Read Bondage Online

Authors: Chris Owen,Jodi Payne

Tags: #General Fiction

Bondage (18 page)

BOOK: Bondage
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"Oh, I will! You know how I love a good party." Bradford hung up and the line went dead.

Tobias looked at the phone in his hand and then the clock. Smiling, he dialed Noah's number.

The line rang. And rang. And then the receiver was picked up and apparently dropped, then picked up again. "Hello, sir," Noah sounded suspiciously hoarse, and Tobias thought he might have heard Phan giggle in the background.

"Hello, pet. Having fun?" Tobias asked, grinning to himself. He left the kitchen and the unmade tea, heading back to the couch.

"Yes, sir. I didn't expect you to send Phan back so early. We, uh--" There was some rustling and the sound of a slap, and Phan's laughter was unmistakable this time. "Had a nice dinner."

"That's good," Tobias said, trying to sound like he didn't know exactly what was going on. "And now? Are you relaxing?"

"Yes, sir. Very relaxed. Shut UP, Phan. Would you like to talk to Phan?"

"Depends. Can he talk with a full mouth?" Tobias grinned and threw himself onto the couch. "What are you doing, pet?"

"I, uh... I'm in bed, sir. We were... oh, fuck. Phan, stop. Phan..." Noah groaned. "Phan is... he's... God."

"He is not, that's me." Tobias tried not to laugh. "Tell me. What's he doing to you?"

"Sucking, sir. Like he was when you called. He's got my cock in his mouth. Jesus." Noah was panting, decidedly heated. He must have been close already when Tobias called. "And his fingers are stroking me and... fuck, he's good at this."

"He is. Have you sucked him off yet?" Tobias looked down at himself, unsurprised at the effect Noah having sex had on his own cock. He wasn't planning to do anything about it, though. Not yet, anyway.

"Yeah, got him as he walked in the door. Had him naked before we left the foyer." Noah moaned and his breath was heavy over the line. "He's such a slut. Oh! Phan... oh, fuck, yes!"

"Don't come," Tobias snapped. "Tell him I said stop, if you have to."

"Stop, stop!" Noah begged. Apparently he had good timing. "Sir says stop!"

Tobias could hear a sound that he took to be frustration. "Why?" Phan whined.

"Doesn't want me to come." Noah whined but his breathing was still erratic. "He's stopped, sir."

"Good, put him on. You just... breathe. Come down a bit."

"Yes, sir." The phone rattled, and Tobias could hear mumbled voices as Noah handed over the phone to Phantom.


"Are you hard?"

"Uh, yeah. I had his cock down my throat, of course I'm hard, sir." Phan didn't sound amused.

"If you can find a condom you can fuck him," Tobias purred.

The phone clattered and Tobias listened as Phan apparently dumped the drawer out of Noah's bedside table.

"What? What did he say?" Noah's voice came over the line. It didn't sound like Phan answered him.

Tobias eased his hand into his trousers, trying to picture the mayhem Phan was causing.

"Rubbers, damn it! Where are they?" Phan whimpered.

"Rubbers?" Noah sounded confused. "We don't use them." There was a pause. "Oh! Oh, fuck, uh..." The bed creaked and there was some background noises that Tobias couldn't identify. Noah finally made a triumphant sound, and Phan sighed loudly.

"Sir?" Phan came back on the line.

"Still here. Nice hunting."

"Thank you. Ready?"

"Oh, yes. Are you?"

"Am now."

"Okay. Just don't hang up the phone, boy, or it'll be a long time before you get to do this again."

Phan made a snorting noise and then said, "Roll over, kiddo."

"You?" Noah groaned. "Oh, fuck, I thought he meant me." The bed creaked again, and Tobias could hear the condom wrapper tear. "Lube's right there," Noah pointed out. He sounded like he was panting again.

"Got it," Phan said. Tobias didn't hear the sound of the lube, but he did hear Phan groan. "Jesus, you're tight. God. Going to feel so good..."

"Hurry up about..." Noah groaned. "What? Did he give you a map, too? Fuck."

"Don't need a map, Noah. Just know what feels good." Phan's voice was tight, and Tobias found himself clutching the phone.

