Everything She Needs (The Everything Trilogy) (25 page)

BOOK: Everything She Needs (The Everything Trilogy)
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Alfie threw the shirt over my lap, just as if I was holding it balanced there for him. It gave me an extra few inches of modesty. He hitched my skirt up
, and I positioned the shirt in a way that no one could see anything amiss.

I was beyond excited. Nightclubs obviously turned Alfie on.  It was the second time he’d made a move on me in the dark at
a club this way. My pulse raced as I felt him pop the buttons on his jeans.  He freed his cock and without any further foreplay, Alfie raised me a little and sunk himself deep inside me.

I moaned loudly and he leaned forward, talking into my ear. “So fucking tight, you’re always so slick and wet, but tight at the same time.” He used one hand to anchor my ass to him and the one that had been on my belly, slid under his shirt and began rubbing my clit.

“I love the way you coat my dick when we’re skin to skin.” I felt him smile into my neck.  LL Cool J’s ‘Doin It,’ boomed out, which was the perfect song both lyrically and tempo wise.

I was rocking slightly
, and Alfie’s head was resting over my shoulder. I looked around me for signs that someone knew what we were up to.

I guessed to others, it just looked like we were
dancing, sitting down, swaying to the beat as I sat on his lap. “So fucking incredible, you wreck me,” Alfie murmured as he worked himself inside me.

Both of us made the tiniest circles as we connected.  I wanted so badly to close my eyes and ride him faster, just get lost in my feelings.

I began to get carried away as I got more excited, but Alfie stilled me by gripping his fingers into my hip or biting my neck a little.

I must have become a little vocal as Alfie’s mouth moved up to my ear. “Shush.” He snickered
. “You’ll have half the club over to watch you if you keep making those noises.”

I turned and saw Will and Mandy coming towards us, my body tensed
, and I froze. Alfie glanced up. “Shit, just stay there honey, don’t move, they can’t see anything.” He chuckled and continued to wiggle slightly, his hand slipped from my clitoris to grab my drink from the table.

“Here. “ I turned to look at him whilst he handed me my drink. “Act natural.” He grinned devilishly, and added, “
Damn, that’s what got us in this mess in the first place.” He snickered.

Mandy came up and began to tell me about a couple on the dance floor that were gett
ing a little too carried away. I tried to look shocked, but I was having a hard time concentrating in more ways than one.

Will’s eyes met mine
, and his eyes seemed to read something in me.  I lowered my gaze and pretended to fix a button on Alfie’s shirt. When I glanced up, his eyes were hard on the both of us and I wondered if he had guessed what we were doing.

Alfie whispered into my ear. “You’re going to stand and drop the shirt on my lap behind you, and take a seat in the booth.
” He tapped my hip and as I stood, he pulled out of me and dropped my skirt before I moved the shirt around the back of me.

I turned and looked at
Alfie, who was sitting naturally smoothing out his shirt over his groin area. We’d gotten away with what we’d been doing, and I felt relieved. I wasn’t convinced that Will hadn’t suspected what we’d been up to though.



When I woke this morning Alfie was lying heavily across my legs. I wasn’t absolutely sure when we had fallen asleep. We had left the club shortly after Mandy and Will came back from the dance floor.

We knew we needed to finish what we had started and, as a result, our sex session had lasted three rounds until we passed out sated.

I was thirsty
, and my mouth felt like someone had found a footballer’s sock and rubbed it around the inside of my mouth. I could bet my life my breath wasn’t pretty.

I tried to shift my legs out from under him, but he was too heavy. I loved the way he was sleeping here on his stomach
, minus the dead legs I had pinning me down.

This was the second morning I had
woken up with him, and I could get used to this, but I wasn’t going to admit that to him. He’d have to earn this on a regular basis.

I kep
t thinking this was it, my happy ending, but something still nagged at the back of my mind after the emotional roller coaster Alfie had taken me on.

“Alfie move over
,” I coaxed softly. He pushed up onto his hands, lifting himself off me, and I curled my knees up, taking my lower legs from under him. He flopped down again, stretching out, and I saw his ass wiggle himself into the mattress as his morning hard on poked out under him.

,” he husked, and turned his head to one side, peering at me through one eye and giving me that sexy lopsided smile. “Put them the fuck away or I’ll have to jump you again.”

Until he said that
,  I hadn’t realized that I was sitting up and my breasts were on show. “I’m not fucking you this morning. We’re going to make music, Lily.” He sounded serious, and I wondered if he hadn’t told me he was due at band rehearsals.

“What time do you have to be there?” I hadn’t seen the band guys since the New Year’s Eve party
, and I wondered if Drew was in touch with Elle at all.

“They’re not coming.” I must have looked puzzled because when Alfie looked at me he chuckled

“We’re making music
,” he stated deadpan.

“Alfie I can’t play with you.  That’s just ridiculous.” He stared me down, like I had just kicked his kitten down a
mine shaft.

It’s official Lily, I cleared it with the college. You are on my schedule for a three day workshop. Get some coffee down me, and I’ll fill you in. Oh, by the way, do you have any cinnamon rolls in the freezer; they are just the best thing to sort out a tequila hangover.”

I was listening to him witter on about cinnamon rolls and coffee and music workshops and my head was thinking
, I can’t make music with this guy, he’ll laugh at me.

I was having an argument with myself wh
en he butted in again “What is it? What are you thinking about? Correction, overthinking.” I was blushing.

“I can’t make music with you. I sound so childish in comparison.” He exhaled hard and crawled up to sit beside me.

“You’re gonna make me sound amazing.” He smiled slowly, and I laughed.

