He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1)
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What can I say to that? I am completely lost for words. He places his hand in the small of my back, which sends shivers all down my spine, as we walk outside together. He must know the effect his touch has on me. It’s hard to put into words. But now I am looking forward to how my night might end. I can only imagine the look on Kieran’s face behind me—it
must be priceless—but I don’t give in to the temptation to look back. I know I will face the Spanish Inquisition tomorrow, but I’ll deal with it then. Right now I just want to enjoy my night.

“So where are we heading?” Alex asks.

“Glasgow’s West End. I’m only viewing the one flat tonight. Then we can go to dinner.”

“Sounds good,” Michael says. “So your friend Kirsty’s coming as well?”

“Yes. I’m sure you’ll both like her. She’s great—so much good fun. She’s meeting us at the flat,” I say. “Come on. My car is parked over there.” I point to the back of the car park where my red convertible is tucked between two vans.

“Nice car.” Alex looks between the car and me. “It suits you.”

“I like it, but maybe I should have gotten one of Dad’s cars and a driver for tonight.” I didn’t plan this very well. This means no alcohol will be passing these lips tonight—but then again, in Alex’s company, maybe that’s a good thing. I need my wits about me.

The journey from Loch Lomond to Glasgow doesn’t take as long as I thought it would at rush hour. Rush hour seems to last longer than an hour, which begs the question of why it’s called rush hour at all, but right now I’m puzzling over more pressing questions.
Will I like the flat? Is it too soon to leave the hotel? What does Alex really think of me?
Alex is sitting in the passenger seat next to me, and Michael
is in the back. The conversation is flowing amongst the three of us, and it’s nice and relaxed. Alex and Michael seem to have a really close relationship. I’m learning a lot about them both, although I still get the feeling Alex is holding back.

I pull up in front of a traditional red sandstone building in what appears to be a good neighbourhood. The tree-lined street gives me a good first impression. Lynn and Kirsty are already there, waiting for us on the walkway. I introduce everyone, but from the look on Lynn’s face, I take it that she already knows exactly who Alex is.
For the love of god, close your mouth, woman!
Kirsty has also noticed Lynn’s reaction to Mr. Handsome. She smiles.

“So,” I say to Lynn, “what can you tell me about the flat before we go in?” Yeah, that’s right. I’m the reason we are all standing here, not him…or has she completely lost her mind?

“Oh. Right. Okay, so from the outside, this building looks like all the rest on the street—your typical eight flats with the one close, with two flats on each landing,” Lynn says. “It’s not, though. This building was redeveloped a few years ago, and it has just three apartments—two on the ground floor and one on the third. But let’s not stand here talking when we could be inside. The one that’s going on the market is the one on the third floor. Let’s go and have a look.”

I’m excited about the possibilities, and I can see by the look on Kirsty’s face that she is thinking the
same as me—the flat must be huge. I can’t wait to see inside.

“Are you two going to keep standing out here on the pavement, or are you coming in?” I ask, already regretting the words since I can’t quite hear what Alex mutters under his breath in response. Michael obviously has; he’s grinning like a Cheshire cat.

We follow Lynn into the building and the close, or shared entrance, is still very traditional, with light-tiled walls and floors. As we climb up the three flights of stairs, I admire my surroundings.

“Well, don’t think I’d be able to climb these stairs in my heels after a night out,” Kirsty says drily.

“It would be good exercise,” I say, laughing, because that is just so Kirsty. After any night out, she struggles to walk.

We arrive at the third floor. Lynn opens the solid wooden door into the flat, and I step inside. God, the first thing that hits me is that it’s so light. I glance at Kirsty, who looks like an excited kid on Christmas morning.

“Can I?” she asks me, stepping away from me. She wants to explore on her own.

“Go ahead.” Kirsty doesn’t have to be told twice before she heads off.

I’m still standing in the doorway admiring the view in front of me. There’s a gorgeous, wooden double staircase that rises on both sides of the entry to the upper level of the flat. It’s stunning. It’s a very
grand hallway for a flat. The floor is a light oak, the walls are cream, and there’s a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling. A few pieces of contemporary artwork are already hanging on the walls. It has a great mix of old and new.

