Read Hard Money (Bad Money #3) Online
Authors: Ali Parker
Jon moved back a little, pressing his forehead to hers.
"You okay?" she asked, reaching out and touching his face softly.
"So goddamn hot. I've never been so turned on in all my life." He opened his eyes and took a shaky breath. "I love it. I love you."
She snuggled up to him as he wrapped his arms tightly around her. For the first time in a long time, she was without rebuttal and unsure of what to say.
A few hours later, Marcus could still feel the tension between Jon and Kate, but they would get over it. Kate would be the one to decide who she spent her nights with, or if she wanted them both buried inside of her. Marcus was good with whatever she decided, never being one to push the dark-haired beauty too much.
They might like to believe they were in control of her, but Marcus knew better. She held the keys to the kingdom, at least the one he wanted entrance to.
"Everything set?" Victor walked out of the kitchen with a glass of red wine in his grasp.
"Yes. I assume you have the drugs?" He turned and nodded to Zak as the smaller man handed him a bag.
"Should be fun. You want me to come and stand watch?" Zak asked.
"No. I think Jon's going to remain clean, or I will. Depends on what they want to do. One of us will stay sober." He rolled his shoulders, trying to release the innate desire to walk back into the bedroom and strip his woman naked.
"You all right? You look like you're already high on something." Victor patted his chest roughly, hitting his wound perfectly.
Marcus grunted, but didn't give another sign of the pain. "Yeah. Hyped up on Kate. Doesn't take much."
Victor's eyes narrowed, and Marcus couldn't help but chuckle. "Later."
"Be careful," Zak called after him.
Jon and Kate were already in the hall by the time he walked out of the penthouse, talking quietly, smiles on both of their faces. Something about the way she watched Jon gave Marcus relief that if something were to happen to him, she would still be okay. Jon would take care of her, and whatever emotions she had toward the cop would help her get through.
Taking out Billy and Victor was far more dangerous than he wanted to involve himself in, but someone had to do it. The chances of all of them making it out alive were slim to none.
"You guys ready?" Marcus moved toward Kate and offered his arm.
She took it and moved to the elevator with him. She looked like a sex kitten that would scratch and bite without recourse.
"Damn you look good." He held the door and let Jon move in beside her. "Who's going sober tonight?"
"I can if you want," Jon offered. "Or you can. I trust you either way."
"Same here." Marcus glanced back and winked at Kate. "Or she can, and we'll both take a leg when the humping starts."
She chuckled. "I think not."
Turning, Marcus moved back and pressed her against the wall, his hands tugging at the bottom of her skirt, but not lifting it at all. "That was hot this afternoon. I like the idea of you getting the most pleasure out of life possible."
"Yeah?" She lifted to her toes and kissed him hard. "And what about you?"
"Listening to you come, tasting your pleasure, watching you shake... that's all I need." He nipped at her and turned, walking from the elevator as it opened. Jon wasn't nearly as aggressive as he was, but it was good. It would be a great balance for Katie.
The air outside was cool, the city alive with activity. Marcus turned and smiled at Kate, her dress shimmery and perfect for her curves. Jon was in a black button down and slacks, the cop wearing a calmed expression that was nice to see on him. The night should be filled with a little bit of depravity and a whole lot of fun. After the trauma Marcus had been through over the last week, he was more than ready to indulge in all of it.
He was probably the only one of the three of them that had explored just about every sexual possibility in the book, but he'd come to the conclusion that he enjoyed women far more than men. Kate was the exact body type he loved most, and knowing the heart of the girl behind him left him sold out for her no matter what.
Stopping as the light turned red, he welcomed Kate's arms as they wrapped around him from behind. "You got the shit, right?"
"I got the shits? No." He glanced over his shoulder and lifted his eyebrow.
Jon shook his head and chuckled. "Let's go."
"No. You got the stuff from Victor." Kate slipped her hand into Marcus's and glanced up at him. They'd been together for almost five years as partners and rarely held hands or did anything too domesticated. He'd almost forgotten how much he liked it.
