Hard Money (Bad Money #3) (6 page)

BOOK: Hard Money (Bad Money #3)
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Chapter 10




Her heart raced as Jon slept next to her on the plane. He was the one that belonged on the outside, looking in. The one that should never get another chance with her, and yet two things held her to wanting to try again, and again, and again.

The first was Adam. Jon reminded her of his little brother so much, his warmth, his smile, his kindness when he showed it. Some part of her wanted to cling to all of it in hopes of a better day. The other thing was the undeniable attraction between them.

Where Marcus was her equal, her partner and perfect match, Jon was her alpha. The one that could stand alone as her man, the one that had stolen her heart for pure purposes to simply love her. She and Marcus would forever be bound together, which was a comfort, but the thrill of holding tight to Jon was something she couldn't deny herself.

After not being in a relationship for the last four years, having a chance at one was the one thing that kept her playing the fool. She stopped herself from reaching out to touch him, and instead decided to remain a little more guarded this time around.

She had very little doubt that Jon could follow up on his promises. It was whether or not he would. She would have to dig into his past and better understand where his extreme indecision was coming from. Surely after losing Adam, he would have a bend toward being straightforward and following through on his words, but it was as if his reaction was the opposite of that.

The one thing she couldn't handle in her ever-shifting world was someone giving hope only to snatch it away time and time again. Jon had done just that.

Pressing her cheek to her shoulder, she studied him. Dark hair covered his chin and cheeks, the goatee framing his beautiful lips perfectly. His eyelashes were long and rested against his high cheekbones, fluttering every so often as he slept. The thick muscles of his arm took up most of the room between them, and his strong chest lifted subtly as he took deep breaths one after another.

A sigh left her, and she had to promise herself that she wouldn't let the Adonis next to her steal her heart again simply because of his looks. He had made one promise during their flight together - to work on being the man she needed him to be.

She was ready to hold him to that promise fully.



Jon was rather tight-lipped on the ride over to the hotel, but she was as well. With the promise of picking up a new client, she should have been excited or perhaps a little nervous, but in all actuality, she felt very little. Selling drugs wasn't her future, but she could bide her time until they unhooked themselves from the drama that Victor, and now Billy, brought with them.

"Do you think Marcus will want to stay involved in this when we're done?" Kate glanced toward Jon as they pulled up to the hotel. Her assumption was that Jon was staying for the long haul, which might be short lived, but time would soon tell.

"In selling?" Jon parked the car and got out, meeting her at the trunk and pulling out their bags.

"Yeah. I assume we're going to take out Billy and then Victor. I just can't help but wonder if Marcus plans on taking their spot." Kate reached for her bag, but Jon pushed her hand away softly.

"I got this. Just open the door." He moved in behind her as she smiled at the bellman who opened the door for them.

Walking toward the check-in counter, Jon caught up with her. "I would assume he would."

"And how do you feel about that?" She glanced over at him as they moved up to the line of people who were waiting their turn to check in.

"I'm good with it. If that's what makes Marcus happy... I'd support it." He shrugged.

Her eyes widened a little as surprise raced through her. "You'd support that? Are you and Marcus lovers and no one told me?"

He chuckled. "No. I'm interested in you and no one else."

"Ahhh..." Kate turned and moved up to the counter, giving her name and turning back to Jon as the woman typed in the information. She narrowed her eyes a little, trying to figure out who'd taken Jon Peterson and replaced him with this new doppelgänger.

"Marcus and I had a few long talks over the last couple of weeks. Where we don't see eye to eye on most things, I think we've come to the conclusion that we're going to be in each other’s lives in one way or the other. So... I support him. He's starting to take Adam's place for me. Weird. I know." Jon nodded toward the lobby. "I'll wait over there."

"Okay." Kate turned back to finish up her business with the clerk as her thoughts moved around the possibility of sharing the future with both of them. She'd never been with more than one man at once, and now due to situation and circumstance, she was with three. Victor was a must, but the other two...

It's comfortable.

Where she would have once given someone else hell about having two men in their life, she couldn't muster the condemnation she imagined herself feeling. It was too right to be wrong, simply put. If they could both accept it, then maybe the future looked even more different than she imagined.

