Read Elemental Fear Online

Authors: Ada Frost

Elemental Fear (36 page)

BOOK: Elemental Fear
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“Told him what?”

“That I didn’t want to be with him, that I –”

“You told him
?” He asked with a disbelieving frown.

“Yeah. I told him we were together, that I wasn’t putting up with him anymore. And Johan hit him
because Elliott spat in my face.”

“Well the little shit has some balls
.” He smiled “Again he is proving to me I may have to change my opinion about him.” He let out a long breath “I lost it when I saw you in his arms” Dominic said quietly and after everything I had confessed to him my anger exploded rather unladylike.

"It wasn’t by choice" I argued.

He jolted a little at my outburst but recovered quickly, snapping back at me. "I never said it was, still doesn’t mean I have to like it! It was fucking terrifying getting out of that car and seeing him so close. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing."

I closed my eyes hating the fact this was a pointless argument, after yesterday I just wanted to be in his arms. I needed his comfort; I needed to feel that he still wanted me and that we could overcome the past and develop a future together. I looked up at him, and wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around him.

"Did you have your glasses on?" I ask flippantly smirking at him.

His attempt to hide his smile back was futile

"Smart arse.” He replied playfully.

"Grumpy arse" I laughed.

He laughed back taking his glasses off and throwing them onto the desk.

"Annoying arse"

"Stubborn arse" I smiled coyly at him, knowing he wasn’t anything remotely stubborn.

"Get over here
.” He demanded swiveling his chair sideways.

I dashed quickly around the desk and sat sideways on his lap "I love your arse
,” he said giving it a quick squeeze. I threaded my fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp.

"I swear I didn’t know he was there" I rubbed the pad of my thumb across his bottom lip. "It hurts that you think I would meet him after everything I’ve told you."

"I'm sorry, I just didn't like him holding you that way. I should have known better and I acted like a dick to you. I’m sorry baby. I just...after everything I saw him with his hands on you and I saw red. I was scared and irrational, sorry.”

“Don’t be mad at me but I have something else to tell you” I said quietly, nervousness ricocheting

through my body.

He tilted his head to the side regarding me with a dubious look. “Go on
,” he said slowly.

“After I told Elliott about us, he spat in my face and Johan punched him –“

“Yeah I know that bit”

“Well when Elliott left I started to panic that he would go hurt Ellie or Lou, so Johan said I really should go to the police and report him.” I paused checking Dominic’s reaction. He simply sat looking at me; the only movement on his face was the slow intermittent blinks of his eyes.

“Johan took me to the police station...I confessed everything and...they did...” I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw at the memory “I answered questions and made a full detailed statement. Then I had...they did a forensic examination...of me...and my body...inside” I whispered the last part.

A large warm hand cupped my face and soft lips pressed against mine briefly.

“I am so fucking proud of you Eve,” he said and I opened my eyes to look into his.

“Really?” I asked quietly.

“I’ve never met a person as strong and fucking amazing as you. You doubt yourself, you question everything you do but I’m telling you my darling girlfriend are bloody perfect.” He leaned forward and kissed me again.

“You’re not upset with me then?”

“Honestly?” He asked and I nodded. “Yesterday I was incredibly pissed off, beyond frigging angry, I saw red and yeah I saw you in his arms and thought the worse, but as my rationality smacked me in the face...namely Johan bollocking me and saying I would be letting all and sundry know your business, I calmed down a little. But then you didn’t come back to work, you turned your phone off and when I called your house Lou said you weren’t home, my stupid imagination ran wild. I stayed here late so I didn’t eat, when I eventually gave in and went home I couldn’t sleep so I sat and drank brandy until I had no choice but to pass out, so today I have the hangover from fucking hell.”

“I’m sorry” I whispered feeling sick that I had done that to him.

“You have nothing to be sorry for, nothing at all. I was acting like a jealous dickhead, can I cash in one of my ‘I’ll fuck up’ cards?”

I laughed and nodded.

“I love you baby.” He whispered nuzzling his nose into my neck. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and threaded my fingers into his messy hair. "Are you going to kiss me or..."