"Yeah, baby. I got it."
She turned her attention back toward the city and pointed to a bright blinking sign in the distance. "That should be Kadia."
"Looks like a party waiting to happen." Marcus pulled her back and leaned down, trapping her with his arms as Jon continued ahead of them. "You all right with what happened today? Did you like it? You want more of it?"
"Of the two of you together?" She bit her lip seductively, looking shy, which wasn't at all Kate.
"Fuck yes." He leaned down and nipped at her pretty lips.
"I liked it. I'm not sure I want more of it, but it was perfect for the moment." She slid her arms around his neck and tilted her head a little. "What happened with Billy, Marcus?"
"Awww fuck. Come on guys!" Jon yelled from down the sidewalk.
"Later. Go catch up to your boyfriend and we'll talk tonight." He kissed her quickly and stepped out of her grasp.
"All right, but I'm holding you to it." She turned and jogged toward Jon, her movements feminine and pretty.
"Hold me to it, lover," Marcus whispered under his breath and inhaled deeply, enjoying the change of scenery and the fast pace of life around him. Maybe it was time to move again. Would Kate be willing to consider coming back to New York? They could open a club and enjoy life together. It would be entertaining if nothing else. Would Jon want to join them?
Marcus released his thoughts and picked up his steps to catch up with his partners in crime. Slipping his hands into his black slacks, he fingered the drugs and tried to make a decision for them. It would probably be best if Jon stayed sober, but knowing the cop, he might not enjoy himself at all if he did. Marcus was more open and willing to have fun no matter if there were drugs pumping through his system or not.
The line was insanely long, but Kate moved up and showed her I.D., getting them in quickly.
"What's on your mind, man?" Jon stepped up beside him as they moved to the bar.
Kate turned and walked into the crowd, obviously in search of the owner.
"Just want you to have fun tonight." Marcus popped Jon in the chest and turned to the bartender. "Jack and Coke. Double please."
Jon ordered and turned his attention back to Marcus. "I plan on having fun. Why wouldn't I? I've been suspended from my job, have to share my girl, and now I'm dealing narcotics."
Marcus rolled his eyes and chuckled at Jon's smirk. The cop was telling the truth, but didn't seem too affected by any of it.
"You all right with me playing around with Kate earlier? I didn't think I needed to ask after the subtle conversations that you and I have had lately. I think we've skirted around it time and time again." Marcus took his drink and lifted it to Jon. "To the future."
"To all of us in it." The cop hit Marcus's glass and took a long drink of his beer before answering. "I don't know how I feel about all of it. For some reason, seeing you and Kate tonight doesn't incite rage inside of me. It turns me on."
"Yeah, well, no touching anyone but Kate in the middle of that shit." Marcus gave him a hard stare.
"Oh, really?" Jon gave a sarcastic response. "You're just my type, too."
"Fuck you, cop."
"Sorry. I'm taken by the pretty girl who's standing a little too close to that metro-looking dude on the stairs." Jon pressed his beer to his lips and moved toward Kate.
Marcus followed as a smile lifted his lips.
"Hey guys. This is Fredrick. Fredrick, this is Jon and Marcus. They're my partners in this lovely venture." She moved back, her eyes focused on Marcus as he looked up at her and licked at the side of his mouth. She shook her head, which earned her a smile.
"Nice to meet you both. I was just telling Kate that the upper room is all yours. Feel free to start a tab, and I'll pick it up later tonight. The dance floor is, of course, open if you can find room on it." Fredrick shook each of their hands.
"What time are we expected upstairs?" Marcus moved back as Kate squeezed past him on the stairs, tugging Jon down to the dance floor with her.
"Probably around eleven, so thirty minutes or so. That sound doable?" Fredrick glanced past him to watch Jon and Kate, or so Marcus assumed.
"Perfect." Marcus turned and let his eyes lock onto his girl.
She had her back pressed to Jon, her sensual movements appetizing and fluid.
"She's a beautiful woman. I take it she belongs to your friend?"
