Bombshell: Explosive Medical Secrets That Will Redefine Aging (35 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Somers

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Healthy Living, #Alternative Therapies, #Diseases, #Cancer

BOOK: Bombshell: Explosive Medical Secrets That Will Redefine Aging
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I tell my patients, don’t eat corn oil and safflower oil and it’s not just when you are cooking at home; it’s in all the commercial baked goods. Chips like Doritos are cooked in it. Most people are consuming massive amounts of these harmful oils, which are known to accelerate degeneration of the brain, possibly contributing to the degeneration seen with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. They’re known to worsen heart failure and damage the liver and kidneys. They produce atherosclerosis and lead to cancer by triggering inflammation throughout the body. If you have cancer, these oils will make it grow much faster and become more invasive—that is, more likely to spread (metastasize). Canola oil is no better; it’s a mixture of omega-6 and omega-3 oils and it’s polyunsaturated. Like omega-6 oils, canola oil is easily oxidized and has been shown to promote cancer growth. One should never cook in canola oil.

There’s a lot of talk about the benefits of coconut oil.

Yes, it’s fine because it’s saturated, so you can cook with it. You can also put turmeric in with the coconut oil and it protects both the coconut and olive oil from oxidizing. It is best to use extra-virgin coconut oil and extra-virgin olive oil. The unprocessed olive oil is best. It should be made from fresh olives and made by a cold press process. Heat destroys some of its protective compounds.

Do you feel hopeful about the future?

I fear that people are distracted, and they have been dumbed down from all the chemicals they are exposed to, as well as the evergrowing number of vaccines and poor dietary choices. But there is hope because here, and in many foreign countries, people are starting to figure out the flaws in the traditional medical system. They are getting fed up and frustrated with an increasingly cold and uncaring system, which treats them as ignorant children. I hear a lot of complaints about doctors becoming more arrogant. People are not getting well, and the medications they take often do not work and make
them sicker. What those of us who study natural healing methods are trying to do to improve health is backed up by hard science.

For many years, alternative medicine was associated with health food stores and girls wearing prairie dresses. Now we’re as legitimate as so-called traditional medicine and I believe more so because our science often is much better. In the past, traditional medicine relied heavily on natural treatments.

What people don’t yet understand is that we have the capacity to cure most of the really bad diseases in our society, such as type 2 diabetes, which could disappear tomorrow with dietary changes and the use of a few supplements. Cancer rates would drop 70 to 80 percent if we utilized what we have learned from our research. Degenerative disorders would be reduced if people would just do the simple things we’ve talked about in this interview. Many don’t understand the enormous impact of these dietary changes and supplements. By making the changes we’ve spoken about here, we can far exceed what present orthodox medicine can offer, especially for chronic degenerative diseases. Heart disease would be drastically reduced. Science is now finding that almost all diseases go back to chronic inflammation, everything: heart disease, cancer, degenerative brain disorders, kidney failure, diabetes. All these conditions and diseases have as a central mechanism inflammation, and guess who has the best weapons against chronic inflammation? Alternative medicine!

While traditional medicine is excellent in treating acute disorders, it has a dismal record in treating chronic disorders. Very few of their drugs address inflammation in a safe way at all. We have the most powerful weapons against chronic inflammation. We are now learning that even diseases related to genes can be altered, that our diets can turn off harmful genes and turn on beneficial genes. It goes back to genes being turned on that produce chronic inflammation. It’s changed the entire spectrum of what we used to think. It’s not about genetic predispositions; it’s about turning on other genes that nullify that negative effect.

What about our thoughts? Can we heal ourselves by thinking good thoughts?

Absolutely. Your attitude can change genetic switches as well. With prayer, diet, and exercise, we can see dramatic effects on our health.

So there is hope for humanity as far as health is concerned?

