Her Father, My Master: Enthralled (8 page)

BOOK: Her Father, My Master: Enthralled
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The moment I stepped out of the
car, I knew he had something planned for me.  The only question was what,
exactly.  He had another box in his hands.  Another collar, perhaps?

There was no awkwardness when I
approached him, no hesitation.  I immediately settled into my role as his
slave.  He saw the change in my demeanor, and gave a slight smile.  He knew how
much control he had over me.

Wordlessly, he opened the box.  It
was wood, just like the box that held my beautiful, elaborate collar was. 
Inside, was yet another collar.  It was leather, and lined with D rings, for
hooking chains to.

I had an inkling on what this was
about, but still I asked.  “What is it, master?”

“Shhh,” he ordered me into silence
with that shush, and I complied, immediately shutting my mouth.  That was too
forward.  I should not have asked.

Still, he answered my question as
he affixed the collar around my neck.  “This is a special collar.  When I use
this, you will know that a day of bondage awaits you.  Now undress.”  He kissed
my shoulder after he finished locking the thing in place.  I disrobed, right
there in the garage.  “Bring your bag upstairs.”

“Yes, master.”  I raced back to my
car and pulled out the bag, then gathered both it and my clothes up.  I
followed him up the stairs.

My room was the same as always,
though now there were some other additions.  Chains hung from the ceiling, and
a pile of leather straps were strewn across the carpet, their blackness a
strong contrast on the white floor.

“The rest of your outfit,” my
master indicated, gesturing towards the straps.  “Put it on.”

Though I tried my hardest, I
couldn't figure out how to untangle the straps and put them on, but my master
helped me without sighing in impatience, or hitting me.  He was such a
thoughtful master.  Soon, I had my first bondage outfit on.  Straps ran around
my body and limbs, and wrapped around my breasts in an almost painful way.

As a final touch, Mr. Hendricks
withdrew a black egg-like object from the recesses of one of his pockets.  “Do
you know what this is?” he asked me quietly.

I shook my head.  I hadn't a clue.

“Well, you're going to find out in
a couple of minutes.”  With that said, he pocketed the thing again, and
proceeded to tie me to the wall.  I was chained around my neck, my shoulders
and torso, my arms, my hips, and my legs.  By the time he was done with me, the
most I could do was strain against my bonds and make the chains tinkle and
sway, but not much more than that.  I couldn't move at all.

“Now,” my master muttered, and
pulled out the black egg again.  He didn't have to tell me to spread my legs,
as he'd already tied them apart.  He pushed the egg between the folds of my
damp pussy, and then forced it farther and farther in.  After it was slipped
into place, my master smiled slightly, more at himself than at me.

I still had no idea what the thing
did, but I would find out all too quickly.

“Stay here,” he ordered, and I
obeyed.  Not that I had much of a choice – I was tied to the wall and ceiling. 
I was naked and at his mercy, except for the bondage gear.  It was utterly
thrilling.  I stared after him, as he left the room, wondering what he would do

I found out rather quickly.  The
egg he'd pushed inside me felt full against my walls – it was a little thing,
about the size of an actual egg, but my cunt was young and tight.

And I bit back a squeal when the
egg made its presence known.  It began to vibrate in a most pleasurable way.  I
attempted to clench my legs together to lessen the thing's erotic impact, but
as much as I strained against my bonds, I found I really couldn't move.

And the vibrations were growing
stronger, ever stronger.  I knew my master was behind this, and it made the
sensations all the more pleasurable.  He could control me, even when he wasn't
in the room.

I could hear the egg buzzing inside
me as it continued to increase in power.  The pleasure was near overwhelming,
but not quite enough to make me come.  It was only enough to make me want even
more.  It was enough to make me crave my master in ways I never thought
possible before.

I moaned and strained against my
bonds for the dozenth time.  My body was on fire – even the slight tingle of air
moving over my skin was mind blowing.  I needed him, and I needed him now.  And
it felt as though the egg were growing inside me, getting larger and larger,
stretching me wide and bringing me immeasurable amounts of pleasure... I needed
him.  I needed him to make me come.