Marcus chuckled. "No. We all belong to her. Excuse me."
"Of course."
Descending the stairs, Marcus finished his drink and laid it on the tray of a waitress who whizzed by him.
Kate glanced up and locked eyes with him, her tongue darting out to wet her pretty pink lips.
Where he never thought in a million years that he would be okay sharing her, he wasn't so sure now. They needed to have a little bit of fun, but the night wasn't just about release. It was about making a showing of sensuality and power. They wanted the contract with Fredrick to sell under the table in his club, and that wouldn't start with the drugs, but with the raw attraction the owner would have to the people dealing. Victor was beyond smart in his willingness to send the three of them. The fucker knew that they were working through the oddities of their relationships. He expected that to entice Fredrick, and anyone else who wanted in on it.
Jon rolled against Kate, his hands sliding over her tummy and locking her against him as Marcus watched. She leaned against the large cop, her eyes closing as she moved to the beat provided by the music.
Marcus pulled the pills from his pocket and counted them as he slipped into the sea of bodies. People moved around him, hands tugging at him, rushing across his back, over his stomach, down his ass.
By the time he reached Kate, his body was humming. "We need to decide who's going to stay sober tonight."
He released the pills into his pocket and moved close to his woman, tugging her arms up to drape them over his shoulders as he turned his attention to Jon, who held on to the back of her.
"You do it. I'm good with going under." Jon nodded, as if there was nothing else to say.
"You sure? I know you've got some untapped shit in your past. It might pull that stuff forward. These new synthetic drugs are a little-"
"He took it last night, Marcus." Kate ran her hands down his back and smiled up at him.
"Oh, then fuck that. I'm up for a turn. I never get to have fun because I trust no one but Kate." Marcus chuckled darkly and bent down, kissing the beautiful woman beneath him.
"Then I'll stay sober. Have fun with it." Jon moved back a little and nodded. "Looks like it's time. Let's go."
Nervousness rushed through Jon's stomach as they ascended the stairs to the party room and hovered above the club. The drugs and sex were all part of his past, but protecting people was something he wanted to be great at, but continued to fail at over and over. Marcus and Kate were trusting him to keep an eye on things, namely them.
He moved in behind Marcus as Kate took the lead. The pretty girl that trembled beneath his touch earlier was all but gone as she moved up to the mini stage and took the mic. Her dark hair was slightly curled and ran down the sides of her heavy breasts, only outdone by her full lips and the smoky grey eye shadow she wore. Jon took a shallow breath, feeling very much like he'd gotten in way over his head.
To feel meant opening himself up to everything he'd closed off. Kate had forced him to take a few hard steps forward, and now standing at the edge of the cliff, he had one final decision to make. Follow her into whatever life she wanted and leave his, or hand her over to Marcus and walk away.
It was no decision at all, but leaving his job and the hopes of a different life in the future felt stifling, yet nothing was more terrifying than the possibility of not being important to the girl in front of him.
"All right. I'm Kate. This is Jon and Marcus." She nodded toward them, and Jon lifted his hand and nodded at the pretty people in the room. There couldn't have been more than twenty of them.
Jon's gaze moved around until he locked on to Fredrick. The illustrious billionaire was watching Kate with interest though two pretty women pawed at him like small kittens might.
"Marcus will be passing out our party favors. Please understand that we will be taping certain parts of the event, and that you will experience an enhanced drive toward lust. Just go with it, and most of all, have fun." She put the mic up and walked down, only to be stopped by Fredrick.
Marcus moved into Jon's view, handing him half the bag of pills. "One per person. Don't take one, all right?"
"Yeah. I'm pulling you guys out if anything goes wrong." Jon turned as Kate walked up.
"Good. We trust you to do just that." Kate slid her hand into his hair and pulled him down for a long kiss.
Jon wrapped his hands around her hips and tugged her tightly against him, growling softly, "Be careful."
"Never. That's not the girl you fell for." She smiled and turned, walking through the room like she owned it.
