Her Father, My Master: Enthralled (2 page)

BOOK: Her Father, My Master: Enthralled
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Finally, he dropped the whip.  It
hit the ground with a clatter, and he pulled me roughly off the hook.  He
picked me up bodily now – apparently he couldn't wait for me to hobble over the
bed in a most humiliating way, and I could feel the thick trunk of his erection
pressing against my abused and tortured ass.  This time, I really did let a
groan escape, and he squeezed my sides harshly, forcing the air from my body. 
I squeaked.

“Quiet,” he commanded, and I
nodded.  I pursed my lips, trying to be as silent as possible.  I tried to not
even let my breathing make a sound.

He set me down next to the bed, and
pushed me over.  I arched my back, lifting my ass into the air, begging for him
to take me.  I knew he would, in his own time, but he would tease me, first.

“That's a good pet,” he said, his
voice rough and grating on my ears.  I wanted to whimper and push back against
him, to show him how much I wanted him, but I knew he wouldn't like that.  He
wanted me still, so I held my body as still as possible.  I couldn't disappoint
my master.

He ran his hands harshly over my
back, and let them wander down to my ass.  Sparks flew in my eyes as he stroked
the already sensitive skin there, and then he dug in his nails, right on a
welt.  Tears well in my eyes as I bit back yet another scream.  I would be good
for him.

My master grunted his approval, and
then moved into position over me.  At first, he teased me, resting his mammoth
cock lightly between my ass cheeks, and thrusting even so slightly.  I stood
stock still.  I knew he wanted me to move.  He wanted me to make a mistake, so
he could spank me.

But I was a good girl, and finally,
he relented.  He dragged his thick dick downwards now, dipping between the
folds of my soaked cunt.  The sensation was enough to make him groaned loudly,
and briefly, I swelled with pride.  I made him feel that way.  It was me who'd
done that to him.

“That's good, my pet,” he grunted,
and without any further warning, he dove right in, quickly and forcefully
impaling me to the hilt.

I couldn't help myself  - I let out
a gasp at the sudden, pleasurable sensation of being filled by him.  It had
been weeks, after all, and my young cunt wasn't used to the sheer size and
girth of the cock that my master had.

Mr. Hendricks growled, and I felt a
hand connect sharply with my ass, causing me to squeal and clench around him. 
“I said, quiet!” he commanded, and I gave a whimpering nod.  I had to obey him.

He moved in and out of me now, and
this feeling was exquisite, nearly overwhelming in and of itself.  If he wanted
to fuck me all night, I would let him.  Though I knew that this couldn't
happen.  Not yet, at least.  And for now, my master didn't waste any time at
all – he thrust against me quick and hard, taking himself to climax quickly. 
He bellowed as he unloaded inside me, and his hands crabbed and gripped my ass
with an almost impossible force.  I saw stars, and my eyes watered at the
mingled pain and pleasure.  I didn't orgasm, but this feeling was better than
an orgasm.  I could make myself come, but only my master could make me feel the
way that I felt right now.

And yet, I had the oddest feeling
that he was still holding back.

I knew that he wanted to do more
with me.  He wanted to try new things, but we hadn't experimented with anything
new in the past few weeks.  Not since that fateful night after my graduation. 
He was probably waiting until the end of summer.  I hoped I could hold out that

I stifled a gasp as he
unceremoniously pulled out of me.  The play wasn't over, not until I was untied
and the blindfold was removed.  I had to stay silent.

But Mr. Hendricks didn't draw out
the play.  Not tonight.  Our time was short.  As he removed the blindfold, I
glanced over at the clock on his nightstand.  The red glowing number declared
the time to be close to midnight.  I wanted to curse and leap up, but I was
still chained down.  My training overrode my desire to not get into trouble,
for the moment.  Mr. Hendricks quickly untied me – he knew what my curfew was.

As soon as I was released, the
spell over us was dispersed, if only temporarily.  I hated this part.  I hated
having to sink back into the mundane horror of reality, especially when I had
this waiting for me.

“I have to go,” I said simply, and
he nodded.

