Elemental Fear (29 page)

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Authors: Ada Frost

BOOK: Elemental Fear
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I looked into his pleading blue eyes and nodded, because the truth was I really did trust him.

“Then when we get back we tell your
mum, and then we phone the police. I’ll be by your side until the time comes until you need me to step aside. I will be there with you to hold your hand and wipe away your tears. I will be there to pick you up when you are too weary to walk, I will be there to comfort you, I will be there to fight the nightmares away, I will remind you how proud of you I am but most of all I will be there to love you...no matter what. I will love you.” He lifted my hand and kissed each knuckle, then he lifted the other hand and kissed those five knuckles. Then he lifted his face and smiled.

“I love you
.” his perfectly white smile spread across his face. “From this day forward we start a new life together, it will be hard I admit that. It will probably be a lot harder than either of us imagine. But together I think we can get through it...what do you think?”

I smiled and nodded my heart feeling the lightest it had felt in years.

“Right then, I think there is only one thing for it.” He jumped up dusted his hands together and stalked towards the apartment door. He opened it, exited and slammed it close.

I sat stunned, and totally bemused as to what he was doing. Fearing he had yet again walked away from me my heart started palpitating.

A few minutes later a loud knock came at the door. I sat staring at it, confused and a little numb.

Another knock.

“Eve play along babe...open the door.” laughed Dominic.

I slowly stood and walked to the door. I opened it and he was standing there holding a single rose. “Hi, I’m Dominic Henry Layton, I agree the Henry bit is a little dodgy but it was my granddad’s
name so what can you do; besides my parents didn’t give me a choice. Otherwise I’d have picked something more fitting like Einstein or Newton, something to fit my intelligence.” He puffed up his chest.

I giggled at him. And he smiled back.

“I’m thirty two years young, I’m allergic to shellfish, I’m a junk food addict but equally addicted to the gym so it kind of balances it out, or that’s what I like to tell myself. I drink pints not sissy bottled shit, I like football and rugby, I love my mum, and openly admit...well actually I’m admitting it to you so don’t broadcast it, I am a mummy’s boy...sue me I don’t care she’s amazing. What else...erm...” He tapped his chin “My dad died when I was seven and it broke my heart because it took away my best buddy.” He took a deep breath.

“I’m kicking myself because I believe I have a few apologies and serious brown nosing to do to a certain American because it seems he’s been keeping a better eye
on my girl than I have, but I still think he’s a little shit, so I’ll bide my time with that one. We once went camping years back and you borrowed my jumper to sleep in, when you gave it back I took it home and I still have it in my draw, unwashed...okay...so that sounds a bit creepy.” He cleared his throat “Moving on...I can tell when you’re hungry because you get incredibly moody. When you’re solving a problem you do this adorably strange thing where you rub the pad of your index finger and thumb together, it’s like you go into an intellectual meditations.” He shrugged and showed me with both hands. I looked down at my hands and shook my head in confusion; definitely something I hadn’t noticed doing.

“I have a slight obsession with a lab analyst at work who also used to be my neighbour. I think she’s the fittest, sexiest woman on the planet and one day I am determined to make her my wife. Presumptuous I know but I don’t give a shit.”

I struggled for breath and put my hand to my throat. He simply winked at me.

“But first I am here to ask that same incredibly gorgeous woman on a date. An official, proper romantic first date
.” He held out the rose, then looked from one end of the street to the other “Hurry because I nicked it from that planter over the road.

I giggled and took the contraband from his hand. “Thank you

“So will you?”

When I frowned at him he clarified.

“Go on a date with me, tomorrow. Spend the day with me?”

“What about work?”

“Ah...well about that. I kind of got distracted with the kissing, but we have the day off tomorrow. They need to wait for tanker deliveries and I don’t have any meetings so we can explore Paris a little. What do you think?”

“A first date in Paris, why Mr Layton you certainly know how to charm a girl.” I laughed.

“Only the best for you
.” He winked. Then he stepped towards me with his eyes darkening to a hypnotic royal blue “may I kiss you again?”

I nodded.

