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Authors: Ada Frost

Elemental Fear (37 page)

BOOK: Elemental Fear
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I watched him as his eyes cleared and reality seeped into his orgasm induced thoughts. He smiled
and looked down at my hand still wrapped around him.

I pressed my forehead against his and smiled like a buffoon. “Was that
okay?” I asked smiling.

“You lady
, are going to be the death of me.” He joked.

“I love you
.” I whispered

“Best fucking words in the English language
,” he said “I love you baby and thank you. Thank you for trusting me, for loving me but more than anything, for being you. Perfect Eve, my girlfriend.” He pressed his lips against my temple.

“Did I do it right?” I asked looking down at his lap.

“I’d say so, the ol’fella doesn’t respond like that to everyone you know.” He laughed. I frowned slightly thinking of what just happened.

“Eve, what’s wrong?”

I shook my head but knew lying would be futile “You...were...inside me” I said quietly and after what had just happened still blushed.

“My fingers were yeah
,” he said looking at me trying to gage my reaction.

“It didn’t hurt?” I said almost questioning myself.

I looked up to see him smiling at me. I smiled back when what I had just experienced hit me full in the chest.

“It didn’t hurt” I said again proudly. “I’m not felt normal...
it didn’t hurt
” Dominic pulled me to his chest wrapping his arms tightly around me.

“Wonder who was at the door?” I asked.

“Probably the little shit wanting to see my woman naked.” Dominic grumbled, I knew he was trying to sound annoyed but the smile on his face spoilt the effect.

“We better get dressed before they come back
.” I said slowly getting up from Dominic’s lap and reaching for my clothes.

“Hey I’m dressed, no need for me to move
.” Dominic smiled lifting his hands locking them behind his head and relaxing back into this chair, a totally satisfied smile on his face. His bare chest looked appetising. His hard abs glistened with his seed, and his flaccid cock lay heavy, completely satiated.

“No woman but me gets to see you like that
.” I said pointing at him.

?” He quipped lifting an eyebrow at me.

I nodded, suddenly a little unsure; Elliott sometimes gave me that look before –

“I like it” Dominic interrupted before my mind wondered down a dark path. “I like being your man, someone you feel possessive of.”

“Well get dressed, we can’t be giving the lunch room anymore gossiping fuel
.” I slid my shirt on and started buttoning it up.

“For fuck’s sake are they still at it
?” He asked wiping himself with his handkerchief before tucking himself back in his boxers and fastening his trousers.

“Yep, you’re their favourite topic. Especially since coming back from Paris with love bites, I really didn’t think you’d see them with your shirt collar
.” I said apologetically.

“They need to get a life, I like you losing control. You’re a hot little fire rocket when you get going
and those catty mares are not going to spoil it,” he said pointing his finger in the direction of the lunch room.

I nodded and continued getting dressed. He tucked his shirt back in his trousers and walked over
to unlock the door. I smiled as I walked towards him. He leaned down and kissed me slowly.

“Stay with me tonight
,” he said. “Or I could stay at yours so we don’t have to put up with paint


“I like that idea, I don’t want to leave Lou tonight, she was a little upset after...everything. What about we get a takeout?”

“We can go to mine first after work so I can grab some clothes and my shaving gear and go to yours.”

“Okay” I smiled. “See you later

He reached out and pulled the cord lifting his blinds “Oh I’ll see you before then baby, it’s my favourite view”.



To say my day went smoothly would be an understatement. It was bloody perfect. After leaving Dominic’s office I went to the lunchroom to get a hot drink and found it completely empty, no snide comments, no badgering for secret info on Dominic nothing. Total bliss. My results were all good, data entered easily into format. Life right now felt pretty good. Especially seeing as I was in Dominic’s car on our way to my house to spend the night together.

I explained about Johan coming to live with Lou and I, he grumbled but I believe it was more for effect than actual annoyance. We grabbed some Chinese takeout on our way and the car
smelt delicious, my stomach grumbled in anticipation.