"This assuming that you let Jon back in," she mumbled.

"I'm sorry?" The hotel clerk spoke softly, pulling Kate from her thoughts.

"Oh, sorry. I was talking to myself." Kate took the keys and walked toward Jon. "We're in the penthouse. I assume Zak and Victor will be staying with us. Victor’s weird about keeping everyone together."

"All right." Jon walked with her to the elevator, pulling their luggage behind them. "I want you to know that I've worked out this shit with Victor in my head. I understand your having to sleep with him. I only ask one thing."

"What's that?" Kate forced herself to appear calm, though she was anything but.

"Don't flaunt it in front of me. I know he'll want to, but I'm asking you not to let that happen." He turned and touched the side of her face. "If I did that to you, you'd stab the bitch I was with."

"No I wouldn't. You're a free man." Kate smirked and held the door open. "But... I will try my best to keep him away from me while you're around."

"Thank you," Jon bit out between his clenched teeth.

Kate couldn't help but smile at his reaction. He was jealous, and where she would hate to be in his position, teasing him a little was more than deserved after all the shit he had put her through. She wouldn't do it, but it was a nice devious thought to chuckle about.

Jon knocked on the door, and Zak opened it, turning his attention to Kate as a smile lifted his thin lips. "Kate. Good to see you again."

She gave him a quick hug and turned. "Zak, this is Jon. He'll be my bodyguard this weekend. Jon, Victor's brother, Zak."

"Actually, just a good friend, but we've been calling each other brother since we were kids." Zak extended his hand. "Come in. Don't touch any of the products, and mind your own business and we should be good."

"Right." Jon moved in and stopped beside Kate as Victor walked from the kitchen.

"There you are. I was getting worried." He moved toward Kate as she lifted her hand toward him.

"We're here, and we're safe. You remember Jon, of course." She turned toward Jon as he extended his hand. From the look on his handsome face, she could tell that the next few days were going to be trying at best.

"Victor." Jon locked his hands in front of him after their greeting.

"Nice to have you join us, cop." He smirked and turned his attention back to Kate. "Zak and I will be working with Marcus on taking out this new threat that's come back into town. I want you to remain focused on Zandra."

"Zandra being," Jon butted in.

"The new drug that you've seen me take. It's a mixture of ecstasy and acid," Kate responded, wanting him to feel like he was fully included. Victor's expression told her that he wasn't too happy with her sharing information with the cop, but she gave him a look back that begged him to test her in it.

"Anyway," Victor started again, "we made a few adjustments to it to allow the user the ability to stay more aware in the moment. It lowers inhibitions and such, but still lets you play fully aware of your actions."

"Interesting." Kate ran her fingers through her hair. "Where do we start? Are we gathering test subjects again?"

"Nope. You or Jon can take it and go out on the town. The other can take notes, video a little for us. I figure it would be better just to keep the goods to ourselves. The full subjection will be tomorrow night when we visit Fredrick Carrington. He's the big shit in the club scene up here in New York. I want him fully wrapped around your finger." Victor touched Kate's chin and smiled at her. "Like the rest of us are."

Pulling back, she let out a growl. "You know I hate taking drugs, and yet you keep forcing me to. I'm going to pull payback on you soon."

"Would you rather you and I do the experiment? I thought you might rather like the idea of playing with your old toys." Victor glanced over her shoulder at Jon.

"Stop. We'll do it, and you'll show us both respect, or I'll get on a plane and you can fuck off." Kate got in his face, tired of his games.

"Of course, baby." He leaned down and nipped at her lips. "Don't have too much fun without me."

She waited until he turned and walked toward Zak, pulling the smaller man into a conversation, before turning to Jon. The tightness in his expression told her that he was far less than thrilled.

"Let's put our stuff up and decide who's taking the drug." She reached for her bag, taking it and pulling it toward an empty room near the end of the hall.

"You want me in here with you or in another room?" Jon stopped by the door, his voice low, ominous.

"With me." Kate glanced over her shoulder, praying like hell she could lighten the mood, if only a little. "How are you going to guard my body if you don't stay close to it?"