One hand slid around my waist pulling me to him, his other gently caressed my cheek, sliding to the back of my head and cradling me to bring me to him. His lips whispered with the barest touch, he pressed his cheek against my cheek and gently rubbed, as if scenting me, claiming me as his.

“God I never want to stop touching you
.” He whispered before his mouth claimed mine in a toe curling embrace. His tongue licked, lapped and tasted every inch of my lips and mouth, he teased my tongue into playing and I reciprocated, tasting him, committing his mouth to memory. I slid my hands up his hard chest, around his neck and into his soft hair. I pulled him toward me, holding him to me. Our breaths were choppy and desperate as we clawed and pulled at one another. I felt his need mirroring my own, we were desperate for one another, we needed this connection.

He pulled away, but it was as if it was under duress because he kept pecking long closed mouth kisses against my damp lips. I looked up at him with glossy eyes.

“Maybe we should go back inside. I feel it may be a long night.” He chuckled but I stood frozen a

little afraid of the next progression.

“I want to kiss you all night, nothing more, just...I’ve ten years of snogging you to make up for.” He laughed.

“And you are going to accomplish that in one night?” I asked smiling

“It’s a good starting point,” he said nudging me through the open door.

Chapter 21


I giggled an unbelievably girly giggle as we re-entered the apartment, Dominic being incredibly playful and sweet, he kissed my neck from behind circling his arms around my waist and pulling my back to his chest and nuzzling at my neck, up to my ear, he scraped at the sensitive skin of my earlobe sucking it gently into his mouth. He let it go with a soft pop and ran his nose up into my hair taking loud sniffs making me laugh again.

“You smell incredible, coconut shampoo is one of my favourite smells because of you.” He whispered huskily sending delicious shivers through my body.

I turned my head towards him, pressing my chin to my shoulder. His lips sought out mine as if they were magnetised to one another. He gently turned me to face him, each caress, sending a message of pure adoration and love. I relished the freedom of touching him, of loving him without restraint.

“I dreamed about doing this so many times, but not once did I imagine it would feel this...incredible.” He whispered against my mouth. His tongue sneaking out to lap and taste my moist lips.

I smiled against his mouth as he pressed into me again, his hands cupping my face and gently holding me to him. I also, had the same dreams about kissing Dominic, but I always had a fear that if it ever happened I would freeze and my frigidity would stop me from enjoying it, but his patient lips explored and urged me forward, I devoured the sensations, I loved the tingling in my tummy, the light headed euphoric feeling of being held so gently by him, and for once not feeling afraid. I closed my eyes and chased the sensation freely.

I pulled away looking up into his eyes, watching his dilated pupils regard me, the deep blue of his eyes glossed with yearning. I swallowed and pulled back infinitesimally but Dominic caught the movement and offered a reassuring smile.

“Never be frightened of me baby, I swear I will never force you to go beyond what you are comfortable giving me. I...we will go at your pace
okay? I know it’s going to take time and I am more than willing to wait to get to whatever level of intimacy you want to. But you are okay with kissing right?”

I nodded and smiled bashfully.

“Then I am more than happy with that.” He leaned in and kissed my temple, holding me close to his chest.

“But what if that’s all I...what if that’s all I’m good for? What if –“

“You are ‘good for’ a lot of things Eve. Sex isn’t the only important thing in a relationship...okay so I think maybe I’ve just broken a macho rule there...but I love you for all of you not just for sex. I loved you as a friend first, I love your mind, I love the way you laugh, I love that you get this little glow when you watch a romantic film; I love how you make me feel by just walking into a room. I get this feeling...” He pulled away and patted his chest “I can’t explain it...it’s like...when you’re near me I’m complete. You make me complete, and now I have your love in return that’s all I would ever need. The other stuff is an added bonus; we are more than purely physical. But eventually we will get there, you just have to learn to trust again, it will take time, but we have time. I’m offering a lifetime. No limits, no restrictions, when you are ready baby tell me. I love you; all I need is for you to love me back.”

“I love you back, I whispered
.” Pressing my forehead to his.

“That’s a bloody relief
.” He chuckled. “I’m going to kiss you one more time then I think we need to get some sleep because tomorrow I’ve got a super hot date. I’ve waited 10 fucking years and she finally said yes.”