Dominic pulled into the driveway and turned off the ignition. We walked into the foyer and I
placed the food on the entry way table and took my coat off. As I turned to pick up the food, Dominic cupped my face in his large hands and pressed me to the wall taking my breath away with searing hot kiss.

“Dominic put my sister down
.” Lou chided from the kitchen doorway. We both turned our attention towards her. My face heated. She had a huge grin on her face as she put something in her mouth a chewed. She winked, turned and left us alone again.

I laughed and pressed my face into Dominic’s shoulder.

“I feel fifteen again and caught kissing Sarah Elvington behind the bike sheds by Mr Hartley the bloody P.E teacher”

I giggled again and pressed my hands against his chest.

“Better than being caught with a lad’s hand half way up your top in the Science storage cupboard by the deputy head” I laughed and walked towards the kitchen.

“Who was it
? I’ll break his fucking fingers. And what were you doing in the storage cupboard anyway?”

I turned and gave him a sassy little smile over my shoulder
that said ‘what do you think?’

“It’s a good job we weren’t in the same year Eve; I’d have been in jail for murder now. But seriously who was the dickhead?”

I laughed ignoring him and walked into the kitchen. I heard him grumbling behind me but I couldn’t help the happy serene feeling of absolute contentment. It was nice to feel normal, and joke about such things.

Chapter 29


We were all sitting in the kitchen eating our takeout when a knock came at the front door. Stuffing a duck roll into his mouth Dominic stood and left the kitchen. We could hear muffled voices from the hallway before Dominic came back into the kitchen with a serious look on his face. I leaned forward to see down the hallway as the same officer and a plain clothed woman from the police station entered the kitchen.

“Hello Miss Beaumont. This is inspector Firth. She will be leading the investigation following your allegation, may we have a word in private?” The first officer said, for the life of me I couldn’t remember her name.

The inspector looked around the kitchen and smiled at Johan and Lou, who sat in silence staring at the officers. I slowly got to my feet and walked around the table.

“Do you want me to come with you Eve?” asked Lou. I turned to her and caught her pale complexion. I smiled and shook my head.

I lifted my hand and motioned for the officers to go into the lounge. Dominic stood in the
doorway staring at me, I could see from his expression he didn’t know what to do. I took his hand and walked into the lounge, silently requesting his support. He squeezed my hand and followed. My heart fluttered knowing he would stand by me. I closed the lounge door quietly. The officers sat on the sofa, I sat in the chair and Dominic sat on the chair arm with his arm around my shoulders. A simple gesture but very effective in offering comfort.

The uniformed officer took out a little note pad and a pen and turned her radio down.

“Miss Beaumont –“

“Call me Eve, please” I said quietly.

“Eve, last night we arrested Elliott Layton following the allegations you made. He is currently in police custody awaiting charges to be brought against him. Now we explained that because there was not forensic evidence at the time to support your allegation of physical abuse and sexual assault that pressing charges would be difficult.” She paused and I nodded. I felt Dominic tense beside me.

“Well it seems Elliott has an alibi for his whereabouts during the alleged attacks.” I frowned.

“You said...” the inspector produced my statement from her leather bag “you made a statement saying that on the 17th September 2013 the accused Elliott Layton beat you in your home after a night out at a local pub.” She looked up at me and I nodded in confirmation.

“You also state that no one saw Elliott escort you home, and that you told people you were attacked outside the pub. Is that correct?”

“Yes” I choked.

“You also told the medical staff...
Dr. Bennett the appointed physician at the time, your injuries were sustained from an attack by strangers?”

Again I nodded.

“You also claim that...I quote ‘a week or so later’ he attacked you again. You needed medical attention but refused and this time a...Johan Senior assisted you. We have spoken to Mr Senior and he corroborates your story and also added he witnessed an argument between you and Mr Layton the night of the 17th.” She looked up at me and I nodded feeling tears prickle my eyes.

“The problem we have Eve, is that a witness has come forward and expressed that the times you have alleged the attacks took place Elliott was with them at home.”

My head shot up and I frowned not understanding.

