He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1)
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I hold out my hand to Lynn and shake hers firmly. She does the same with the others, leaving Alex until last. Her hand lingers on his for way too long before he finally pulls away from her and smiles at me. And then she is gone, away to her next appointment. I unlock my car.

“Libby, wait a minute,” Kirsty says. “Before we head off to dinner, I think you have some explaining to do. What exactly is going on with you two?”

“What? It was your idea after all. I’m just having some fun and enjoying a beautiful man’s company.”

“Maybe my advice wasn’t the best. I’ve learned a little more about who he is, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Kirsty, there’s no way I can get hurt if I just keep things simple. There’s no chance of a real relationship with someone like Alex, so I’ll just enjoy it and take it one day at a time.” But as I finish my sentence, I doubt my own words.

“It doesn’t look like things are going to be simple,” she frowns.

The restaurant I’ve chosen is the one my dad has shares in. We arrive on time for our reservations for eight thirty. The manager, Sean, greets me by name and plants a kiss on each cheek. I introduce him to the others before he shows us to our table. As we sit down, I start to order some wine and drinks, but Alex butts in.

“I think we should have some champagne, seeing as I think Libby has something to celebrate. Am I right?” He gestures to me.

“Yes, I think I
put an offer in on the flat tomorrow. But no alcohol for me; I’m driving. Please, though, you all feel free.”

We order drinks, including a non-alcoholic cocktail for me. The conversation is light as we look over the menu. Alex is sitting beside me with Michael opposite him, and Kirsty is opposite me. Kieran’s words come back to me; I suppose it does look like a double date. I suddenly feel a bit uptight and uneasy, as if someone is watching us. I shift in my seat and glance round the restaurant. There are a few other diners nearby, but no one’s bothering to watch us. So why do I have this really bad feeling?

“Libby, what’s wrong?” Alex whispers in my ear, obviously not wanting the others to hear.

“Not sure,” I say, looking around again. “It’s probably nothing more than an overactive imagination.”

“Are you sure? We can leave if you want.”

“Don’t be silly. And anyway, I’m starving. We’re not leaving here until we’ve eaten.” I am teasing him.

Sean brings over our drinks and opens the champagne, much to Kirsty’s delight. He takes our order. I try desperately to relax, but I still have an odd feeling that I just can’t seem to shake. It’s really beginning to bug me.

“So, Libby, how would you feel about a lodger?” Kirsty asks with a grim expression.

“It depends. Tell me what happened with you and your parents.”

We listen to Kirsty’s moans and groans about her parents, but the short version is that her dad told her to get a job or move out. I find this so amusing that I burst out laughing, and soon Alex and Michael are laughing as well. Kirsty does not look very happy at me. Her face is grim. I think I’ve pushed her too far. But it’s not long before there is a grin on her face too, and I can tell she’s trying hard not to laugh.

“Kirsty, you know your parents are right. You need to get a job,” I tell her.

“I know, I know. Don’t suppose there is anything open at the hotel?”

“You suppose right, honey, but if something comes up, I’ll let you know,” I say, although I’m not sure I could work with Kirsty. She’s my friend, and I love her, but her working at the hotel could really
push the boundaries of our friendship. Work is not her strong suit.

I’m much more relaxed now, and Alex must sense it. The atmosphere at our table is perfect, and the rest of our evening goes well. Starters and main courses come and go, and we empty every plate. We send our compliments to the chef. The drinks have been flowing, although I do notice that Alex is drinking more water than alcohol. Kirsty seems to be enjoying Michael’s company, although she’s not in full flirting mode.

Alex has been very attentive throughout our meal, topping me up with water, making sure I am okay, which I assure him I am. And then there’s his touch. At every opportunity he’s touched me, from slight brushes on my hands when they’ve been resting on the table to the gentle stroking of my back when he’s had his arm on the back of my chair. He has my body tingling with desire. In fact, I’m growing so excited that I want to get out of here

I look around for Sean to get his attention, which isn’t hard. Whenever we’ve needed him, he’s been right there. I wave him over. “Sean, can I have the bill, please?” He looks at Alex before answering me.

“Libby, the bill is already taken care of,” he says.

“When?” I ask as I turn to Alex, who just shrugs.

“I gave him my card earlier when you went to the ladies’ room.”