Noah's moans were familiar, as if Tobias' own fingers were working inside him. "More, more, please."

"Yeah," Phan panted. "God, yeah."

There was a heartbeat of silence and Tobias wrapped his hand around his cock, squeezing when Phan groaned.

"Ah, shit, Noah."

"Oh, God, yes." 'Tobias knew Noah's sounds well, and Phan's were coming back to him slowly. Tobias heard the bed springs again and then Noah, begging. "Deeper, Phan, like it... oh, yeah," he groaned. "Like that, hon, just like that." Noah whimpered and grunted, and the sounds of the springs became more rhythmic.

Tobias bit his lip, listening hard as his hand matched their rhythm. He could hear Phan's moans, knew when he was hitting Noah's prostate. He could hear the creaks of the bed as Phan sped and slowed. It was almost as good as being there.


For the next few minutes the air was filled with grunts and moans and soft words -- a "yeah" here and there, an occasional "so good," and a handful of murmured things that Tobias couldn't make out; until Noah finally broke, his voice strained and begging. "Please. Don't stop, just... so close Phan, I'm... are you? Jesus, don't stop!"

"Uh-huh," Phan said, his voice rough. "Fuck, yeah. Close. Jesus, Noah." The bed squeaked louder, faster, and Tobias' hips jerked as he pushed his cock through his fist, racing to meet them.

"So fucking good," Phan groaned. "Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God, Noah! Now, come on, now, now!"

"Oh, God, yes, yes!" Noah had always been good with cues. Tobias heard him dive, tumbling over the edge of coherence as he came. His sounds were hot and needful, honest and familiar. "Oh, God. Phan," he whimpered, his voice still shaking.

"Fuck! Yes!" Phan was just as vocal, the bed protesting, creaking again, and then again. He grunted as he came, and Tobias could picture his face, his head probably thrown back in pleasure.

Tobias came almost silently, spilling over his fist, a wet stain spreading on his now ruined trousers. He was in a bit of his own fog for a moment, but he was pretty sure that he hadn't missed anything but heavy breathing and the sounds of his boys recovering before Noah's voice came much more clearly over the phone. He must have picked up the receiver. "Thank you, sir." His voice was still hoarse and thin, but in a different way.

"Was it good?" Tobias asked with a grin. "Sounded like you had fun."

"Mmm. Yeah. Real good." He could hear the grin in Noah's voice over the line. "Oh..." Noah laughed softly. "And he cuddles even closer after fucking."

"God, he must be about attached to you then," Tobias laughed. "Get cleaned up and go to sleep, pet. I love you."

"Yes, sir. I love you, too. You want to talk to him?"

"For a moment. Thank you, sweetheart."

He could hear Noah get up as he handed the phone over to Phan.

"Sir? Thank you."

"You're welcome, boy." He smiled and wiped his hand on his trousers. "Feel better?"

"Than what?" Phan sounded confused. "I'm fine."

"I know," Tobias soothed. "But not being able to penetrate was frustrating you, I know."

"Fingers would have been fine, sir. Didn't have to let me stick my dick in him."

Tobias laughed. "No, I didn't. But guess what?"

"Ah, shit."


"How long?"

"Oh, let's say three days. Both of you."

"You going to be there when the time's up?"

"Hell, yes."

Phan laughed. "Evil. Thanks."

"No problem. You get to tell Noah."

"Very evil."

"I'm the Master."

"You are indeed." Phan giggled at him. "God, what a great fuck, though."

Tobias grinned. "Glad you liked it. Sleep well, boy."

"You too, sir. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Phantom."

Tobias hung up and looked at the packing boxes. All in all, it was a good night. With another grin he stood on wobbly legs and headed for the shower.

Chapter 19

It hadn't taken a lot to set it up, once he had the urge to play. Tobias had merely checked his calendar, called Dee to make sure the evening looked free and clear, and then called Bradford. He didn't need the man's help, but Tobias felt odd about simply whisking Noah away to play for the night, so he made sure Phan would be happy at the club and sent him off to show the pups how a real sub took orders. Bradford promised to put Phan through his paces -- he had three Doms who'd been itching to take Phan on for a while.

