Everything (22 page)

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Authors: Melissa Pearl

Tags: #Songbird

BOOK: Everything
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One month later...


The little old theater in Santa Monica smelled musty and stale. I imagined it would for a week or so until we really managed to air the thing out. Placing my hands on my hips, I did a slow spin, taking in the cracking leather seat covers and scratched-up armrests. The place looked like the opening scene from
Phantom of the Opera
, on a much smaller scale of course. It had potential, though.

I glanced up at the stage, a grin stretching my cheeks wide as I watched Angel totter across the open space. Cole was waiting on the other side with his arms stretched wide, his smile broad as he clapped his hands.

“C’mere, you little cupcake.” He snatched her up when she was within reach, throwing her in the air. She giggled and squealed, dropping a nice big drool on his nose.

“Aw, gross!” He grimaced, wiping the spittle off his face. Ella ruptured with laughter, covering her mouth when he shot her a dry look.

“Good job, Angel.” She giggled, jumping up on the stage and wrapping her arm around Cole’s back. He pulled her in close and kissed the top of her head.

“You’re just lucky I love you so much, Birdy.” He tapped her butt with a cheeky grin. She gazed up at him, their eyes both sparkling as their lips met for a kiss.

I watched them with a smile, wondering if that was what Leo and I looked like when we stood as a little family waiting to cross the street or wandering down the pier.

Since Leo had raced through the gates and made all my dreams come true, things had gone from amazing to spectacular. We were back in our apartments in Santa Monica, although this time Leo was living with me. His apartment had been turned into a workspace. We’d moved out all the furniture except the piano and his recording equipment. It was the size of a small studio, which we planned to use for auditions when we were ready to start casting for his musical.

The guy in New York had been disappointed but had to concede that the play belonged to Leo and he could do what he wanted with it...and what he wanted to do was produce and direct it...with me. I wasn’t taking the lead; I couldn’t spare that much time with raising Angel, as well, but we’d agreed I’d play understudy and also take a small role. We’d also agreed that I’d help with casting, which I was super-excited about. We were planning on using performing arts students from local colleges and high schools. It’d be a great chance for them to hone their skills and, well, it was kind of all we could afford.

First things first, though, we had to get the theater up and running. In order to save a little cash, we’d decided to try to do as much as we could on our own, which was where my family came in damn handy.

“Would you stop complaining! You are capable of getting your hands dirty!” Morgan’s voice reached me before I saw her. She burst through the back entrance, Sean shuffling in behind her, looking a little pissed off that the last month of his summer break would be spent cleaning up an old theater.

“Baby, I’m just saying I can’t afford to get injured doing any heavy lifting. Travis will kill me if I come back to the set broken. I’ve got a contract. This body is worth money, and I should be resting up before my heavy filming schedule starts again.”

Morgan rolled her eyes. “First-world problems, Sean! You can afford a few splinters and if you’re that worried about injuring yourself, I’m sure we can find some toilets for you to clean.”

He stopped short, his eyes narrowing. “Sean Jaxon does not clean toilets.”

She met his gaze, her face forming her
you did not just say that
expression. “Oh, really? Is that because you’re a big-time celebrity, because I’ve got news for you, buddy.” She tapped his chest with her long, pointer finger. “Your poo doesn’t come out gold, and you still burp like everybody, so man up and get cleaning or I’m firing our housekeeper.”

His jaw worked to the side. “Don’t you be giving me attitude, woman.”

“Or what, you’ll whoop my ass?” Her tongue darted out the side of her mouth, a wicked grin dancing in her eyes. I pressed my lips together, hampering my giggle when Sean growled, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her soundly on the lips.

Oblivious to me as their audience, my sister and her fiancé took their time, Sean’s hands lingering down her body as they made up.

I grimaced, turning away and leaving them to it.

Angel was still on the stage, now in Ella’s arms. Cole stood back pointing up at the torn stage curtain and discussing logistics with my dad. Oh, yay, he came.

I grinned, waving at him when he glanced over his shoulder. He did a double-take, rolling his eyes and barking, “Hey! Superstar, get your hands off my daughter’s ass!”

A giggle burst out of me, and he gave me a cheeky wink before turning back to Cole. Ella stood on the stage, laughing at Morgan and Sean as they made a red-faced trip down the aisle. Halfway down, he captured her hand, lifting it up so she could twirl beneath him. She did a few perfect pirouettes before she reached the stage, and he lifted her with ease onto the raised platform.

