Hard Money (Bad Money #3) (5 page)

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Chapter 8

Two Days Later




The hospital bed was getting old, but it was almost time for him to be released. The wound was healing up good, and his vitals all showed a full recovery. He wanted to go home and sleep in his own fucking bed, and he wanted Kate beside him in it.

A knock at the door behind him caused him to turn as he stood by the window.


"What the fuck do you want?" Marcus tried to discern if the bastard was there to finish the job that they'd started back at the club. Knocking someone out and shooting them in the chest wasn't exactly a means of stabilizing a working relationship.

"I'm just here to talk."

"Right." Marcus moved to the front of the bed so he could be closer to the asshole should something happen. Billy didn't send guys to talk, and Marcus wasn't going to be caught sleeping again.

"Really." He lifted his hands in a sign of surrender and moved to the couch, sitting down slowly. "We didn't mean for you to get shot the other day, bro. You have to know that."

"No? Funny how you three mother fuckers showed up with no notice and roughed me up. Did I misunderstand that too?" Marcus glanced down at his bare chest, the thick gauze gone, but his wound still bandaged. "I'm guessing this shit was an accident?"

"Yes. It was." Reni ran his fingers over his mustache and narrowed his eyes. "If we wanted you dead, you would have been."

"Yeah, fuck you too. You guys should be warned. The minute I get out of here, I'm going to start picking you apart and knocking you off. Tell Billy that I'm starting with his ass," Marcus growled as aggression drilled through him.

"Hold on a minute, big boy. No one shot you but your own guy." He shook his head. "I hit you in the face with the pistol, but that wound you got didn't happen until your new boy started taking out members of my gang."

"Bullshit. I heard the gun go off behind me before I hit the floor. I'm not stupid." Marcus crossed his arms over his chest.

"That was your boy's gun. None of us shot until he did. You got caught in the middle of it. Billy has plans for you Marcus. Stop acting like you don't want in. You know he's going to take over the city from that refined mother fucker you guys are all playing with. Ain't nobody interested in working for a suit who's only going to go so far." Reni chuckled and sunk down deeper against the couch. "What's it going to cost us?"

"Nothing. I'm not interested. Fuck you guys for showing up like you did." Marcus shrugged his shoulders and nodded toward the door. "Get the fuck out."

Reni got up. "All right, but don't say I didn't try. I know you got a soft spot for Katie."

"Leave Kate out of this." Marcus moved toward Reni, grabbing him by the front of his shirt and pushing him against the wall just behind them. "I'll fucking massacre anyone who even touches her. Don't try me in this. I'm not playing around, and I'm not the guy I used to be."

"Agreed." Reni glanced up as if they were in nothing more than a casual conversation. "If you were to join back up with Billy, your old agreement would be back in place. He wouldn't even let her know he was alive. Promise."

"Your promise or his?" Marcus narrowed his eyes and ground his teeth together.

"His, of course. I don't speak for him, only on his behalf." Reni shrugged.

Marcus released the greaser and moved back, trying to decide if this was his chance to get close enough to Billy to take him out. That was the ultimate plan, but being on the outside looking in left him a little too far away from the bastard. Billy wasn't someone to mess with without a proper plan in place. He'd kill his own mother if he thought it would get him somewhere in life.

"Let me think about it." Marcus released Reni and walked back to the bed before turning his attention on Billy's second.

"Fine. You have two days at most, and Billy said that he would throw in the cop if you'll agree to help us take the seat of power back. And keep in mind that we'll want you to be a rat in Parence's house."

"The cop?" Marcus played dumb. He wasn't going to be a rat anywhere but in Billy's house.

"Yeah. We know Kate and you have gotten involved with a local dick at the precinct. He's actually an old friend of mine, but we'll keep that between us." Reni chuckled darkly.

"Friend of yours? That's a story I want to hear." Marcus nodded toward the door. "Get out and I'll think about it."

"Billy expects your response in two days." Reni moved to the door.

"Billy can suck my dick. I'll respond when the fuck I want to."

Reni chuckled and walked out, closing the door behind him. The man brought a good deal from Billy. It was one Marcus wouldn't refuse, and yet he'd be joining up for a very different purpose this time around. It would be to stab the asshole while he was sleeping. It was dangerous, and Billy might be looking for Marcus to make that exact move, but he had no choice in the matter.