He chuckled and walked in, closing the door. "Did I mention how much I'm going to enjoy killing that sardonic bastard out there?"

"Me first." She turned and pressed her hand to his chest, wanting his attention. "I'll take the drug, you just take care of me."

"No. I'll take it." He pressed his hand over hers.

"It's okay. Honestly." She tugged her hand free. "We can just lock ourselves in here and see what the new formula does to us. If anything goes wrong, call 9-1-1."

Jon sat down on the edge of the bed. "No... I want to go out. Let's have some fun with this if we're going to do it. It's just a lust drug, right? I mean... you should be good to go if I hold on to you, right?"

"I'm fine other than every touch driving me toward madness." She moved to stand in front of him, wanting to touch him even though she knew better. "You think going out would be a good idea? I'd probably strip in the middle of the restaurant."

He smirked. "I'd not allow that, and I think maybe if you saw another side of me, you might understand why I strive so hard to stay on the right side of the path."

"Oh yeah? Were you a bad boy at one time?" She moved in between his thighs and slid her hands over his shoulders, pressing her breasts just below his chin as she hugged him.

He ran his strong hands up the back of her legs and leaned down, pressing his teeth against the soft fabric of her dress over her breasts and nodding before pulling back. "I still am. Just promise not to get addicted."

"What if I already am?" she whispered as he stood and tugged her against his hard frame.

"Then it's about fucking time." He leaned down and kissed her hard, melting her insides and sending warning bells ringing through every part of her.

Jon wasn't a man to be messed with - he was quite capable of stealing every part of her for himself alone.

Chapter 11




Jon released her, not wanting to, but needing to get the experiment over and have her back at the hotel safe with him. He walked to the adjoining bathroom and growled.

"I don't need a drug to make me insanely horny. I have you." He glanced over his shoulder, stopping as he watched her pull off her dress. She turned her back to him, and his whole body stiffened. "Fuck."

Kate glanced over her shoulder. "See what you're missing when you act like a dick?"

"Yeah, that's half the reason I act like a dick." He forced himself into the bathroom, though every part of him wanted to toss her on the bed and have his way with her. Soon. The hard emotion that slammed into him as he closed the door threatened to cripple him. How did she have such a tight hold on his heart? The whisper of not having her again scared him far more than anything else had ever before - the desire to steal her and take her far away almost consuming him.

"Pull yourself together. Shit. You're gonna scare the pretty thing." He moved to the mirror and checked his appearance, wondering why the hell Kate would even consider taking him to her bed. He was nothing that the next guy wasn't too. Where Marcus was huge and buff, he was just the average Joe.

"Are you talking to yourself in there?" Her tone was playful, and he treasured it. They needed a night out. Maybe they could forgo the drugs and just have fun together. They didn't need them.

He pulled the door open to find her in a black skirt and tight top, her boots riding up to her knees, leaving her to look like a preppy bad-ass.

"This is a new look." He let his eyes run down the length of her.

"You like it?" She glanced over her shoulder, popping her hip as if being sassy.

"It's you. I love it." He moved toward her and slid his hands up her thighs as she pushed at his chest.

She smirked and walked to the door. "Let’s get this over with."

"On one condition." He slipped his hands into his pants and tilted his head, fully taking her in and wanting more than she would ever be willing to give up.

"What's that?" She opened the door and moved back into the hall.

"You promise to have fun. I'm interested in seeing the side of you that relaxes, that breathes deeply and has a good time." He walked into the hall, making sure to keep his hands to himself. Where he was willing to disrespect Victor at every turn, he didn't want any more drama for Kate than she already had to deal with.

This will soon pass.

"I can do that." She walked into the kitchen, leaving him by the door. The murmured voices rushed across him, and he opened the door, walking out into the hallway and pulling out his phone to text Marcus. He knew the other man would want to know that they were there and safe. Jon gave him a quick synopsis of what they were up to, and Marcus’s only response was to warn him to keep Kate safe.

Jon couldn't help but smirk at the response. Marcus was well aware that Jon wouldn't have things any other way. Keeping Kate safe was only slightly above keeping her happy, which was something he needed to work at - a lot.

She walked out and closed the door, lifting a little green pill to her lips. "You sure you're ready for this?"

