Hard Money (Bad Money #3) (4 page)

BOOK: Hard Money (Bad Money #3)
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Chapter 6




Jon finished up with his mother and had no doubt that he would be starving a few hours later. Why his mother wanted to eat dinner at four in the afternoon was beyond him. She'd been like that his whole life though. No changing her now.

He got in the car and drove toward the club, wanting to get his bike back from Kate. He needed to talk to her too. Glancing over to the passenger's side seat, he let his eyes move across Adam's drawing.

Did Kate know that his brother had so much beauty trapped inside of him? What did it mean?

"Probably nothing." He picked up his phone and dialed her number, waiting as it went to voice mail. "I'm headed to get my bike. I assume you're at the club, if not, just let me know where I can get it. I hope you're okay."

He dropped the phone in the seat next to Adam's stuff. She wasn't okay. He was sure of that, but she wasn't going to be calling on him for help anytime soon. The conclusion he'd come to at his mother's house that he was going to get off the fence and join her side of the fight - good or bad - was a solid move. He felt some semblance of peace over it. It was selfish, no doubt. He wanted redemption for losing Adam, but more than anything, he wanted Kate.

"Good luck there." He pulled up to the club and parked on the side of the street, locking the cop car just in case some dumb ass kids decided dicking with the PO-PO was a good idea. He'd call and have someone pick the car up. He wanted his bike, and needed the release it provided.

The bike was around back, locked on a chain to the door of the club. He let out a long sigh and walked back to the car, pulling a set of bolt-cutters from the trunk and walking to the back to get the bike undone.

"Hey!" The back door to the club opened about the time he finished getting his bike free. The blond guy that stuck his head out the opening looked familiar.

"Hey yourself. This is my fucking bike." Jon moved back to put the bolt-cutters back in the car and turned to see the lanky guy blocking his way to the bike. A dark crimson trail ran from the door through the alley, and Jon stopped for a minute, letting his eyes move across it. "What the hell?"

"Why the fuck would your bike be tied to the back of my boss’s club?" The guy lifted his eyebrow.

"Because she stole it from me." Jon moved past the guy without too much effort. "Back off. It's been a bitch of a day, and I would love to take some aggression out."

"You don't scare me, dude. Don't touch that fucking bike until I clear this." The guy pulled out his cell as Jon got on the bike. "Marcus. Some dude is at the back of the club trying to steal a motorcycle that's chained up back here. Is it yours?"

Jon ran his fingers through his hair and counted to ten in his head. The dumb ass was almost out of time by the time he extended his phone toward Jon. "Marcus wants to talk to you. He's my boss’s..."

"Partner. Lover. Best friend. I know who the fuck Marcus is." Jon grabbed the phone and barked into it, "What?"

"Hey dude. Bring that bike up to St. Joe's."

Jon's blood ran cold. "What? Why? Is something wrong with Kate?"

"No, you bitch. I got shot today. Come up here."

"Oh fuck. You all right? What happened?" Jon's shoulders relaxed. He cared about Marcus more than he wanted to admit, but the thug sounded fine.

"Yeah. Get up here, and I'll explain. Kate's good, by the way. She just left here."

"All right. I'm coming." Jon handed the phone back to the kid and took off as the guy raised his hands as if to stop him.

Who would have shot Marcus?

Jon couldn't help but think about how well-placed his intervention with Kate was. It wasn't for the right reasons, but it would seem someone was watching out for them. Jon could only assume that Marcus was shot at the club. It had to be his blood in the alleyway.

Knowing that Kate was safe and Marcus was well enough to call left Jon taking his time to get to the hospital. The visit with his mother rushed through his head, and he chewed on how wrong he had been to assume she didn't care about Adam. Everyone had their own way of grieving over shit. He needed to stop making fucked up assumptions and start giving people more room to move when he was around. Kate in particular.

She wasn't fucking Victor because she wanted to. He knew that for sure.

Jon pulled up to the hospital and groaned as his stomach turned. The thought of his woman with anyone but Marcus left him wanting to lose his lunch. Why Marcus was different was beyond him. Maybe because he knew the sex was an extension of their feelings for each other. It was fucked up, but to them, it was just another expression of their taking care of each other for so long. He understood it. Sort of.

