Her Father, My Master: Enthralled (3 page)

BOOK: Her Father, My Master: Enthralled
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“Come inside,” he finally said
after a few moments of silence.  I nodded mutely, and followed him.  There was
something different about my master well.  He wanted to do something more with
me, I was sure of it.

I followed on a different path, as
we went through a different door.  We went through the kitchen, and the dining
room, and finally up the stairs, to his bedroom.  I felt nervous now, though I
didn't understand why.  Mr. Hendricks felt on edge, and that anxiety was
transferring itself to me.  What did he have planned for me?

We entered his bedroom, and I
immediately noticed the elaborate wooden box on his bed.  Curious, I stared at
it as we walked towards the low mattress.  There was no clue as to what was
inside it; I could only guess, but I couldn't hazard a single one.

“Here,” my master said gruffly, and
pulled me forward and down, urging me to sit on his bed.  This was different –
usually I would have disrobed, by now.  “Sit,” he said, vocalizing his wishes
towards me, though I already knew what he wanted.  I sat on the edge of the
bed, my legs resting on the balls of my feet.  I leaned forward, my anxiety
only increasing.  What was he going to do to me?

He lifted the box off of the bed,
and held it in front of me, displaying it to me.  “Would you believe that I've
never used this on anyone before?”

“What it is, sir?” I asked.  I was
still completely in the dark about what he was doing, and what he had in that

In answer, he lifted the lid of the
box, and inside was another collar.  This one was far more elaborate than the
one currently around my neck.  There intricate curls and knots, in a vaguely
Celtic design.  I stared at it for a few moments, before looking up at him in
askance.  “Another collar?” I finally asked, and he nodded.

“Remember what I said about that
one you're wearing, being an engagement collar?  This one is the real thing. 
If you accept this one, if I choose to offer it to you, you will be mine.”

“Forever?” I breathed.  I wanted
nothing more than to belong to him until the end of time.

He gave a short laugh.  “Perhaps.” 
He looked at me, and I began to grow even more nervous.  I wanted him to offer
that metal ring to me, to put it around me neck, but he was making no move to
do so.  He was just... staring.

And I knew better than to push. 
Instead, I forced calmness into my body, letting it flow through my veins and
relax me.  He was testing me, yet again.  He was always testing.

Finally, he gave a slight smile,
and dipped a hand into the box, pulling out the beautiful collar.  I couldn't
tell what it was made of – possibly silver or pewter – but I didn't care what
the material was, I only wanted it around my neck.

He fully lifted the collar out, and
set the box aside, on the black nightstand.  “So, knowing what this means, do
you accept?”

“Yes,” I replied without

He set the new collar on the bed
now, and circled a hand around my neck.  With his other hand, he drew out the
key that hung on a chain around his own neck, and quickly unlocked the collar. 
As he removed it, I felt strangely naked.  I'd been wearing the collar all
summer, and its heavy presence was a soothing reminder to me of my master.  Of
my role in his life, and of our contract.

Mr. Hendricks seemed to note my
agitation, and he moved quickly, swiftly picking up the new collar, and
fastening it around my neck.  This one locked more easily than the last – it
seemed to be made for my neck; it fit far more snugly.

“Now,” he said in an almost
businesslike manner as he worked.  “We know what this means.  I've offered, and
you're accepted.  You are my slave, and as long as you wear this collar, you
must do everything I say.  Everything.”  He looked down at me meaningfully.

“Yes, master,” I whispered in
reply.  I knew that I would be able to perform for him.  He'd trained me so

“And you know the escape clause.  The
safe word.”  I nodded, but still he leaned downwards and whispered it into my
ear again.  “If you say that word, the contract is nullified.  You are free to
go.  You must know that I will not keep you here against your will.  Do you
trust me?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good.  And you must also know that
I enjoy a great deal of structure, and so that is something you will come to
enjoy as well.  Though you may not like it at first, you must not strain at
your bonds.  Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.”  I wasn't certain that
I did understand, but I thought I would come to, in due time.

