Healed (8 page)

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Authors: J. S. Cooper

BOOK: Healed
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I grabbed my phone to call her. I wanted to hear her voice. I wanted to hold her. I needed somebody right now. I knew she wouldn’t mind if I held her in my arms and cried. I just needed to be with someone. I needed to feel complete. I needed it more than I needed oxygen to breath

Chapter 5



My phone battery died as I rounded the corner. But I didn’t care. I didn’t want to talk on the phone. I needed to see his face and talk to him in person. I finally arrived and parked my car next to his. This was it, then. I took a deep breath and shook my hands out.

, you.”

“Hey.” I looked up and saw him standing in front of me. “I didn’t even see you there.”

“I guess you need to pay more attention to your surroundings, then.” He laughed and I breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone was normal. As I had thought it would be. As I had known in my heart it would be.

“Yeah, I don’t want any scary bears coming after me.”

“Especially not if you’ve eaten any honey lately.”

“Or chocolate.”

“Or salt and vinegar chips.”

“Or McDonalds fries.”

“Or Whopper Jrs., without the pickles.”

“And added cheese.”

“Oh yes, we can’t forget the added cheese.” He grinned and I pulled him close to me. I saw the surprise in his eyes and I grinned back at him and leaned in and kissed him. His lips were sweet and firm, and I felt a slight shock run through me as our lips met. He pulled back from me slightly with an awe-struck look on his face.

, Lexi. Just wow.”

What did you think?” I asked, shyly.

“I think that’s the kiss I’ve been waiting for my whole life.” Luke shook his head as if he couldn’t quite believe what had happened.
“I don’t really know what to say.”

“I think right now you should be quiet.” I put my finger to his lips. “I want to talk to you.”

“I won’t say no to that.” He bit the tip of my finger and I squealed.


“Sorry.” He laughed, looking like he wasn’t sorry at all.

“Where should we go to talk?”

“We can go to my room…”

“Are your parents home?”
I made a face.

“No. They went to Minneapolis to visit my aunt.”

“Then let’s go to your room.” I grabbed his hand and we walked into his house.

“Do you want anything to drink or eat?”

“Luke! No,” I laughed. “Please. I just need to talk to you.”

“Okay okay.”
He grinned and we ran up the stairs. I jumped onto his bed and lay down as soon as we walked in and he lay down next to me. “So, you wanted to tell me something?”

I rolled over and looked at his earnest and trusting eyes and I was reminded of how I nearly lost this wonderful man. “I did.” I took a deep breath and Luke leaned in and kissed me. This time he was the aggressor and his tongue plunged into my mouth, tantalizing me with its strokes. I felt
warmness in my belly and pressed myself closer to him, wanting to feel him closer to me. I reached my hands up to his head and ran my fingers through it, loving the feel of him on my fingertips.

Luke groaned and pulled away from me. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”

“I’m glad you did,” I sighed.

“But don’t you want to talk to me first?”

“I guess,” I moaned and licked my lips. Luke’s eyes fell to my lips and I could see a tremble in his throat.

“Don’t lick your lips if you want me to keep my hands off of you.”

“Who says I want you to keep your hands off of me?”

“I want to hear what you came to say.” Luke’s voice was low and I think I saw a flush rising up from his neck. Luke was nervous. I grabbed his hands and I held them close to my heart.

“Luke. When I was in school I took a philosophy class. And in that class we all discussed a story.”

“Okay.” He looked confused. Maybe because he knew I didn’t really like philosophy.

“Basically, this story talked about this village. It was the happiest village in the world. Everyone who lived there was happy and rich and everything in their life was perfect. The only problem was, for everyone to be happy, there was one young boy tied up in a cellar at the edge of the town. He was trapped in a little basement and tied with chains. He only had water to drink and dry bread to eat and his life was miserable. And he had to stay locked up. Because, if he was let loose, the village would become normal. Meaning that there would be misery, anger and poverty. So, for the sake of the village, that one kid had to suffer.”

“That’s horrible.” Luke frowned.

“It is horrible,” I agreed. “Anyways, in class we all discussed what we thought should happen, should they let him loose, should he stay tied up?”

“He should be let loose.”

“I agree.” I smiled at him, briefly. “No one should be sacrificed so that someone else can be happy.”

“Good.” He looked at me curiously. “Why did you tell me this story?” He cocked his head and laughed. “You’re not about to tell me that you would be that boy for me
, are you?”

I gazed into his eyes and a single tear rolled down my cheek. “No. But you would be that boy for me. You’ve already been that boy for me.”

“I’m not…” He shook his head and I reached over and kept it still. I leaned towards him and stared into his eyes.

“Luke, you have put my feelings before you in everything that you have ever done. And I always took you for granted. I nearly lost you. I hope I haven’t lost you.” I stare
d into his eyes, searching for an answer and he shook his head silently.

“You know
, in fairytales, there is one great love for the princess. Her Prince Charming is always the one and they ride off into the sunset and her old life is left behind. But what they don’t tell you is that the Prince isn’t always the one. Sometimes it’s the faithful farm boy who’s always been by her side, through thick and thin. Sometimes a princess doesn’t need a prince.”

“Are you saying I’m not a Prince?” He smiled
, slowly.

“I’m saying you’re better than a Prince. I’m saying you’re my best friend, my everything. You’ve been the sunshine sitting in my pocket while I’ve been waiting for the rain to stop.”

“I like being the sunshine in your pocket.”

“I like
you liking that.”

“I like you liking me like that.”

