Read Bondage Online

Authors: Chris Owen,Jodi Payne

Tags: #General Fiction

Bondage (17 page)

BOOK: Bondage
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"Oh, goody!" Phan laughed. "Come on, I want to listen in while he calls the realtor. Love it when he gets all businesslike."

Noah and Phan left the room quickly. "Ice cream. He's funny." Tobias heard Noah snort as they disappeared down the corridor.

Tobias nodded to Dr. Brewer and followed them, already reaching for his cell phone.

Chapter 18

Tobias sighed and looked around his living room, half packed up and in a state of untidiness that only moving could create. He'd finally stopped Phan from puttering by simply sending him to Noah's for a cuddle, promising to call before he went to bed. Right then, he'd be happy to have one of his boys there, though, if only to get a cup of tea and a kiss of his own.

He sighed again, then jumped slightly as the phone rang, shrill in the quiet.

"Hello?" he said, picking up the phone without looking at the display.

"Hello, stranger." Bradford's voice was smooth and cheerful. "You're actually home, eh? It's been an age since we've spoken."

Tobias smiled, leaning back in his chair. "Hello, friend. It's been a while, yes. I trust all is well?"

"Well, yes; excellent, in point of fact. Business is good, Nikki has been a real treat lately, I'm doing quite well. Which is not to say that I don't miss Phan; I almost feel like I have too much time on my hands."

"Want him back?" Tobias teased. "I'm sure we can work something out, so long as Noah goes with. They're rather inseparable these days."

"Isn't that sweet." Bradford laughed. "The three of you should come out for an evening and show off. How are things going? I trust Phan is doing better or I would have heard from you."

"Phan's doing well." Tobias smiled. "He's responding well to his therapy, and he's settled most of the time. Not sure if we're ready for a public scene, but I might take them out. Things are up in the air these days -- most of my time is spent with animals and contractors, and it's becoming hard to tell the two apart. Do you know how much a new bathroom costs?"

"Considering I have twelve bathrooms at the club, I should hope so," Bradford laughed. "Are you soundproofing? Because that will set you back a few ducats, too."

"Just the playroom. You want to talk about soundproofing? I have a soundproofed stable, Bradford. I know all about that." He looked around the condo and grinned. "You should have seen the look on the listing agent's face when Phan and I took him through here. He suggested rather firmly that the chains come off the walls."

The laughter on the other end of the line was so boisterous Tobias had to pull the receiver away from his ear for a moment. "Oh, Tobias. You're shameless."

"It was Phan," Tobias protested. "He even left the chains on the bed. The poor agent looked like he was going to have a stroke. He'd come in all PC about dealing with gay owners and got smacked by BDSM hell in the form of Phan. I think the boy was even ready to kneel if it would have gotten a reaction."

"You know, I love Phan dearly, but maybe you should make sure he's otherwise occupied when the realtor brings people through," Bradford suggested, still snickering. "Though, he sounds a lot like the Phan I remember from, oh, seven or eight years ago, Tobias. Remarkable."

"He's doing well," Tobias said again, this time smiling. "He's... he's Phan. There are moments when he looks like he's conflicted, like he wants to ask for a flogging, but he seems to manage it well. He's drawing a lot again."

"I knew Dr. Brewer had suggested that, I'm glad to hear he's doing it." Bradford sighed. "Well, that's a relief. I'm sorry that things got so complicated here, but I'm glad that he's doing better. Truly. He deserves some peace." Tobias heard Bradford light up a cigarette and then he went on. "So... things are working out? With the three of you? Noah?"

"It's... it's interesting," Tobias said slowly. "Noah's thrown himself into this like he was made for it. He's intense in his scenes with me, he's emotionally open to us both... he's having more sex than anyone on the planet, I think. We're all working really hard to balance."

"The boy's got depth. I've always said so." Tobias could almost hear Bradford nodding on the other end. "You think he's overdoing it?"

"Oddly, I don't. I trust him to tell me if he is -- he's remarkably self-aware. He's got a full plate, for certain, but he seems to thrive on the relationships he's created. He gets something he needs from Phan."

"Sounds ideal for you, hm?"

"We're happy," Tobias said simply. "Which isn't to say I'm not going to play games -- have to keep them on their toes, don't I? And I expect that once we move there will be things that come up."

