Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency (125 page)

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Authors: James Bamford

Tags: #United States, #20th Century, #History

BOOK: Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency
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610  "On paper, at
least": Lov K. Grover, "Quantum Computing,"
The Sciences

610 "bust": NSA, Top
(March 1982).

610 A breakthrough into quantum
computing: John Markoff, "Quantum Computing Is Becoming More Than Just a
Good Idea,"
New York Times,
April 28, 1998.

610  rudimentary electronic logic
gates: John Markoff, "Computer Scientists Are Poised for Revolution on a
Tiny Scale,"
New York Times,
November 1, 1999.

611  wires less than a dozen atoms
across: ibid.

611 "It looked for a long
time like a solution": Siegfried, "Computers Poised for a Quantum

611 "What's intriguing is
that": Markoff, "Quantum Computing Is Becoming More Than Just a Good

611 moletronics: C. P. Collier, E.
W. Wong, M. Belohradsk, "Electronically Configurable Molecular-Based Logic
(July 16, 1999), pp. 391-94; John Markoff,
"Chip Designers Search for Life After Silicon,"
New York Times,
19, 1999.

611 "A single molecular
computer": John Markoff, "Tiniest Circuits Hold Prospect of Explosive
Computer Speeds,"
New York Times,
July 16, 1999.

611  "We have made a big
step": Yoshiko Hara, "Computers Make a Quantum Leap,"
EE Times
(July 6, 1999).

612  "great leap
forward"  meetings: Ivars Peterson,  "Pentacrunchers,"
(April 15, 1995), p. 23.

612 "I don't think":

612 Ecofcibid.

612 "We would like to make
processors": Markoff, "Chip Designers Search for Life

After Silicon." 612
"motors" out of DNA: Andrew Pollack, "Researchers Harness DNA
for Tiny

Motors That Could Widen Use of
Genetic Code,"
New York Times,
August 10,

2000. 612 according to Bell Labs
physicist Bernard Yurke: ibid.

"This is
Morning Edition":
Bob Edwards,
Morning Edition,
Public Radio (September 11, 2001).

614 "This is not the first
time": Michael Sullivan, "Death in Afghanistan,"
National Public Radio (September 11, 2001).

614  For highly cleared visitors:
Interview with an intelligence official.

615  Khalil had become: Details on
Ziyad Khalil are derived from Mark Morris, "Jihad phone linked to former
Missouri student,"
Kansas City Star
(September 19, 2001).

616  sent word from London:
Details concerning the calls between London and Afghanistan are derived from
Vernon Loeb, "NSA Intercepts Are Foundation of Bombing Case,"
(January 8, 2001).

616 currently waiting extradition:
Details concerning the legal status of the embassy bombing suspects are derived
from United States Attorney, Southern District of New York, Press Release, May
29, 2001.

616 listening post... at
Geraldton: Australia's station at Geraldton: Frank Cranston, "Australia's
Plans for New Listening Post,"
Jane's Defense Weekly
(April 4,
1987), p. 582.

616  One such call, picked up by
NSA: Neil A. Lewis and David Johnston, "Jubilant Calls on Sept. 11 Led to
F.B.I. Arrests,"
New York Times
(October 28, 2001).

617  blue, four-door Toyota,
"We saw them every day": "Many Recall Terror Suspects,"
(September 20, 2001).

618  "It's like a
neighborhood": Brooke A. Masters, Leef Smith, and Michael D. Shear,
"Dulles Hijackers Made Maryland Their Base,"
Washington Post
19, 2001).

618 "He used the dryer in the
back": Hamil R. Harris, "Possible Ties to Attacks

Cast Shadow on Laurel,"
(September 27, 2001). 618 Mohamed Atta used a supermarket:
"Hijackers' Money Trail Again Points to

Laurel," WBAL (Baltimore)
News Report (October 3, 2001), p. 6. 618 Hani Hanjour took flying lessons:
Brooke A. Masters, Leef Smith, and Michael

D. Shear, "Dulles Hijackers
Made Maryland Their Base,"
Washington Post

(September 19, 2001). 618
"They blended in pretty well": ibid. 618 Ziad Jarrah, "Is there
really a devil?" Pin-Del Motel: Laura Vozzella, "Terror Trail Brings
FBI to County Men Who Stayed at Motels,"
Baltimore Sun
20, 2001).

