All The Little Moments (15 page)

BOOK: All The Little Moments
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“I would.”

She placed Anna’s wine glass on the coffee table, sliding one hand behind Anna’s neck, the other sliding over her knee. As she pulled Anna gently forward into a kiss, Anna’s lips parted and Lane’s tongue traced her lower lip, tasting of wine and salt. She sucked gently on the sensitive flesh before letting
it go.

With a groan, Anna followed Lane as she slowly sunk back into the couch. Arms braced on either side of Lane, Anna half fell between her legs. What started gentle quickly turned intense. Anna’s wrought emotions were still raw. Their lips were forceful, tongues and
teeth colliding.

Anna shifted so her thigh rested between Lane’s legs, gasping as Lane’s pressed up between hers. She dropped her weight slightly, one hand bracing herself, the other buried in Lane’s hair. Her fingers tangled in curls, tugging gently, and a groan
escaped Lane.

Heat settled low in Anna’s stomach. Lane’s skin felt better than Anna could even have imagined. The feel of her lips took her breath away. The way Lane’s hips moved under her, her thigh pressing up and against Anna’s body, drove her crazy. She wanted to drown in this feeling, to drown in Lane. Her life had been a giant mess for so long, but here, with Lane against her, moving under her, Anna felt okay. More than okay, she felt like she could breathe, like she could escape. She’d been afraid that telling Lane would make her run. Instead, she’d found someone who listened, who was interested. She’d found someone who caused the most amazing shudder to course through her body. Anna could barely suppress
a moan.

Desire clouded her thoughts as Lane’s hands ran down her back, fingers trailing on the skin where Anna’s shirt had ridden up. Nails bit into her skin, and Anna groaned, hips rolling, her hand dropping from Lane’s hair and running down from ribs to hip, fingers grasping at the bunched up material of Lane’s dress. The soft skin of Lane’s thigh was hot against Anna’s skin, as insistent fingers pulled the edges of her dress
up further.

As Anna’s lips trailed over Lane’s jaw and down her neck, her tongue met against skin. Lane’s head fell back against the arm of the couch, her thigh pressing into Anna in a way that was driving
her mad.

“Anna.” Her voice was low, husky, like it had been in the bathroom earlier. Lane’s nails slid from the skin of Anna’s back to bite into her jeans, her other hand raising goose bumps on the back of Anna’s neck as it stroked the sensitive skin. Rhythm built in their hips, and Anna’s lips touched Lane’s
collarbone. “Anna?”

“Mm?” The combination of wine and Lane was making her
head foggy.


Finally, Anna paused. “Is that a good idea?” She didn’t remove her hand, and her lips pressed against the unbelievably soft
skin again.

“Right now?” Lane’s fingertips dug into her shoulder as Anna’s lips pressed back against her neck. “Yes. Yes, it’s definitely a
good idea.”

After a soft kiss, Anna nodded. “Okay.” She stood up, holding a hand out
to Lane.

With her cheeks flushed, Lane really
was stunning.

She took Anna’s hand, and Anna tugged her up, turning to lead before pausing. Sheepishly, Anna smiled at Lane’s raised eyebrow. “I was going to be all smooth and lead you to the bedroom, but I don’t know where
it is.”

Lane wrapped her arms around Anna, stepping them backwards, kissing her neck. “Well, this is the living room.” They stumbled back, Lane leading their joined steps. “This is
the hallway.”

Anna gave a loud giggle between kisses as they half tripped, nearly falling through
a doorway.

“And this,” Lane pushed Anna’s hair off her face, eyes impossibly soft, “is
the bedroom.”

Anna didn’t take her eyes off Lane.
“It’s nice.”

like it.”

Anna kissed Lane again, pushing backwards until the back of Lane’s knees hit
the bed.

As she sank down and sat on the edge, she pulled Anna down with her. Anna’s legs slid to either side of Lane’s hips and Lane’s hands dropped instantly to rest on Anna’s waist. Her tongue traced Anna’s lips before it slid into her mouth and Lane’s fingertips gripped
her waist.