"Absolutely." He moved toward her and brushed the back of his fingers down her face. "I'm almost looking forward to it."

"Don't let me strip in public or do anything stupid." She reached for his hand, her mask of indifference sliding over the flirty smile that was on her face only moments before.

"Never. Trust me." He squeezed her hand, and moved them toward the elevator.

"I want to." She smiled and moved to press her back to the wall.

"How fast does this work?" He turned and pressed the 'stop' button on the elevator panel before moving toward her with a growl on his tongue.

"Seconds." She reached for him, pulling him close for a long, hot kiss. Her leg hooked around his hip and he ground into her, not wanting anything but to drown in her scent over and over again.

"Good. Let's start the experiment now. Record the sound and nothing else." He tugged his phone from his pocket and handed it to her before moving down to his knees and tugging the front of her skirt up. Her little black panties barely covered her sex, and her scent was undeniably delicious.

He leaned in and licked around the edges of her panties before tugging them to the side and sliding his tongue deep into her folds, lapping at her as if starving. She moaned beautifully for him, her thighs shaking as she turned her feet out and opened herself up farther.

"Such a good girl Kate. This is my treasure... right?" He licked her again before sliding two fingers deep into her tight body. "Tell me it is."

"It is," she moaned and jerked against him.

He smiled up at her, wanting to bring her to heel, and yet knowing that wasn't going to come until later. Not having been willing to let the darkest parts of his soul find release, he decided to do so that night. To give her every bit of him, and if she was still willing in the morning, he would offer her anything she wanted and would make sure it happened.

"Jon," she cried out loudly as he moved back up to suck her clit into his mouth as he fucked her roughly. She came fast, her body so incredible. Such a treat.

He cleaned her up and stood, tugging his t-shirt up to wipe his wet lips. After pushing the button on the panel, he helped to get her skirt back as it should be and took her hand.

"God, I'm in love with you." He pulled her out of the elevator, wanting to be in complete control of her.

She seemed to get her bearings as she moved up beside him and gave him a sexy smile.

"I'm up next. I want to choke on that big monster you’re hiding." She glanced down, and he groaned as his cock twitched violently.

"Damn... why did we come out again?"

"You wanted to." She stopped at the nearest red light and turned, pulling him flush against her and smiling. "That was hot."

"Anytime you want it, all you have to do is look my way. I'm all about tasting you, Kate. All of you." He nipped at her lips as his mind went wild with the possibilities.

She groaned softly, and the far-away look in her eyes drew him in. The drug was playing with her, and some part of him was curious about how it felt to have all of her sensitivities on high alert, her nerve endings primed for some great release.

"Where to?" She brushed her nose by his and kissed him a few times in quick succession.

"Food. I'm starving." He moved back as the light changed, allowing them to walk across the street.

"Let's get pizza. They have the best here." She moved ahead, taking charge of their direction.

He moved behind her, watching her like a hawk and fucking her ten ways to Sunday in his head by the time they made it to the Old Italian place. It was incredibly busy, which was a good thing. There wouldn't be too much attention on them.

Jon moved into the line behind her and slid his hands over her hips, gripping tightly as he pressed himself to the soft space between the curves of her ass. He leaned in and kissed the soft skin below her neck. "How am I the luckiest man in this whole fucking place? I thought I loved you a few days ago, but it's only worse now."

She turned, her smile playful. "You’re a lucky bastard. Plain and simple."

He chuckled and popped her butt as she moved up to order a pizza for them. He couldn't help but keep his hands on her, anywhere, as long as he was touching her somehow. He was almost concerned that maybe it was him who had ingested the drug. As needy as he felt.

Kate turned and moved her long hair behind her shoulder before nodding to a table in the back. "Over there?"

"Anywhere you want." He moved through the crowd, keeping his hand tightly around hers until they sat down at the table. Jon moved in beside her on the booth seat, surprising her a little from what he could tell. He put his arm around her shoulders and leaned in, kissing her soft lips as she snuggled against his side.

"Why are you being so sweet? What do you want?" She sat up, moving away from him a little as she started to rearrange the table.

He chuckled. "Stop fidgeting and touch me."

