Her Father, My Master: Enthralled (6 page)

BOOK: Her Father, My Master: Enthralled
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My bed was clean.  No trace of the
towel at all, or the plug, or any of the toys on the dresser.  I barely took
those facts in as I leaped onto the bed, waiting for Mr. Hendricks.

He didn't follow immediately,
however.  Moments passed, and then minutes.  I moaned softly with need,
writhing on the bed, my body twisting and turning over the smooth sheets.  I
needed him.  I needed him more than I'd ever needed anyone or anything else in
my life.  Where was he?

I brought a hand down, once again. 
I couldn't resist.  My pussy throbbed and pulsed, my clit ached for release.  I
pushed my way between my legs, over the light fuzz of pubic hair, and between
my folds.

I found my clit immediately, and
pressed down.  I arched my back – I wanted to come so badly.  I pressed and
rubbed, harder and harder, teasing myself, torturing myself, forcing myself to
hold that climax back.  Again and again I let it mount, and again and again, I
denied myself.  I had to wait for him.

Hendricks appeared, pulling open the door silently and padding into the room. 
He said absolutely nothing to me – he merely climbed onto the bed, and on top
of me.  He positioned himself and dug inside me.

I threw my head back and opened my
mouth in a mute moan.  I ached to be filled by him, and now he was doing it. 
And in the pleasure of him filling me, there was pain, the lingering pain in my
abused asshole, the tenderness of my buttocks.  It only heightened and
sharpened the sensations for me.  I wanted more.

He was almost businesslike, as he
began thrusting.  He pushed against me in an already erratic pace, slapping his
hips down on me, just as he'd done before, his arms grabbing my shoulders and
squeezing them so tightly that I saw stars.

“Come around me,” he demanded.  I
didn't reply, my eyes only rolled back in my head as I let myself loose.  I was
finally free to orgasm.  I shot a hand downwards and pressed violently down on
my clit, throwing any and all caution to the wind.  I needed to come, and I
needed to come now.

The effect was immediate.  I
couldn't hold back the scream I let loose, and my cunt clenched and flexed
tightly around my master's thick cock as the orgasm I'd been holding back
finally rolled through my body.  It was the most intense climax I'd ever
experienced, and it seemed to go on for minutes.  Hours.  Days.  My body
throbbed and pulsed, fire flowing through it in a never-ending stream of lust
and pleasure.

It did have to subside eventually,
and after what felt like eons, I was left on the bed a shivering, sweaty mess. 
Mr. Hendricks apparently had already come as well, but I didn't even notice his
own climax, I was so consumed by my own.

This time, my master didn't say
anything.  He didn't pat my head, or tell me what a good girl I was.  I he
simply pulled out all at once, and stood.  Then he left me alone in the room.

He turned the light off as he left,
and I took it as indication that I should sleep.  I flopped my head to the side
and glanced at the alarm clock on my night stand.  It was near midnight.  My
master was right.  It was time for sleep.


This routine continued.  I cleaned
and worked on college during the day, and in the evening, cooked for  Mr. Hendricks,
and let him do whatever he wanted to do to me in the bedroom.

The anal play continued as well,
though not with the frequency that of the past few days.  Perhaps once or twice
a week, he would have me use the plug, or he would straight out fuck me in the
ass.  I grew to love both of those things, as well.  I looked forward to
anything that my master wanted to do to me.  I craved it, much like I craved
food or water.  It was a deep and primal need for me, one that I couldn't

As the days and weeks melted by, I
came to realize that I hadn't thought of my family at all.  I knew they were
there, and so close to me, but I didn't miss them.  I wasn't homesick in the

I seemed to be special in that,
however.  Maddie appeared to be terribly homesick – she would call every week
or so, sometimes more often, crying to her father about how she wanted to come
home.  My master refused her.  He made her stay at college.  He said it was for
her own good, but I suspected he had his own selfish reasons for denying her. 
Our own arrangement would be forced to come to an end, for one.

I disliked it when she called. 
When she did, it put my master out of sorts, and he wouldn't do anything at all
with me.  But slowly, her calls slowed, then subsided entirely.