“Before,” Anna said between kisses, “you said ‘right now’, it seemed like a good idea.” Her foggy brain was telling
her something.


“Maybe that’s the wine and the making
out talking?”

Lane chuckled
softly. “Maybe.”

“Something tells me we should stop, or we
won’t stop.”

“Something tells me I wouldn’t hate
that idea.”

Anna pushed a curl of hair behind Lane’s ear, skin soft under her fingertips. “I think hating it would be far from my feelings on
the matter.”

Smiling, Lane leant forward, kissing Anna’s neck. “But we should stop, anyway?” Her lips trailed down, slow
and teasing.

Anna’s eyes fluttered closed and her head tilted up to allow Lane more access. “You’ve made me feel…amazing. But I-I’m worried. I’m all, um, fragile. I may end up in tears. And that wouldn’t exactly
be hot.”

Lane straightened up. “You’re always hot.” She raised her hands up, cupping Anna’s cheeks. “But
I understand.”

“I don’t want to sleep with you because I’m sad and burying feelings.” Anna’s eyes widened. “Not that that would be the only reason. It’s just, that’s kind of my
MO, and—”

“Anna. I get it. It’s okay. You still look on the verge of tears—I understand.” Lane pulled her down and kissed her,
softly. “Really.”

“Thank you.”

“What for?”

“You’ve been
awesome, tonight.”

“You don’t need to
thank me.”

“Still.” Anna’s voice was soft.
“Thank you.”

“Okay, you’re welcome. Now,” Lane dropped her hands to the tops of Anna’s thighs, then flopped backwards on the bed, looking up at her, “What are we going to do? I’m not sending you home when you’re fragile. We’re being good, even after making it to the bed. Which, in my eyes, deserves a medal. I may be understanding, but I’m still human.” Anna laughed again, linking her hands with Lane’s. “You can stay here. We’ll
both behave.”

Anna hesitated.

“You don’t have to stay, of course. I just—I’m guessing the kids aren’t at
your place?”

Anna shook her head. “They’re with my parents, tonight. I’m picking them up
at nine.”

Lane made a face. “That’s early for a day off. Okay, so your place is empty? I just thought you might prefer to stay here. But it’s totally okay if you don’t
want to.”

Caught between one delicious option and her own fear, Anna hovered . If she was honest with herself, she didn’t want to go home, but she wasn’t so sure she should stay, either. “Maybe we could watch
a movie?”

“Sounds great.”

Anna pulled Lane to her feet, and Lane grinned at her when they were eye to eye. “If we’re going to watch movies, we need
comfy clothes.”


“Comfy clothes.” Lane turned and went to her dresser, rummaging around the drawers. A pair of track pants and a hoodie emerged. Lane threw them to Anna, who caught them. “You put those on in the living room, and I’ll change out of this
inappropriate dress.”

Anna pouted and clutched the clothes to her chest. “I like the
inappropriate dress.”

“Too bad. I want
movie-watching clothes.”

Sighing, Anna turned and went back to the living room. As she changed, slipping the too-long pants on and rolling them up once, she peered around the living room. The furniture really was spectacular, the coffee table clearly hand carved. Lane’s dad obviously knew what he
was doing.

Anna sat on the couch, admittedly much comfier. Lane appeared and twirled in her grey track pants and simple
red shirt.

“Still hot?”

Chuckling, Anna nodded.
“Still hot.”

Triumphant, Lane walked over to the TV. “Now, what
to watch?”

“All I’ve watched the last few weeks are kids’ movies. Have you got anything incredibly dramatic, or scary—something completely inappropriate
for children?”

Lane peered at the DVD rack next to her television. She scanned the titles. “Okay, we have a couple of choices.” She bent over and Anna perved more than she paid attention. “
Shawshank Redemption
, the
There’s Something About Mary
, oh! I have
True Blood
?” Lane turned around, DVDs in hand, and caught Anna out with a pervy look still on
her face.

Lane raised her eyebrows. “I thought we
were behaving?”