“I thought you were here to view this apartment, not just stand in the hallway.” Alex’s voice snaps me out of my daydream. He places his hand on my shoulder.

“Yes, of course I am.”

Lynn is standing beside the staircase watching my reaction. Or is it Alex she is watching? Alex motions for me to enter first, and then together we walk towards Lynn, with Michael behind us. Kirsty is nowhere to be seen. There is a set of double glass doors to both my right and left.

“Shall we? I’ll give you the tour,” Lynn says.

“Yes, please.”

Lynn opens the doors on the right side and starts talking. I follow her through, but to be honest, I don’t hear a word she says. I am in total awe of the beautiful room I have just entered—the living room. It’s a huge space, with beautiful bay windows that allow loads of natural light in. Again, the mix of new and old works well; the room has some great period features, like the high ceiling with the beautiful cornice and stunning fireplace, but it feels open, airy, and modern. It looks like the original. The room also has
a real warmth to it, a homely feel to it. One room down, and already I’m in love.

Off the living room is another set of glass doors. These lead to an ultramodern eat-in kitchen. Sleek and white would best describe the kitchen, which has plenty of units, lots of built-in gadgets, and a state-of-the-art cooker. I think I would be scared to use this kitchen. I would be having takeaway every night with paper plates so I didn’t get anything dirty. In the dining area is a large table with eight chairs, and there is still plenty of room. I love this room; it’s huge.

Oh. My. God
. Libby, this place is stunning. It’s so…you!” Kirsty shrieks as she enters the kitchen. Both Alex and Michael laugh. Kirsty gives them a puzzled look.

“I know. I’m just trying to take in what I’ve seen so far.”

“Libby, maybe you should go have a wander round by yourself. I’ll come find you in a bit. Let you get a feel for it,” Lynn says, although she is still looking past me straight to Alex.

“Do you mind if I go off by myself for a bit?” I ask Alex and Michael.

Both guys tell me to go ahead. I leave them all in the kitchen. Lynn offers to make them tea or coffee, saying the current owners won’t mind. I head back through the living room and out into the hall, then walk through the opposite set of doors into a sitting
room. It’s similar in size to the living room but feels more formal than the living room, which felt cosy despite its size. This room has more period features, including another exquisite fireplace. I’m starting to get a bit frightened to ask Lynn the price of the place. I do have a rough idea about prices in this part of the city, but I have to admit, this one is probably way out of my league. I didn’t even read the details she e-mailed over earlier.

Off the second sitting room is a much smaller hallway. Three doors open off it. One leads to a very modern WC, another to a home office that looks very practical, and the third and final door opens into a smallish but beautiful bedroom with a large window that overlooks the shared back garden. The room reminds me of the seaside, with its soft blues and whites and white-painted, wood furniture. The large en suite bathroom and the proportions of the bedroom suggest that this is a guest bedroom. So far I am very impressed.

I head back to the staircase. I’m smiling at the irony; there I was thinking my
was too big. This place is
. I slowly head up the stairs to a wide hall with four doors. The first room is currently used as a games room, with a full-sized pool table, TV, and games console. The colours of this room are really bright compared with the rest of the house, but they work well because there is lots of natural light coming in from the bay window that overlooks the front
of the property. This room also has an en suite bathroom, so it’s obviously been used as a bedroom. The next two rooms I go into are identical in size. Both have en suite bathrooms and overlook the rear of the property. So far, so good.

The last room takes my breath away as soon as I step through the door. It’s beautiful and light. The bay window has old, wooden shutters that can be closed. The cornice around the ceiling is exquisite. There’s also another fireplace, and again it looks like an original feature. The room itself has a very romantic feel to it. I step through the door into the en suite, and…wow, what a room! Whoever said bathrooms were the smallest rooms in a house has obviously not seen this place. There is a huge, Victorian-style tub in the middle of the room. I can see myself relaxing in there after a long day at the hotel. There’s a shower big enough to fit god knows how many people in it at once, and along one wall is a marble worktop fitted with an extra-large sink. I love this place.