He lifted his head to kiss me. His lips met mine and I immediately melted into his body. I memorised his scent, the pure, clean manly smell I adored. I opened my mouth and gave him entry
addicted to his taste. His velvet tongue caressed and teased my mouth, tasting, licking and devouring my mouth.

I pulled gently at his hair as I sought the closeness of our bodies, I wanted to be one, I wanted him to own me. I circled my hands around his neck and pulled him closer, bringing my breast flush with his hard chest. The heat of his body scorched my skin and I wanted nothing more than to be laid on a bed with him, wrapped around him and soaking up his comfort. His tongue ravished my mouth, his hungry moans sent tingles to places low in my body and I shifted on his lap, rocking my hips and clenching my thighs together.

“Don’t do that baby.” He moaned pulling away from my mouth trailing delicious kisses down my neck. I let my head fall back to fully expose the skin I wanted to feel his lips devour. He licked and sucked at the sensitive skin sending goose bumps all over my flesh.

“I...I have...oh God that feels...Dominic
.” I gasped as he sucked hard at my pulse point, trailing a slow torturous path down to the exposed skin at the top of my breasts.

“Dominic...I have something else I need..
.” He lifted his head and hungrily attacked my mouth dissolving all rational thought as I gripped at his hair pulling gently. My lips felt swollen when he pulled back and stared into my eyes. His blue eyes had darkened to the sexy royal blue making me shiver. I slowly brought my hand from the back of his head forward, stroking his cheek and stubbly jaw. I traced my index finger over his kiss swollen lips.

“I need to tell you something else” I whispered, my eyes mesmerised by his pouty bottom lip.

“Hmm?” He mumbled, seemingly as distracted as me. His hands slowly ran up and down my ribs, his thumb stopping just under my breasts.

“When I went to the police station...” I placed my fingers over his mouth to pause him speaking “please don’t say anything yet. I know you would have gone with me and held my hand the entire time. But...but it was something I needed to do alone, there are some things I have yet to admit to you...about what he did. I may never tell you’s not that I don’t trust you or think you can’t understand, I just feel like Elliott has destroyed so much of me. He has broken me and damaged me Dominic and I...I struggle to see why you would love that. Love me! Yesterday was my chance to get some of it back, so I sat in an interview room for hours with two officers and purged myself of every sordid horrible thing he has ever done. I don’t know if they believed it, I don’t know if they thought I was vile but for once I felt a little lighter...I felt a sense of freedom. Does that make sense?”

He nodded looking up at me with a strange expression on his face, I think it could have been awe, but somehow that seemed ridiculous.

“Explaining it, living through it all again was one of the hardest things I have ever done, but it wasn’t as bad as I expected, but...” I trailed off and looked away from the man I love.

“But?” He asked quietly. Cupping my face.

“They needed to do a forensic examination...the police surgeon helps with the
evidence, even though Elliott hasn’t attacked me recently. They took swabs and photographs of...of...everything.” I whispered the last part. “They did an internal...” I winced and closed my eyes “I felt dirty all over again, like I could feel all the pain and his hands all over me again. I felt sore and it was like waking up after he left me” a tear trailed down my cheek catching on Dominic’s thumb. “They took you away” I choked.

“What do you mean ‘took me away’? I’m right here babe” Dominic stroked his thumb soothingly across my cheek.

“You took it that’s helped me forget for a while. Made me feel normal and loved, after what we shared in Paris all I felt was you. You holding me, you kissing me, your lips and hands. The ghost of your touch comforted me and I felt safe. When I confessed everything...”

“Reported Eve, not confessed. A confession implies guilt you have nothing to feel guilty for
,” he said seeking direct eye contact. I nodded and continued.

“After I made a statement I felt his hands, Elliot’s hands and nothing else. I lost everything again” I choked. Burying my face in my hands.
Two warm large hands cupped my face lifting it to look directly at the most perfect man I have ever seen.

“I took it away? By kissing you, by touching you, I helped
.” He asked disbelievingly.

