He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1)
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He takes my right foot in his hands and gently massages it, all the time keeping his eyes fixed on
mine. The feeling is so sensual. I usually hate anyone or anything touching my feet. He continues for a few moments and then leans down and places small kisses all over my foot. Once he’s finished with the right foot, he does the same for the left. Would now be a good time to say I could do with a drink after all?

“So, Miss Stewart, I think you are wearing far too many clothes for what I plan.” He crawls up onto the bed, so he’s almost on top of me. He stops at my waist first and unbuckles the belt on my jeans. He loosens the button and pulls down the zip. He sits back on his heel and pulls his own T-shirt over his head and throws it on the floor. What a mighty fine sight he is before me. His chest is rising and falling quickly with every rapid heartbeat.

There’s a slight smile on his face as he leans towards me, and before I know it, the smile is gone again, and his face is unreadable. He takes the hem of my top and starts pulling it slowly, very slowly, up and over my head. He tosses it on the floor beside his.

I reach up and put my hands round his neck and pull him towards me, and I’m greeted with his dazzling smile. I close my eyes and draw in a deep breath. I open my eyes and smile as his lips come down to meet mine. With passion and fire burning in his eyes—or is that a reflection of my own?—he kisses me. This is going much too slow now for my liking. I needed him the moment we entered the room.

His lips start to move away from mine, and I let out a moan, missing the contact. But they don’t leave me altogether; instead, they start a slow descent of my body, starting with my neck, kissing and sucking, which leaves my skin tingling. He’s trailing downwards towards my breasts, where he stops. He tugs gently on my nipple with his fingers. My bra? How did I not notice that he had already removed it? His teeth scrape lightly against my nipple as he takes it in his mouth. Sucking and licking. The pleasure is building within me. I need a release.

“Alex…” I’m panting.

“Yes, Libby?” The long pause is almost unbearable. His eyes question me. He still has my nipple between his teeth.

“I’m…I mean, I’m not sure I can take much more of this.”

“Libby, if you want me to stop, just say so. I can end this as quickly as you like. There’s a great deal of pleasure in the build-up, but I do hope there is no pain.”

“Oh baby!” Alex starts stroking the side of my face. This is going to be a long night. I tense, and to be honest I am not sure why.

“Libby, baby, I just wanted to be sure that I wasn’t hurting you,” he says, taking a deep breath.

“Sorry, I don’t know what’s come over me.”

He flops to the bed by my side and stares up at the ceiling. It’s usually me and my big, bloody mouth. I kind
of have a knack of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, but this time it’s my actions that are letting me down.

“Alex.” I turn to face him. “I’m sorry. It’s just… the words scared me a bit. What you were doing was extremely intense, but when I heard the word
, it frightened me.”

He turns to face me, and it’s then I can fully appreciate the pain he is in. A tormented soul. I reach out and gently stroke the side of his face, hoping the contact will help soothe his pain. Pain that I seem to have caused. I’ve hurt him, and right now I don’t know how to fix it. A single tear trickles down my face.

“Oh, Libby.” He brushes my tear away. “Baby, I don’t deserve your tears. I’m sorry that I upset you.”

“Alex, please, I just took it the wrong way.” I pause, waiting to see how he is. There’s distance between us. This powerful, confident man is totally unreachable as he searches my expression.

“Let’s just call it quits.”

Quits? We can’t call it quits. Not yet

I knew from the start this could be hard work, but I thought that the hard part would be keeping it professional. Then I thought that the hard part would be
to keep it professional in front of my dad. Now I wonder if the whole thing might just be too hard. Maybe he’s right. I inwardly sigh.

I watch slowly as he comes back to me. His gaze has me hooked. His attention has refocused. He’s
smiling now; the pain that was there only moments ago seems to have vanished without a trace.

I run my eyes over his fine body. His muscles are well defined, sculpted. He follows my eyes as I glance at my own body. I feel the blood rush to my face, a bit embarrassed about where my thoughts are heading. We are both wearing only our jeans. His lip twists into a devilish grin as if he’s reading my mind.

“Well, what are we waiting for?” I say. I am sure my face must be bright red.
What the hell am I doing?
I am never this forward.