So the days melted into weeks, and
the weeks melted into months.  I was comfortable.  My master was comfortable. 
I performed admirably for him in all areas, and I learned far more with him
than what college was teaching me.  I was learning how to keep a house, and I
was learning how to cook.  I wasn't stupid, I knew these basic skills were
valuable in their own way.  It was just another reason to be thankful to Mr.

I loved pleasing him so much.  I
loved being his slave.

As the days began to turn cooler,
and the trees turned fire red before dropping their leaves, I was all too aware
of the fast approaching hurdle that I had to leap over.  Thanksgiving was
closing in.

I had to go home.


The cloth felt strange against my
skin.  My master watched me as I dressed for the first time in months.  I'd
spent every waking and sleeping moment nude, and now it was clothing that felt
strange to me, not nudity.  I was nervous.  I fingered the collar around my
neck, longing for the sense of familiarity and security that it brought me. 
Mr. Hendricks was drilling me on my fake college life.

“Your friends are?” he prompted.

“Tiffany, Allison, and Brianna.  We
all belong to Kappa Alpha Theta.”  The random Greek letters were exceptionally
difficult for me to memorize, but I managed it.

“Good, and what are your courses? 
How are you doing in them?”

I rattled off the list of five
courses he'd selected for me.  It was rather simple, since they were so similar
to the ones I was actually taking.  “And I'm doing good in them,” I added.

“Good, good girl.”  Mr. Hendricks
placed a hand on my shoulder in an almost fatherly gesture.  “How are you
feeling?” he asked.

“I don't want to go,” I admitted,
feeling sullen.  I didn't want to have to leave my master.  The world had grown
into a very scary place in my mind, since coming here.  I hadn't stepped foot
outside his house in months.  I hadn't needed to.

“You must go,” he stated.

“Is that an order?” I asked, for
once feeling willful.


I sighed.  “Yes, master.”

Of course I knew I had to go.  I
couldn't hide in my room the entire time Maddie was here, and my parents would
certainly wonder where I was.  I had to go home.

I hoisted my bag up on my shoulder,
and grabbed my laptop with my free hand, and followed Mr. Hendricks down to the

“You know the schedule?” he asked.

“Yes, sir.”  Maddie was going to be
here the entire week.  I couldn't return until Sunday.  It would be an entire
week of torture.  “Don't come back until Sunday,” I added.

“Good.  I'll text you if the plans

I nodded, and hoped they would.

He opened the garage door for me,
and I jumped in my car.  It coughed and sputtered a bit as it started – it was
old, and hadn't been used in months to boot, but after a bit of protesting, it
roared to life.  I was on my way home.

It would only be for a week, I told
myself.  That wasn't so terrible, was it?

But it was more than just coming
home.  It wouldn't be just me and my parents.  Kandace and her husband would be
there as well.  It was going to be a full house, and not in a pleasant way. 
Not in a pleasant way at all.  My mom had told me all about it in one of her
ranting e-mails to me, a few days ago.

I almost didn't make it home.  I
very nearly called Mr. Hendricks up and begged him to let me go back to him. 
But logic kept my hands on the wheel, and logic kept me driving home.  Crying
to my master wouldn't change a thing.  Sometimes I had to do uncomfortable
things.  Sometimes I had to do things that I wouldn't enjoy in the least.  This
was one of those things, but it had to be done.

Dread filled my body as I pulled
into the driveways of my parents' house for the first time in months.  My feet
felt like lead as I hauled them out of the my little car.  My bag felt like it
weighed a ton.  There was nothing I'd rather do less right now, than go into my
parents' house.  But somehow, I did it.

I opened the door, and I heard my
mom call out.  “Kandace?”

“No, it's Krystal.”  I couldn't
help but bite back a frown.  My parents were still so obsessed with my sister
that they wouldn't even give me the time of day.

“Oh, hello sweetie!”  My mom now
popped out of the kitchen, oven mitts still on her hands.  She wrapped me in
one of her patented awkward hugs, and I returned it as best I could,
considering my arms were full.  “Why don't you go put that upstairs and help me
with dinner?”