“I can look. I’ve spent the last week at the hospital doing it, it’s a habit. It’s not my fault—stop
being hot.”

“You weren’t subtle at
work, either.”

shrugged unapologetically.

“Any of those DVDs
sound okay?”

Anna really hadn’t been paying
attention. “Um…maybe?”

Lane rolled her eyes. “Have you watched
True Blood

Anna shook
her head.

“Well, it’s definitely in the category of not appropriate for kids. You’re not—wait...” She went red, looking amused at herself.
“Never mind.”

Anna eyed Lane as she went about loading the DVD and then walked over to the couch.
“Not what?”

Lane looked ready to
laugh. “Nothing.”

Under Anna’s questioning look, Lane caved. “I was about to ask if blood makes you squeamish. Then I remembered you’re an anaesthetist who’s constantly
in surgeries.”

cracked up.

“Yeah, yeah. That’s why I stopped asking. Watch the
DVD, you.”

Still snickering, Anna lay down, tugging at Lane’s hand, pulling her behind her. Lane’s arm slipped around Anna’s middle, and she propped her head up so she could see past. As the opening scene aired, she leant forward, pressing her lips to
Anna’s shoulder.

Wriggling around, Anna stared up at Lane until she glanced down curiously. “What?”

Turning completely, Anna asked, “We can still make
out, right?”

Warm breath washed over Anna’s lips as Lane dipped
her head.



Anna woke up and almost
fell off the couch. Groaning, she rolled over so that Lane’s front was pressed to hers and their legs tangled together. Lane had gotten them a pillow at some point before they’d fallen asleep, and Anna couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt this comfortable, especially after sleeping on a couch. She tilted her head and pressed her lips softly to
Lane’s neck.

Lane’s arms tightened around Anna’s waist and she sighed softly. Much calmer than she would have expected after the uncharacteristic outburst, Anna
pressed closer.

“Morning.” Lane’s voice was thick
with sleep.

Anna smiled against her
neck. “Morning.”

“We slept on the couch.” Half-asleep, Lane was adorable. She sounded confused. Anna could feel her head shifting slightly as she looked around like she didn’t know where
she was.

“We did. It was
surprisingly comfy.”

“You’re comfy.”

Anna chuckled, kissing Lane’s
neck again.

Lane’s head dropped back to the pillow, relaxing as she sighed. “And you
feel good.”

“Shit!” Anna sat straight up and stared down at Lane. “Shit! What’s
the time?”

Disgruntled at the loss of warmth, her hair a mess around her head, Lane lifted her arm from where it had fallen to Anna’s thigh. Her wrist hovered over her face and she squinted at
it. “Um...”

Smirking and rolling her eyes, Anna grabbed Lane’s wrist and turned it gently to look at her watch. Lane dropped her head happily back to the pillow and flopped her other arm theatrically over her eyes to block out
the light.

“Good, it’s only six thirty,” Anna said with a sigh
of relief.

“Six thirty!” Lane lifted her arm slightly to glare at Anna. “That’s way too early. It’s a
day off.”

“You really aren’t a morning person,
are you?”

Lane hid her eyes back again behind her arm. “What gave
me away?”

With a snort, Anna tried to stand up, but Lane grabbed her wrist and yanked her back down. Anna wriggled backwards so Lane was pressed tighter against
her back.

“Gee, I don’t know. I have no idea how you cope with
shift work.”

She felt Lane shrug behind her, her face buried in Anna’s hair. “The promise of money and coffee, so
much coffee.”

“Coffee sounds amazing
right now.”

“Oh, thank God. You like coffee. I dated someone who didn’t, years and
years ago.”

“What kind of person doesn’t
like coffee?”

“Abnormal ones. How do
they function?”

“Probably quite well, without an addiction that leads to a blinding headache by eleven if you don’t get
your fix.”

Lane attempted a sleepy chuckle, the hand around Anna’s middle sliding under her shirt to splay over her stomach. “Yours doesn’t kick in until
eleven? Lucky.”


