Hanging On (24 page)

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Authors: Michelle Zurlo

BOOK: Hanging On
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Sophia chose a black leather skirt to wear with her white camisole. It matched the black leather wrist cuffs that caused Drew’s jeans to tighten. He watched her change with undisguised interest.

“How do you decide what to wear?” he asked. “You obviously dress the way you do for a reason.”

Brushing her hair into a ponytail, Sophia twisted it up and secured it with several pins. “Reason one: comfort. Reason two: I look hot.” Leaning closer to the mirror, she darkened the eyeliner around her eyes. Drew’s fascination distracted her, as did the way her second reason didn’t draw a comment or a discernable reaction of any kind. She met his eyes in the mirror. “Take off your shirt.”


“Same reasons previously stated.” She flashed a flirtatious smile and painted her lips.

“How will me being shirtless make you look hot or affect your comfort?”

She dug in the pile at the bottom her bedroom closet for strappy black heels. “Are you fishing for compliments, or did you want me to offer baby oil? It’s under the sink in the bathroom.” Sitting on her bed, Sophia detangled the straps and secured the shoes to her feet. “Though I should warn you that too slippery has its drawbacks and that oil gets everywhere.

It’s like sand at the beach.”



He threw his shirt on the bed next to her. “There is something anticlimactic about the way you get ready for this.” She raised a brow at him. “You object to clean sheets?”

“I completely agree with stripping the bed after each time, and disinfecting it, too. It’s just not romantic.” He sat down next to her. “And the way you choose which toys to use…”

Laughing, she planted a kiss on his cheek, the first spontaneous sign of affection she’d ever shown him. He sobered immediately, all thoughts about her arbitrary ‘I haven’t used this one in a while’ selection process forgotten.

He stared at her with such intensity she had trouble sitting still. Her heart pounded with equal parts hope and dread that he might say something sweet or romantic.

She bit her bottom lip. “Have I ruined the fantasy for you?” He shook his head. “Never.” He leaned closer, and his breath fanned across her lips. “I have so many fantasies about you.” The kiss was light, feathering over her lips. He didn’t deepen it, yet it affected her more than if he had. When he drew back, she took a shaky breath.

“Most of them aren’t sexual.”

She blinked. “What?”

The doorbell chimed. Drew rose to his feet and held out a hand, ignoring her question. “What would you do if I tossed you over my shoulder, carried you down to that soundproof room, and tied you to the bed?”

No one had ever said something like that to Sophia before. Unlike many dominant personalities, she hadn’t started this part of her life as a submissive. Cold fear and panic should have had her in their grip. She expected his words to chill her, to penetrate the numb place she kept inside for just these kinds of occasions. Her heart thumped in her chest, slow and loud, and her nipples hardened.

“I don’t know,” she said truthfully. She didn’t feel a need for him to do it, but if he had, she knew she wouldn’t have an anxiety attack. Not if she was with Drew.

He tugged at her hand. “How long do we keep her waiting?” His question jolted her back to the present. “I’ll get the door. Wait about a minute and follow me out.”


Livia looked wonderful as always. Sophia didn’t notice what she was wearing, but the expression on her face was tight and petulant. It confirmed her assessment of the situation. Livia needed to feel completely owned.

Sophia could do it by herself, but she thought Livia craved the violence Drew could bring to the bedroom.

Sophia gripped Livia’s hair tightly, pushing her to her knees and pulling her head back. Then, she kissed her slowly and deeply.

Kissing a woman wasn’t all that different from kissing a man. Their lips tended to be softer, but not always. Livia had firm lips, and she knew what to do with them. The lips of Sophia’s pussy thickened in anticipation.

She released Livia, bestowing a pleased smile when she saw her disappointment. Livia hadn’t wanted tenderness, but she needed it. Sophia would make her see that. With perfect timing, Drew strode from the hallway leading to the bedroom, that stingy, sensual smile on his lips.