As quickly as it started, it
stopped as well.  And there was no slow tapering away.  He just turned it off. 
I couldn't help it – I let out a low moan as my exhausted body sank, letting
the chains hold me up now.  Sweat dripped down my forehead, dropping on my
shoulders and trickling down my breasts.  It tickled and itched and etched
lines of fire in my skin, but I couldn't do anything about it.  I was
completely bound by Mr. Hendricks.

My mouth wordlessly opened and
closed.  My body throbbed and pulsed.  It begged to be taken down and fucked,
but my master was nowhere in sight.  I was left alone, to stew in my own
juices.  The house was completely silent.  For all I knew, he'd left his home
completely.  He'd left me alone.

I felt a small twinge of fear, just
then.  What if something happened to me?  I had no way to escape.

I wasn't able to dwell on that
thought for long, however, for my master started the egg up again.  There was
no mercy, this time.  He ramped the egg to its maximum setting, and I felt as
if my world was being shaken apart.  It felt so good, so impossibly good.  He
had me so close to coming, and he wasn't even in the room... I wanted to come,
I needed to come.

I bowed my head and squeezed my
eyes shut, trying to urge that familiar climax to roll through my body, but it
was no use.  I heard a low chuckle, and lifted my head.  Mr. Hendricks had
silently entered the room, when I wasn't looking.

“You enjoy your new toy, my pet?”
he asked, trailing a hand along my bare skin.  His touch was electric.

“Yes,” I gasped as the egg jolted
and reverberated through my body.  “Yes, master.”

“That's a good girl.  How long do
you think you can handle this?”

“As long as you... need me... to.” 
My words came out in croaking gasps and squeals as he played with the egg,
sharply increasing and decreasing its power without warning.

“Good.  Just what I wanted to
hear,” he murmured.  “Do you see that button on the wall?”

I glanced to where he indicated. 
There was a small white button on a switch plate.  It was within reach, but
only barely so.  “I see it, sir.”

“If you truly need help, press it. 
I will come.”  He smiled and turned.  “But for now, I will leave you to
enjoy... this.”  At that last word, he ramped the power all the way up on the
egg, and I screamed in pleasure.  “Good pet.  I will talk to you later.”  With
that, he left me in the room.  Alone.


Minutes passed, and then it felt
like hours.  My legs shook with exhaustion, and my pussy felt thoroughly abused
by the egg inside me.  The leather straps rubbed and chafed my sensitive skin. 
It felt like my entire body was on fire; it coursed with electricity and

And I never knew when my master
would turn on that cursed egg.  Sometimes he would keep it on for minutes,
teasing and torturing me with its pleasurable sensations, and sometimes he
would turn it completely off for an hour.  I was left to stew in my lust during
that time.

And I tried everything I could to
get myself to come.  I clenched my eyes shut and tried to mentally force the
much-needed climax, but that didn't work.  I tried twisting my body against the
chains, I tried squeezing my legs together, but my bonds held me fast.  I was
completely helpless against the erotic torture my master was giving me.

after what
seemed like hours, he relented.  Or at least, I hoped he was relenting, as he
showed up in my bedroom once more.

He strode across the room, and
cupped my limp chin in his hand, tsking.  “My poor pet – have you worn yourself
out?  Do you have anything left for your master?”

I groaned wordlessly and shook the
chains at him.  He had to let me come.  “Please,” I managed to whisper.

He chuckled.  “Please?  Please
what?  Untie you?  Or do... this?”  With that word, he drove the power in the
egg all the way up again, and pummeled my tortured walls.  I groaned and leaned
heavily against the chains.

“Please let me come,” I begged.  My
body pulsed, it throbbed and ached for him.  I needed him.  I needed him inside

“Ahhh, I see,” he said with a
slight smile.  I knew that he knew what I wanted all along.  He was feigning
ignorance to tease me, to torture me even more.  And it was working.  I moaned
even louder, twisting against the chains, the leather chafing my skin as that
egg inside me drove me to a frenzy.  There was nothing on my mind but my
master.  I needed him filling me. I needed him fucking me.  I needed his cock.