“Ten minutes after I
wake up.”

“Oh, dear God. I have about six minutes to get caffeine into you.” Anna made as if to get up again and chuckled when Lane’s arm held her firmly in place.
“Coffee, Lane.”

“Yeah, but you’re comfy.” It was almost
a whine.

“Did you not hear

The arm
loosened. “Fine.”

Anna tugged her shirt back into place as Lane rolled onto her stomach and buried her face in
the pillow.

Anna raised her eyebrows. “I’d love to be all chivalrous, but much like last night, where I tried to take you to the bedroom, I don’t know where
anything is.”

Lane nodded into
her bedding.

“You’re staring at me,
aren’t you?”


Her voice light, despite the attempt to be grumpy, Lane rolled back onto her side. “You’re lucky
you’re cute.”

“I’ve been told that before.” With a wink, Anna walked to
the kitchen.

“And you have a cute ass.” Lane sat up on the edge of
the couch.

“I’ve caught you staring at it enough
at work.”

“Good to hear I was about as subtle
as you.”

was that?”

“Coffee’s in the cabinet under
the toaster!”

They moved around each other in the kitchen, not quite fluidly, but strangely comfortable for the short time they had known each other. Lane giggled sleepily as Anna pressed her against the kitchen bench, kissing her slowly as the
kettle boiled.

Coffee in hand, Anna sat on the same bench taking small sips, while Lane stood between her legs. Anna’s free hand clung to Lane’s shirt, maintaining a grip while they drank, contented silence surrounding them. Anna could drown in
this feeling.

Lane rested her coffee on the bench next to Anna, leaning forward to press her face against Anna’s neck. Warm lips kissed her skin and
Anna sighed.

“Do you really have to be there
by nine?”

Lane’s breath against her neck sent a shudder down Anna’s spine. “Yeah. I promised the kids. We’re going to the
zoo today.”

could come?”

Anna froze slightly, saved from answering as Lane continued, “Crap, never mind—I promised a friend I’d help him
move today.”

Trying to hide her reaction, Anna took a sip of coffee. “I may need to be at my place by about eight thirty? To get to my mum’s
by nine.”

Lane pressed her lips against Anna’s neck, tracing an agonisingly slow line to her collarbone. The caffeine was obviously hitting her system. “That means having to leave here pretty
soon, yeah?”

“Unfortunately, yes.”

With Lane’s hands kneading her thighs as her lips moved slowly to the other side of Anna’s neck, Anna didn’t want to go anywhere. “What if I dropped you at your mum’s at
nine, instead?”

“Uh—” Her head fell back slightly as Lane’s tongue pressed to her skin. “I need my car, with the car seat, to
get them.”

“Damn.” Lane’s voice was a whisper against Anna’s ear. “Shall we shower and stuff here, then I can drop you at
your place?”

The image of a naked Lane in the shower made Anna
grin widely.

“Shower separately, pervert. We’re on a time restriction. And we’re being good.
Or something.”

Anna shrugged unashamed. “You’re the one who put the idea in
my head.”

“Well, it’s a pretty
nice image.”

They showered—separately. Lane made them both a second coffee in travel mugs while waiting for Anna to finish, both their heads slightly sore from the wine the previous evening. They were putting on their jackets at the door, Anna pulling her arm through her sleeve and taking the proffered cup, when she paused to
watch Lane.

Lane raised an
eyebrow. “What?”

“You’re awesome.”

“I am?”

Her fingers tucked a loose curl behind Lane’s ear. “You are.
Thank you.”

“No more
thank yous
. Or
. Those be
the rules.”

Lane pulled the door open, Anna running a hand down Lane’s arm to link with her fingers and tug her with her as she walked
out. “Rules?”

I’m bossy.”

“That could
be fun.”

Lane smirked, pressing the button for the elevator, and they made their way to the garage and into
Lane’s car.

They drove in silence, sipping their coffees, Anna working to quell her rushing thoughts until the car pulled up smoothly in front of
the house.

Lane looked across at her. “I had a really nice time
last night.”