I dressed as quickly as I could,
and we went down the stairs, our feet padding silently on the carpet.  There
wasn't time for a long goodbye.  I simply stepped outside, and Mr. Hendricks
watched me as I walked towards my car on the now dark street.  He was making
certain that I was safe.

As I slid into the seat of the
sedan, I glanced at the clock again.  It flashed 11:50 at night as a warning to
me.  It took twenty minutes to get home.  I would be in trouble, most likely. 
I could only hope that my parents trusted me enough to get home on time, and
they went to bed already.

No time to waste – I immediately
started the engine up, and raced for home.  If I speeded, it would only take
fifteen minutes.  Five minutes late, that wasn't too bad.  I'd have to hurry.

The clock said 12:08 when I finally
pulled into the driveway.  I cursed as I saw the kitchen light was still on. 
Somebody was up, and it was probably mom.

I was in luck.  It was only dad,
sitting in his usual spot at the kitchen table.

“A little late, aren't we?”  He was
sipping a cup of coffee as he spoke.  It was decaf, of course.  Dad had a
terrible coffee habit, and mom had forced the change upon him a few months ago. 
She said that he really shouldn't be drinking caffeine so late at night.

“Sorry,” I said shortly, and opened
the refrigerator, looking inside.  It was more for something to do than because
I was hungry.  I was actually more tired than anything, but I knew dad would
want to talk.

“Where've you been?” he continued
his line of interrogation, and I poured myself a glass of water from the
pitcher in the fridge, then plopped the glass and myself down on the table.

“At Maddie's like I said before,” I
replied noncommittally.

“Mmmm,” dad said wordlessly.  “You
know your mother wouldn't like to hear that you broke curfew.”

“It was just a few minutes, I
swear!  I forgot what time it was.  It's not a big deal!” I spurted out each
sentence quickly.  I already knew that I was trying to argue my way out of a
punishment.  My dad may seem quieter and less harsh than my mom, but he could
dole out punishments with the best of them.

“You were ten minutes late.”

“Only eight,” I countered and
pointed at the clock in the kitchen.  It was 12:10 now.

He sighed.  “Your mother would kill
me if she knew I was going to let you get away with this.”

I suppressed a grin and my heart
rose.  I wouldn't be in trouble tonight.  I wouldn't be grounded the worst
punishment imaginable.

“Get to bed,” he finally said, and
I leaped out of my seat, racing up the stairs two at a time.

As I slid into bed, my exhaustion
crept up on my with the suddenness of a snake striking.  I could barely keep my
eyes open.  The bed was so soft, so inviting.  I drifted quickly off into

My last thought before I succumbed
completely to unconsciousness was that Mr. Hendricks really
holding back.  What did he have in store for me?

Chapter 2

The rest of the summer passed by
much the same as the first part.  I worked, part time, at a local coffee shop
as a barista.  I snuck dad proper caffeinated coffee behind mom's back, and in
exchange, he'd look the other way when I was late getting home from Maddie's.

It was strange, I didn't even see
Maddie the entire summer.  I heard through the grapevine, through my own circle
of friends that she and Joey had started a thing after prom, but that thing
quickly disintegrated into a violent and messy breakup.  Instead of stalking
me, Joey stalked Maddie now, which made me nervous whenever I visited my
master.  What if he saw us?  What if he said something?  And a small part of me
was terribly bitter about it.  I guess I wasn't good enough to have a stalker.

I never did see him, though, and I
only visited my master a handful of times in the summer.  I hated it.  I ached
for him, I yearned for him, and it seemed like every time I got a taste of him,
I was abruptly pushed away again.  I needed him more than a couple of times a
month.  Much more.

And I was going to get it soon, I
just had to be patient.

My patience did pay off, in the
end.  Summer wound to a painfully slow close, but it did end, all the same. 
August was stiflingly hot, and I only saw my master once, in that time.  He
must have been busy, with work or otherwise.  Too busy for his slave, I thought
with a pang of abandonment.  I didn't like this feeling.

What we had was not a normal
relationship, however.  I was not his girlfriend, and I could hardly expect to
have the rights of one.  I was his slave, he was my master, and he exercised
complete control over our relationship, and how it was defined.  It would never
be the other way around.