The door opened and Marcus growled, half expecting it to be Reni again. "What?"

Kate walked in and closed the door behind her, pressing her back to it and smiling at him. "I'm glad to see you up and moving."

Her black dress was pretty, but casual. It fit her a little too well, and he growled at the thought of what lay just beneath it.

"Come here." He didn't move an inch, but reached for her as she stopped in front of him. The smell of strawberries and summer rushed over him and he grabbed her, wrapping his arms around the top of her shoulders and leaning down to consume her mouth.

She tasted good, like sweet coffee and cinnamon. He licked at her mouth, sucking and kissing as her fingers dug into his back sensually.

"I want you," he growled against her mouth and shifted his hips, rubbing himself against her tummy.

"Me too. Hurry up and get out of here." Her hands slid down his back, into his pants and over his ass, squeezing tightly. It was heaven having her skin against his. It was all he wanted.

"Why haven't you been here more? I've missed you." Marcus leaned down and brushed his lips down her neck, sucking softly at her flesh as he ran his hand down the back of her silky hair.

"I have been, but you've slept a lot." She turned her face toward his, nuzzling him. She was breaking their rules, and yet he was tired of having them.

"Did you see Reni in the hall?" He moved back and stiffened suddenly. The idea of the sorry bastard laying eyes on Kate left Marcus's blood running cold.

"No. I'm not sure I know Reni." She lifted an eyebrow and slid her hands up his chest, being careful around his wound. "Should I know him?"

"He's one of Billy's guys. One that's been with the bastard forever. I'd be surprised if you didn't." He ran his hand down the side of her face and pulled her closer before leaning down and kissing her again. Pressing his tongue into her mouth, he tightened his grip and let out a groan he'd been holding.

She broke the kiss, licking at her pretty red lips. "I have to go to New York today. You sure you can't get out of here and come with me?"

"Jon's going, and I'll be out tomorrow hopefully." He ran his hands over her shoulders before getting into the bed and patting the space beside him. "Come here. I want to hold you."

"You're breaking our rules." She smiled and climbed up into the bed beside him, snuggling against his side.

He pressed his lips to the side of her head and wrapped both his arms tightly around her. "Fuck our rules. I almost died a few days ago. I'm done playing around."

"Were we playing around? Is that what we were doing?" She turned her warm brown gaze up to him, and his heart sped up. It wasn't just lust. It was love.

"You know what I mean, you cheeky bitch." He nipped at her lips and let his hand slide over her hip and play with the soft skin along the back of her thighs just inside her dress. He continued to explore until his hand was in her skirt, his fingers brushing by the beautiful curves of her ass. "No panties? You trying to give the cop a heart attack?"

"The cop’s not getting under my dress, and I didn't have anything clean except these ass-flossing panties." She relaxed against him, her fingers playing along the strong muscles of his chest and abs. "I don't want to go without you. No one else shows up when the shit hits the fan."

"The shit isn't going to hit the fan. Do whatever you and Victor are going there to do, and come home to me." He used his other hand to lift her face toward his. "Just be careful, okay?"

"I will." She moved up to straddle him and pressed her hands into his upper chest as he groaned and closed his eyes.

"Fuck, I need you." He shifted his hips up and latched onto her thighs, jerking her forward to drive his erection against her soft center. "Go lock the door."

"No, bad boy. No time. I'll have you when I get back." She leaned down and kissed him again.

Marcus trapped her against him with one hand to the back of her pretty head, and the other petting her ass in a slow sensual motion. "I need a full night. Save the first one for me."

"Of course." She kissed him again and got off the bed. "No hitting on the nurses. I've seen some pretty ones around here."

"Are you getting jealous, Kate Jarrett?" He lifted his eyebrow, almost wishing she were.

"No, never. I just don't want to share my bed with another woman." She shrugged.

"Would you expect me to share mine with another man?" He lifted his eyebrow again.

"Only if I'm between the two of you." She chuckled and walked out, leaving him hard, needy and thinking about things he might not have otherwise.