"I'm looking forward to seeing the new place. I expect to be invited for dinner," Bradford told him. Tobias knew the man was quite serious. "And how is work?"

"Busy as hell, actually." Tobias automatically rubbed his thigh, still bruised from where he hadn't moved fast enough. Cranky cows. "So, I've got a house that's in mid-reno, a condo half packed and on the market, two subs, a full caseload, and a farm that's leaking money like a bucket without a bottom."

Bradford whistled softly. "Still wrestling with the land? I thought you'd have sold it off by now. Wild acres need a lot of TLC. I like the suburbs, all I need is a boy to mow my lawn and trim the hedges. I don't know how you manage it all."

"I have Peter," Tobias said dryly. "You know very well that I've never worked the farm myself. It just seems wrong to sell it. Plus, if a realtor blanched at my playroom here, can you imagine trying to get the stables ready to sell? Lord."

"Oh, I can't imagine you selling the house itself. That barn is a work of art, and your whole soul is in that place. But you've got what, four horses and how many acres? Personally, I'd keep the house and the barns and sell the rest. Just a suggestion, of course. Unless you're planning on sending the boys out to tend it when they get in your hair; it's a shame you can't get Noah to agree to move out there for good."

Tobias shrugged. "Kind of hard to be a city cop with an hour commute each way; besides, he loves his job. But I'll take your advice about the land under advisement. Right now I have too many things on the go to think about it." He stood up and went to the kitchen, looking for that cup of tea. "Tell me, how's Nikki?"

"He's a love," Bradford said, gracefully accepting the change of subject. "We're working hard at defining his limits; it's really bothered me that he's been so bottomless. Thankfully, he's responding well and is willing to talk about each session in depth so we can find his breaking point without breaking
. Nikki doesn't like to admit he can't take something if he thinks I want him to. I think it's a symptom of his youth; he wants so badly to please me. I used to think he could take anything, that he was a pain slut, something like Phan used to be. But I realize now that he's simply been taking whatever I dole out. Not good. So I badgered him into admitting when he'd had enough. It was more what I had to say than what I hit him with. Very cathartic for him, I think."

"Wow." Tobias got down the tea and started to fill the kettle. "He loves you, you know," he said almost absently. "He wouldn't do that for everyone."

"Yes, I know." Bradford sighed and was quiet for a long moment before adding softly, "It's entirely possible the feeling is mutual."

"If I drop this kettle, you're buying me a new one," Tobias said crossly. "Wait until I put this down and then tell me that again." He set the kettle down on the counter and pulled out a chair from the table. "I beg your pardon?" he said, sitting down.

"You heard me, you bastard." Bradford snapped, but, really, he didn't sound angry.

"I'm old, humor me." Tobias grinned and nodded his head. "So. Are you going to give that boy his collar soon? Or is this something else altogether?"

"I haven't thought that coherently about it yet," Bradford admitted. "We had that long cathartic session, and then he spent the night in my bed. I couldn't sleep, I was so proud of him. I watched him sleep for a long time and then woke him up to... make love. We've had sex but we really hadn't been that intimate before. Maybe he just hadn't felt completely honest until that night, I don't know. Maybe I hadn't. Don't push me to babble about this sober, it's hardly fair."

"Want me to come over and get drunk with you?" Tobias offered in all seriousness.

"No, no," Bradford assured him. "Eventually, yes. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I intend to figure it out relatively soon."

"Okay," Tobias said with a grin. "At least you're not down in the bar babbling in full view of everyone. That would be so embarrassing. Or going to his old Dom to grill the man. Or making it perfectly obvious to the world that you're a goner. Because that only happens to special people, like me."

Bradford laughed. "Oh, yes, thank God for that."

"Bastard," Tobias said with a grin. "All right, so where were we? I'm busy, my boys are well and likely getting off while we speak -- they do that a lot -- and you're having those special feelings." Really, he was having far too much fun with this. "Oh, you didn't tell me if you liked the cane I had Gregory send you. Did Nikki like it?"

"Oh! I knew there was another reason I'd called. Yes! That was one of the instruments that I used the following night as a reward. Nikki is very fond of it. And it's gorgeous, too. Is the whole thing handmade? We've been perusing his catalog."

"I think so, yes. I have a lovely cane, as well, you'll have to try at some point. His work is wonderful -- really, if you can spend some time with him you'll come away with magnificent tools. I wouldn't stock the club with them, but for your own collection? Absolutely."