Jon locked the bike up and walked into the E.R., unsure of where to go. He stopped by the desk near the opening and spoke to a pretty blond nurse, asking for Marcus's room number and telling her that he was his brother.

She gave up the information easily, and Jon turned, ignoring the suggestive way the woman smiled at him. He wasn't interested. No one mattered but Kate. That was the problem. It would be easier just to relocate, take his mom with him and run, or would it? He would never get over how much he wanted Kate. He shook off his wayward thoughts and focused on the resolve he'd accepted. He was in for the long haul. Period.

Knocking on the door, Jon waited until he got the invitation to come in.

Marcus was laid up in a hospital bed, his big ass filling up most of it. Jon's heart softened slightly as he walked toward the other man. He extended his hand to take Marcus's and shook it.

"Damn, dude. Who'd you piss off?" Jon released his hand and moved back, dropping down on the couch next to the bed. They had far more differences than likenesses, but the guy was quickly growing on him.

With few friends in the world, he was quite sure that Marcus was going to be one of them. They shared too much not to - Kate in particular.

"You could say that." Marcus ran his big hand over his bald head. "Billy Turner."

Jon sat up, his whole body stiffening at the mention of the name. "What? Why the fuck didn't you say so. We need to get somebody on this."

Marcus lifted his hand. "I'm talking to an off-duty cop. If I wanted to report this shit, I would have called it in. Your people are going to do nothing but run him off. Then I'll have to go find him again. I'm glad he's here. I'm going to take him out as soon as I get close enough to."

"Marcus. This guy is death incarnate. He shot you today. Don't be a dumb ass." Jon stood up, unable to sit for a minute more. He needed to pace the floor.

"He's predictable if nothing else. I need your help to take him out." Marcus paused, and Jon stopped walking and jammed his hands into his pockets. "Tell me you'll at least think about it."

"Yeah. I'm on suspension over some shit with Adam's case. I'd be willing to at least talk about helping you with Billy. I haven't studied his file because-"

"I know everything we need to know." Marcus sat up, groaning deep in his chest.

"All right. I'm not sure I'm good with killing someone in cold blood, but I'll help you find him at least."

"He's after Kate." Marcus's expression tightened.

Jon took a shallow breath. Of course the bastard was after Kate. Who wasn't?

"That changes things." Jon moved a step closer to the bed. "Did he tell you he was after her?"

"Yeah. He's the one that got her started on this life. I'm the one that got her out of it. He's not thrilled with me for taking the best thing he ever had away from him." Marcus shrugged. "He's looking to bring me back into his operation."

"How the fuck does he have an operation? He's a wanted man, and last I checked, Victor isn't giving up any power." Jon moved to sit back down on the edge of the couch.

"He's unconventional, Jon. He'll figure it out."

"How did you get Kate out of working for him all those years ago?" Something told Jon that he didn't really want to know, but he couldn't help but ask. Whatever happened forged Marcus and Kate together tightly, so much so that Jon felt a pang of jealousy around them at times.

"Same thing she did for you with Victor. I gave him anything he wanted from me for years." Marcus crossed his arms over his chest. "But my payment was killing, stealing - just depravity. Kate's is sex."

Jon's heart almost stopped in his chest. "Kate did what?"

Marcus tilted his head to the side. "You're sure a dumb mother fucker for looking so smart."

"Fuck you. Kate promised Victor sex in exchange for letting me go?"

Marcus nodded. "Full access to her beautiful body."

Jon pressed his hand to his mouth as his dinner rose up in his throat again. Her words back at the police station rolled through his mind. He didn't have a clue of what she'd given up for him, for all of them.

Everything. She'd given up everything.

"Fuck," Jon whispered, suddenly needing to wrap her up tightly and apologize with a thousand kisses. "I had no clue."

"Yeah, don't tell her that I told you that shit. She'd not want you knowing." Marcus tugged at the covers. "You do realize that you belong with us, right?"

