press, 1952).


The Piri Rcis Map depicted the
with llamas, animals then unknown to
, and mountains in now frozen
only recently discovered. Such landmarks far from the sea could be mapped only from the air, the world must surely have been surveyed by aircraft or Spaceships. 


The Great Pyramid Was built exactly in the centre of the Earth's land-mass, its position could have been determined only from Space. Evidence confirming the astonishing geographical and mathematical knowledge in far Antiquity is given by Dr. Livio C. Stecchini in his remarkable essay 'Astronomical Theory and Historical Data'.


'I was fortunate enough to come across a set of Egyptian documents well-known but neglected, that prove that by the time of the first dynasties (5000 BC) the Egyptians had measured down to the minute the latitude and longitude of all the main-points of the course of the
from the equator to the
Mediterranean Sea
. Following this first result I have traced a series of texts (all earlier than the beginning of Greek science) which, starting from Egypt, provide positional data that cover most of the Old World, from the Rivers Congo and Zambesi to the Norwegian coast, from the Gulf of Guinea to Indonesia, including such unlikely places as peaks of Switzerland and even junctions in Central Russia. The data are so precise that they are a source of discomfort. I have desperately tried to ascertain errors but I have never been able to establish an error of latitude greater than a minute or an error of longitude greater than possibly five minutes in ten degrees."


Such fantastic precision presupposes scientists with immense erudition after millennia of civilisation yet Egyptologists stress that the Egyptians had little mathematical skill. The Rhind Papyrus, 2000 BC, describes the Egyptians doing simple sums but complex mathematics was beyond them. Sir Leonard Woolley states that the Egyptians had no scientific knowledge of algebra, geometry and arithmetic, their methods were childishly imperfect, it is difficult to explain how they could calculate the volume of a pyramid.


Perhaps the Egyptians of historical times were degenerate descendants of that great civilisation twelve thousand years ago, which according to Plato partnered heroic
to smash Atlantis? The mapping of the Earth from the River Congo to
, surely suggests an aerial survey from a Spaceship. This description parallels the remarkable account in ‘Ezekiel’ Chapter XXVII in which the 'Lord' describes the ports and commerce of the
and the
Middle East
, from Tarshish to
, as though the vast scene were viewed from the air.


Colonel James Churchward declares that the original Greeks emigrated from Mu, the Motherland in the Pacific, to
Central America
, Atlantis, then finally settled in the Grecian Archipelago; they spoke the Cara-Maya language, both Homer and Herodotus referred to the earliest inhabitants of
as Carrians, a warlike, sea-faring people. A recital of the Greek alphabet from Alpha to Omega according to Churchward tells in pure Cara-Maya the destruction of Mu by earthquake and flood, a suggestion fantastic but feasible. The letters of the Greek alphabet were rearranged during the archonship of
in 403 BC, possibly by Initiates, who wished to preserve a record of the lost Continent.


Philologists teach that Greek was derived from Sanskrit, but Sanskrit and Cara-Maya must have been closely related, both originating from the world-language of Mu. The distinctive Greek Cross is said to have been taken from the royal escutcheon of Mu, the Empire of the Sun, an identical cross is found all over Central and
South America
. Mythology and early literature state that the ancestors of the Greeks originated from the Saturnian Continent in the West, from Atlantis. Many thousands of years ago, great migrations swept across the whole world, the comparison of ancient languages, the rediscovery of old trade-routes and the probability of cataclysms changing the climate, prove that for ages mankind was on the move, the early Greeks surely shared that world-wide culture sung by their Poets, the glorious Golden Age. Plato did not romance when he praised the high civilisation of
twelve thousand years ago, he distinctly states this was destroyed by catastrophes millennia later. Primitive peoples built Neolithic villages in
excavated by our archaeologists, history began again.


defeated Atlantis to save the world until Destiny destroyed her too. Surely those heroic Athenians were inspired by Spacemen!

Chapter Five Spacemen in Ancient

The most fascinating stories of Spacemen shine not in our chill Science Fiction but in those warm, colourful, passionate tales told long ago in Ancient Greece, inspiring the classical poets of Antiquity to delightful romance. Awed by the beauty and perfection of wondrous Creation, the Greeks described the universe as 'Kosmos' meaning 'Ornament' revealing their reverence for the sublime splendour of Heaven and Earth, which the Gods made for them.


