Read Everything Online

Authors: Melissa Pearl

Tags: #Songbird

Everything (21 page)

BOOK: Everything
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Chapter Forty-One



The airport was crowded. I didn’t know why I expected anything less. I guess I just felt like a little space so I could mope. The niggle within me wouldn’t settle. I’d be an idiot to deny the fact I did not want to fly to New York without Jody and Angel.

That plan had made me happy.

The revised version did not.

Glancing to my right with a heavy sigh, I noticed the woman beside me. She was long and willowy with a sharp nose. She had a headphone bud in each ear. I couldn’t help wondering what she was listening to. I still hadn’t found a song for my melancholy moment, and that was disconcerting, as well. When did I ever
have a song?

The guy beside her tapped her shoulder, and she pulled out her earphone to listen to him. I heard the faint music she had playing and scoffed out a dry laugh. “Nothing Without You” by Olly Murs. Kill me now. It was bloody perfect.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I shuffled in my seat and tried to ignore the words filling my brain. Being a big fan of Olly Murs, I knew the song well, and the lyrics pumped through me, making that hollow feeling in my chest grow with each beat. Each word was another chip of the chisel. I already felt raw and restless; this seriously was not helping.

Snatching up my bag, I flung it over my shoulder and walked to the other side of the waiting area, plonking down in a seat by the window. I stretched out my leg, trying to get comfortable, but I couldn’t. My muscles were taut, and I wondered if I’d ever find that smooth, relaxed feeling I cherished when lying next to my foxy lady.

A smile tugged at my lips as I pictured her beside me. I didn’t want to walk away from that.

“Then why the bloody hell are you?” I muttered, slumping down in my chair.

Because I wanted to see my music on a stage. Kev was right. I’d come all this way, but what if...what if meeting Jody at the community board all those months ago had been divine intervention? What if I’d been brought here for something else?

I sat up, liking the feeling that idea sparked inside of me.

What if I was here because I was Jody’s match? What if I was the right guy to be Angel’s dad?

Shit, I wanted to be Angel’s dad. I wanted to see her grow. I wanted to see those pudgy little arms reaching for me when I walked in the door. I wanted to hear her giggles when I danced her around the living room. I wanted to see the sunshine in Jody’s smile as she watched us.

I’d miss all that from New York. Screw Skype; that gave me nothing. I needed to
be experience it in the flesh.

They were my everything dream, so what the hell was I sitting in an airport for?

Because Jody would kill me if I didn’t go. She threatened to dump my arse...unless I could somehow charm those foxy pants right off her.

I grinned but still didn’t rise from my chair.

Everyone would tell me I was crazy if I didn’t take this chance.

The phone in my bag buzzed. I nearly ignored it but after the third ring, unzipped my bag with a sigh and yanked it out.

“Hey, Bobby. How’s it going?”

“You on a plane yet?”

“Nah, just, um...”

“Listen, I know you already told me that you weren’t interested, but I wanted to call and give you one final chance to say no.”

“What are you talking about?”

“That theater in Santa Monica, you know the one that needs doing up? I know I’ve set up this awesome chance for you in New York, but every time I look at this building, I think of you.”

My insides sparked again, the embers igniting with a flame so fierce it took me off-guard. I shuffled in my seat. 

“I’ve got this idiot interested in the space, and I know he’s probably going to tear it down and build some shitty little diner or something stupid. Look, his offer is really good, but I’d be willing to slide the thing right off the table if you’re interested in taking that old run-down theater and turning it into something Leo Sinclair, you know what I’m saying?”

It was illogical. Turning down an audition in New York, risking the chance of seriously pissing off Jody and possibly losing her...and taking on a theater that could potentially earn me nothing.

Why was I wanting to shout YES?


I ignored the loudspeaker, running my hands through my hair as I tried to formulate the right answer.

“Bobby, I—”

My reply was cut short when I heard my name...and then a voice I knew by heart. My breath caught in my throat, my lips parting as the people around me looked at each other in confusion.

“Leo, it’s Jody. Don’t go. I know you have this amazing opportunity waiting for you in New York, but...but I love you and I want to marry you and I want you to be Angel’s dad.”

My heart lurched in my chest, a slow grin rising over my lips.

“And I know we can do all of that from New York, but I also want it here, because I love my family, too. My heart is in LA, but if you fly to New York, it’ll be there, too. It’ll be split in half, and I thought that if I let you go and gave you the shot you’ve been wanting that it would make it better, but it won’t, because you’ll still be away from me.”

The murmurs around me grew as people tried to figure out which waiting passenger the sweet voice was talking to. I sat back in my chair, my eyes transfixed to the ceiling as I waited for more.

“I know that’s selfish, because you’re so incredibly talented and you deserve every good thing.” She sighed, her voice softening to a whisper. “You’re my everything dream, Leo. You and Angel, so if we’re yours, please stay. Please—”

“Miss, you need to get off that PA system.” A stern voice cut her off.

A frown wrinkled my forehead.

“No, please, wait. I need to—”

“Miss! Give me that microphone!”