“With all the
tears and—”

“Hey. We
banned that.”

“Look, you


Suddenly a little shy, Anna flicked her nail against the lid of her takeaway cup. “I had a really nice night, too. Thanks for, you
know, listening.”

“It was my pleasure.” Lane smiled. “And you’re hot even with
the tears.”

Anna chuckled.
“Shut up.”

When Lane leant in to kiss her, Anna met her halfway. Their lips touched, Lane pressing into the kiss. Anna rested her palm over Lane’s heart, soothed by the
steady beat.

As they parted, Lane leant her forehead against Anna’s. “I know everything’s really complicated for you right now. But I’d really like to see you, however
I can.”

“I’d like that too.” Anna threw Lane one last smile and slid out of
the car.

She turned at the front door to wave at Lane before she went inside. The door closed behind her, and she leant back, looking around the empty house. It was eerily quiet. A slow, deep breath left
her body.

She had meant what she’d said, that she would like to see Lane too. Anna really had no idea where the tears had come from, the talking about Jake and Sally—the entire thing, really. It was as if once she’d started, she couldn’t stop. Yet, while she felt scrubbed raw after it all, her shoulders felt less tense than they had in weeks. The lump in her throat that had been her constant companion
had eased.

And Lane really had
been perfect.

Fingers pressed to her lips, Anna smiled; she could still feel traces
of Lane.

The woman captivated her. That was really the only word
for it.

She knew it was too soon. She and Hayley had ended less than a month ago. Yet, with everything that had happened in those first few weeks, it felt like forever. Anna had shut down any feelings she’d had about the matter, along with those about her brother. Everything had been too much at once, especially with Ella and Toby in
her life.

And even though it felt too soon, Lane felt
incredibly right.

Yet, still, she’d stiffened when Lane had pushed for more. While she was over her fear of Lane’s reaction to the kids, her other concerns weren’t gone—about it being too soon for the kids, about it being too selfish of her to pursue this. Ella and Toby
needed her.

She rubbed a hand over her tired eyes. Why did it all have to be
so complicated?

How was it so complicated, when the last few hours had been
so easy?

Anna pushed off the door and went upstairs
to change.

In a previous life, or alternate universe, she and Lane would have stayed in bed all day having mind-blowing sex—and Anna had no concerns that it wouldn’t be mind blowing, if last night had been anything to go by. They would have had a lazy breakfast in bed and stayed there all day. Or, if they weren’t quite there yet, they would have met up and spent the day getting lunch, flirting loudly and openly, and making out in
the cinema.

But in Anna’s new reality, she had to go pick up her niece and nephew and take them to the zoo, and then bring them home and
play parent.

She in no way resented the kids, but buried deep down was still a little resentment at the situation. And at her brother. She wasn’t sure if that was
very healthy.

Talking to Lane last night, actually voicing some of those feelings she’d had bottled up and locked away, had made her feel better this morning—better than she had in a long time. Lane made her feel like it was okay to feel like that. She had expected shock or disgust but, instead, had seen sympathy
and understanding.

She padded down the stairs and grabbed the car keys. She loved the kids, and life here was starting to feel a little more…settled—if that was the word. Starting something as new and distracting as Lane was unfair to them. Kym had said last night that Anna’s brother wouldn’t want that, that he’d want her to be happy. But was this all moving
too fast?

Just thinking about it gave her a headache. How would she manage this thing with Lane, the two kids, and working full time? And on top of it all, she still hadn’t moved past the grief that, at times, threatened to swallow
her whole.

Maybe it didn’t have to be a relationship. It could be
relaxed. Casual.

With a sigh, she parked in her parents’ driveway, softening when she saw Ella pressed to the front window, waving madly. Anna waved back and grabbed her bag, checking her phone before she slipped out of the car. A text from Lane caught
her eye.


Even after that simple kiss in the car, I need a cold shower. We really do deserve a medal for last night. What are you doing to me, Anna
Foster? :)


Anna wasn’t sure she could stop even if she
wanted to.

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