I smiled “That’s a long time to wait, let’s hope she’s worth it
.” I said sobering and swallowed my anxiety.

“Oh she’s worth it. To me she’s worth it
.” He pressed his lips to my crinkled brow. “Now do I get a goodnight kiss?”

I nodded and stood on tiptoes meeting his soft mouth.


“Morning beautiful
.” a sensual voice whispered to the side of me. I moaned in my sleep and snuggled further into the covers. The same voice chuckled to the side of me.

“Eve, wake up babe, I want to start our date.”

I mumbled and pulled the cover further over my head, I was tired and I didn’t want to leave the warmth and softness of this glorious bed.

“Eve...” his voice held a hint of warning.

I grumbled a protest but didn’t move.

Okay, have it your way,” he said. I heard shuffling then a cold blast of air hit me as the cover was ripped away. I sat up and tried to grab for it.

“No, it’s cold
.” I whined as the warm bedding hit the floor in a fluffy pile.

“I can keep you warm
.” Dominic teased kneeling on the bed and crawling towards me. A sexy glint in his eye.

“I haven’t brushed my teeth
.” I protested as his crawled up my body, not touching me, simply hovering above me.

“Don’t care, you look too frigging sexy not to kiss right now
.” his hands rested at the sides of my hips, his long arms held him above me. I leaned back on my elbows, staring into his glittering eyes, sparkling with mischief.

He leaned forward and I lifted slightly to meet his mouth but just at the last second he moved his
head and dipped it to kiss the exposed flesh of my shoulder, he kissed across my collarbone, up the column of my neck, sucking and nibbling. I let my head fall back to give him better access. My synapses going off like fire rockets, what a way to wake up.

“God you taste amazing
.” He mumbled before sucking gently. A soft mewling sound left my lips before I could stop it. He lifted his head and pressed his lips to my mouth, finally searing a hot morning kiss to my desperate mouth. He pressed me down onto the bed and covered my body with his, and that’s when it all crumbled and crashed around me. My body tightened, my muscles locked and I stopped moving my mouth. Dominic noticed my reaction immediately and stopped his oral perusal; shame hit me for spoiling such a tender moment.

Tears sprang to my eyes for spoiling a playful, normal moment between a man and woman. He
maneuvered his body to the side of me and stretched his long legs out. I turned to face him, ready to apologies and plead with him to forgive me. But as I opened my mouth to offer said apology, his lips pressed against mine.

“It’s just me Eve. We move on your timescale, remember
,” he said gently before his lips teased my jaw. I sighed and my muscles relaxed. “Don’t be upset.”

“I’m sorry, I spoilt –” I whispered and gasped as he sucked my pulse point.

“Do you like that?” He asked. I nodded and closed my eyes as he did it again. His arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me to him, we lay facing one another, pressed together and this way I didn’t feel quite so scared or trapped.

Dominic lifted his face and stared at me, tracing my bottom lip with his finger. “So we know you
don’t like me on top...” He held up his hand when I started to protest “I get it, I do. We can learn together okay...what you like and what you don’t.”

My eyes filled with happy tears. “Thank you

“No, thank you. One day you will realise what a gift it is to love and be loved by you...is that a song
?” He frowned and I giggled. “And that sound...that I need to record because I love hearing it.”

“You Dominic Layton are very...soppy
.” I smiled.

“Ah, but do you like it
?” He asked smiling. I nodded.

“Good because when we are old and grey and you’re fetching my slippers...
.” He stopped and laughed loudly when I smacked his chest. “Can I take you on that date now?”

I smiled brightly and nodded.

“Oh one more thing though,” he said seriously. I started to ask what was wrong before he grinned devilishly and pressed his lips back to mine. His tongue teased its way into my mouth and I pressed forward deepening the kiss, wanting more of him. He sucked in a deep breath, pulled away and jump from the bed. “Right my work here is done. I need to go get my glad rags on, I have a date with the sexiest woman you’ve ever seen and I don’t want to be late. Takes a while to make this ugly mug gawgus.” He laughed and sauntered out of the room.

An hour later I’d showered, changed and had a delicious cup of French roast coffee. “So have you thought
about what you would like to see?”