Yes, by educating the public. We are fighting the forces of
these enormous pharmaceutical companies and their influence with the media and medical universities. Every year I lecture to doctors, many of whom are specialists, and they tell me that much of the information I share with them from research studies is material they have never heard of before. For many, it has opened up their eyes to new ways of looking at human health. So that’s hopeful; if we can educate the doctors, it will go a long way in turning around the toxic problem.

Thank you for enlightening all of us.

My pleasure, Suzanne. I appreciate all you do, and you do a tremendous amount. You are a leading voice out there.

Well, I couldn’t do it without you.


Chemicals have replaced bacteria and viruses as the main threat to human health … The diseases we are beginning to see as the major causes of death in the latter part of this century and into the twenty-first century are diseases of chemical origin.

–Rick Irvin, Texas A&M University


If you have any
expectations of living longer and healthier, then waking up to and accepting the horrifying effects of toxic contamination is a must. Dr. Blaylock just laid out the effects of the toxic assault, and it is clear that the answer for adverse effects of pesticides and chemicals is not more toxic drugs. In this chapter, Dr. Garry Gordon will explain ways of detoxing so that we can win the fight against this environmental assault. Recently a report came out that making even a small effort to reduce home and garden use of pesticides provides potential benefits, including lowering the incidence of cancers (including leukemia), as well as lessening cognitive disturbances and disturbed behavior.

Dr. Gordon explains the benefits of preventing toxicity by utilizing oral and IV chelators such as high-dose vitamin C, fiber, zeolite, and daily greens throughout life. Sadly, toxicity is not going away. You have to wage your own war, and as the toxins come in, you must know how to get them out.

Organic food will provide substantial benefits. It is tragic that one out of four children is on drug treatment for some illness—including autism, ADHD, OCD, cancer, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes—by the time they start school. When did we become so complacent? Why aren’t we terrified that our children are so affected by toxins that these stats exist? As adults we are climbing uphill relative to our own personal toxic burdens. We are accepting cancer, autoimmune diseases, brain fog, bone deterioration, and general lack of energy as part of aging. Sadly, you are being done in by the chemicals, drugs, pesticides, and poor-quality contaminated food. The body requires fuel to operate, and it requires top-octane fuel at that.

As you have just read in Dr. Blaylock’s interview, and now as you will hear from Dr. Gordon, you can fight this assault. It is definitely not hopeless. In fact, you can create perfect, optimum health in spite of the damaged planet if you involve yourself and your family in the changes and protocols advised in this book. Remember, no one is ever going to care as much about your body as you, and no one will be sorrier than you if in the end the chemicals win.

To live a long healthy life with quality, it’s past time we look toxicity in the eye. The chemicals are not going to go away, at least not in our lifetimes. But we can win the fight against toxins and secure the health of our bodies with commitment and determination. If you are one of the ones who gets sick in the end, you will wish you’d taken this seriously.

Dr. Gordon is loaded with enthusiasm. He is for hire as a consultant if you so wish, but just reading his interview here will inspire and teach you to find his methods on your own. His supreme protocol is chelation, a method not understood and widely dismissed by establishment medicine. Chelation cleans the blood of heavy metals and toxins. Why is that controversial? It requires no drugs. It can be done by IV at your antiaging doctor’s office or by oral supplements. But read on, he will explain it much better.


Dr. Garry Gordon
is an internationally recognized expert on chelation therapy and antiaging medicine. He is also a consultant for various supplement companies and the coauthor of
The Chelation Answer,
and he lectures extensively on the topic “The End of Bypass Surgery Is in Sight.” He is on the board of the Homeopathic Medical Examiners for Arizona, is cofounder of ACAM (the American College for Advancement in Medicine), and a board member of the International Oxidative Medicine Association. He received his Doctor of Osteopathy in 1958 from the Chicago College of Osteopathy in Illinois and completed his radiology residency at Mt. Zion in San Francisco in 1964. He was the medical director of Mineral Lab in Hayward, California, a leading laboratory for trace mineral analysis worldwide. He does telephone consultations for patients from around the world, offering second opinions on any type of health issue, from his offices in Arizona. Dr. Garry Gordon is dedicated and passionate about educating doctors and patients about the harmful and devastating effects of environmental pollution, and he provides documented alternatives for any health condition. He wants everyone to feel as good as he does at age seventy-six, having restored himself to optimal health in spite of suffering from serious illnesses for most of the first thirty years of his life, including genetic heart disease

Thanks for your time, Dr. Gordon. What troubles you about people’s health today?