I nodded “You kissed scars and they stopped hurting, well mentally, they never physically hurt...but you took that away, all I felt were your lips” I blushed remembering him kissing my back, and thighs making new memories. “After what you did, if I saw them in the mirror or touched them, all I thought about was you”.

“Really?” He whispered, I nodded another tear escaping. He leaned forward and softly touched his lips to mine before standing up and placing me on his desk. He stepped away from me and loosened his tie. I watched confused as he walked towards the door and panic seized me when he reached for the door handle.

“Don’t leave me...” I begged.

Chapter 28


Dominic removed a key from his pocket and locked the door. The blinds were drawn and we were in our own little quiet world. He turned to face me and swallowed before the corners of his mouth lifted revealing a line of perfectly white teeth.

“My girlfriend needs my mouth on her, that’s what she’s going to get
,” he said in such a raspy sexy way I shivered.

“Here? But we can’t...” I gasped looking from him to the locked door. “What if someone needs you? Or they try the door” I lifted my hand pointing at the door. “What if –“

“They can fuck off, my woman needs one but you matter right at this moment. And if I take you home, there is no way we’ll make it back today.” He walked towards me slowly removing his hands from his pockets he removed his tie altogether. “ you need me naked too? Because I’m going to need you naked”

I stared at him completely dumfounded. He wasn’t seriously thinking we were –

He started unbuttoning his shirt, slowly taking one button at a time never taking his eyes off me. “We can’t...” I whispered.

He rounded the desk and stepped between my thighs where I sat on his desk, pressing his warm body against me. To look at his face instead of his now naked chest I had to tilt my head back. He cupped the nape of my neck as he brought his lips to my ear and whispered.

“I won’t force you baby, if you want me to stop I will. But I want to taste you; I want to put my mouth on your delicious body. I want to feel your skin pucker as I trail my tongue over you” his deep voice sent another violent shiver down my spine. I grabbed at his biceps closing my eyes as the world started spinning.

“May I taste you baby
?” He whispered before kissing the soft spot beneath my ear. A soft whimper escaped me and my legs lifted and wrapped around him pulling him closer to me. “Tell me. Say you want me, say you want my mouth on you,” he said kissing a slow trail down my neck. One hand cupped the nape of my neck whilst the other was, I assume on the desk because it wasn’t touching me. He scraped his teeth along my collar bone before gently biting me. I gasped and clung tightly to his biceps.

“Yes” I gasped.

“Yes what baby? Tell me what you want” his tongue dipped into the hollow at the base of my throat and I whimpered again.

“Touch me, please” my face heated at my wanton pleading.

“With bloody pleasure,” he said lifting his hand to cup my breast. I groaned loudly before his mouth covered mine in a heated kiss.

Before I could catch my breath he removed my shirt leaving me partially naked from the waist up. He unclasped my bra and cupped my achy breast in his marvelously large hands. I threw my head back, he kneaded and teased me, I moaned loudly when his mouth latched onto a swollen tip and sucked hard.

“Baby turn around” I looked up at him as he stepped back from me, pulling me gently to my feet. I turned around and felt the soft hair of his chest tickling my back; his warm arms came around me. He kissed the curve of my neck and shoulder.

“Bend over for me
.” He whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

I swallowed hard, hesitating slightly, but when he didn’t push or force me to do anything he sim
ply waited, I tentatively bent forward placing my hands on his desk covered in files.

“Thank you
.” He whispered in my ear, nipping at the lobe with his teeth. He trailed open mouth kisses down my neck, and a slow arduous trail down my spine. I arched my back pushing my breast and stomach towards the desk. His hands stroked teasing patterns up my arms, down past my ribs gripping at my hips pulling my bottom to his groin where I felt the evidence of his arousal. His fingers digging into my skirt covered hips, the material bunched in his hands. His lips made the office disappear, the thoughts of people around us in their offices and the laboratory. We were alone, in our own little world; all that mattered were his lips on my heated flesh.

