Hard Money (Bad Money #3) (8 page)

BOOK: Hard Money (Bad Money #3)
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Chapter 13




It felt so fucking good to be near Jon, to feel him wrapped around her. His neediness was bleeding through the edges of his tough persona, and she had to be careful not to dive off the cliff with him. She was supposed to be making things tough for him, and yet she couldn't help but beckon to anything he wanted. The night before had been magical - needed.

She dressed quickly after their conversation as a new possibility sprouted deep inside of her. Could Jon, her and Marcus stay together? Forever? Just the three of them? Would she be okay if Jon found someone else that he wanted to leave her for?


If Marcus did?


Then maybe she only truly belonged to Jon. Something about the statement just didn't sit right on her though. She and Marcus had been through far too much not to consider forever beside him. She walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her, needing a few minutes to get her bearings. Wanting them both was too much to ask of either of them, hell, of herself.

Sitting down on the closed toilet seat, she pressed her face into her hands and let out a long shaky breath, trying to think through her next steps in their odd relationship. Victor would be taken out of the picture soon, or they would die trying. Billy was next on the list.

Once they were free and clear to make their own decisions, what would those decisions be?

Marcus would want her in partnership in some sort of business, no doubt. It would be the drug cartel or the club. She was fine with the latter, but the former?

"Fuck..." she growled against her hands. She was too much like Jon in wanting a clean life, and yet not being quite able to hold onto it tightly enough.

Jon would want a family, a house and a future. She hadn't had a period in the last ten years. Kids were a slim possibility due to simple genetics. Her mother had a horrible time getting pregnant with her, and she simply didn't cycle correctly like she should.

Could she give either of them what they wanted?

Standing, she moved toward the mirror and pressed her hands to the cold tile, studying herself. The glow about her had everything to do with the reconciliation of her and Jon, and knowing that Marcus was alive and well. They both meant far more than she could comprehend or express.

"I want them both." She watched herself, not quite sure she felt the right to the desires of her heart. Time would be the only truth teller.




"Katelyn. Come here, baby." Victor motioned for her to join him as she walked out of the restroom. "I want to set everything up for tonight. Call Fredrick for us and make sure he's good with you three bringing the drugs over to his club."

"Us three?" Kate walked toward him and took the phone, pressing it to her ear. Jon wasn't in the room, but she assumed he was one of the ones going.
Zak must be the other.

A feminine voice answered the phone, though if she had to guess, it was a man speaking.


"Can I please speak with Fredrick Carrington?"

"One moment please. Might I tell him who’s calling?"

"Kate Jarrett. I work for Victor Parence."

"Of course, Miss Jarrett."

Kate pulled the phone from her mouth and covered it, glancing toward Zak. "Are you coming with us?"

"No. Marcus should be here in a couple of hours. He got released early." Zak moved to the kitchen. "You want a sandwich?"

Kate didn't get the chance to answer as a deep masculine voice filled up the line. "Miss Jarrett. I've been waiting to hear from you."

"My apologies for your wait." She used her most sensual bedroom voice. "I was hoping to come by tonight and bring a few party favors for your friends to enjoy."

He chuckled. "Victor said you were something to behold. Are you coming as well?"

"I am."

"Then accept my invitation. You and your friends are welcomed. Kadia is the newest club. I'll be there tonight. Come around ten and ask for me at the front. I'll have a room of willing subjects for you to introduce yourself to."

"Excellent. I'll see you then." Kate hung up and set the phone on the kitchen table before joining Zak in his sandwich making. She worked on two, one for herself and one for Jon.

Zak chuckled as he glanced over at her. "Something tells me that you pull out that sexy voice when you want something."

"That's true. You should be concerned if you ever hear it." She winked and reached across him to get the cheese.

"If it comes my way, consider whatever you want yours." He smirked.

"Anything?" She lifted her eyebrow and finished her sandwich before taking a deep bite of it.

"Yep. Anything." He turned to face her. "Marcus was in a bit of an ordeal this morning, but he's okay. Just shaken. He's been planted in Billy's new crew as a rat."

"I don't like it." Kate took another bite and extended Jon's to him as he walked into the kitchen.

He took it and moved up beside her, sliding his hand along her lower back as he leaned in and kissed her cheek. "You don't like what?"

"The fact that Marcus is a plant." Victor walked into the kitchen and crossed his arms over his chest. "Billy actually thought to set him up to be a rat in
camp. Ridiculous."

"Billy's quite the bastard. You shouldn't underestimate him." Kate leaned against Jon and took one more bite of her sandwich before offering it to the cop, who had almost eaten all of his in two bites. He took it and smiled as she moved away.

"Dress like you wanna get fucked tonight," Victor called after her as she walked down the hall.

"Naked?" she called back and laughed at the various grumbles and groans she got. Closing the door behind her, she laid down on the bed and pulled the blanket around her.

Marcus having to deal with anything after getting out of the hospital was upsetting, but there was little she could do about it. He was his own man, and he would forever be getting into trouble.

A knock at the door resounded just before it opened. Jon's voice was soft, comforting. "You lying down, baby?"

"Yeah. I just wanted a nap." She turned on her side. "Come in here with me."

"Don't have to ask me twice." The handsome cop pulled off his shoes and crawled up beside her, resting on his side and reaching out to pull her closer to him.

Kate scooted in and closed her eyes, resting in the warmth his presence provided.