Chapter 9




He hadn't spoken to Kate in two days, but keeping up with Marcus was almost as good, at least for staying in the know. The last conversation they'd had left Jon wanting to go get her so badly, to hold her or comfort her, but she wouldn't let him. Her words continued to wash over him that she wasn't alone. Obviously she was with Victor, and though he didn't want it to upset him - it did. A lot.

He finished throwing a pair of jeans and a few t-shirts into the bag that already held slacks and a few button-up shirts. They wouldn't be in New York for more than a few days, but knowing Victor even a little, Jon knew that dressing up was going to be part of the gig.

The bastard was all too ready to let Jon go, but with the prize being access to Kate's body, Jon wasn't too shocked. They would be taking a private jet, and someone named Zak had texted him a few times over the last two days, giving him instructions and the time to be at the hangar.

He'd have to ask Kate who the new guy was, but from his use of words via text, he wasn't American.

After checking the house one more time, Jon locked up and got in the car, taking the shortest path possible to get to the airport. He wanted to see Kate - desperately. The hope was that he could lock down his neediness so he didn't overwhelm her with it.

She'd agreed to let him go in Marcus's place, but just as her bodyguard, her second in command. She didn't want a damn thing from him, or so she had said. He could tell that something still burned inside of her where he was concerned. The brief moment on his bike at the station a few days before when he hauled her downtown was proof enough.

He had a bridge to rebuild with her, and he was more than willing to do anything necessary to make it happen. He loved her, and his mother was right. When you love someone, you fix it. No matter what. No matter how.

Stopping at the hangar, Jon parked the car, grabbed his bags and paused before walking toward the lone plane on the tarmac. He pulled a picture out of his pocket that he'd found in Adam's box and smiled. It was two cliffs, each beautifully depicted. One on the left of the page and one on the right. A bridge connected them, but it was done in a way that if Jon tilted the page, the bridge disappeared. It spoke volumes to him, as it must have to Adam. There were three words on it, and Jon had spent the last two days muttering the phrase to himself over and over.

"Always a way," he mumbled and folded it back up before walking toward the plane. He needed to remain calm, cool, and collected as best as possible. Kate had a way of unraveling him and turning him into a childish fit-throwing imbecile. "Not today, Miss Jarrett."

After taking a quick glance around, Jon walked up the small metal stairs and ducked his head to get into the plane. Kate had her back to him, her short black dress pretty and sensual. She turned and nodded toward him, but didn't speak. Her black hair was down, hitting the middle of her back as her legs went on for days. The dainty heels she wore looked damn good on her, but seemed so out of style for her. She was tough, strong and could kick ass as good as most men. Seeing her looking so feminine and soft left his heart racing in his chest, his cock hardening painfully in his slacks.

"Where's your boss?" Jon asked and moved to start putting his luggage up.

"He's already there, and he's my partner. I don't work for anyone." She turned her head slightly and gave him a hard look.

He couldn't help but chuckle. "I'm thinking I owe you an apology. Several actually."

"You think?" She turned and pressed her hands to her hips. "What part of stay off my case and turn a blind eye do you not get?"

"It's hard to do with you, Kate." He turned to face her, stepping closer and breathing in subtly. Nothing turned him on more than her delicious smell, her taste coming in at a close second. "You know that."

"I get it, believe me, I do, but you've been a torrential asshole lately." She reached up and poked her finger into his chest as anger burned by her pretty features.

He caught her hand and lifted it to his mouth, kissing her palm twice before she jerked her hand away. "All I can tell you is that I'm sorry. Truly. I was immature and hurting. I still am, but that shit is locked up for this trip. Okay? Just a capable guy here to guard you and protect you through this adventure."

She tilted her head to the side as if studying him. "We'll see. You say a lot of shit that you don't come through on."

He deserved that, but instead of combating it or defending himself, he turned and finished putting his stuff up before taking his seat next to her. "Who's Zak?"

She sat down and crossed her legs before glancing over at him. "He's Victor's brother. He's a good guy from what I can tell."

Jon held his sarcastic rebuttal and nodded, leaning back and closing his eyes as the jet's door closed and the captain announced their take off.

Kate gasped as the plane lifted, and Jon glanced over at her, noticing the tension on her beautiful face.