“Livia, it’s good to see you.” He reached out, and she responded by lifting her arms, ostensibly to hug him in greeting. Ignoring the intention, he bent and scooped her up, throwing her over his shoulder and hopping down the steps as if he carried nothing more substantial than a pillow.

Sophia followed, noting with satisfaction that he’d knocked some air from her. She sputtered at the unexpected greeting. When he threw her on the bed, she stared up with wide eyes, struggling with the urge to demand answers and with her excitement over the change in the rules of play.

Working together, Sophia and Drew stripped Livia naked and shackled her wrists and ankles to the bed. Hands on hips, Drew stood back to watch as Sophia double-checked the security of the cuffs. Having him in the role of muscle and assistant was different for her, but Sophia was loving it already. She planned to push Livia’s comfort level tonight. There was definitely going to be a struggle.

Already she squirmed. “Sophia.” The name spilled from her lips, a plea.

She hated being restrained.

Sophia smacked Livia’s thigh. “Mistress.” Lifting her head, Livia stared at Sophia. Her lips trembled. The pupils of her blue eyes dilated in fear, and the scent of her arousal filled the room, but she said nothing.

Sophia smacked her again, leaving the imprint of her hand to stain Livia’s inner thigh. “Mistress. Say it.”



Sophia’s answering smile wasn’t a form of praise. It was cold and wicked. She wanted to induce fear. Livia needed this. Sophia needed this.

“Mistress, please untie me.”

Drew traced a path along the underside of Livia’s arm, down to her waist. “Not until you’ve learned your manners.” Livia’s eyes widened. Even though he had carried her down the stairs, she relegated him to the role of muscle. Having him in authority brought home exactly how much the rules of the game had changed.

Sophia fetched the riding crop from a hook on the wall. “I wanted to thank you for introducing me to Drew.” Really, she wanted to punish Livia for that. This was Sophia’s chance to exorcise some of the frustration she felt over the changes in her life she couldn’t control, and all of those changes centered around Drew.

Tracing the tip of the crop lightly from Livia’s feet to her fingers and back again, Sophia had her trembling before one circuit was completed.

From behind those short blonde curls, the lips of her pussy swelled and glistened.

“Do you think you could do this to someone else, Livia? Could you give them the kind of pain and the sweet release of pleasure you want so badly?” The scent of her arousal permeated the air. Drew lay on the bed next to Livia and traced light patterns on her stomach with his fingers. A tear escaped the corner of her eye, and they hadn’t done much more than caress her. He pinched her nipple, twisting it the way Sophia showed him last time.

Livia cried out. The taut muscles of her inner thighs spasmed.

He twisted the other one, keeping the pressure constant. “Answer your mistress.”

Livia cried out again as Drew pulled harder. Sophia was impressed at the way he caught on so quickly. He had never been anything but gentle when he was with just Sophia.

Livia’s back arched, lifting her upper body from the mattress. “No.

Please, Mistress, I would be too jealous.” Sophia brought the small leather patch on the end of the crop down hard on Livia’s inner thigh. She orgasmed.

Drew’s head jerked up, and he peppered Sophia with silent questions.

She shrugged in response. In the entire time she’d known her, Livia had


never orgasmed so quickly, or without her pussy being touched, and especially not without permission.

They were doing something very right.

“Livia.” The single word was a chastisement. She needed to be punished for losing control without consent.

Her breaths came in short pants. It had been a small orgasm. “Mistress, please don’t be angry with me. I didn’t mean it.” Sophia tsked her disapproval. “I see we need lessons in self-control.” Livia’s eyes widened, following Sophia as she turned away. “Mistress, please. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“Not as sorry as you will be.” Drew’s eyes twinkled with excitement.

Combined with Sophia’s disappointment, it was enough to make Livia panic.

When Sophia returned with a blindfold, Livia strained against her bonds, fighting them furiously. Sophia secured the scrap of black cloth in place before cautioning Drew to wait. If Livia was going to use the safe word, now was a likely time.