619 "Good Morning"; this
and subsequent quotes from flight crew aboard Flight 11 and the air traffic
controllers are derived from: "Transcripts of Flights 11 and 175,"
York Times
(October 16, 2001).

619  3.1 million parts; 23,980
gallons of fuel; enough to fill the tanks of 1,200 mini-vans: Boeing 767 Fact
Sheet, The Boeing Company.

620  "When his hands were
dirty"; Ogonowski's background: Dave Weber and Ed Hayward, "Pilot's
Greatest Love Was His Family,"
Boston Herald
(September 12, 2001).

620  "Don't do anything
foolish": Mark Clayton, "Controller's Tale of Flight 11,"
Science Monitor
(September 13, 2001).

621  "American seventy-seven,
Dulles tower"; this and subsequent quotes from flight crew aboard Flight
77 and the air traffic controllers are derived from: "Transcript of Flight
New York Times
(October 16, 2001).

621  "Good luck___I usually
say": "Get These Planes on the Ground,"

News (October 24, 2001). 623
around 700 miles per hour: Glen Johnson, "Timeline Shows Fighters Were

Closing on Jets,"
(September 19, 2001).

623  Sharing an armrest:
Information concerning Mark Bingham, Tom Burnett, and Jeremy Click is derived
from Karen Breslau, "The Final Moments of United Flight 93,"
(September 22, 2001).

624  Details on George Tenet's
breakfast derived from: Barbara Slavin and Susan Page, "CIA Recovering
After Failure to Prevent Attacks,"
USA Today
(October 2, 2001).

624 a shaken flight attendant
managed to telephone: Peter Finn and Charles Lane, "Will Gives a Window
into Suspect's Mind,"
Washington Post
(October 6, 2001).

624  Details on Steve Mclntyre and
the employees of the American Bureau of Shipping are derived from: John
McLaughlin and Alison Bate, "Cheating Death,"
Lloyds List
17, 2001).

625  Jules and Gedeon Naudet:
"ABC Halts Replay of WTC Attacks,"
Daily News
(September 19,

625 "Oh my God, all my
people"; "Oh, shit": John McLaughlin and Alison Bate,

"Cheating Death,"
(September 17, 2001). 627 "This just in":
Live at
Cable News Network (September 11, 2001).

627  "I just witnessed":

628  Christopher Hanley . . .
worked for a division of Reuters: Sukhdev Sandhu, "Aliens and
London Review of Books
(October 4, 2001).

628 Hanley called fire rescue:
"Second-by-Second Terror Revealed in Calls to 911,"
New York Daily
(September 30, 2001).

628 Cantor Fitzgerald employee
called: "Second-by-second Terror Revealed in Calls to 911,"
York Daily News
(September 30, 2001).

628 Ian Schneider background;
called his wife: "Lives Remembered, Ian Schneider, Kept Everyone
Laughing," [New Jersey]
(October 5, 2001);
Janny Scott, "In Neckties or Fire Helmets, Victims
Shared a Work Ethic,"
New York Times
(November 4, 2001).

628 Schneider . . . called fire
rescue: "Second-by-Second Terror Revealed in Calls to 911,"
York Daily News
(September 30, 2001).

628  "It's the other
building"; this and subsequent quotes from Beverly Eckert and Sean Rooney
are derived from: Michael Howerton, "Bittersweet Goodbye: Stamford Widow
Finds Solace in Final Phone Call,"
Stamford Advocate
(Date not

629  His cell phone went off:
"Get These Planes on the Ground,"
ABC News (October 24,

630  "We lost him, too":
ABC News (October 24, 2001).

630 "It appears that there is
Good Morning America,
ABC News (September 11,2001).

630  "My God!";
"That looks like a second": ibid.