Her head tipped back with a laugh at something he said. He jumped up on the stage beside her, his white teeth gleaming as he pulled her to stand against him. Walking across to Ella, Morgan wrapped my best friend in a hug, kissing Angel’s cheek and making my daughter giggle, before doing her typical inspection of Angel’s chin. The wound had healed nicely and only a small scar remained.

The picture on the stage made my eyes glisten, I couldn’t help it. It was so beautiful.

Angel looked over at me, a smile lighting her face when I waved at her, and then she squealed, pointing behind me. “We-O!”

“G’day, cherry blossom!” I spun in time to see Leo blow her a kiss, which only made my eyes shine even more.

His arm curled around my shoulder, his cheeky smile softening when he noticed my expression. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I shrugged.

His face crinkled with a disbelieving frown.

I laughed, tucking a curl behind my ear. “I’m just so happy.”

His smile was gentle, his barely there dimple scoring his cheek.

“I can’t believe I’m getting everything I want. It doesn’t seem real sometimes. You gave up Broadway for me.”

Stepping into my space, he wrapped his arms around me and rubbed his nose against mine. “I didn’t give up anything I didn’t need.”

I brushed my lips over his, my smile growing wide as I started to sing the bridge of “You Make Me Happy” by Lindsey Ray.

He chuckled, his breath warm against me as he took the next line and changed the first word from hope to
. It made all the difference. We didn’t have to hope anymore. We had that feeling and it wasn’t going to end.

I giggled, my hips swaying with the beat as we sang through the rest of the chorus.

Lifting my arm above my head, he spun me around and then caught me against him, cutting my singing short with his soft lips on mine. Pulling off his beanie, I ran my fingers through his hair, feeling that giddy high as he picked me off the ground and reminded me that everything I’d ever need was in this little run-down theater.




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If you’d like to stay up-to-date with the SONGBIRD SERIES, please sign up for the newsletter, which will include cover reveals, teasers, and new release info for all the Songbird Novels.



HOME is the next Songbird Novel and is due for release in August, 2015.

You’ll meet two new characters - Josh & Rachel.

I’m so excited to write this story!



You can find the other Songbird Novels on Amazon.



Ella & Cole’s story



Morgan & Sean’s story



It’s so cool to get to work with all these amazing people to pull together a project like this.


Thank you so much to:


My critique readers: Cassie, Anna, Theresa, Ashley, Megan, and Brenda. Your enthusiasm over this story was a huge confidence booster. Your feedback was the best!


My editor: Laurie. I love working with you so much.


My proofreaders: Kristin, Lindsey, and Karen. Keep up the great work, girls. What would I do without you?


My cover designer and photographer: Regina. Oh, man, another amazing cover! You are a genius.


My publicity team: Mark My Words Publicity. You make my job a million times better. Thank you so much for all your hard work.


My fellow writers: Inklings and Indie Inked. I check in with you most days, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Thanks for the constant support, advice, and encouragement.


My Fan Club and readers: THANK YOU! I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you guys — xoxo


My family: I love you all so much. Thanks for bringing sunshine into my life and always believing in me.


My savior: Thank you for helping me realize my dreams. I love the life I live, and I credit you for that. I love you.




The Songbird Series


Coming in 2015: Home — True Love


The Fugitive Series

I Know Lucy — Set Me Free


The Masks Series

True Colors — Two-Faced— Snake Eyes — Poker Face


The Time Spirit Trilogy

Golden Blood — Black Blood — Pure Blood


The Betwixt Series

Betwixt — Before — Beyond


The Elements Trilogy

Unknown — Unseen — Unleashed


The Mica & Lexy Series

Forbidden Territory

Forbidden Waters (due for release in May 2015)


Find out more on Melissa Pearl’s website:




Melissa Pearl is a kiwi at heart but currently lives in Suzhou, China with her husband and two sons. She trained as an elementary school teacher but has always had a passion for writing and finally completed her first manuscript in 2003. She has been writing ever since, and the more she learns, the more she loves it.

She writes young adult and new adult fiction in a variety of romance genres—paranormal, fantasy, suspense, and contemporary. Her goal as a writer is to give readers the pleasure of escaping their everyday lives for a while and losing themselves in a journey…one that will make them laugh, cry, and swoon.



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