Finally, the day came.  The day
that I was supposed to leave for college.  Instead, I'd be packing up my car,
and making the entire twenty minute drive to my master's house.

I had to leave Flicker behind.  It
killed me to know that I was so close to my little cat, yet so far away, but it
was one of the prices I had to pay, in order to do this.  Still, I hugged the
tiny creature close to me, in spite his yowling protestations, and kissed his

“I'll be back soon,” I murmured, "I

Flicker only squirmed out of my
grasp and ran for the bed.  Mom said she'd take care of him, and I demanded
photo evidence.

It took an entire day to pack my
sedan up, but I did it.  I wasn't bringing much – my clothes, my DVD
collection, some books, all my electronics, including my iPod and laptop.  As I
stared at my car in the waning sunlight, I realized that my entire life was
packed up into that car.  Everything I owned.  It wasn't much.

And I'd be leaving tomorrow.  There
really was no turning back, now.

Dad came outside as I stared at the
car, and he put a hand on my shoulder.  “I envy you, in a way,” he said.

“How could you possibly envy me?”  My
mind boggled.  Here I was, going off into a world of uncertainty, and he had
everything.  A house, a job, everything he needed for his life.  I had nothing.

“You have potential.  You're going
on your first adventure.”

“But it's really scary.”

“That's the fun part,” he replied
with a smile, and he squeezed my arm.  I was somehow comforted by it.  “You'll
be all right.  You're a smart girl.”

Sometimes I wondered if I really
was all that smart.  I was throwing away a conventional education, and I was
taking a risk, a huge risk.  I knew Mr. Hendricks would take care of me, but
somehow I wondered how long he would be willing to do that.

“Come on,” dad said after a few
minutes of silence.  “You need to make sure you get enough rest tonight.  You
have a big day tomorrow.”

I nodded mutely, and we went


The next morning, I was up bright
and early, at six in the morning.  UVA wasn't far away, only a few hours drive,
but my mother woke me up.  She was excited for me.

We ate a quick breakfast, and then
there were the tearful farewells.  I feigned my tears – it didn't seem so
horrible, to me.  I was eager to get away from my parents, to be honest, and I
wasn't going all that far away from them, either.

But they didn't know that, so mom
cried, and I thought I might have even seen some tears on my dad's face.  I
started with a realization, as I stepped out of their house for the last time
in a while.  I was the last child of theirs to be leaving.  After this, they
would officially be empty-nesters.  Just as I was starting the next part of my
life, they were starting theirs.

It was a bit odd, to think of my
parents as old.

I shook my head as I started the
car up, and I rolled out of the driveway.  Really, this was it.  Not turning
back at all, now.

My master had given me a simple
instruction last night – a time to arrive the following morning.  It was going
to be a bit tight.  Maddie was leaving the same day as me, for her own
respective college, and I couldn't show up until after she left.  Mr. Hendricks
relayed that she was leaving at eleven.  It was only eight, when I left my own
parents' house.  I'd have to find a place to hole up, for the time being.

I settled on a nearby fast food
restaurant.  I wasn't hungry, so I huddled in a hard plastic booth as I cradled
a cup of coffee in my hands.  I tried surfing the net on my laptop, and reading
a book, but the time went by so slowly.  I finally gave up, and just stared out
the window.

When eleven did roll around, I
leaped out of  my seat and back to my car.  No more delays, it was time to do

Mr. Hendricks' house looked somehow
different to me, as I approached it.  For one, I wasn't going to park in the
street – someone might spot my car.  He'd instructed me to pull into the open
garage, where there was a space for me, right next to his Porsche.  It
terrified me to do so – I'd never parked in a garage before, much less next to
such an expensive car, but I managed to do it without destroying anything.

Before I even stepped out of the
car, the garage door was closing.  Mr. Hendricks was standing at the open door
to his house.  A few feet and six stairs were all that separated me from my

“Krystal,” he said simply, and I
flew up those steps and into his arms.  He gripped me in a strong embrace, and
I buried my head in his chest.  We didn't speak – we didn't need to.  The wait
was over.  It was finally over.

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