That taken care of, Tobias sent Noah a text message on his phone: 8PM, Claudia's. Dress nice. Strangers.

He took his time getting ready, picking clothes that screamed dignified and perhaps a little uptight. Not a hint of personality in them, but a lot of money; he'd let his reactions tell Noah all he needed to know about the game.

At seven forty-five he arrived at Claudia's, claimed a seat at the bar, and ordered a bottle of San Pellegrino. He watched the clock but made a show of looking around at the other patrons, all nicely dressed and enjoying quiet conversations. The bartender gave him a knowing look.

"Meeting someone?" he asked, giving Tobias a second bottle.

"We'll see," Tobias said with a wink.

The bartender didn't look like he held out much hope for him.

Noah walked in a couple of minutes late, dressed in a pair of black dress pants, a linen dress shirt and a very trendy silk tie. He glanced around the room a moment and then headed over to the bar, taking a seat one stool over from Tobias. He waved down the bartender. "Ginger ale, twist of lime. Thanks." He reached in his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

Tobias looked at the cigarettes and tried not to chuckle. Noah's love of playing had become a constant source of amusement. He waited until the bartender had turned to get Noah's lime slice and then looked Noah over, obviously and quickly, before turning back to his drink.

Noah cleared his throat as the bartender brought over his soda and looked in Tobias' direction. When Tobias turned and met his eyes he said, "Hey," and looked back at his soda, picking the straw out with obvious distaste. He lifted the glass and took a sip. "I should stick to water. They bring you water with a nice wine glass. Soda? You get this clunky kid's glass that sends me back to when I was sixteen and wishing it was a beer."

"Or you could just order beer," Tobias said. "Or even wine. The thing with the water is that you pay four times more than the soda, and only get half as much." He smiled and added, "But the twist is a nice touch. Very grown up."

Noah shook his head and laughed. "Touché. Next time I'll stick to, what is that? San Pellegrino? I'll look like less of a dork." He pushed the cigarettes toward Tobias. "Smoke?"

"Thanks." Tobias reached for the pack and looked at Noah again. "And you hardly look like a dork." He took one of the cigarettes and glanced at the bar for matches.

Noah picked up a pack of matches smoothly and offered it to Tobias in his fingers. "I'm glad to hear it."

Tobias lit the cigarette with a flourish and dropped the burnt match into the ashtray. He offered Noah his hand and said, "Matthew."

Noah took his hand and shook it. "Jon," he said looking Tobias over. "You have that traveling-on-business look about you, Matthew. Not from around here?"

"Do I?" Tobias asked, lifting an eyebrow. "And here I was trying not to look obvious."

"Where are you from?" Noah turned and took another sip of his soda.

"Up north a ways. Just down for three days and then back to real life." Tobias poured more water into his glass and looked at Noah. "So you're from here, then? Out on your own, or are you meeting someone?"

"I'm on my own, late night at work." Noah grinned. "Just here to relax a little before going home to stare at the walls. I bet the wife misses you, huh?"

"No wife," Tobias said casually. "And staring at walls in a hotel room is what I'm avoiding." He looked Noah over again, a little slower this time. "Better scenery out here."

"Yeah?" Noah shifted and sipped his drink again. "I hate staying in hotels alone. At least if someone is with you it feels more comfortable. All by yourself, it's dreadful. Had to stay in this hotel in the middle of nowhere once for training, I about slit my wrists I was so bored. You travel a lot?"

"More than I'd like... It wouldn't be so bad if it was the same places, but it's new almost every time. Hard to make friends, you know?" Tobias took another drag off the cigarette and put it out. "What kind of training did you do?"

"Oh, it was manager training. You know, they throw you in a room with a bunch of other people who need to learn to manage and teach you to act like people instead of animals. I didn't get a thing out of it, but it sure was entertaining." He laughed. "I work in one of the jewelry stores downtown."

"As a manager?" Tobias asked, impressed by Noah's ability to build a character.

"How ever did you guess?" Noah winked.

"You have an air of authority," Tobias said with a grin. "Like you tell people what to do, fully expecting it to get done. Plus, you dress like you're in charge."

"That's me, in charge." Noah snorted. "What do you think of our little town?"

