Her Father, My Master: Enthralled

BOOK: Her Father, My Master: Enthralled
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Her Father, My Master:

Mallorie Griffin

Amazon Edition

Copyright 2012 Mallorie Griffin

out other works by Mallorie Griffin

Be sure to read the first and third installments in this
Father, My Master: Mentor
Father, My Master: Eventide

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any
resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 1

That summer was one of the most
difficult I'd ever had to endure.  Not only because of the wait, but because of

She was being such a bitch.

Of course I knew about her
engagement to that professor – we all knew, and my parents hated it.  She tried
to quell my seething emotions at her taking the spotlight from me yet again by
giving me a bridesmaid position in her supposed wedding in June.  But when June
came and went without so much as an invitation, I and my parents began to
wonder.  Had she gone through with it?  I hoped she hadn't.  Even I could see
the relationship was ridiculous, ludicrous.  It would be like me trying to
marry my own master.

Mr. Hendricks.

He was on my mind every day now. 
We could only meet one or two times a month, but I looked forward to each
meeting with all the enthusiasm that my body could hold.  After all these
months, he still excited me, surprised me, and most importantly, he aroused me
like no other man had.

But it was difficult to concentrate
on my master, when my parents gave me the news of what Kandace had done.  She
had eloped.  So, no wedding at all, just her being her usual selfish, stupid
self.  For someone who'd graduated with honors from high school, and had a
solid 4.0 GPA in college, she was being awfully moronic.

I still remember that fateful
night, when my parents got the call.

“I can't believe her!” my mother
seethed as she slammed the phone down into its cradle, nearly breaking.  “The
nerve of her, after all we've done for her!”

My dad sat stoically at the kitchen
table, his features bathed in the warm yellow light of the overhead lamp.  I
couldn't even begin to decipher how he was feeling, but I knew he must have
been disappointed, at the very least.

My mom continued to rant and rave
at me and my dad, and she even directed some anger at me, though I was

“You better
think of
doing something like this, young lady!” she yelled and shook a finger at me.

My blood ran cold.  Not only was I
considering doing something like this, I'd had already done it.  For the next
year, instead of going to a proper college, I would be going to live with my
master, taking online courses.  It was a huge risk.  I knew I could possibly be
ruining my life, but I didn't care.  I just wanted to take that risk.  I wanted
so much more with Mr. Hendricks, and I knew that if I went to a conventional
college, I would get the opposite of that.  I wouldn't even be able to see him,
much less do the things we were doing right now.

But my parents couldn't find out. 
If they did, I was dead.

In a way, I was grateful for Kandace's
public stupidity.  While I craved my parents attention, I knew I wouldn't want
what they'd directed onto to Kandace focused towards me.  I felt that if they
did that, my paper thin ruse would crumple and burn under their fiery gaze. 
Mr. Hendricks had arranged to send an official acceptance letter to my house,
and it even stated that I was to receive a full scholarship to the state
college.  My parents were relieved, and they didn't think to look into it any
further.  And that was because of Kandace.  If she wasn't doing what she was
doing, they would have been far more suspicious, I was sure of it. 

So, I lived out the last two months
in a strange combination of stress and relief.  There was a lot of tension in
the house, because of Kandace, of course.  She wasn't even living here.  She
was with her damned professor.  Leaving me stuck at home to deal with the
fallout of her ridiculous choices.

I escaped whenever I could.  Mostly
to my master.  I needed him.  I wasn't certain that he needed me, but I liked
to think that he did.

One surprisingly crisp July
evening, he called me to him.  A simple text, as always.

Come to me.

I always obeyed, and this time was
no different.  I crept down the stairs, knowing I would have to tell me parents
that I was going out, but not wanting to draw any attention to myself, if at
all possible.

Luckily, I found my dad in the
living room.  He was watching TV, and mom was nowhere in sight.

“Hey dad,” I said, and he glanced
up at me expectantly.  “I'm going over to Maddie's, is that all right?”

He turned his head slowly towards
the clock on the opposite wall.  I cringed.  It was nine in the evening.

“That's awfully late to be going
out, don't you think?”

“I'm just going to Maddie's,” I
said sullenly.  It wasn't fair.  I was an adult now, and I still was questioned
like this.  I still had a curfew.  I wasn't a bad girl; I'd never done anything

My dad sighed.  “Fine, just be back
before midnight.  You know how your mother is.”

I nodded.  “A bit crazy right now.”

“A bit.”

“You think she's overreacting?” I
asked, genuinely curious.  We both knew what I was asking that she was
overreacting about.

He shrugged.  “It's not my place to
say.  Make sure you have your phone on you.”

“Yeah.  Be back later.”  Drat.  I
always wondered whether dad had the same opinion as mom.  He always seemed
so... quiet.

But it wasn't something that I was
going to worry about, for now.  I was free, and I had a whole three hours to
spend with my master.  It'd been two weeks since I saw him last, and I yearned
for him – for his touch, and for his control.  He took care of me.  Hell, he
was going to pay for my college tuition, just to keep me in his house.  I knew
he was rich, but he never told me what line of work he was in.  I assumed it
was military related.  He was a former Marine, after all.

I mused that I really didn't know
much about the man, as I climbed into my tiny sedan.  He was so mysterious. 
And that was part of his appeal.  I didn't need to know about him – I would
give him whatever he asked for from me, including knowledge about myself, my
fears, my wants, my wishes and hopes and dreams from the future.  He took what
he wanted from me, and didn't feel obligated to give back in return.