Chuckling, Jon moved in his half of the room and handed out the small green pill. Three girls dressed like they worked at the club passed out small glasses of water and everyone started to ingest it. Jon tracked Marcus and Kate to the far corner of the room, each lowering the window shades so that the club patrons below weren't capable of seeing in.
"You ready?" Kate turned and lifted the pill to her lips while locking eyes with Marcus.
"Always ready for a wild night with you, Katie." He popped the pill into his mouth, swallowed it and glanced toward Jon. "You ready, cop?"
"Nope, but what the fuck? Living with you guys is going to keep me young and help me die happy." He shrugged and took a step back, pressing his back to the glass before him, watching to see what might happen.
The strobe light in the middle of the room descended and the music began to pump through the speakers above them, the song techno and giving off a nasty hot beat to play with. A pretty brunette stopped in front of him and smiled.
"Something to drink for you, handsome?"
"I'll take another Corona." He handed her the empty bottle and leaned back, ignoring her hot stare. The girls delivering drinks weren't given the pills, so they would be as stone cold sober as him. It would be almost comical to watch their reaction to the drug. If it was anything like Kate had been the night he showed up and she attacked him at her place... it was going to get wild.
Marcus tugged Kate out toward the amoeba of people as everyone moved to the center of the room to dance together. They stayed on the edge, and Jon watched intently as Marcus's hands slid across Kate's front, his fingers playing by her nipples over and over as she arched into his touch.
"Beautiful," Jon whispered as his body hardened painfully.
Lust was so deeply tied into his emotions where Kate was concerned, and where love was king, lust was its comparable queen for sure. It seemed to be the same for her and Marcus as well.
Jon had always been a fairly active guy sexually, but something about Kate made him want to up the ante. He smiled as she glanced up at him and gave him a naughty, come fuck me, smile.
Hot, he mouthed.
Marcus's hand slid down Kate's stomach and pressed against her sex as she rocked against him rhythmically.
As much as Jon wanted to watch the show, he let his attention be drawn around the room. Shock slapped into him to see several couples half naked, fondling each other as they danced sensually. A pretty blond was bent over a table, taking it hard from a short guy who couldn't have been old enough to be with her.
Shifting from his comfortable position, Jon moved toward the floor to pull Kate and Marcus toward him. Things weren't rowdy just yet, but they were soon to get there.
"Come here, guys. Come with me." He took Kate's hand and tugged at her.
She giggled and moved to wrap her arms around him as she pressed her lips to his neck.
"Did you know that I can't stop thinking about you? That I want you all over me?" she whispered against his neck and chill bumps raced down his arms and legs, setting him on fire.
Marcus moved in behind her and wrapped his arms around both of them, leaning down and sucking on Kate's shoulder as he rocked himself into her.
Unable to help himself, Jon chuckled. "This is fucking wild, and I thought parties back in basic training were bad."
Marcus glanced up and took a step back before starting to work on Kate's dress. "I need you, girl."
"Yeah." She turned from Jon and started to work on Marcus's shirt, tugging and pulling until he was standing in his slacks and quickly moving to his knees.
Jon moved up behind her, unzipping her dress and pushing it off her shoulders. She sighed softly and pressed her back to him as Marcus tugged her panties off and pressed his mouth to her center.
Wrapping his arm around her middle, Jon ran his nose up the side of her throat, breathing in the scent of her arousal and loving it so much.
"You're so beautiful, baby." He turned her face toward him and kissed her, working his tongue along hers as she cried out and undulated her hips forward against Marcus. "Yeah. Let him take care of you, Kate. Rest against me."
"I love you," she whispered and closed her eyes, panting softly against his lips as he held her tightly. She stiffened in his arms as her eyelids flew open and her pupils dilated. Her lips parted and the most sensual sound he'd ever heard ripped from her as she came.
"There you go, baby. Ride that wave." Jon pressed his mouth against hers and squeezed her breasts tightly as Marcus jerked her hips back and forth with his strength. If he and Kate made love passionately, she and Marcus fucked like animals. It was exhilarating and frightening all in the same moment.