“Good.  Now, the first order of
business.”  He growled and pressed me down onto the bed, anything but
businesslike now.  We stripped quickly, me writhing as I wriggled out of my
clothes in a prone position.

It was quick, but it was just like
the first time he took me – full of primal passion.  There were no rules, no
order, just sex.

I loved the feeling of his cock
inside me, filling me and spreading me like no man had ever done before.  Not
that I had much experience.  As he thrust and grunted above me, I closed my
eyes, savoring the simple feeling of sex.  It'd been so long since we'd had
this.  There was always something attached to our sessions – some form of
bondage or restraint or play, and I loved that he could and would still take me
like this, on this level.

I tensed and writhed underneath him
as he came inside me, and, ever the considerate master, he fingered me to my
own climax, his rough digit pressing down on my slickened pussy.  I came easily
with him, within moments.

Finally, we both collapsed on the
bed, him on top of me, his body a comforting, sweaty weight pressing against my
skin.  I could feel his heart rapidly beating, more rapid than my own.  But, he
had been doing most of the work.

After what felt like minutes, he
hauled himself off of me, and withdrew.  We both winced as the pleasurable
feeling of him inside me, and me surrounding him disappeared, but still, he
stood.  He dressed, and I attempted to follow suit, but he stopped me.

“No,” he said, and I looked up at
him in askance, one sock on.  “No clothing today.”

I understood what he meant
immediately, and I nodded.  “Yes, master.”

“It's time to show you what I mean
by structure.”  After he pulled his clothes on and straightened them, he led me
out of the bedroom, and down the hall.  I watched as he opened the door to a
room I'd never been in before.  My eyes grew round, as I saw what was inside. 
It was a bedroom, but clearly meant to be my bedroom.  In addition to the queen
size bed, I saw a low table lined with a variety of torture devices and whips,
and sex toys.  There were shackles on the wall.  And the heavy black curtains
were drawn.  I knew what would be going on in this room.

“This will be your room,” my master
commented as he waved a hand, indicating that I should take everything in.  Which
I'd already done.

For a moment, I was confused,
however.  I don't know why, but I thought I would be staying in his room, with
him.  But, I realized, that was not the role that I was to have in his life.  I
was his slave, not his girlfriend, I reminded myself for the hundredth time.

He ushered me into the dark room,
and I stepped inside.  The walls were rather bare, and painted the same blood
red as his master bedroom.  The carpet was white, but the sheets on the bed
were black.  I already knew why.  To cover any possible stains.

As I continued to glance around,
taking everything in, Mr. Hendricks padded over to the table holding all the
devices and toys, and opened the top drawer.  From within its bowels, he pulled
out a thick leather book.  He brought it to me, and put it in my hands.

“Your schedule,” he said simply,
and I opened the book.  I understood what he meant.  It wasn't a book, but a
calendar and day planner.  Each day was mapped out, from the moment I woke up
to the moment I fell asleep.  I had time set aside for coursework and study,
and there were other times that I had specific tasks to accomplish, such as
cleaning the bathrooms, or the kitchen.  It was daunting.  It was more than
daunting.  I realized at that moment that I was more than just his sex slave. 
I was to be his slave in every way.

But rather than feel scared, I felt
excited, invigorated.  I felt as though I could do this.

And it helped that each night had a
sizable chunk of time dedicated to 'play.'  I could guess very well what that
play would entail.

My master led me through the room
now, showing me where I could store my things in the dresser and closet, and
where I could do my schoolwork on the small desk in one corner.  All the
furniture was like the bed – sleek, simple, and black as night.  Black and red
seemed to be his favorite colors.

“Now,” he said as he completed the
quick tour.  “Do you have any questions about your chores for today?”

I glanced down at the planner, and
looked through the list.  It was simple.  I was to get settled, bring my things
in, then clean the kitchen and prepare a specific dinner menu he devised.  I
wasn't sure about the cooking portion.  I wasn't terrible good at it.

“What sort of dinner do you want me
to make, sir?” I asked, my index finger running over the words on the paper.

“Nothing difficult, my pet,” he
assured me, his hand draping over my bare shoulder.  “And you know you cannot
get dressed, right?”