631   "I couldn't
believe"; "Well, I better get out":
Weekend Magazine,
(date unavailable).

633 "A second plane has hit
the World Trade Center": Howard Fineman and Martha Brant, "This Is
Our Life Now,"
(December 3, 2001).

633 "Really good readers,
whew!": Nancy Gibbs, "Special Report: Day of the Attack,"
(September 12, 2001).

633 "Unable to land on
roof": "Second-by-second Terror Revealed in Calls to 911,"
York Daily News
(September 30, 2001).

633 "People falling out of
building": ibid.

633  "One hundred twenty
people trapped on the 106th floor": ibid.

634  "You guys never":
"Transcript of Flight 77,"
New York Times
(October 16, 2001).

634 "Fast moving primary
target": "Get These Planes on the Ground,"
News (October 24, 2001).

634  "Oh my God!": ibid.

635  "Barbara is on the phone";
this and other details concerning Ted and Barbara Olson are derived from: Ted
Olson interview,
Larry King Live,
CNN (September 14, 2001).

636  "I, unfortunately, will
be going back to Washington":  "Remarks by the President After Two
Planes Crash into World Trade Center," White House transcript (September
11, 2001).

636  "He's twelve miles
west": "Get These Planes on the Ground,"
ABC News
(October 24, 2001).

637  "We're moving now, sir;
we're moving": Nancy Gibbs, "Special Report: Day of the Attack,"
(September 12, 2001).

637 "Six miles";
"And we waited": "Get These Planes on the Ground,"
ABC News (October 24, 2001).

637  "It looked like a plane
coming in for a landing": Paul Haring, "Pentagon Crash Eyewitness
Comforted Victims,"
Military District of Washington News Service
28, 2001).

638  "I saw it crash into the
building": ibid.

638 "Did you see that?":
"USA Under Terrorist Attack," Associated Press (September 12, 2001).

638 "Dulles, hold all of our
inbound": "Get These Planes on the Ground,"
News (October 24, 2001).

638 "I want you to protect
the White House": Matthew L. Wald with Kevin Sack, '"We Have Some
Planes,' Hijacker Told Controller,"
New York Times
(October 16,

638  "I did and I didn't want
to": Ted Olson interview,
Larry King Live,
CNN (September 14,

Beware,   cockpit  
"Nobody   move,   please":    "Transcripts  
from Sept. 11 Reveal Voice from Cockpit," Associated Press (October 16,

639 "Good Morning,
Cleveland": Karen Breslau, Eleanor Clift, and Evan Thomas,

"The Real Story of Flight
(December 3, 2001). 639 "We're being
hijacked!": ibid.

639  "Somebody call
Cleveland?": ibid.

640  "Ladies and gentlemen":

640  World Trade Center details:
Catherine Pepinster, "The World Trade Centre, New York," [London]
(September 12, 2001); Warren E. Leary, "Years to Build and Moments to
Destroy: How the Twin Towers Fell,"
New York Times
(September 25,

641  the stairway had collapsed:
"Second-by-Second Terror Revealed in Calls to 911," New
York Daily
(September 30, 2001).

641 "They're in the cockpit
now"; details on Flight 93: Karen Breslau, Eleanor Clift, and Evan Thomas,
"The Real Story of Flight 93,"
(December 3, 2001).

643 "People still jumping off
the tower"; "People need help on the 105th floor!":
"Second-by-second Terror Revealed in Calls to 911," New York
(September 30, 2001).

643  "It was terror, sheer
terror": Interview with James Grillo,
Larry King Live,
(September 12, 2001).

644  "How bad is the
smoke?"; details concerning Beverly Eckert and Sean Rooney are derived
from: Michael Howerton, "Bittersweet Goodbye: Stamford Widow Finds Solace
in Final Phone Call,"
Stamford Advocate
(Date not available).

645  "I was thinking";
details concerning employees of American Bureau of Shipping and Steve Mclntyre
are derived from: John McLaughlin and Alison Bate, "Cheating Death,"
(September 17, 2001).

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