"How so?" Jon pressed his teeth to his bottom lip. He knew good and damn well that he belonged next to Marcus and Kate. He'd never felt more sure of it than the first night in the club with them. As if he were destined to play some major role in both of their lives.

"We're going to get rid of Billy, Jon. Then it's Victor's turn. When it's all said and done, it would just be us. Kate's slipping back into her old life, and I love it. There's freedom there. I know there's more to your story than you're sharing, bro. You fit. I know you do."

"Yeah, I've been running from that part of myself for so long though." Jon leaned back, letting his eyes glass over as memories assaulted him. "It started when my dad died. I wasn't ready for it. I left a good life and dove head first into the darkest hole I could find. Adam followed after me. I was almost through training school when it happened. Just took a really long leave of absence."

"Sometimes life throws that shit at us. Believe me. I know all too well."

Jon nodded, hearing the truth in Marcus's voice. "I don't know if you knew Benton Jefferies, but he was Billy's mentor."

"I've heard of him, but I'm from New York originally. I came down here because of Billy." Marcus ran his hands down his thick arms.

"Yeah. I didn't know Billy. He was after my time. I... I dove in deep. Deeper than you and Kate are in right now." Jon wiped his hand across his face. "Anyway, I've been in the slums, and I've been far worse of a man than I would let many people know about. If Billy is after Kate, then I'm in. Let's take his ass out."

"And Victor?"

"Fine. Whatever. Let's just free the two of you and then we can get back to living life."

"You really think that's possible?" Marcus chuckled darkly.

"No, but leave me with my bottomless hope, all right?"

"Will do, brother." Marcus picked up his phone. "One more thing and then get the fuck out so I can sleep."

Jon stood up. "What's that?"

"Kate has to go to New York in a few days with Victor. He wants her to take a bodyguard. I want you to go in my place. I'll still be here healing."

Jon nodded. "And she's okay with that?"

"Fuck no. Your first job is to convince her. Then go protect her. Can you do that?"

"I don't know, Marcus. Let me think about it." Jon ran his fingers through his hair. "Every time I'm around her, I act like a total lunatic. It's fucked up."

"You're in love, dude. We all do that shit." Marcus shrugged.

"And you're not upset that I'm in love with your girl?"

"Are you upset that I'm in love with yours?" Marcus smirked sardonically.

"Oddly enough, no." Jon walked to the door, not quite sure how to feel about the conversation.

"Jon, not everything is black or white. There's a shaded color in the middle sometimes. You and I are living there."

"I'm not sure I belong in that shaded area. I do really good on one side or the other. The middle confuses me."

"I get it, but you have to be tired of standing at the door and peering through the glass. Open the door and come in. Not all black is bad, or white is good. Stop labeling situations and just fucking live based on your gut."

Jon nodded, and walked out of the room, feeling better, resolved, whole.

He'd go to New York if Kate wanted him to. He might go even if she didn't.

Chapter 7




Kate closed her eyes and forced her breathing to deepen as Victor drove them back to his place. She wasn't in the mood to talk, and didn't need to argue any more about Jon going to New York. The last thing she planned to do was call and ask him for help. If Victor or Marcus wanted the cop to go with her, then they could call his ass.

Sadness rolled through her at her mixed feelings toward him. How badly she had wanted things to work out with him, but they hadn't. He'd been absent in her neediest moments. That said something about his character, about her ability to depend on him.

Or maybe it just showed how scared he was.

Too scared to go after Adam. Too scared to protect her.

"Pussy," she growled and got out of the car as Victor put it into park.

"I'm sorry?" he asked as he got out and moved to the front of the car, grabbing her arms and pulling her back toward him.

"Jon's a pussy. Plain and simple. I would be guarding him if he went with us. I'm not asking him." She jerked her arm from Victor's hold as she tried to get ahold of herself.

Victor chuckled. "You know... I wish you would call me silly names and act like a wayward teenager over me occasionally too."

"What? You make no sense." She turned on her heel and walked to the door as realization rolled over her. "I don't care about him. You're misunderstanding me."