His smile grows wider, and he falls back onto his back with a chuckle. Without even thinking and before he can change his mind, I lean over and straddle him.

“Why, Miss Stewart! You’re in a very interesting position. So exactly what do you intend on doing?”

“Now, Mr. Mathews that would be telling…” I tease playfully. I have surprised myself with my boldness.
God, I am feeling brave

I lean down and place a quick kiss on his lips, which he tries to deepen, but I am having none of that. I sit back up in his lap quickly, and our gazes lock. Fire and passion are burning once again in his eyes, and relief sweeps through me. I run my hands down the front of his muscular chest all the way to the edge of his jeans and fumble with the buckle on his belt. When you see this in the movies, it looks so bloody easy.

I loosen the buckle and undo all the buttons on his jeans without too much trouble. I look back up into his handsome face to find his eyes wide and excited. Just as I am about to finish what I’ve started and remove his jeans, he sits up.

“Hey….” I start but don’t get the chance to finish. In one swift movement, I find myself lying on the bed with Alex hovering above me.
What the hell?
I never saw that coming.

“An interesting thought you were having, baby, but maybe next time. This time we both need to be naked. Now.”

He gets off the bed and removes his jeans and underwear quickly. He does have a point; that probably would have taken me all night.

“Admiring the view, Miss Stewart?”

“Well, it is a mighty fine view I have.” I know I must be blushing again.

He kisses my lips softly.

“Well, I think it’s about time you lost the jeans,” he whispers, pulling away from me. He makes quick work of removing the last two items on my body. He crawls back onto the bed until he’s on top of me. I giggle, although I’m not sure why. The desire is clear in his smoky, brown eyes. Hunger.

His eyes trail over my body, and it takes every ounce of energy not to squirm. “So who’s enjoying the view now?” I ask. Alex shrugs.

I reach my arms up and round his neck, pulling him closer to me. I need the closeness. He brings his
lips down, and they collide with mine. Fire, passion, desire, hunger—they’re all there. His shaft is between my legs, teasing me. The throbbing between my legs has intensified. I moan.

“God, Libby, do you have any idea how beautiful you are? And how much I want you at this moment?”

I see the desire in his expression, and I feel how much he wants me. At this moment I feel the exact same way. The beautiful part I don’t agree with. He looks at me questioningly. Well, I suppose he is waiting for an answer.

“I want you, Libby, and I think you want me too.” He runs a hand over my breasts and straight down past my stomach, down until he’s touching me between my legs. “You’re very wet. More than ready for me, I think.”

I flush at his words. He is right, though; I am ready for him—and have been all night. He’s gently stroking me, pushing me closer to the edge. I’m waiting for the fall, but he leaves me dangling, so close, right on the edge.

“Alex, please. No more teasing right now. I need all of you.” I need to feel him inside me.

In one quick thrust, he is inside me. I let out a groan as my body wraps snugly around him. He waits a few seconds for me to adjust before moving slowly inside me.

“Is this what you were wanting?”

I don’t answer. I can’t answer. And surely he knows it is.

I arch my back to meet his thrusts, allowing him to go deeper. I need him deeper. My muscles clench around him, already anticipating what is still to come. My body’s response to him is undeniable. Surely he knows—he has to.

He does. He smiles down at me. He knows exactly the response my body is having to his. I grip my legs around him, silently telling him what I want and need. That is all it takes. Each thrust is going in deeper. This is going to shatter me into a thousand pieces. The sensation of him inside me is perfect. We move in unison. Thrust for thrust. Heading straight to the edge. Every moan together bringing us closer to the fall.

Our rhythm is steady. I am close…so close. The look on Alex’s face tells me he is just as close. Part of me wants to drag it out—I don’t want to lose the closeness between us—but I know I’m being selfish.

Deeper and deeper.

Thrust for thrust.

And then we fall together. My orgasm has shattered me as I thought it would. Alex slumps on top of me.

“Libby, baby, I have no words…”

“Me either.”

He is still inside me, growing soft. He lifts his face to look directly at me. Smiling, he places a gentle kiss on my forehead. I smile.