“Okay.”  I swallowed, and trudged
up the stairs.  Now that I was actually here and doing things, now that I was in
action, it didn't seem so bad.  Still, this world seemed so strange to me.

I set the bags on my bed, and saw a
flash of fur.  Flicker!  He jumped on the bed and yowled for pets, which I
gladly gave him.  As I sat next to him, gathering him up in my lap, I
remembered how much I missed this little creature.  He was such a good cat.

But I couldn't stay with him long –
my mom needed help, and she wouldn't be terribly happy if I just lurked in my
bedroom all day.  Still, the thought was tempting.  I briefly considered
flipping open my laptop, laying down on my bed, and vegging out on the net for
just a few minutes.

“Krystal!” my mom yelled up the
stairs.  I sighed.  There'd be no vegging out for me.

I stood up, aggravating Flicker
with my sudden movement.  “I'll be back in a little while,” I consoled the
little cat, and then reluctantly left the room.

My mom was waiting downstairs, her
hands on her hips.  For a moment, I thought she was angry with me, but then I
noticed that there were other people in the room as well.  My dad was there,
and so was Kandace.

And her husband stood behind her,
his hands protectively placed on her shoulders.

“Krystal,” my mom said tersely,
“This is Steven.  Steven Crouch.”

“Um, hello,” I said awkwardly to
the strange me.  He looked old, older than dad, and he was soft and pale, with
thin gray hair.  He was tall though, and thin, taller than Kandace by a head,
and he had a genial, non-aggressive smile.

“Hello, my dear,” he replied.  His
voice was as soft as his body, and he extended a hand.  I took in my own,
shaking it lightly.  His hand was as soft as the rest of him looked, and his
grip was light.

In other words, he was very much
like my dad, and nothing like my master.

An awkward silence filled the air,
and my mom try to fill it instead with conversation.  “Well, I was just getting
dinner ready.  Krystal, be a good girl and set the table.”

I froze at the mention of 'good girl', but quickly found myself again, and set
about making the table ready.  The clatter of plates and silverware now covered
that silence, and my mom stirred whatever was in the pot at the stove.  Kandace
and Steve stood to the side with my dad, engaged in light conversation.  The
entire affair was very strange.

Finally, after what felt like eons,
my mom brought what she'd made to the table.  “Dinner's ready!” she said
brightly.  Perhaps a little too brightly.  We all sat.  And endured the
strangest dinner of our lives.

My mom asked me about college, and
I recited everything I'd memorized.  I sounded like a robot and I knew it, and
Kandace eyed me suspiciously.  My parents didn't seem to care or catch on,
though.  It was almost like, now that they'd performed their parental duties to
me, they could leave me alone, and focus on grilling both Kandace and Steve.

To his credit, Kandace's husband
was perfectly intelligent, and very tactful.  He answered all of my mom's
questions in what I thought was the best way possible, but still she glared at
the man.  Meanwhile, my dad focused so hard on his spaghetti that he might
possibly have bored two small holes straight through the pile of noodles, the
plate, and even the table.  I followed his lead, trying to make myself as
unnoticeable as humanly possible.

“I can't believe you, Kandace,” my
mom fumed as she stabbed a meatball.  “How could you do this to me?  To your

“Do what, mom?” my sister retorted,
just as angrily.  “It's my life, and I love Steven!”

Steven was shifting uncomfortably
in his seat.  It was clear enough to me that he didn't like being talked about
as if he wasn't even there, but my mom either didn't notice, or didn't care.

“We still have some say in your
life.  We're paying your college tuition!”

“You want me to pay my own way?”
Kandace shot a volley back.

“Why couldn't you get a full ride
scholarship, like Krystal?”

I looked up, my eyes widening and
my face red.  This was the first time in my memory that I'd ever been compared
favorably to my sister.  They were always asking me to be more like her, not
the other way around.  It was strange.

Kandace turned her fury to me,
now.  “You? 
got a full ride?”

I ducked my head.  I was nervous,
because it was a complete fabrication.  I had no such thing.  “Yes,” I mumbled.

“I don't believe it.  You weren't
even on honor roll!”  I knew what she was doing.  She was trying to turn my
parents against me, so the dangerous spotlight would be taken from her.

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