Man amid those bare hills and perilous seas felt attuned to Nature in silence and storm, around him brooded cosmic mystery, the secret spell of things unseen; he lived in realms of magic expecting miracles. Life was harsh and dangerous, when sorrows troubled, his anxious eyes would supplicate the Celestials in those golden ships sailing the skies beseeching the immortal Gods to come to his aid. Despite afflictions, Man rejoiced. Earth belonged to the animals, to the uncomprehending beasts of the field, some inspiration within his soul told Man he was a stranger here, his true home shone beyond the clouds; when life was finished, there to yon wonderland he would return. Awareness of Man's divine heritage, knowledge of his nobler self, promoted morality, the quest for perfection, the triumph of good over evil, the ascent from darkness to light inspiring religion, the search for Truth. Those glorious Gods from Space transmuted Man's mind to wonder and turned his thoughts aspiring towards the stars.


To the peoples of Antiquity the Universe felt mysteriously alive, over hills and vales brooded grandiose spirits, the woods hid satyrs in rustic revelry, the mountain streams babbled the frolics of water-nymphs, above all beyond the blue sky brooded Wondrous Beings watching the follies of Men. To the North on cloud-capped
dwelled Father Zeus with his celestial family of Gods and Goddesses, temperamental personalities whose escapades enlivened all Heaven and Earth, their conflicting moods and colourful manners prompted playwrights and poets to immortalize their exploits in classical literature enchanting the civilisation of the West.


We who soar into Space without surprise simply cannot comprehend the awe with which the Greeks regarded the heavens, reading omens in the glittering stars and larding their very speech with oaths to the Gods. Those dauntless Athenians defied the might of Persia to save the Western world but quivered panic-stricken during an eclipse of the sun and dreaded calamitous events when a comet fell from the sky; despite that shrewd commonsense which reasoned Democracy like all ancient peoples they feared the stars as if dreading invasion from Mars. On these wild hills of Hellas Spaceships had landed, though in the scanty literature left to us no description is found, surely in all those lost writings some poet must have penned a vivid picture more lucid than the garbled tale of Ezekiel weeping by the waters of
. The gay vimanas that graced
would surely span the
; those Wondermen wearying of Elijah in troubled
must certainly swoop for more amorous adventures with the women of


Stories of gallant strangers appearing in secret haunts to inspire some hero or seduce some willing wench might amuse sophisticated sceptics though few cynics dared scoff; many unmarried mothers swore their babies heaven-born, bastards boasted descent from the Gods, that popular name 'Diogenes' meant 'sired by Zeus'. Politicians would preach democracy while acknowledging imperial. Zeus, simple peasants saw Celestials materialise in their midst, sailors in superstition propitiated Deities of sea and sky before leaving shore; even those great philosophers spoke guardedly of the Gods as though they lived next door.


Today our astronomers squint at the stars and solemnly swear they are sterile though some broad-mindedly do admit to bug-eyed monsters light-years away. The Greeks would surely marvel that scholars should spout such nonsense, they knew the whole universe throbbed with life, all around invisible realms teemed with spirits, satyrs, nymphs, eager to snare some mortal in their spell. Now in our Space Age satellites circle the Earth, astronauts assault the Moon, the bored public hardly bother; UFOs haunt our skies day and night seen by everyone but scientists. Adamski wrote of his trip in a Spaceship and of meeting a Cosmic Master; all over the world people report humanoids manifesting among us, these wonders are ignored even ridiculed by folk who still pray to those Angels helping Abraham so long ago. Religions were founded by Spacemen in
, when they land today we laugh them to scorn. We on the threshold of Space challenging the stars care less about the Gods than those Ancient Greeks.


The dim cave of prehistory descends through labyrinthine depths to pools of darkness; glimmers of light illume wild paintings on cavern walls, glimpses of the magic past, but of those vast ages of humanity, the joys and sorrows of multitudes, the epics of peace and war, events eclipsing heaven and earth, no memories remain. Those moss-covered ruins of Antiquity stand mute and forlorn, the people who frolicked there in love and light have fled to the shadows forever, does the lack of written records prove that nothing happened? What can we ever know of the infinite experience of Man? History cannot mirror the past only distort what truly happened; those dusty volumes merely record the moods of the historians selecting their facts. Do those garrulous gossips so assiduously chronicling the trivia of our own times deign to mention the UFOs haunting us today? All the voluminous reports in the Parliamentary 'Hansard' show not one 'Saucer' in the sky. What will future historians fathom of our own century?

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