I step back into the master bedroom and walk towards the window. I lean on the windowsill and look down on the street. I hadn’t noticed when I arrived earlier, but there are some right fancy cars in the street. Maybe it’s time to speak to Lynn. While I’m checking on the price, I’ll ask about the neighbours and find out some more about the area.

I hear soft footsteps walking across the room. I know without looking that it’s Alex. Suddenly two
arms snake round my waist. His touch alone could light a fire.

“Do you make a habit of sneaking up on people?” I ask.

“I wasn’t sneaking. I was looking for you.”

He pulls me tighter. This feels good. Comfortable. Safe. And so right. I lean my head against the warmth of him. My heart is racing. Is he always going to have this effect on me when we are this close? He brings his hand to my face and gently brushes his fingers along my cheek and across my lips. I place a small kiss on his fingers, and he quickly turns me round in his arms until I am facing him.

“So why were you looking for me?” I ask, looking deep into his eyes. “Did you miss me?”

“Oh, Libby, you have no idea.” His gaze is intense, burning with desire. That much I can tell. “So what do you think of this place?”

“I love it, but…”

“There’s a but? I wasn’t expecting that.”

“It’s amazing—it really is. I didn’t expect it to be this good. But it’s far too big for just me,” I say. “What about you? Is it very different from what you’re used to?”

“You’re right that it’s nothing like where I live back home. It’s incredible. I would love to have a place like this.”

That surprises me. We’re standing face to face, gazing into each other’s eyes. There’s passion and
desire running through my veins. My eyes dart to the bed and back again; Alex shakes his head at me, as if reading the thoughts running through my mind.

“No you don’t, Libby. Not here. I promise the wait until tonight will be worth it.” The grin on his face is wicked and so full of promise that now I want to skip dinner and head straight back to the hotel.

I turn in his arms to face the window. He’s holding me possessively now. I am so relaxed in Alex’s arms. I turn my head a little to gaze up to the incredible man, who leans down and brushes a light kiss on my lips.

“What was that for?” I ask, smiling at him.

“Do I really need a reason?”

“No, I don’t suppose you do.”

I don’t get to say another word before his lips are on mine again—this time with passion and force. I moan and lean back, kissing him with the same passion and force. When he breaks our kiss, I can only gape at him. I must look like a love-struck schoolgirl.

“Now,” he says in a soft voice, “shall I tell you what I plan to do with you later at the hotel? Or keep it a surprise.”

“Not too sure I am that keen on surprises, so I think you’d better tell me.”

“Close your eyes then,” he says. His voice is commanding. “First I’m going to get you out of those clothes. Then start by kissing every single inch of your body, and then—”

We’re interrupted by someone coughing. We both turn, but Alex refuses to remove his arms from around my waist. Lynn is standing in the doorway.
Oh god, how long has she been there, and what exactly has she heard?
If looks could kill! Lynn might end up costing her boss a sale if she keeps this up.

“Sorry to interrupt,” she murmurs. “I do have another client to meet soon in another part of the city.”

“Sure, Lynn. Sorry if I’ve kept you back.” I try to sound apologetic. “We’ll be downstairs in a minute.” She doesn’t even answer me before turning on her heel and walking away.

“What was her problem?” Alex asks with a sly smile. He already knows the answer to that.

“Would you really like me to tell you? No, on second thought, don’t answer that. You really don’t need the ego boost.” I laugh.

“Come on. We better go,” Alex says. He grabs my hand, and we head down the stairs and out of the apartment. I am a little amused by this show of affection.

When we finally reach the outside, the others are standing by my car chatting. Kirsty is the first to look in our direction, and I know the question she’s asking without her even opening her mouth:
What the hell is going on with you two?
The smile on her face gives it away, along with the glances between my face and my hand, which is still in Alex’s. Michael looks up
briefly, but he returns to his conversation with Lynn. Lynn looks up as we approach.

“Libby, what do you think?” she asks, with a hint of hesitation in her voice.

“Truthfully, Lynn, I love it. I can see myself living here, but can you let me have a few days to think about it?” Lynn nods. “Tell Eric I’ll call him tomorrow to get a few more details.”

BOOK: He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1)
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