He took her hand and squeezed it softly. "It's all good. Nothing to worry about."

She nodded and pressed her teeth into her thick bottom lip, squeezing her eyes shut. She was beyond breathtaking, and his heart ached deep inside of his chest to think he'd almost given her up.

Before he could talk himself out of it, he turned a little and leaned toward her, pressing his face to the top of her shoulder and breathing in. "Hear me. I'm sorry."

She turned and opened her eyes, focusing solely on him as hurt filled her expression. "Sorry doesn't always work, Jon. Sorry doesn't save lives, or offer hope. It tries to patch a hole you dug with your indecision or lies or anger."

He nodded and moved in closer, pressing his lips to the side of her neck and holding the other side of her face while he worshiped her in his own way. He was far beyond taken with her, and just being around her left him emotional, raw, dizzy.

"I know. I'll make it up to you. Anything you want."

"I want you to help me this weekend, and then leave me alone. I can't keep doing this with you." She turned and brushed her nose along his as her fingers pressed against his chest, shoving him back. "Love doesn't really exist. You think you're going to find it with me, but I think you're wrong. That makes you angry and you lash out, but I'm tired of being hit. Find someone else."

He moved back as her fingers dug into his chest. There wasn't much to say, though he wanted to spout a million things. Kate needed actions, not useless words. He'd already outworn his welcome with those.

"Tell me a little about Billy." Jon sat back in his chair and tried to change the subject. "Marcus and I are going to work on taking him out when we get back. I want to know how you guys got hooked up if you don't mind."

She nodded, her breathing a little off. "He offered me an out when I needed it. He was there when I left home, and gave me a place to sleep, food to eat, and made love to me every night."

Jon forced himself not to react. He'd seen Billy Turner. The guy was a piece of work. Just thinking about him naked and wrapped around Kate caused Jon's stomach to sicken. "He was the one that saved you?"

"Yes, and Marcus saved me from him." She ran her fingers through her dark hair and turned to look out the window. "Victor's hoping to do the same, but one thing no one seems to understand this time is that I'm not a child anymore. I don't need saving."

"You don't?" Jon asked as he reached out and touched her hand again, unable to help himself. Somewhere deep inside of him, he knew that she belonged to him, that she was his girl and would be for the rest of his life. He just needed to make amends, prove himself and bring her to the center of that same understanding.

"Not by Victor." She turned back toward him and glanced down at their hands before returning her attention to him.

The depths of emotion that swam in her eyes left him torn. Every cell in his body screamed for him to rush forward and offer her the world, comfort, peace, safety, but he held his tongue.

"By who?" He shifted to lean in closer, wanting the conversation to be more intimate.

"I don't know, honestly. I thought it was going to be you, but I'm not so sure anymore." The softness in her tone, accompanied with her expression, continued to destroy his resolve.

"I want it to be me, Kate." He leaned in and touched the side of her face, pulling her toward him but half expecting her to jerk away.

"I should deny you anything you ask of me." She closed her eyes as he kissed her once, softly and tenderly. Tears dotted her eyes as he opened his eyes and watched for her reaction.

"You should, but don't. Please." He brushed her tear away, realizing that so much more lay beneath her hard exterior than she allowed anyone to see - even Marcus. "I won't make another promise that I can't keep. Kill me if I do."

"I will. I promise." She pulled him down for another kiss, opening herself up to him.

Jon didn't waste any time in pressing his tongue deep into her mouth and shifting in order to tug her into his seat with him. He cradled her in his arms and put his angst and devastation into the kiss, groaning against her moans and working hard to show her just how much he loved her.

She broke the kiss and pulled back, letting out a sardonic laugh. "How do you have me in your lap kissing you already? I hated you ten minutes ago. I still hate you."

"I know you do, but I plan to prove why you shouldn't. I've been a horrible bastard, and I don't come close to deserving you. I'm going to work to be the man you need me to be, Kate. I promise that much." He slid his fingers through her hair and swallowed every endearing word he wanted to speak. He would whisper those against her skin later that night if she let him. The thoughts of her being with Victor or Marcus or anyone else were locked away. He would have to simply remain focused on her being with him until things changed. And they would change. He would make damn certain of it.

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