I am troubled that none of us are reaching our full potential. I am troubled that we are passing down to our children diseases and conditions that will keep them from realizing a full, happy, and
healthy life. I am troubled how we as a people are losing our personal freedoms, and rights to our health, and how we are becoming enslaved by our governments and global corporations out of greed. There are so many breakthrough therapies and treatments for illnesses and disease that do not involve taking harmful drugs, yet we don’t hear much about those things because finding a natural cure or an actual effective treatment doesn’t make money.

My life’s work is about giving everybody the opportunity to achieve health and realize their full life’s potential. The more people we get feeling as good as I feel, the more people will understand that it’s simpler than what orthodox medicine has made it out to be. With my detox program, I have witnessed people who were always very negative about change becoming much more positive. My program is an approach to life that is healthy, teaching people to take personal responsibility for their own health, appreciating it, respecting their bodies, and understanding the need for seriously taking proper care of it.

We have the knowledge today to live a far healthier life for many more years than most of us dream possible. I get true joy from helping people heal and seeing them get their energy and vibrancy back. It’s all possible—that’s the great part. I did it for myself and was able to change the course and quality of my life. It is possible to live a long healthy life in spite of the toxicity, but you have to know how to do it. That’s what I like to do for my patients.

Well, that’s what I want you to tell us. How are we going to survive? You emphasize chelation, and I suspect it plays a huge part in the detoxification of the body. In fact, you are known as the “father of chelation.” It is a treatment that is really not well understood. Can you explain its importance relative to detoxification and why it is so healing and useful for a healthy and a long life?

My pleasure, Suzanne. Chelation is a natural process without which life would not go on. In other words, if our bodies didn’t chelate the iron in our red blood cells, we would die rapidly.

Unfortunately, today we have so many toxins built up in our bodies that we are unable to detox naturally, as we’ve said. Chronic preventable diseases are now the world’s leading cause of mortality. In today’s toxic world, where no one is safe from toxins and environmental pollutants, the ability of the body to detoxify is extremely essential to one’s health. Toxins damage the immune system and inhibit our natural ability to heal. Toxins are the single most common underlying factor contributing to

Chelation therapy is a detoxifying process used to rid the body of poisonous toxins and heavy metals like arsenic, lead, and mercury or organic pollutants like BPA, PBDEs, Teflon, dioxins, and pesticides. We use a chelating agent, EDTA, a synthetic amino acid that binds to and traps the toxin, causing it to become inert while it is safely excreted from the body.

Sounds like something everyone needs to do, knowing we are under such a tremendous toxic assault. Tell me how you came to learn about chelation.

I became interested in chelation therapy because I was very ill for the first thirty years of my life. As a young man, I had not been able to be athletic in any way. In fact, I was never allowed to participate in physical education or sports because I had a significant heart issue—I was born with a congenital heart condition called an AV conduction block. I also suffered from total achlorhydria with associated malabsorption, leading to dangerous mineral deficiencies, including magnesium deficiency, and was toxic with mercury poisoning from dental fillings. With all these issues, I suffered from chronic disabling fatigue and could not even swim one lap in a standard swimming pool. At age twenty-nine, I was so ill I had to stop practicing medicine. Then I discovered chelation therapy and it dramatically improved my health after I received only the first eight IV chelation treatments. Because of that experience, I decided to make detoxification and chelation my life’s focus. Suzanne, my health improved so much I was literally able to run up the side of a mountain, gaining two thousand feet of elevation over a distance of two miles, without collapsing! But I did wear out my two-year-old Irish setter who was with me. Chelation helped turn me into Superman.

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