Marcus stood up and started to work on his slacks as he caught Jon's eye. The bigger guy was lost to the drug pumping through his system, and his words were slightly slurred, but the aggressive look on him was all lust.
"Come here, Kate. Let me fuck you." He reached for her, tugging her from Jon and growling softly.
Jon leaned back against the glass, ignoring the deep ache inside of him to join them. His body was far beyond ready for him to step in and find release, but something about watching them almost excited him more than getting involved.
Marcus pointed to the glass. "Go press your sexy little body against the glass and tilt your ass toward me."
"Fuck you," Kate murmured, but did exactly as he said. She turned her face toward Jon and bit her lip, smiling at him through her haze.
Jon's breath caught in his chest at the sensual feast it was to watch her slide her hands up the glass and press her body to its icy coldness. Her hips arched and her thick ass moved into the air.
Marcus stepped up behind her, his body bare, cock proud and bouncing around unashamed.
Jon was surprised to see the guy wasn't nearly as big as him, but size wasn't everything. It still made him feel a little better. He kept waiting to feel anger, disgust, or disdain, but nothing assaulted him but desire.
"Tell me you want it, Kate." Marcus pressed against her, and her body tightened before Jon's eyes, her mouth opening in a silent scream as she nodded.
"I want it." She opened her eyes and locked on to Jon again. "I want you."
"Good girl." Marcus slammed into her, shaking the glass a little, and Jon drew in a tight breath, lost to the beautiful woman beside him. She knew exactly what she wanted in life, and she would have it. He would give it to her if nothing else.
Reaching out, Jon slid his hand up her stomach, over her silky black bra and up to cup her neck. She pressed against his hold as Marcus continued to fuck her slow and hard from behind. She moaned with each thrust, and Jon closed his eyes, listening intently to her passion.
"Come here," she whispered and pushed back on Marcus a little, making room between her and the glass wall.
Jon didn't hesitate to move in front of her and take her face into his hands as she leaned in for a long kiss. The thrusts forced her against him, and he cradled her from the wall, reveling in the power Marcus had, and hoping like hell he had the same hold on the beautiful creature between them.
Kate cried out sharply as Marcus stood up and smacked her ass, the sound of it reverberating around Jon.
"Hey. Be careful," Jon barked out and looked over Kate's shoulder at Marcus.
"She likes it. I promise." Marcus smiled as his hands gripped Kate's shoulders. "Don't you, baby."
She glanced up to Jon, her eyes hazy with a mixture of tears and the drug. "I love it."
"Come for me, Kate." Marcus started his assault, standing up higher and fucking her from a different angle.
Jon watched her intently, wanting to see her explode into a million pieces in his arms. Her hands moved down the wall, and she bent over farther, rubbing her face against his stomach before nipping at his cock as it poked above his jeans, but remained hidden behind his shirt.
"Give it to her." Marcus glanced up and caught Jon's attention.
"What? No, I'm good. This is about you guys." Jon reached down and brushed Kate's hair back. "Stand up, baby."
"Pull it out, Jon," Kate whispered, nipping at him again.
Someone screamed behind them, and Jon pulled Kate back up carefully. "Not tonight. Not like this. I don't want you drugged with me."
He moved out from in front of her, leaving her in Marcus's capable arms to pull some big dude off of a small woman. "Hey. Find someone your own fucking size."
Jon ducked as the guy swung, and came up, punching him in the face, knocking the poor bastard out completely. Fredrick moved up beside him, seemingly okay.
"Always goes down like this. Drugs, sex and violence." The club owner laughed. "Great product. You guys are in... Welcome."
Jon shook his hand and turned toward Marcus and Kate, not entirely sure he was thrilled about the prospect. Victor would be, but that alone was something to be concerned with.
One thing was for sure, where Jon was fine with Kate and Marcus fucking... he wasn't okay with the drugs. He would have to let them know in the morning, though he was sure he'd get some kickback on it, which was fine. He needed to be straightforward with them.
They had a long life ahead - together.