Pleas issued forth from Livia’s mouth, nothing more.

A hook dangled from a chain in the ceiling. The simple system was screwed into the support structure for the house. Sophia used a step stool to adjust the height of the chain. This was part of the process Livia would never see. With a brief nod to Drew, Sophia indicated the position she wanted Livia forced into. Words were not required with him, either. They had discussed the probable scenarios in detail while they had danced.

His muscle certainly helped expedite things. Sophia had no need to use verbal commands or mental intimidation. With minimal effort, he released the cuffs and carried Livia to the other side of the room. Sophia tied Livia’s wrists to the hook. The height was perfect. The submissive dangled, balancing precariously on the balls of her feet. There was no way she could protest her position.

Climbing down from the step, Sophia found herself enveloped in Drew’s arms. He plundered her mouth with his tongue and pressed her body against his. “I love watching you work. You are so fucking sexy.” He whispered in her ear, low so Livia heard only the sibilant sounds and no words.



Sophia pulled a cat from her belt loop and motioned Drew out of the way. She started low, well below Livia’s thigh, almost to her knee. Light licks alternated with sharp ones. Livia moaned and cried out. Her body jerked as she struggled to fight her natural inclination to move away from the pain. If she did that, she would lose her balance.

It didn’t take long to turn Livia’s skin a brilliant shade of salmon. The screams of protest turned to sobs of apology. “I’m sorry, Mistress. I’m so sorry.”

The whip halted. Now, Livia would be sensitive to the slightest pressure.

Turning, Sophia slammed into Drew’s solid chest. His arms came around her again. This time, his lips fastened on her neck, sucking and biting the reactive skin there. “I want you now,” he whispered in her ear. “I can’t wait, Sophie. Don’t make me wait.” Pushing him back, she held up one finger. She had one more thing to do to Livia before she could leave her submissive to contemplate the consequences of coming without permission.

Sophia fished the complicated system of straps from the bin she kept exclusively for Livia. Last time, she had used them to reward Livia. Now, she would use it to torture her. Placing the straps carefully over Livia’s pink skin, Sophia arranged them so that they would force Livia to wiggle in discomfort. In doing so, they would rub against several erogenous zones, but not enough to bring her to orgasm. This was the punishment for unauthorized climaxing.

Drew waited impatiently, condom in hand. As soon as Sophia had everything how she wanted it, he dragged her from the room and closed the soundproof door firmly behind them.

He shoved her against the door, lifting Sophia to grind against her pussy. “You are so unbelievably hot, Sophia.” Sophia would have smiled, but his hand joined the bulge pressing against her core. No underclothing impeded his questing fingers. She gasped, bucking against him, asking for more. She planned to let Drew have Livia, but that couldn’t happen for some time yet. As a dominatrix, Sophia was used to waiting, to putting off her own pleasure for the sake of her submissive.


Drew made the wait unnecessary. His lips landed on hers, hot and demanding. She pushed his jeans out of the way and helped him roll the condom over his engorged cock. He impaled her, and all she could do was wrap her legs around his hips and hang on to his shoulders.

He fucked her hard and fast. Sophia clenched around him, the orgasm rocking her within seconds, forcing Drew to follow her. It was intense, but over quickly.

He let her down slowly, pressing his body into hers, reluctant to sever contact. “Last time, I wondered how you could delay for so long,” he said.

“I was impressed with how you held off, even when I knew you wanted me.”

She had been that transparent? It was too late for regret. “Delaying orgasm usually leads to bigger orgasms.”

“Is that what you’re doing for Livia?”

Sophia nodded. “Punishment and reward go to the same end. Everything leads to surrender. Surrender leads to orgasm.”

“Clever. But that’s all for her. What do you get out of it? You aren’t subject to punishment or reward. You aren’t forced to surrender.”

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