“You already sound amazing.”
I twisted my lips at him, but ended up grinning when I looked down and his wood was sticking straight out pointing at the ceiling. He looked down and smirked.

“Pull your mind right back out of the gutter, Lily. I know little Alfie wants to play, but big Alfie is fighting for control here. Get your pretty ass in the shower, and get dressed, we have some studio time in two hours.” He pointed in the direction of my bathroom.

When I was dressed, he handed me a docket with the details of the workshop, and it was dated 13
September last year. He had scheduled me for time with him long before I had canceled our casual sex arrangement.

Alfie wasn’t kidding either. He didn’t touch me at all whilst we were at my apartment, not even a cuddle. When I tried to put my arms around his waist as he was brushing his teeth, he scooted his lower body to the side and shouted, “Out!” at me.

I drove to campus separately, and we arrived within a few minutes of each other. I arrived first and was wondering where he’d gone until he drove in and pulled up on the opposite side of the parking lot.

He got out with an extra-large
styrofoam cup and a paper bag that I just bet stored the cinnamon rolls he’d been craving. I noticed that there was only one coffee.

He didn’t smile at me, and I felt a pang of loss at that, but he was being professional and carrying out the façade that he told me I would have to cope with on campus. I stood watching him walking into the entrance to the music studio.

He turned and glanced over at me before he disappeared inside. I exhaled heavily, and I turned to the back passenger door of my car to grab my things for class.

“Lily!” Will called out to me from across the lawn. He was walking towards me with his sax case in his hand and his rucksack over one shoulder.

He looked casual in his jersey sports shorts and a vintage band t-shirt, and his red converse shoes that were a permanent feature of him. When he reached me he struggled to keep eye contact.

… uh… did you have a good time last night? Shit! Sorry that didn’t sound good, huh?” I closed my eyes and blushed.

I guessed Will knew exactly what was going on with Alfie and me at the club. “So, I guess we’re not working together for a few days.” I changed the subject quickly not wanting to get into it with him. 

Will’s brows bunched. “What do you mean, why not?” I pulled my rucksack around my shoulder and fished inside. Pulling out the docket, I explained about the workshop.

“So you’re taking time away from me?”

I could see how Will would see it, and I guess that Alfie couldn’t have planned it better, but neither Will, Mandy, nor Neil knew Alfie as anything other than a student.

“Seriously, Will? Grow up, check out the date
,” I countered smugly.

He frowned as he read it
. “Hmm, so does everyone have a work shop then?”

I guess those that need it, but if you do maybe yours will be with a different mentor, someone from brass, because that’s your main instrument.”

It only had the mentor’s last name on the docket, so he didn’t know it was Alfie.
“I’m string remember? Besides I only found out about it this morning.”

I checked my wrist watch
. “Damn, I’m going to be late, not a great impression to make the first day with the mentor.” I excused myself telling him that I’d text him later.

I knew he had some gig dates for me, but I was really worried that I’d slip and say something that would make things even more awkward between us.

The recording studio had a distinctive smell; it was like rubber wires, cork, and something else I couldn’t quite place. Maybe it was hormones with all the adrenaline that must have been produced by musicians affected by playing in a recording studio.

I checked the list of studios and saw Black. Alfie’s name was against studio 5. It was the only studio not on the ground floor. I took the stairs and walked along the low lit corridor to the studio. I could see Alfie sitting near the mixing desk, some headphones on, nodding with his eyes closed.

I tapped the window with my knuckle, my small platinum band making the distinctive noise of metal on glass. He didn’t open his eyes. Of course he didn’t, he was wearing headphones. Duh! I pushed the heavy glass door with the full length metal pole handle, and the cool air of the studio hit me.

Alfie looked up and pulled his headphones off with
a slow smile spreading across his beautiful face. “Hey, what kept you, coffee will be cold now. Sorry I couldn’t get a whole one for you, but as we’ve shared body fluids so many times, I figured that my germs were your germs now.

I did get you your very own cinnamon roll though,” he said chuckling. When I put my hand in the bag and took the cinnamon roll out, it had three large bites missing. Alfie looked sheepishly at me. “Guess I should have bought myself two, huh?” he smirked.

I ate the cinnamon roll and drank the tepid coffee. He was right, the cinnamon roll seemed to make me feel great, or maybe it was being here alone with Alfie
. Either way, I was happy.

We spent five hours in the morning session
, and he was actually extremely knowledgeable.  He also had pitch perfect hearing. He chose a song for me that he felt suited my voice. ‘I’ll Stand By You’

After he played
Chrissie Hynde’s version, I felt it was a tall order for me to attempt the song at all with any measure of confidence. He explained in detail vocal pedagogy, or the art and science of voice instruction and how proper singing technique was accomplished.

He was a slave driver and cut me no slack for sleeping with the tutor. We stopped for lunch
, and he even made me leave to go to the canteen to eat, instead of staying there with him.

He was determined that
nothing we did would affect Kara, and I couldn’t help but feel I was still second best as far as his women went, even if there was no romantic involvement.

During lunch I grabbed a sandwich. It seemed to stick in my throat. Maybe this was because of the singing and the alcohol from last night.  So, who was I kidding, it was because I couldn’t even have a simple sandwich with my guy because of everyone else’s drama.

I finished my sandwich and realized I had gone through the motions, no matter how much I was telling myself that he was being honorable, I just wasn’t feeling it. Could I do this with him? It felt complicated, even now.

I shook off my doubts and wandered back to the studio. I couldn’t wait to be with him again. I had just reached the edge of the large window outside the studio and what I saw made me heart sink.

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