"I misunderstand all women, Kate." He moved up behind her, reaching around to unlock the door as he pressed his hand to her tummy and trapped her against him. "Stop being emotional and go change. Meet me in the living room. I have a new bottle of wine I want to try, and something tells me that you need to let off some steam."

She let out a soft breath, not wanting to spend time with anyone, Victor least of all, but an agreement was an agreement. Besides, a good hard fuck from behind while thinking about Jon would be good. The only hope was that Victor didn't expect her to be docile for their evening, nor would he force her to face him. It wasn't happening.

She walked down the hall and turned left, finding the guest bedroom that she would be staying in. A couple of her things were hung up in the closet, thanks to one of the girls that worked for him grabbing it. While they were in L.A. Victor had the woman bring a bunch of Kate's stuff over.

"Probably a good thing. It wasn't like I was going to do it." She worked on stripping out of her jeans and t-shirt. Checking herself in the mirror, she turned and growled at the size of her butt. It was bigger than it should have been, which left her feeling a little self-conscious. Getting high would have to be part of the deal too. Fucking Victor without something to drown her mind in before starting would leave her more willing to fight than screw.

Dropping down on the bed, she pressed her face into her hands and let out a long sigh. How did this shit keep happening to her?

"You're trying to wear a shoe that doesn't fit," she mumbled to herself, echoing the words Adam used to tell her all the time when they were younger. She wasn't a good person, and yet giving herself up for Jon's freedom was an act of martyrdom. It didn't fit, and yet she couldn't help herself.

She picked up the phone and listened to his message about the bike. The softness in his tone combined with his final words of wanting her to be okay melted her a little.

Pressing the button to dial his number, she laid back on the bed and closed her eyes, hating herself for calling him.

"Kate?" The noise coming through the phone made it hard to hear him. "Where are you? You okay?"

"I'm fine. Where are you? What's all the noise?" She stretched her free arm above her on the bed and arched her back, stretching a little.

"I'm driving back from the hospital. I went to see Marcus. He looks good."

Surprise raced through her center, and she sat up.

Victor darkened the door, lifting his eyebrow in question.

She glanced down, realizing she was only in her bra and panties, but he didn't seem to mind. He was too comfortable with her, which wasn't good.

"Yeah. I saw him tonight too. I just saw you called and wanted to make sure you got your bike back." She stood and turned away from Victor, half expecting him to come into the room, but when she glanced back, he was gone.

"Kate. Did you trade yourself for me?"

Her heart nearly stopped. "What? Trade myself how?"

"With Victor. Did you offer him your... your-"

"No. That's ridiculous. He doesn't trust you. Plain and simple."

"Do you?" Jon's tone told her that he didn't believe her lies.

"I'm not sure anymore." She swallowed her emotions. "All right, well, glad you have your bike. Later."


"What? Make it quick," she barked into the phone, leaning back on one of the only emotions that felt right to use.

"Marcus mentioned you going to New York. Let me move my schedule around a little, and I'll come with you. I can protect you while you're there." He paused, but started again before she could jump in. "After everything that happened at the club, Marcus would just feel better knowing that I was there."

"Not sure why. You seem to be hell bent on destroying me more than anyone else I know. Billy's not dragged me downtown and splashed my face all over every investigation in the universe." She ran her hand through her hair. "Never mind. I'm just tired and seeing Marcus hurt..." She paused as tears burned her eyes.

"Kate. Where are you? Let me come get you, and we'll get a drink. No strings attached. I don't want you alone."

"I'm not alone," she choked out. "I need to go. Come to New York, but don't expect a goddamn thing from me. I'm not interested in anything you have to offer. Not even a friendship."


She dropped the call and tossed the phone across the bed before grabbing a black silk robe from the closet and wrapping it around herself. Victor was somewhere in the house. She could simply follow the deep hues of his cologne and find him no doubt.

"I'm in here," he called out, as if able to read her thoughts.

Turning away from the living room, she walked down a short hall to a smaller living area. The couches were leather, and a small fire danced in the corner.

He lifted a bottle and smiled. "You good with red wine or should I get you something else?"