But my master decided that my
torture hadn't lasted long enough, not even now.  With the egg still thrumming
inside me, he grabbed me, and pulled me close to him.  The chains rattled and
strained in protest, but neither of us cared.

“I wonder just how much you can
take,” he said, and dipped his head to kiss me.

I returned the kiss with a
desperation that I hadn't felt in weeks, not since the last time he denied me
my orgasm.  I hungrily kissed him, my tongue groping and poking its way inside
his mouth.  He gripped me firmly, his hands brushing up and down my sides as he
let me be aggressive, for once.  And then he pushed me away.

I moaned with frustration, at
first, but he pressed towards me again, but not to kiss me.  Now, he nibbled
and bit ruthlessly at my neck, my shoulder, a collar bone.  Each bite was like
an explosion on my skin.  The tiny lances of pain went straight to my brain,
and sent me into even more of a frenzy.

He cupped and squeezed my breasts,
and then bit down harshly on one of my nipples.  It was too much.  I screamed
and thrashed against my bonds as my climax mounted ever higher.  I was so
close, so close, and I just needed a little bit more to make me come, and give
me the release I so longed for.

But my master would not give it to
me.  Instead of biting harder, he only laughed, and moved lower on my body,
using a more tender touch.  I wanted him to beat me bloody, but he was not
going to give that to me.  I had to be patient.

He chuckled as he touched me now,
his hands tracing lines down my belly and thighs, and I knew why.  I was tense
as a bowstring, my entire body taut and straining against the restrictive
chains.  I needed him, but he wouldn't give himself to me, not yet.  That
wasn't for me to decide – it was for him.

Now, he cupped my pubic mound in a
hand.  Now, the real torture would begin.

“Silence,” he said harshly, and
then dipped his head down, down between my folds.  It was an impossible effort
to keep silent at his invading tongue, running up and down the drenched folds
of my pussy, but somehow I did it.  Somehow, the only sound that emerged from
my throat was a ragged breathing as he brought me higher and higher, closer and
closer to my climax...

Only to pull away and withdraw,
before I could reach that sweet release.  I wanted to scream and rattle the
chains that held me captive, but I knew better than that.

Instead, I let out a low, deep
breath, like a sigh, but more strained.  He laughed.

“Do not move,” he commanded, and
dipped a hand inside me, drawing out the black egg.  Was he going to let me
down and finally fuck me?

He threw the egg aside, and held
his hand up to  my face.  “How much can my pet take of this, I wonder?” he
asked casually as he extended his fingers, one by one, and then made a fist. 
My eyes widened.  I wasn't certain that I could take more than three or four of
those thick fingers.  But I knew it wasn't for me to decide how much I could

He drew his hand back downward, and
ran his fingers across my abused cunt.  It was like fireworks.  His mere touch
was very nearly enough to get me to come.  But not quite enough – I still ached
for that release.

Now, he dipped a finger inside me,
and I let a small moan escape.  Mr. Hendricks growled and slapped my ass
harshly with his free hand, and I jumped at the sudden flowering of pain on my
skin.  “Silence,” he repeated his command, and I nodded.  I was still to
vocal.  I would have to work on that.

But his finger felt so good, and it
was soon joined by another, and then another.  Those three thick fingers alone
were nearly as wide as his cock, and I think I could possibly take any more. 
But my master didn't care what I thought I could take.  His purpose was to
stretch me to my limits, in every way imaginable.  Including this way.  He sunk
another finger in, leaving only his thumb outside my cunt, now.

I stifled groan after groan.  He
was stretching me so wide it hurt, but the pain was pleasurable beyond
compare.  I folded that pain into my mind, converting it to sweet pleasure, and
I felt a climax quickly rise once again.  He had to let me come this time, he
just had to.

My master sunk his hand, up to his
thumb in my abused pussy, and his thumb now pressed down on my clit.  I was so
slick, so drenched, that he slid in easily, but it was still painful to me. 
Just when I thought I couldn't handle any more, he began to thrust.

I bit my tongue to keep the moans
at bay, as he dipped his hand in, over and over.  Each time he bore down, his
thumb jammed against my hyper-sensitive clit, and that overwhelming sensation
made my body jerk against the chains.  I was close, so close...

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