“When we arrested Elliott at his home address in Manchester his girlfriend attested to his where about. She claims that you have been stalking Elliott, that you once had a sexual relationship with him but –“

“Wait a minute. My brother has a girlfriend?” Dominic interrupted. The inspector scowled up at him and nodded.

“She claims you have been causing problems between them for a while and that you even
approached her whilst she was taking their son –“

“He has a fucking kid
?” Dominic bellowed.


“Layton. Dominic Layton...Elliott is my brother”

She nodded as the uniformed officer scribbled in her notepad

“We understand Elliott resides permanently in Manchester with his girlfriend and son.” She paused and looked at me “I can see Eve this is news to you”

I nodded. “I didn’t know” I choked out, my voice barely above a whisper. If he had a family why did he torture me for so long? Was I that despicable?

“And you are saying you have never met this woman?” I shook my head. The uniformed officer wrote down what I said.

“So the problem we now face is that he has a firm alibi and you have no witnesses. You claim that the attacks happened when no one was around and you hid the injuries and discarded of any forensic evidence. You also claim he used contraception so we have been unable to find any semen –“

“It’s...I understand. I never did think I’d be believed. I just wanted it all to stop” my voice quivered at the enormity of what I had done.

“Eve –“ Inspector Firth started but I held up my hand. I stood on shaky legs.

“Just...just give me a second, I need to use the bathroom” my voice broke no matter how hard I tried to stay in control.

Dominic stood beside me reaching for me but I waved him off and offered him a weak smile.
I closed the bathroom door and leaned against it, I slid down it my legs no longer holding my weight. I buried my face in my hands and bit down on my thumb as loud sobs broke out from my throat.

No one believed me.

I sobbed harder, my body shaking uncontrollably. I gasped for breath, my heart hammered in my chest. Tears barreled down my face as I lost control of my emotions. Fear, disgust, panic, and absolute horror engulfed me, the extent of what my confession had caused hit me full force. Jill would hate me; in turn Dominic would need to leave me to support his mother. Elliott would be furious I had done this to him.

Oh God Louise and Ellie.

My selfish act had put those two in danger. When he is released, he will no doubt punish me through them. I swore I would never tell anyone and in return he would leave my sisters alone.

I pulled my knees tighter against me and rocked, my ears buzzed. My heart wanted to escape the confines of my chest and I couldn’t breathe. I gasped for breath feeling the scary onset of a panic attack.

“Eve, baby open the door.” Dominic said from the other side, knocking. I curled tighter into a ball and sobbed.

“Eve c
ome on, we can get through this.” I heard him talking to someone at the other side “Eve open the door,” he said in a stern voice from the other end of the loud tunnel.

“Eve...” I closed my eyes and laid my face against the cool tiles of the bathroom floor, I curled I pulled my knees up against my chest and lay near the side of the bath. The muffled voices from the tunnel got fainter as my breathing increased and my heart hammered. I was running out of air but the welcome blackness was coming. In the blackness there wasn’t anyone to frighten me, I was alone, I was safe, I was...


Slowly reality seeped back in, I felt exhausted. My eyes flickered open and I became aware of a comforting blanket of warm muscle wrapped around me. Soft murmured voices tickled my senses as I regained conscious thought.

“Welcome back Eve, how are you feeling?” asked inspector Firth. She was sat on the bathroom floor in front of me.

I blinked a few times believing I was still in a dreamland state.

“You had us a little worried there for a minute. Dominic here...” She lifted her hand and pointed to my muscled blanket. “He said this has happened before.”

I nodded.

“I apologise if what I said upset you, but we have to –“

“I don’t want to go through with pressing charges
.” I choked and felt Dominic tense behind me. “What? Eve –.” She started but I interrupted.

“No one will believe me, you said that he has an alibi. I have no proof. It’s safer for Lou and Ellie if I don’t say anything else”

“No it isn’t. Listen I didn’t mean to frighten you. I simply need you to understand that it will be more difficult to bring charges against him but not impossible. You just need to stay strong.”

I shook my head. “I’m not strong. I’m sick of fighting him, I can’t do this anymore. I can’t...” I turned into Dominic’s arms and buried my face in his chest.