I stood up straight dislodging his mouth from its perusal down my spine. “Eve –“

I silenced him when I reached around behind me unzipping my skirt and pulling it down along with my knickers. I heard his loud intake of breath before I settled back onto the desk, palms to the cool wood and I waited. Seconds ticked by as he stood staring at my exposed backside.

“Fucking perfect
.” He whispered before he stepped up behind me. He pressed his arousal against my bottom thrusting forward against me. His lips restarted their trail from my shoulders down my back. He kissed, licked and sucked at every inch of my back and once again all I felt was Dominic, he consumed me. His hands stroked a delirious pattern up and down my thighs, moving infinitesimally closer to my most private centre.

“I’ll make it go away baby
.” He licked at the base of my spine. I closed my eyes memorising such a provocative sensation. “Can I touch you?” his lips were right beside my ear startling me, his front pressed to my back. His hand inched closer to my mound without touching “Can I touch you, here? Please?” He whispered as he pressed his erection into my behind. I moaned loudly and nodded. “Words baby, I need you to say you want this”

My chest heaved, my breasts bouncing gently with the depth of my breaths. “Touch me. Touch
me Dominic...only you. I only want you” my voice came out in choppy pants.

My body jerked when his hand cupped me and a finger dipped between my folds, coating itself in my arousal. I closed my eyes tightly, unsure of the new sensations spreading through my body. Part of me wanted to stop, but the biggest part of me wanted to part my legs and beg him to never stop.

“Does that feel good?” He hummed then sucked gently on my neck. I could only nod as he pressed harder on the most sensitive part of me. I threw my head back resting my head on his shoulder; I moaned desperately and rocked my hips into his hand.

“That’s it...feel me.” His hips pressed firmer into me at the same time his finger circled and pressed against me causing a lightening effect to explode within me. I curled my hands into fists on his desk destroying papers under my hands but I didn’t care. His ragged breaths grew more intense in my ear; he thrust from behind and pressed from the front. I lost all sense of time, situation and location. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to feel. I floated in a delirious sensation before I felt a tightening, my legs shook and I was sure I would collapse as I reached for the height of desire, the explosion of our lust, and then I came, gasping his name. His free hand came up and he put his thumb in my mouth and I bit down as exquisite pleasure engulfed my body. Dominic continued his sexy assault of my senses.

As I leant forward spent, I pressed my flushed face into the desk. I heard him chuckle behind me. “That was the sexiest bloody thing I think I’ve ever seen,” he said and I could hear the smile in his voice. He kissed my back and slowly removed his hand from between my clamped legs.

I smiled and a soft laugh left my lips “I’m shattered now” I sighed.

He chuckled again, pulling me down onto his lap seating us both in his desk chair. I curled up in his lap wrapping my arms around his neck and tucking my legs up onto his knee.

“How do you feel
?” He asked quietly resting his cheek on top of my head.  “Dreamy” I sighed “Perfect” one word answers were all I could articulate right now.

He remained silent and I closed my eyes feeling the gentle rhythm of his chest rising and falling. I
smiled against his chest.

“I feel only you.” I whispered “It’s the most perfect feeling ever” I smiled lifting my head to look at him.

He looked down at me with the most profound look of love in his eyes. I shifted my weight in his lap to face him more his hands clamped down on my hips holding me immobile. “Don’t...” He groaned.

“What’s wrong?” I asked but didn’t need an answer when I felt his very rigid swollen erection
prodding my thigh. “ I need to do anything?” I asked feeling ridiculous. I had no idea what to do without direction.

“No...I’m fine
.” He gritted out when I shifted again.

I looked down at his lap. I wanted to feel him; it was that moment when you needed to try something new even though you knew without a doubt you would be utterly terrible at the act, you needed to experience it.

“Can I touch you?” I said quietly. “Like you touched me?” I lifted my eyes and watched his expression through my lashes.

“You don’t have to. It’s not like that...I didn’t touch you to get anything in return. I wanted to touch you”

“I want to touch you Dominic. I admit, I don’t know what to do, I’ve never...I’m probably going to be terrible at touching you...but I’d like to try. Tell me what you like” I watched as he swallowed, his eyes were filled with desperate longing.