Nah, no one shouts at my lady that way
. I rise from my chair, pausing as I listen to her fight for a little more airtime.

“Please, I have a song for this moment! I just need to—”

“Miss, now!”

“Let me just sing him the so—!”

There was a high screech and then she was gone. My heart fluttered inside me like a trapped bird. She had a song. She bloody well had a song for me! I wanted to whoop and do a happy dance.

People were chuckling, the murmurs rising in a crescendo around me.

I pressed the phone against my ear. “Bobby, you still there?”

“I am.” He laughed. “You still getting on a plane?”

A huge grin engulfed my face. “Not a chance, mate. I’ve got some sunshine to go kiss.”

“Sounds good. Call me tomorrow and we’ll talk plans.”

“Most definitely.”

Shoving the phone in my pocket, I grabbed up my stuff and made a beeline for the exit.


Chapter Forty-Two



The security guard looked pissed as he ripped the microphone from my grasp and returned it to the ladies behind the desk. Their cheeks were red as they glanced away from his silent reprimand. I smiled them a sweet thank-you for breaking the rules for me and then turned to the guard. I met his stern glare with narrowed eyes and a little pout. His wrinkles grew deeper with his scowl and he hauled me away.

I had no idea where he was taking me—I was hoping just the exit. A deep sadness washed through me. I didn’t get a chance to tell Leo where I’d be waiting for him. I didn’t even know if he’d heard my message.

The phone in my pocket buzzed. I went to grab it, but the security guard wouldn’t let me.

“Can I answer my phone, please?”

“Once you’re out of this building you can. My job is to make sure you get out that door and don’t come back in.”

I huffed, jiggling my arm within his beefy grasp.

“Miss, if you resist, things are going to get really bad for you.”

“I’m not trying to be a pain in the ass, I just want my boyfriend back.”

“There are better ways to go about doing it.” His voice was gruff and unimpressed.

He wasn’t letting up until I was out those big sliding doors and walking back to Dad’s truck. It sucked that I’d failed. I knew I could call Leo in New York and tell him all this again, but I’d really wanted to bring him back home with me from the airport!

The doors loomed large, my heart sinking down to my toes.

“Hey! Hey! Wait!”

I jolted to a stop, gasping at the sound of the Aussie accent hollering behind me. I jerked to turn around, but the guard’s grip on my arm only intensified.

“Stop, stop, that’s him! He’s coming!” I dug my heels into the floor.

With a disgusted snort, the man looked over his shoulder. I strained to glance behind me, and spotted Leo’s floppy hair bouncing toward us. My heart rocketed back up my body so fast I felt giddy.

Leo came to a puffing stop beside us, grinning at the guard. “Thanks, mate. I’ve got it from here.”

“I’m not leaving until this girl is out the door.”

Patting his shoulder, Leo put on that charming smile of his and tipped his head. “I’m heading out that way. I promise I’ll take her with me.”

The guard’s eyes narrowed.

“Mate, get your hands off my girl.” Leo’s voice was quiet, yet firm. He still had a smile on his face, but his eyes told the guard he meant business.

With a snort of disgust, the guard let me go and stepped to the side. “If you’re not gone in five minutes, I’m arresting you both.”

“Fair enough. I’m just going to kiss her and then we’re gone.”

The guard rolled his eyes and moved away from us. I thought my heart might melt as Leo slid the bag off his shoulder and pulled me into his arms. “C’mere, foxy pants.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck, squeezing tight as he lifted me off the ground.

“You didn’t go,” I whispered.

Popping me back onto my feet, he rested his hand against my face, gliding his thumb along my jawline.

“What kind of moron would get on a plane when the lady he loves basically proposes over a PA system?”

I grinned, my cheeks growing warm.

“Besides, I had to hear this song.”

“Oh, yeah.” I chuckled, threading my fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck and singing, “Baby Now That I’ve Found You.”

My hips swayed as I sung through the first chorus, Leo’s smile growing as he ran his hands down my body, resting them on my hips.

“That’s pretty good, foxy, but it’s not perfect.”

“Oh, no?”

Pulling me toward him, he lifted me into his arms and brushed his nose against mine. “That song says I don’t need you, but I do.”

I felt like I was going to cry. The look on his face was pure magic. “Even though I’m asking you to give up something you really want?”

“But you’re not, Jo, because I want you. You and Angel. I need to be a family with you guys. We can work out everything else around that.”

“We’re your everything dream, huh?”

He grinned. “You like the alternate ending?”

“Yeah.” I nodded, brushing my lips against his. “It’s our ending, Leo. It’s the dream we’re meant to choose.”

His smile was divine, his green eyes brilliant as he drank me in. “How ‘bout we go start living it then.”

“How ‘bout you kiss me first,” I whispered against his lips.

With a gruff chuckle, Leo obliged, his arms tightening around my waist as his tongue dove into my mouth and claimed what was already his.

I could feel the security guard hovering nearby, but he knew better than to interrupt this kiss. It was epic, perfect...everything Leo and I needed.

BOOK: Everything
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