He pulls out and moves off of me so he is lying by my side. Already I miss the closeness of him being
inside me. I feel sleepy, drained, and content at the same time. I don’t have the energy to move.

“Tired, baby?” he asks, looking at me with questioning eyes.

I nod, hoping that’s enough. There is no way I could manage another round. I know I managed a second round last night, but tonight was way too intense.

“Sleep then.”

I turn on my side with my back to him. He wraps his arms round me, and the feeling of closeness is back. I grin, closing my eyes, and let sleep overtake me.


eyes and glance at the clock. Six thirty. I had better get a move on. It’s a big day—that is,
’s big day. I try to move, but Alex’s arms are still wrapped tightly round me, and our legs are tangled together. I could get used to waking up like this. Two mornings in a row. I lift his hands one at time so I can get up as gently as I can, but it’s too late. He’s stirring.

“Going somewhere, Miss Stewart?” His voice is playful.
God, I don’t have time to play

He pulls his arms back round me as if that’s where they belong. How I wish I could stay here all day. He trails small, soft kisses around the back of my neck. I moan.

“Alex…” My voice tails off, and I take in a deep breath. “Alex, please don’t start something that I don’t have time to finish. I need to be downstairs
shortly to start setting up and receiving deliveries for today’s wedding.”

I turn my head, and I am rewarded with a passionate kiss. When we break away from each other, his hands loosen their grip as well.

“Okay, okay. If you have to go.” The boyish grin lets me know he’s teasing.

I head to the bathroom.
Good god, I look terrible
. I switch on the shower. It’s going to take a lot more than a shower and makeup to make me look presentable today. Sleep deprived. Today of all days. But it was
worth it. I am standing in the shower letting the water fall over my aching body when the door creaks open. Alex is standing there in all his glory.

“May I join you?” His grin is wicked.

“Well, it would save water,” I say, laughing.

He slips in the shower behind me, snaking his arms round my waist. His lips are on my wet neck, trailing kisses along my shoulders and caressing me with his arms at the same time. I feel the hardness of him behind me.
So much for a quick shower. That’s not going to happen

“Alex—” I start to object, but I’m distracted by his touch. “Please, Alex, we can’t,” I say, as a moan escapes from me.

“Are you saying ‘no’ because you’ve not got time or ‘no’ because you don’t want to?” he asks. “And I will find it hard to believe you if you say you don’t want to.”

“Well, I think you already know the answer to that question. But you’re going to make me late for work.”

“You may be late, but if you’re good, I might even wash your back.” His voice is soft.

Thirty minutes later I emerge from the bathroom with just a towel wrapped round me. Half dressed, Alex paces the floor, talking on his phone. Anxiety etches on his face. I stop. Something doesn’t seem right.

“How many papers is the story running in?” He’s angry. Who is on the other end of the call? “Fuck, Phil is going to be pissed when he sees this.”

I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, but hearing my dad’s name catches my attention. It wasn’t as though Alex left the room to take a private call. “Shit, I’d better call him. No, don’t do anything until I speak with him. And…I need to talk to her.” He ends the call.



“What’s wrong?” I ask, not really sure if I want the answer. He looks angry.

“That was Michael. It seems we made the papers,” Alex says. “Kieran is on his way up with a copy.”

“Seriously, can my bloody Dad not leave things alone? He knows how I feel about this kind of thing. I can’t believe he would go ahead and do something like this!” I am shouting, but just now I don’t care who hears me. I’m doing exactly what Alex was doing
moments ago, pacing the floor. He grabs my shoulders and pulls me into a tight embrace.

“Libby, this wasn’t your dad’s doing. He’s on his way over here, though, so I suggest we both get ready before he arrives. Because if he arrives to find us looking like this, I am sure it won’t go down well.”

He’s right. I can see Dad’s face just now.

“It will be fine. Try not to worry.” His voice is soft and reassuring. There’s a knock at the door. Alex opens it to a very wide-eyed Kieran. I know that expression on his face only too well; I suppose he’ll want to hear all about it later, after finding me in only a towel and Alex half-dressed. Alex gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before turning to Kieran. “Make sure she’s okay for me.” He pulls on his T-shirt, grabs his shoes, and dashes down the hall.

BOOK: He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1)
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