"Go to sleep. I'm right here." Jon's soft lips brushed by her temple, and she let herself slip into the darkness, hoping like hell that Marcus would be there when she got up.




The room was dark when she woke, and seemingly empty around her. Rolling onto her back, she stretched and searched for a clock. It was just after six, but the sun wasn't shining in the sky any longer. The sound of footsteps coming her way accompanied by Marcus's deep voice had her heart racing.

The door opened, and she watched him slip into the darkness.

Her plan to play as if she were still asleep was thwarted the minute he moved onto the bed. She jumped up and pounced on him, laughing as he growled at her playfully.

"You silly woman. I was going to snuggle in behind you and let you think I was one of the other ten thousand suitors you have." He moved on top of her, pressing himself down tightly against her.

"I'd know you anywhere." She pulled him down and kissed him hard.

He returned the kiss, brushing her hair back and taking his time to make love to her mouth. "I missed you."

"Me too. You scared me, you big ass." She pushed at his shoulders, forcing him to roll over.

Climbing on top of him, she lifted up and turned on the lamp before working on his shirt.

"Damn, baby. You that horny?" He reached up and palmed her breasts.

"No. I wanted to see your wound. Are you all healed up?" She pushed his hands away and worked to move the gauze. Marcus lay still and watched her with a look she didn’t see too often on his handsome face.

"All better. I'm glad to be here." He reached up and touched the side of her face. "You okay? These idiots been taking care of you?"

She laughed and turned back as the door opened.

Jon stuck his head into the room. "Can I come in?"

"Of course." She started to move, but Marcus locked his hands on her thighs.

"Stay. I want you here. Hide my erection for me." He winked.

Jon crawled up on the bed and laid on his back, watching her intently. "We need to grab something to eat before we go. You guys want to get something, or just order room service?"

Kate pulled from Marcus and turned to lie on her back between the two of them. It should have been awkward, but it wasn't. It was comforting.

"Room service. I don't want to go back into the city until it's time to do this thing." Kate turned her back to Marcus, snuggling up to him. He shifted to his side and pulled her against him, kissing the side of her neck as she watched Jon.

"I'm good with whatever you want," Marcus mumbled against her skin and slid his hand up her stomach, cupping her breast. "I missed this so fucking much."

"Me too," she mumbled, trying to get a read on Jon.

His eyes were wider than usual, and his breathing a little off. It was as if he were trying to assess if he were okay with someone touching her that wasn't him.

Kate reached out for him and touched his face, groaning softly as he closed his eyes and sucked several of her fingers into his mouth while he watched her.

The thick press of Marcus's arousal against her rear caused her body to tighten, resurrecting the dull ache between her thighs that was usually alive when he was around.

"We need to talk about what we're going to do with Billy." Kate gripped the side of Jon's neck and tugged a little, forcing the handsome man to move toward her.

"I have to switch sides for a little while, in appearance only." Marcus moved up from her neck and hovered above her as he looked at Jon. "I'll need your help with that shit."

Jon glanced up from Kate and nodded, his voice monotone. "Anything you need. I'll be there."

"Good." Marcus moved back down, pressing his teeth into the side of Kate's shoulder as he slipped his hand into the front of her pants.

She closed her eyes as his fingers slipped through her wetness and played with the softest parts of her body.

Jon's lips brushed by hers, his fingers running down the side of her face as he moved closer, but not too close. He was reserved. She understood.

"God you're wet, baby," Marcus grumbled against her neck as he licked in steady waves. "I wanna taste you."

She smiled against Jon's kisses and pulled back. Marcus had no shame at all. It was her and Jon that would have to find the middle ground in their relationships, if he were willing at all.

A gasp left her as Marcus's fingers pressed inside of her, spreading her open.

"You want me to go?" Jon asked softly, kissing her again as she pressed her ass against Marcus.

"No. We can't do this now. There's not enough time." Kate moved back and turned her face toward Marcus. He cupped her chin and pulled a little, pressing his lips to hers and driving his fingers into her again.

"Yeah we can. Come for us, Kate. I wanna hear it before we get ready." Marcus licked at her mouth and turned his attention to Jon. "You wanna hear it too, don'tcha? Never gets old."

"Yeah, I do," Jon's voice was reverent. "Come for us."

Kate's breath caught in her chest as Marcus removed his hand from her and worked on her zipper, giving himself more room to play. He slipped his hand back into her panties and worked her clit with is palm while driving his thick fingers into her.

Jon moved down to tug her shirt up and her bra down before pressing his mouth around her nipple and sucking it deep into his mouth.

It didn't take but a minute of hearing them grunt in tandem, of feeling them all over her, before she exploded. Warmth spreading from the center of her stomach and running along her nerve endings. She screamed loudly, only to have Jon press his hand over her mouth and press his teeth softly into her nipple.

"Again," Marcus murmured against her neck, his voice commanding and deep.

She nodded and moved a little, working one of Jon's fingers into her mouth as Marcus continued to fuck her expertly.

Jon groaned and moved up, capturing her lips and wrapping his strong hands around her face as he consumed her.

"Oh God," Kate murmured against his mouth before the next orgasm hit.

Marcus ground himself against the back of her, and she cried out in a shaky tone, letting herself go to whatever they wanted of her.

He pulled his hand from her and kissed the side of her face as Jon continued to kiss her lips, but softer.

"So fucking beautiful, Kate. So fucking hot." Marcus kissed her ear and moved back, getting off the bed. The sound of him sucking his fingers drove a stake through her.

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