"Sleepy. Not a lot of excitement. Quiet. Quaint. How's that?" Tobias tried to look hard put upon, like he just knew there was a seamy underbelly to the town if only he could find the right guide.

Noah raised an eyebrow. "How long have you been here?"

"About nine hours." Tobias grinned.

Noah smiled. "Oh, good, I was going to accuse you of not looking hard enough."

"Ah, so there is excitement somewhere!" Tobias laughed. "I was worried. Now tell me... Claudia's isn't part of it, is it?"

"This place? As stuffy as they get. What are you looking for? What turns you on? Dancing? Girly bars?" He glanced at Tobias. "Boy bars?"

Tobias looked at the top of the bar and then back again. "Something a little off the beaten track, actually."

"Off the beaten track." Noah studied Tobias carefully. He lowered his voice. "Okay. Drugs, sex, or bondage?"

"Not drugs," Tobias said, his voice also low. "Sex, maybe. Bondage, yes and boys, yes."

"I never would have guessed. You look like a straightlaced stuck-up geek." Noah grinned and signaled the bartender. "This is so not your scene, Matthew." He tossed money on the bar and slid off his bar stool. "I'll cover him, too."

Tobias smirked. "Like I said -- I don't like to be obvious." He followed Noah out of the bar, watching his ass. "So, you know my scene?" he asked.

Noah stopped on the street outside the bar, turning to look at him again. "I'm in your scene, Matthew. Top or bottom? Dom or sub? I'm not second-guessing you again." He grinned and stuffed his cigarettes in Tobias' pocket.

"Switch," Tobias said, winking at Noah. "Usually Top, though. Depends on my partner. You always give strangers your cigarettes?"

"Don't smoke." Noah winked back. "I just use them to pick up good-looking men."

Tobias laughed. "Consider me picked up, Jon. So, where do we play?"

"We'll start way off the beaten path to get a taste, shall we? And then see where we end up?" Noah stuck out his arm to hail a cab.

"Sounds fine to me," Tobias said. "Your town." He found himself intensely curious about where Noah would take them, intrigued by this man his lover had become for him. When the cab pulled up, Tobias herded them both into the back, head tilted as he waited for Noah to give an address.

"Avenue S and Clyde," Noah said easily, and then repeated it when the cab driver looked at him in the rearview. "I know, we're overdressed," he laughed. The driver just shook his head and drove on.

Tobias barely kept himself from raising an eyebrow, trying to appear oblivious. He didn't know that Noah even knew about the clubs in that part of town -- they were going to talk later. For now though, he was going to enjoy the surprise. He leaned closer to him and said softly, "You didn't say -- Top or bottom? What are you in the mood for?"

"Switch," Noah said. "But usually bottom. As for my mood? Well, as a rule, I don't let strangers tie me up. You have rules?"

"Of course," Tobias said. "No blood, no humiliation, and, for a one-off like this, no marks. Safe words, no drinking... the usual stuff. You?"

"Just about the same. If I'm Topping, then you make the rules, and I follow them. You're living dangerously aren't you? Letting a stranger whisk you away to a raunchy underground club on the darker side of town, no one knows where you are, offering to bottom... you always take risks?"

"Yes," Tobias grinned. "It's part of the fun. All right -- I let strangers tie me up. You can use a paddle, crop, or cat, no cane. My hands and feet can be tied, but I have to see and hear. Gag if you like, so long as I have a clear way to signal you. Anything else?"

He watched Noah carefully, wondering if this was going to fly or if he'd have to do an abrupt U-turn to salvage the evening.

Noah seemed to think it over and tossed it off with a shrug of his shoulder. "Works for me. It's a good thing I'm not a psychopath. Ah, here we are. Are we picking this up right away, or do you want to get a feel for the place first?" Noah paid the driver.

"I'm good to wander." Tobias waited for Noah to lead the way, enjoying being the one waiting for once. He couldn't do it all the time, but this was kind of like an unexpected vacation into a strange new world. "If it's not my style, I'll let you know."