I flushed.  I'd never spent so much
time nude, before.  It was a way that he was exerting control over me though, I
was certain, and I thrilled in that idea.  “I know, sir,” I said quietly.

“Good.  Any other questions?”

“No, sir.”

“Good.  I need to get to work now. 
I expect everything to be completed when I return.  Though...”  He gripped both
of my shoulders now, turning me towards him.  “If you do not, I will not be
upset.  I will have to punish you, though.”  His mouth quirked upwards in a
slight smile at those words.

“Yes, sir,” I breathed.  I was at
war with myself – I wanted to be punished, but I wanted to be good for him.  I
didn't want to make any mistakes, or disappoint him.  I knew I would do my best
to accomplish all the tasks as well as possible.

“Good.  I will be back by seven,
sharp.  I will see you then.”  He dipped down and lightly kissed my forehead,
and then silently left the room.

I was alone, and left to my own
devices.  For a few minutes, I stood in the room – my room, and stared some
more.  Then I walked up to the dresser, and fingered each device in turn. 
There was a variety of dildos, and other dildo-like objects that I didn't
recognize.  I couldn't even begin to guess what they were for.  Then, there
were the whips.  There was a pair of thick leather ones, and one exceptionally
cruel looking thin one, with a handle that dividing into a handful of thin,
black cotton cords.  There were at least a dozen of the cords.  It would sting
badly, when he used it on me.

In addition to the whips, were
other devices I both recognized and didn't recognize.  The wax, I was familiar
with.  And the nipple clamps, and the spreader bars.  But there were also some
things that my master had never used on me.  I found myself eager to find out
what they did.

I couldn't put it off any further,
though.  I grabbed the day planner, and glanced through my list of daily chores
once again.  The first thing I was supposed to do was empty my car of my
things, and move them to my new room.  Mr. Hendricks had been specific in
indicating that I put everything away, as well.  He would not tolerate mess or

Now I understood why Maddie's room
was always so clean.

I set to work, slipping down the
stairs and into the garage.  I felt incredibly exposed, naked as I was.  What
if someone glanced into one of the windows and saw me?  What would they do,
what would they say?

There wasn't anything I could do
about it, though.  I began to empty my car., cleaning it out and setting all my
things on the spotless garage floor.  After I finished, I looked at the pile. 
It was pitifully small.  I simply didn't own much in the way of things.  Although,
that was probably a good thing, considering I would have to carry it all up myself.

I sighed.  There was no putting off
the process any longer.  I began hauling my things inside.

It took a good fifteen trips, but
within an hour, I had all my belongings in my new room.  I felt sore and
sweaty, and now I was glad to not have any clothes on.  If I did, they would
have been soaked through, like I'd just jumped in a shower.

In fact, a shower sounded nice.  In
addition to my general sweatiness, my legs and the folds of my sex were still
drenched.  A shower would be a very nice thing, right about now.

Leaving the pile of junk in the
middle of the room for the moment, I pulled out my toiletries, and made for the
bathroom.  Though Mr. Hendricks hadn't showed it to me, I knew where it was,
from my previous visits with Maddie.  It was just a couple of doors down.

As I paced down the hallway, for
the first time I found myself curious about what was behind the other doors.  I
knew Maddie's room, and the bathroom, but there were two other guest bedrooms
that I'd never so much as looked in.

That curiosity got the better of
me.  I crept up to one door, and gingered touched the handle lightly.  I
half-expected a siren to blare when I turned the knob, but no such thing happened.

The knob also didn't turn.  It was
locked.  I stared at the knob, realizing that rather than the simple
push-button locks; this one had a full-blown keyhole.  There would be no
sneaking into this room, and most likely not the other one.  It seemed my master
had some secrets.

I coughed, suddenly feeling very
naughty, and very exposed.  I knew Mr. Hendricks wouldn't appreciate my
snooping like this, so quick as a flash, I yanked my hand from the door knob
and dropped it back to my side.  I may be curious, but my master had a right to
his privacy.  I had to obey him.

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