“Are you sure?”

I bit my lip smiling and nodded. I lifted myself up on his lap, placing my knees either side of him in his large leather desk chair straddling his lap. I looked up at his face for confirmation I could touch him. He simply nodded. He leaned back in his chair grabbing a hold of the arms on the chair, his gloriously naked chest was in full view. My eyes took their fill memorising his form from the base of his neck, his chest, the dark nubs of his nipples and the devilishly sexy trail of hair that lead from his navel down into his trousers.

Slowly I reached out and undid his belt, the button before slowly pulling the zipper down. My little finger brushed against his hardened length making it jerk in his boxers.

I put both index fingers into the waistband of his boxers and slowly pulled the taught elastic over his impressive erection. It sprang free pointing at me.

“At ease soldier” I teased.

“He knows who’s in charge” Dominic choked out. His entire body was a tense mass of muscle. His hands gripped at the chair.

I ran my finger over his tip and his cock bobbed with excitement. I traced my finger down the
length of him, not quite believing I was actually touching this part of Dominic. It felt sacred for some reason. I circled my finger around the base of him before taking him in my fist and holding him gently.

“Jesus fucking Christ
.” He bit out, his body jerking almost throwing me off his lap.

I looked up into his pained face, his eyes tightly closed, his head thrown back and his entire body rigid. I immediately let go of him.

“Am I hurting you?” I asked feeling like I wanted to cry. I knew I’d be bad but I never wanted –

“It hurts because it’s too fucking good. Don’t stop baby
.” He took my hand in his and wrapped our hands around him. My hand touching him as his hand guided my hand up and down his length. I watched mesmerised as our hands pleasured him, and that deep feeling low in my core started to tingle.

“Kiss me Eve” his voice held a note of pleading but that was one thing he would never need to beg from me.

I leaned forward and pressed my mouth to his, sucking his bottom lip into my mouth, I bit down softly causing him to moan. His free hand lifted and cupped the back of my head. He deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue hungrily into my mouth. His hand moved my hand over him faster, tightening slightly as he reached his tip.

I rocked my hips against our hands feeling a need within me, the undeniable itch I needed scratching. His hand at the back of my head slid down my back to cup my bottom, I moaned at the sensation, rocking harder against us. He released his hold of my hand and I continued the motion of stroking him, squeezing at the tip.

“Perfect Eve, fucking perfect.” He whispered against my lips.

His hand slid between my thighs to my wet and needy core. I thrust my hips against his fingers needing him to touch me. Pleading with my body for him to take the ache away.

I gasped loudly and called out when I felt his finger slide inside of me.

“Ahh” I half moaned, half cried out.

Dominic froze his fingers still inside me. I opened my eyes to see him watching me.

“Does it hurt
?” He asked.

I stared at him a moment and shifted my hips against his fingers. I closed my eyes becoming accustomed to the sensation. My heart hammered in my chest, did I like the sensation? Was the invasion of his finger welcome? I rolled my hips slightly and when a beautiful tingling rocked through me, I slowly opened my eyes and shook my head; a small smile lifted the corners of my mouth.

“Perfect Dominic...fucking perfect” I whispered repeating his words from moments ago.

The smile that spread across his face almost me shatter in his arms. He flexed his finger inside me and I moaned loudly closing my eyes. I started pumping at his length. He pulled me to him, kissing me with a desperate urgency.

I felt burning desire building within me and rolled against his fingers, his thumb pressed against my clit and he curled his fingers making my world shattered. He swallowed my cries with his kisses. His teeth bit down on my lip as his body shuddered, he pulled back resting his head against his chair his eyes tightly shut

Knock knoc

I turned my head to the door just as Dominic called out his orgasm.

“Conference caaaaaaallll.” He all but bellowed before going rigid and hot wetness covered my hand. A low sexy growl escaped him as his eyes snapped open watching me.

BOOK: Elemental Fear
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