The outside of the club was completely dark, with not even a sign on the door. Noah walked up to the door confidently and knocked. The man that answered looked like he was going to laugh at them until Noah undid his tie and showed the man his collar, which gained them instant entrance. They climbed a stairwell to a smoky second floor bar. The lighting was mostly amber and red, tough on the eyes, and there were men in all stages of undress hanging around talking, smoking, serving.

Noah headed right for the bar, and they drew eyes as they crossed the floor. They must have looked like quite a pair. Noah reached across the bar and offered his hand to the bartender. "Mikey."

"Noah!" The man grinned widely.

Noah shook his head. "Jon tonight. This is my sub, Matthew."

"You're Topping, now? Man, you get around."

"I do. Water?"

"Yes, sir." Mikey disappeared a moment and returned with a bottle. "First one's on me, sir."

"Thanks. We're going to watch the show."

"See you later, sir."

Tobias trailed after Noah, keeping strictly to heel and resisting the urge to look around too much. He'd never been here, but it was obvious Noah had, and that made him want to ask a lot of questions. Later. He kept his eyes down, trying very hard to make Noah look good by being the best sub Tobias knew how to be.

He was horribly out of practice, he decided, but one night wasn't going to kill him.

Noah pulled out a chair at a table off to the side with a good view of the room and the stage. The show was a rope bondage scene, with very elaborate knots and suspension. There was one Dom and two subs, the boys each naked but for the ropes, ringed, and hard. "You may watch the scene, boy," Noah said, taking a seat.

"Thank you, sir," Tobias said, sinking to his knees by Noah's side. It was a strange feeling, how quickly the instinct to serve came back, his training still there after so long. He'd trained hard, and the very motion of settling down brought back a headspace he hadn't really felt in years. Decades.

He knelt on the floor and watched the scene, trying to keep a critical eye on the Dom but more and more watching the subs, almost feeling how hard they were trying, how badly they wanted to please. He felt his own breathing even out and become deeper, part of him wryly amused as he moved into subspace.

He ached to lean against Noah's leg.

Noah looked down at him. "Good boy," he said, offering Tobias his water bottle. "Thirsty?"

"No, sir. Thank you," Tobias said softly, shaking his head.

"All right." Noah leaned back in his chair and got comfortable, then slid his hand over Tobias' head, petting his hair as he watched. "Beautiful knot work."

Tobias almost moaned, moving into the touch. "Yes, sir. He's very talented," he agreed.

Men moved around and past them, some in leather, some in jeans, some in head-to-toe bondage. The music was fairly loud and had a repetitive beat, much like a dance club, even as the tunes changed. "Those boys look so hard. I bet they just ache. Do you want me to make you ache like that, boy?"

"You already do, sir," Tobias whispered. "Whatever Sir wants," he said a little louder.

Noah nodded and sipped his water, then set it down on the table. "Very well. You may look forward to it." He turned his attention back to the show, where the Dom was letting one of his boys suck the other one off. They were both still fully bound. "Are you hard, boy?"

"Yes, sir," Tobias said. He pulled his shoulders back and tightened up his display position, suddenly wishing he'd worn leather so he could show off for his Master.

Noah looked down at him critically. "Are you comfortable? You look warm. Would you like to take off your coat? Is your tie too tight?"

"Whatever you wish, sir. I can, if you'd like it." Hell, he'd strip naked if Noah asked him to, but getting rid of a few layers was a good start. The sooner the tie came off the sooner it could be wrapped around his wrists. Tobias bit back a moan and kept his eyes firmly lowered.

"I don't need your permission to do as I wish, boy." Noah looked down at him sternly. "I was asking if you would like to take off your jacket. Yes or no."

"Sorry, sir," Tobias said softly, inwardly cursing himself even as part of him grinned at Noah's game. "Yes, I would like that, sir. Thank you. May I do so now?"

"Yes." Noah got to his feet. "Stand up."

Tobias stood up and stripped off his jacket, not rushing too much but definitely not lingering. He kept his eyes down, gaze leveled just at about Noah's belt as the jacket slipped off his arms. "Where shall I put it, sir?" he asked.

"I'll take it. The tie, too. Open a couple of those buttons at your throat and roll up your sleeves." Noah held his arm out and took the jacket and waited.

BOOK: Bondage
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