"I'm thinking you took the drug too..." She slid her hand along his thigh until she cupped him, her nails playing with the thick sack of his balls through his soft slacks.

He moved closer and pressed his lips to her ear. "How long on the pizza?"

"Fifteen minutes." She turned and captured his lips. "I'm glad you're here."

"No one else would be allowed. I'd kill them." He smirked at her and slid his hand into her hair. "Come with me to the back. There's got to be a bathroom or maybe a store room. I need to fuck you."

Her eyes widened a little and she moved back, but he trapped her in place, brushing his lips by hers as he locked eyes with her. "To drive into you and feel you come. Yeah?"

"Please?" she whispered, her facade failing miserably in front of him. The power she afforded him was heady, delicious and more than he could hope for.

He didn't hesitate to get up, and he offered her his hand as she got up as well. They walked to the back, Jon checking the various rooms until he found the ladies’ bathroom to be clean. He pulled her in and locked the door behind them.

He turned and she was on him, her hands tugging at his clothes, her mouth against his neck as she nipped at his flesh.

"Hell yes," he growled and gripped the bottom of her ass, forcing her to wrap her legs around him as he pressed her to the wall and ground into her. "Tell me you want me, Kate. I need to hear it."

"I want you so bad. So fucking bad." Her voice trembled, only seeming to feed the monster inside of him. Desire pumped through him in suffocating waves, dragging him in deeper and deeper. She sagged against him and rubbed herself against the front of him.

"You have me, pretty girl. All of me." Jon moved to kiss her and pulled her bottom lip into his mouth, tugging at it before releasing her.

She moved up and sucked his earlobe deep into her mouth, biting down as he sucked a sharp breath through his teeth. "Fuck me."

"Like never before." He pressed his upper body against her, his chest thick and strong as he worked to get his zipper down.

Kate kept a tight grip on him, her legs shaking.

Need danced around in Jon's stomach, his lust demanding her full attention.

"Now," she growled against his neck and bit down harder as he freed himself.

His fingers brushed by her sex as he tugged her panties to the side, and she cried out as her arms tightened around his neck.

"Hush woman." He pressed his mouth to hers and jerked his hips forward, impaling her as far as she would take him. It'd been too long, and he was too big.

She cried out, her body spasming with an orgasm simply from his size.

He gripped her ass tightly and pressed his mouth to the top of her breasts as he worked himself in farther and farther, enjoying the warmth, the wetness, the contractions as she rode the wave of pleasure he offered.

"My turn." He licked at her chest and up her throat as he thrust harder and harder. His anger and need wrapped around one another as he fucked her with all he had, the passion of the moment lost to the animalistic need to mark her as his own.

She came again, and he glanced up in time to see the look of pleasure on her beautiful face. It etched across his memory and would stay forever. He wanted to be the man to bring her that same release every night when she laid down, every morning when she woke up. Forever.




The rest of the night was a blur of sorts, Kate needing a good fucking every hour or so. Jon gave himself fully over to her, branding his way across her body and letting her captivate his heart with each touch. He woke the next morning with his head spinning.

At some point in the night he'd taken the drug too, which was good and bad. His memory was a little fried from it, and seeing Victor stretched out on the other side of Kate left his stomach tightening in disgust. Had she been with both of them? Surely not.

Getting up, Jon let out a short yawn and glanced back to see Victor fully dressed, but tightly pressed to Kate's naked back. He decided to get up and get out of the room before he strangled the bastard.

Pulling on his shirt, he walked to the door, but paused to glance back for only a moment more.

He loved her, and if Victor was part of the deal for a while, he wasn't happy with it, but it was simply what it was. Jon walked out into the penthouse, grateful for the smell of coffee brewing. No one was in the kitchen, so he worked quickly to pour himself a cup and slipped out onto the balcony to watch the city streets filled with people.

The door behind him opened a few minutes later, and he stiffened, hoping that it was Kate, but knowing his luck wasn't that good.

"Morning," her voice was laced with sleep.

He turned and reached for her, pulling her against him as he leaned down and kissed her lips. The silky black robe she wore fit her well, her naked body underneath fully accessible through the thin material. "God you're hot."

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