“I like that you’re a goof.” I laughed and he leaned over and kissed my nose.

“I like that I can lean over and kiss your nose now.”

“You always kiss my nose.”

“But I didn’t do this afterwards.” Luke reached over to kiss me and rolled me over so that he was lying on top of me. His arms were splayed to the side of me so that he wasn’t resting all of his weight on me.
He leaned down and kissed me again and, this time, he rested his chest against me. I put my arms around him and he played with my hair as he kissed me. His lips left my mine and trailed down my neck. I felt his tongue against my skin and I squirmed against him.

” I giggled, feeling somewhat uncomfortable, but extremely happy.

, my love.”

I don’t know…” My words cut off as I felt his tongue run over my breast. Even though I still had on my top and bra, I felt the tip of his tongue against me. “Oh Luke.”

“Can I take off your top, Lexi?” He looked into my eyes again and I nodded. He pulled my top off and I lifted my arms up so he could get it all the way off. “You’re beautiful, Lexi.”

” I laughed, shaking my head.

“Your breasts fit the palms of my hand
s perfectly.” He grinned as he cupped my breasts through the bra. His finger slipped up into my bra and I squealed as he pinched me.

“What are you doing?” I breathed in shock, barely believing he had just touched me there.

“Do you trust me, Lexi?”

“With my
life,” I nodded.

“Do you love me?”
He whispered, hopefully. He was on top of me, looking into my eyes, keenly, with a scared concern on his face.

“I love you with all my heart and soul
, Luke Bryan.”

“Oh Lexi.” He burst into a huge grin and showered kisses all over my chest. “You don’t know how I’ve longed to hear you say those words.”

“Oh you have, have you?”

“Yes.” He leaned down and stroked
the hair away from my face. “I want you to know something.”

“Uh oh,
” I groaned. “I’m scared.”

“Don’t be,” h
e sighed. “I need you to know something.”

“What? You’re killing me here
, Luke.”

“I never slept with Briget,” h
e mumbled.

“What?” I frowned. “You what?”

“I never slept with Briget.”

“But I always saw you guys kissing and stuff.”

“Well, yeah we kissed,” he laughed. “But we never had sex.”

“Why not?”

“I was hoping you’d come around.” He blushed.

“What!” I screamed and pushed him off of me. “Are you joking?” I was now sitting on top of him

“No. I just wanted you to be my first.”


“I mean
, it’s not like we didn’t do stuff. We got naked and fooled around but…”

I groaned. “I don’t want to hear about you and Briget. Yuck.”

“Oh, Lexi.” He laughed.

“I can’t believe you’re a virgin.”

“Do you remember when we were sixteen and you said that you thought it would be the most romantic thing in the world for two people in love to be each other’s firsts?”

“I was sixteen, Luke,
” I sighed. “I can’t believe this.”

“Are you upset?” He frowned at me. “I’m pretty sure I can still pleasure you
, Lexi. I have developed my skills and seen enough movies.”

“Are you talking about pornos
, Luke?” I laughed. “Those are not movies.”

“They’re sex movies.” He laughed and he adjusted
his body.

” I squealed and moaned slightly as I felt him move under me.

“What?” He held my hips and stared up at me. “I like you sitting here like this
, Lexi.”

“I’m sure you do.” I laughed and then bit my lip. “There’s something else I need to tell you
, Luke.”

“Go on.”

“It’s about what you just told me and Bryce…” I mumbled, looking away from him, embarrassed.

It’s okay Lexi.” He grabbed my face and turned it to face his. “Look at me, Lexi.”

I turned my face towards his and his eyes were shining with unshed tears. “Lexi
, I don’t care what you did with Bryce, or with any other guy for that matter. Your past doesn’t make a difference to me. You’re still my Lexi, my sweet, beautiful, wonderful Lexi.”

“I thought we were meant to be—

—Ssh.” He brought me down towards him. “I know how you felt about Bryce, Lexi. Hell, even I can tell he’s hot. And he’s a broken soul. I know how much you like to fix broken souls. But you chose me. And that’s all I care about.”

“I don’t deserve you
, Luke.”

“Lexi, do you know how much I love you?”

I shake my head and hide a smile.

“Let me count the ways.”
I felt his fingers on my bra straps and as he pulled them down I giggled. I heard him unclasping the hook before I felt it being undone and I fell forward, laughing, as he threw my bra across the room.

” He shouted and kissed me.

“Take your shirt off.” I laugh
ed and pull his shirt up. His chest is more defined than I remember it being and I ran my hands across his stomach and pecks, laughing as he twitched his muscles beneath my fingers. “You’re beautiful.” I kissed his chest and down his happy trail until I’m at his pants. I looked up and he grinned down at me and then I kissed all the way back up to his lips. “You wish, Luke Bryan.”

“You know me soo well.” He winked at me and rolled
me over onto my back. This time it is his turn to kiss me and I felt his lips all over my face and neck. I closed my eyes and clutched the sheets as I felt his lips on my breasts. Then he started nibbling on my peaks with his teeth and I groaned. I heard his laughter as he continued kissing down my stomach to the top of my pants. Only he’s braver than I and I felt him unzip my pants and then he pulled them down. I was lying on his bed, almost naked, and all I could think about was, why did I wait so long for this to happen? My body felt like it was fire and I felt a deep, wanton urge awaken inside of me. I wanted to make love to Luke. I wanted him to make love to me and devour me. And I wanted us to merge our bodies together so that no one could ever part us.

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