I shook my head because honestly my thoughts were still stuck on Dominic and all the kissing. “There are loads of things to see, too much for just one day but I can bring you back another
time. Prioritise what you want to see most. Within walking distance around here there is the Eiffel Tower, L’Arc De Triomph, Champs-Elysees, The Louvre, Notre Dame, Musee d’Orsey...erm...what else....” He paused when he noticed I was stood staring at him. “What?” He asked with a small frown.

My cheeks flushed “nothing
.” I shook my head then smiled “It’s just...you sound incredibly...sexy speaking French. I didn’t know you were so fluent, I don’t mean just now, I heard you yesterday talking on the phone and around H.Ealing and...” I closed my mouth when I saw a sensual smile cross his lips. He walked towards me slowly, his hands in his pockets. He stopped in front of me still with his hands in his pockets.

“Mon amour, à vous voir sourire j'apprendrais mille langues

I shivered at his softly spoken words whispering over my body like a lover’s gentle caress. “What did you say?” I sighed feeling my knees weaken.

“My love, to see you smile I would learn a thousand languages.”

“Kiss me
.” I said grabbing a handful of his shirt and pulling him to me. “embrasse-moi.”

“That too
.” I smiled before pressing my lips firmly to his.



“Oh my God, everywhere you look it’s just amazing. It’s beautiful. Look at it
.” I gasped turning in a full circle staring at the magnificent architecture surrounding me.

“Oh, trust me I see it,” he said
and when I looked at him over my shoulder his eyes were fixed on my bottom “Dominic.” I laughed and turned to walk into his arms. I felt his chest rumble with laughter. “Sorry, but you do have a nice arse.”

We stood on the Alexander bridge and every direction I turned I could see a breathtaking view of
Paris, I frantically looked around not wanting to miss even a second of it. Dominic stood behind me, his chin resting on my shoulder, his arms wrapped around my waist hugging me to him.

“I don’t know what to do first...” I lifted my hand and pointed to Notre Dame, then turned us to
face the Eiffel Tower. “I feel like I’ve so much to do and no time at all to do it. Makes me sad to think I won’t have time to see everything.” I turned to look back down the river towards Notre Dame.

“I promise to bring you back; we could have a week here if you wanted. What do you think?
Come when the weather is a little warmer, because I’ve got to say babe it’s frigging freezing.” He chuckled.

I nodded “I’d love that

“When we get back, I’ll book it then
.” I turned quickly in his arms.


“I promise. Do you want me to ask Alistair if we can have the apartment or do you want to go to a hotel?” his warm breath puffed out into the cold air. His nose and cheeks were red; I hadn’t felt the cold because he’d kept me so close to him the whole time.

“I like the apartment...but...are you sure?”

“I’ll ask Alistair then, and yes I’m positive. That way you can relax today and just explore without stressing over missing anything, make this a kind of planning day. You can get it in your mind what you want to see when we come next year.”

I smiled and lifted onto my tip toes to press a soft kiss to his mouth. “Thank you

Vous êtes les bienvenus belle.”

I shivered again and he laughed hugging me to his chest.

“Over in that direction, there is a bridge called the Pont de l'Archevêché, or ‘the lock bridge’. Lovers are known to padlock a lock to the bridge as a symbol of their endless love for one another. Do you want to see?”

I nodded and smiled. When we started walking in the direction opposite, I turned to look over my
shoulder with a wistful sign. Suddenly we turned around and starting heading back in that direction. “What are you doing?”

“Eve, you’re dying to see the Eiffel Tower. We can go there first
.” He laughed and nudged me forward.

“What about the locks?”

“They will still be there when we come again. And then I can bring a lock with us, a little piece of us will be here forever that way. The place where we began our life together.”

A butterfly took flight in my stomach and I beamed up at him.

We walked hand in hand along the river seine, the weather was brisk and every so often a cold wind blew and nipped at my face but I didn’t want today to end. The buildings were so gorgeously designed; the ornate gothic architecture was breathtaking. The old and new designs of The Louvre, were fascinating, I’m not an art fan per-se but I can admire the beauty and renaissance of a masterpiece.

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