Not that he wasn't attentive, I
corrected myself as I pulled out of the drive.  He did give back, in more
primal ways.  I sighed softly and fingered the thin metal collar around my
neck.  My parents had questioned it, when I first arrived home with the thing
wrapped around my skin.  It weighed heavy on me, sometimes.  I made an excuse
that it was the latest fashion in my circle of friends, and they didn't
question me any further.

It didn't take long before I was
pulling up beside Mr. Hendricks' gargantuan house.  It was still somewhat light
out, even at 9:15, and I could see his silhouetted form in one of the large

I pulled forward on the street, not
parking directly in front of his domicile.  It was a precaution, he said, in
case Maddie came back from wherever she was early.  He'd made her get a job,
just like he promised me, but apparently she didn't work much.  I gripped the
steering wheel more tightly.  First she stole away my boyfriend, now she kept
me from seeing my master.  She was a horrible person.

Breathing deeply, I forced calmness
to flow through my body, cooling my temper, and stilling my thoughts.  This
control over my emotions was another gift Mr. Hendricks had given me, and I
practiced the techniques he taught me to control myself daily.  I felt so in
control of my mind, that I could make myself do or feel anything.  Which was
important, considering what my master asked me to endure, to be his slave.

I stepped out of the car now,
feeling far better.  Maddie might be able to keep me from seeing him sometimes,
but that would soon come to an end.  Soon, there would be nothing between me
and my master.

As I approached the door, Mr.
Hendricks threw it open, as if he knew I was coming.  As if he knew I was there
already.  He did that sometimes, and it unnerved me.  I wondered, not for the
first time, whether he had a surveillance system in the house, but I wasn't
bold enough to ask him.  He would give me that knowledge, if he felt I needed
it, and if I didn't, he wouldn't tell me.

“My pet,” he purred as he ushered
me inside, placing a hand on the small of my back.  I shuddered.  It was
amazing how much he could affect me, even after all this time.  I always felt
as though the spark in a relationship wore off for me in a matter of months,
weeks even.  I was even beginning to become bored of Joey, before he betrayed
me.  But Mr. Hendricks was able to continue to excite me and thrill me, months
later, and I didn't feel any sign of that sensation receding.  I hoped that it
never would.

We flowed as one up the stairs to
his bedroom, and it looked the same as ever.  Blood red walls, white and black
carpet, and the abstract paintings.  This room felt so safe, so familiar to
me.  It felt like I was being wrapped in a warm hug every time I entered.

Just then, my master
wrap me up in a warm hug.  “Are you ready for tonight?” he asked, and I
nodded.  As he pulled out the various whips and chains, I knew it would be
another night of spreader bars, being chained to the ceiling, and whipped until
my ass would be covered in a thin hatch-work of lines.

In other words, the usual.

I undressed obediently and quickly,
and Mr. Hendricks draped his hands over me, his rough fingers rasping over my
young, smooth skin as he expertly tied the chains, binding my body tightly,
making me wholly dependent on him to move and stand.  The mere thought of being
so dependent on him sent shivers up my spine, and a fire coursing through my
veins.  I wanted to be dependent on him.  I wanted him to take care of my every
need, and I trusted him to do so.

I let out an involuntary moan as he
worked his way down my to my ankles, affixing the spreader bar now, forcing my
legs apart.  I knew what would happen next.  He would take the chain pressing
down against my back, and hoist it upwards to the ceiling.  There was so little
slack that I would have to stand on the very tips of my toes.  And then the fun
would begin.

He wrapped a blindfold over  my
eyes, so I couldn't see, and I felt him lift the chain from my body.  I
obligingly stood up taller as he attached the chain to the hook.  Apparently
there would be no gag tonight.  Mr. Hendricks preferred not to use one – he
wanted to train me into silence at his command, and it also gave me a way to
shout out the safe word – 'gatling' – if I really needed to.  I hadn't used
that safe word in weeks.  I trusted him implicitly now.  I didn't feel the need
to use it.

He didn't ask me whether I was
comfortable – he knew I wasn't.  That was part of the play.  I heard him pad across
the room, the floor shaking ever so slightly with every step he took.  He was a
big man, in many ways.  I shuddered at the thought.

Then, he padded back, and for many
long moments, there was utter silence.  I stood, my entire body tensed as I
waited for what I knew was coming.  I could feel my excitement rise to near
unmanageable levels  I wanted this, I wanted him, I wanted the pain and I
wanted it now.

I bit back another moan.  I knew
that wouldn't get me what I wanted.  Instead, I closed my eyes behind the
blindfold, and tried to calm myself.

That was when the whip finally came

I stifled a scream that bubbled up
in my throat as he slammed the leather cord against the tender flesh of my
ass.  He wanted me to be silent, and silent I would be.  The pain couldn't
escape by way of my voice, so it circled and boiled in my veins, and shot up to
my brain.  I took shaking breaths as I thrilled in the endorphin rush that this
pain brought me.  I could feel my body tremble and shake as that pain was transformed
into exquisite pleasure, in my mind.

Again and again, the whip bore
down, the only warning being the whistling sound as it blew through the air. 
Mr. Hendricks was an expert with the thing.  And I could tell he was holding

He hit me, over and over, and the
only thing I could do was take it.  My body was on fire now, electricity arcing
harshly through my veins.  It was too much, too much.  He'd never hit me so
many times in one round, and I felt the need to scream rising.  I fought
against my instincts, clamping my mouth tightly shut so that not even a moan
could escape.  And still I knew he was holding back.

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