"It's lovely; Nikki and I thank you very much. So. Tell me, you let the boys fuck?" Tobias knew Bradford wasn't going to be able to let that one go.

"Depends on your definition," he hedged, smirking. He remembered the kettle and went to turn it on.

"My definition of 'fuck'?" Bradford laughed. "You're baiting me, Tobias. How ungentlemanly of you."

"Sorry," Tobias said, utterly not. "I let them get off with each other, how's that? No penetration. They seem rather fond of sucking each other's cocks."

"Very clever," Bradford said knowingly.

"I thought so. Phan, of course, saw right through it and shared the information with Noah. Who didn't really seem to mind, now that I think about it. Might be time to restrict them for a few days."

"Only if you're ready for them to turn the brunt of that energy on you," Bradford teased. "You might be shooting yourself in the foot."

"True, but there's a lot to be said about enthusiasm," Tobias deadpanned.

"You're such a good deviant. Have you and Phan signed anything more formal than that first list, yet?"


"No? 'No' as in you're not going to, or 'no' as in not yet?" Bradford redirected.

Tobias rolled his eyes. "'No' as in we haven't even talked about it."

"You're moving him into your new home, Tobias. Why ever not?"

"Because... well. Because."

"Tobias," Bradford sighed, pushing. "Because you don't want to? He doesn't?"

"Because I don't want to rock the boat," Tobias admitted. "We're... even right now. Little waves are one thing... contracting is a big fucking wave, Bradford."

"Who are you worried about falling overboard? Phan or Noah?"

Tobias closed his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, why do you think a contract with Phan is going to shake things up so badly? Are you worried about limiting Phan or alienating Noah? Or is it something else?" Tobias heard Bradford light another cigarette. "Maybe you're worried it won't work out and Phan will be asking to get out of it again?"

"Not so much that," Tobias said slowly. "I'm reluctant to bring up the topic because they're settling well and things are in a state of transition right now. Noah might not react to a contract the same as he did to bringing Phan home."

"It's tough, balancing it all. I thought it would be difficult. I'm only prodding you because I worry. I really don't envy you this early stuff, but I have confidence you can make it work, I really do."

"Thank you, that means a lot," Tobias said. "I don't know. Maybe it would be good. Add some solidity. Something else to think about, anyway."

"Like you need something else to think about." Bradford sounded sympathetic. "Doing the right thing isn't always a picnic. I know I've said this before, but if you need to blow off steam, you know where to find me."

"Blow off steam or get my ass kicked?" Tobias asked with a grin. "Go on, admit it. You like the thought of flogging me. It charges you up."

"Oh, and hitting me with that bullwhip didn't turn your crank?" Bradford laughed. "No, I meant blow off steam. I hope I never have to kick your ass again."

"I wouldn't bet on it," Tobias said under his breath. "And you told me to whip you -- if you remember, I had objections."

"Right, minor piddling objections because you were wrong..." Bradford's voice was cheerful again. "Ah, that's better, we're much more ourselves when we're picking on each other."

Tobias laughed. "An old married couple, without the sex."

"Thank God."

"I'll have you know I'm a sex god," Tobias said flatly. "You'd be lucky to have me."

"I'm sure I would be." Bradford chuckled. "But I'd spoil you for other men. It's just not a good idea, I'm sorry."

"I guess we'd better just stick to nailing our boys and keep away from each other," Tobias said, trying not to laugh. "Speaking of, I should let you go moon over yours."

"Aw. Are you alone?"

"I sent Phan to Noah's. He was... well, I was beginning to suspect OCD with the packing boxes."

Bradford laughed. "Very well. And for the record, I don't moon, jackass."

"Oh, you do so, I'd bet money on it. Of course it would be cleverly disguised as looking stoic, but I think you moon."

"Well, it beats declaring undying love and devotion in public after the second session..."

"Oh, shut up. I did not."

"Brett told me you looked smitten, but you know, he's just Noah's former Dom. You have a good night, Tobias, and good luck with that packing. If you need help I'll be happy to send over a gaggle of subs to entertain you."

"Oh, God, not more of them." Tobias looked at the kettle and his unmade tea and sighed. "I think I'll just recall my own."

"Probably wise, the troublemakers. Goodnight, then."

"Goodnight, my friend. Watch for the invitation to the housewarming party."

BOOK: Bondage
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