Kate moved toward him and took the glass he offered. "This is good, but I could use a hit. I'm tired of feeling for the day. Take me from it?"

"Anything you want. It's yours." He moved toward her and leaned down, kissing the top of her head. His chest was bare and beautiful, his skin soft and muscles firm, but not overly defined.

She pressed her forehead to his chest and closed her eyes, breathing in deeply before pressing a kiss to his chest just below his rose-colored nipple. "Thank you."

He touched her chin, lifting her face to his. Kate let her eyes move across his face and expected to feel something. He was too handsome not to, and yet she only felt regret, sadness, loneliness. It should have been Marcus or Jon in front of her, not the villain who stood there.

"I'll get something for you." He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers softly.

Kate closed her eyes and imagined him to be Jon, his smile sexy, his eyes filled with the promise of a better tomorrow. A soft cry left her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and lifted to her toes, pressing into the kiss. She hated how badly she needed Jon in her life. He wasn't right for her. Maybe Victor was.

She set her glass down and slid her hands down his back, scratching at him softly.

He nipped at her lips and growled, the sound of it rushing across her skin. "Hold that thought."

She nodded, but kept her eyes closed as she steeled herself for a long night of keeping her eyes closed tightly. It would be okay. Victor was sexy, well-endowed and most likely generous in bed. Too bad sex wasn't just a carnal experience in fun for her. With Jon sex was passion, and exploration of whatever lay between them. With Marcus it was a release from life, a promise that they wouldn't leave each other ever. With Victor is was nothing. A warm body to find release with.

She took a deep breath and turned as he walked back in, his black silk sleeping pants leaving no doubt as to the size of his erection.

"Here, pretty woman." He extended the joint and smiled as his dark eyes moved across her. "Take as much as you like. It should relax you quickly."

She nodded and pressed it to her lips, breathing in deeply and letting herself fall into the release it offered. A groan left her as his fingers brushed by her shoulders, tugging her robe off from behind. Lust swirled in her belly, and she realized the joint was spiked with something that caused increased arousal. Where she would have normally been pissed about it, she was rather grateful in the moment.

Taking three more long drags, Kate laid the joint down on the counter and pressed her back against his chest, arching a little as his strong hands clasped over her breasts. The warmth of his mouth down the side of her neck was delicious, tantalizing.

"More," she whispered and rubbed her ass against his erection, loving how his teeth kept grazing her skin. He nipped at her ear, and she cried out softly.

"So fucking hot, Kate." He moved back and undid her bra, pushing it off her shoulders and tugging her panties down sensually.

She stood in the midst of the high and let every sensation bring her closer to the pinnacle of release. A strong hand pressed against her back, and she bent over, sliding her hands along the glass counter in front of her, leaving her ass on display for the capable man behind her.

Jon. It was Jon to her. She imagined him and cried out again as his fingers brushed down her sex, slipping into her sticky wetness.

"Already so wet, baby," he groaned and moved down, pressing his mouth to her swollen flesh.

"Oh God," she groaned and pressed her forehead to the counter in front of her as the room spun, swirling in colors as his tongue flicked across her over and over. It didn't take more than a few minutes and she was pressing backward, rocking her hips and taking what she needed from him.

His hands gripped her ass tightly as she came, riding it as long as he would let her. The sharp smack against her ass as he pulled back was delicious.

She jerked forward, her breasts sliding against the glass as she yelped in pleasure.

"Let me in, Kate. All the way." He slid his hand up her side, over her shoulder and cupped her chin and throat before lifting hard, locking her in a tight position as his cock pressed deep into her.

The groan that left him was only outdone by her own.

"I've wanted this since I heard about you. Meeting you made it worse. It's my turn with you. The first of many nights, lover." He squeezed her throat and rocked in farther, forcing her back to arch painfully as he drove himself in as deep as he could.

Pleasure burst from the center of her stomach over and over. She whimpered and cried for more as he fucked her long into the night. It didn't matter who was behind her. It was a release and she needed it - needed him - more than anything else in that moment.

He was a monster, but maybe she was too.

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