“Give her time” Dominic said quietly.

“Elliott will be released later today if we cannot find more evidence to secure his –“

“Then release him” I said quietly defeated. “It’s over”

“Just give me time with her” Dominic pleaded tightening his hold on me.

“I’ll leave you my card. Please don’t give in Eve, you deserve justice”

“Justice doesn’t take away what he did, he is beyond justice.” I sobbed into Dominic’s chest.

Later that night I brushed my teeth, put my nightshirt on and turned the bathroom light off before I walked out onto the landing. Johan came walking out of the spare room holding a towel. He was still wearing his work trousers and shirt.

“Night gorgeous girl
.” Johan said, reaching out and tugging on my hand. I smiled at him squeezing his hand in silent appreciation of his support. “I’m here if you need to talk,” he said quietly.

I nodded “Thank you” I whispered.

“I’m going to go take a shower; you can join me if you like. See what a real man looks like,” he said loudly.

“Fuck off you little shit!” shouted Dominic from my bedroom. Johan winked at me.

I giggled feeling a little of the weight lift from my shoulders. “You’re a good friend Johan” I said quietly.

“I need you as much as you need me, trust me
.” He whispered.

Then loudly he added “Yes Eve, I am bigger than a chipolata, most men are.”

“Dickhead! I will kick your arse in a minute” growled Dominic. I giggled and pushed Johan in the direction of the bathroom.

I walked in my bedroom and froze mid step at the surreal sight before me. Dominic sat against
the head board, the quilt covering him to his waist. But above that was a gloriously naked torso. He flicked through the pages of a magazine frowning at each page.

“Why do you women read this shit? I mean take this silly cow for example, ‘I lost three stone in a
month.” He mimicked a horrendous female voice “Obviously she’s going to lose weight if all she’s eating is cabbage soup, bet she loses her chap n’all because all she’s going to do is fart and shit. That aint going to be pretty,” he said scowling.

I laughed loudly. “It’s a necessity of everyday life
to know the gossip, apparently.” I said smiling. He scratched his chest then adjusted his glasses. My knees turned a little wobbly.

!” He turned the pages and titled his head then turned the magazine to face me so I could see the page he was looking at. It was of a nearly naked celeb on holiday somewhere exotic.

“Shall we give it to Johan, he could use some new wank material, it’s as close to a woman he’ll get.”

“Eww Dominic!” I groaned. “That’s vile”

He laughed and threw the magazine on the floor.

“Talking of which...who needs a magazine when I have the real thing standing in front of me, looking ravishing.” He licked his lips and waggled his eyebrows.

I laughed and jumped on the bed, crawling to my side. I pulled my night socks off and tucked my legs under the quilt. I leaned across and pecked my man on the lips and smiled at him. I turned back to the bedside cabinet and turned the lamp of
f snuggling down into the quilt.


“Yeah?” I lifted my head off the pillow and looked over my shoulder at Dominic. “What are you doing?” He asked.

I rolled to my back and frowned even though he couldn’t see me. “What do you mean?”

“New house have to sleep here... curled up next to me. Not sleep with your back to me,” he said seriously. I smiled and rolled over into his arms snuggling into his warm naked –

“Oh my God are you naked?” I asked sitting up. I reached for the lamp and switched it on. I turned to look at him smiling at me and lifted the quilt a little and sure enough Dominic was as naked as the day he was born.

“The ol’fella likes to snuggle,” he said smiling. “Care to join me, he gets lonely”

I laughed loudly. I turned and switched the lamp off.

I reached for the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. I threw it over near my dresser and

snuggled back down next to Dominic. I
rested my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around him. He wrapped his long arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

“Eve? About today –“

“Don’t...I can’t deal with it anymore. I just want to close my eyes and forget about least for one more night.”

Okay.” He whispered and kissed the top of my head again.

mum is going to hate me” I said quietly after a short while of silence.

“Why?” I could hear the confusion in his voice.

“Because of what I said about Elliott, having him arrested...and being with you”

BOOK: Elemental Fear
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