“Well, thank you, but you really didn’t need to.”

“I offered, if you recall.” Alex stands up and reaches his hand out to me. I take it and pull myself out of the seat. He pulls me towards him in one swift movement until I am in his arms. I place one arm on his chest as he leans down and places a soft, lingering kiss on my lips. “Now I think it’s time for dessert,” he whispers in my ear as he pulls away from me. I blush. “I do have this uncanny knack of putting a smile on your face.”

He’s right
. Just then I notice a woman who has been sitting with friends at a table in the corner. She has a phone in her hand and is taking pictures of her friends. They all look happy. That’s how I feel at this moment: happy.

We all say good-night to Sean and thank him for a wonderful evening and then head outside to my car.

“Right. I’m not ready to go home,” Kirsty exclaims. “I feel like a few more drinks and maybe a club. Who’s up for joining me?”

“Kirsty, I need to head back. I am up early; we have a wedding tomorrow. I can drop you home.”

“No!” she shouts at me. “I am so going out, with or without you.”

Alex and I exchange glances, and I shake my head. There is no way I am going clubbing. Alex and Michael can keep her company if they like. If I didn’t have such a big day at the hotel tomorrow, it wouldn’t be such a big deal, but although I’ve worked at loads of weddings, this is the first since I’ve taken charge, and it has to go without a hitch.

“Guys, if you want to go to a club with Kirsty, go ahead. I can have the hotel send a car for you later, or you can get a cab back. But I really need to be up early. Any other night I wouldn’t hesitate.”

“We have an early morning meeting as well,” Alex tells Kirsty, who is slightly staggering beside us.

“Kirsty, honey, I’m not happy about the idea of you going to a club on your own right now. What if you come back to the hotel and we have a couple of drinks together in the bar?”

We all wait, trying to gauge her reaction. She seems to be thinking it over. I hope so. But in all fairness, she’s had too much to drink; if she insists on going clubbing, I know I will go just to keep an eye on her. Michael and Alex are talking, but I can’t quite hear what is being said between them.

“Libby,” she says with a sigh. “Maybe you should just take me home.”

I nod my head in agreement and relief. The guys look relieved as well. I hook an arm with Kirsty to give her the support she might need to make it to my car without falling. I can cope with the staggering, as long as she stays on her feet. The distance to my car is short, which is just as well. Kirsty climbs in the back and snuggles up to Michael, who looks amused. It
quite funny, I suppose. I start to walk round the back of the car, but Alex stops me, grabbing me by the waist. He really is making a habit of this.

“You know what you said about having an early night. There is really no chance of that happening,” he says with a glint in his eye and a teasing smile. He leans towards me and places his lips on mine, where they linger for a moment. Then passion overtakes us both, and we kiss with a bit too much ferocity for a public place. I pull myself away.

“I promise there is much more to come,” I say, slightly embarrassed.

“Oh, you got that right. You will most definitely be coming.” Alex turns away and gets in the car, and I am left standing in shock.

It takes a bit longer than usual to get back to the hotel, as when we get to Kirsty’s house, we have to help her in, which is a hard task since she fell asleep in the car. At the hotel, Michael thanks us for an interesting and fun evening, then says good-night and heads to his room. I agree that it was both interesting and fun, but when I turn to Alex, I can see that my night is about to get a lot more interesting. And fun.


made it into my room before Alex is pressing his body against me and pushing me up against the wall. I gasp. His lips are quickly on mine with such hunger and passion, his tongue sliding along my bottom lip. Instinct takes over, and I wrap my arms round his neck and return his kiss with the same intensity. My fingers run up his neck and through his soft hair.

My heart is racing. Surely this speed can’t be good for my health? My legs feel weak, as if I might collapse in a heap to the floor, but Alex has a firm grip on my waist, and I know he won’t let that happen. I trust him not to let it happen. Can you trust someone you’ve just met?

“Alex, we need to…” I say, panting. “We need to close the door.”

He kicks the door closed without removing his hands from me. We’re still against the wall, our lips attacking each other. I taste Alex on my lips. My breathing has quickened. Between our kisses, Alex’s breathing matches my own. His grip loosens on my waist, and his hands start running up and down my back, touching the bare skin between the waist of my jeans and my top. My own hands are still running through his hair, slightly pulling it. He moans.

One hand is caressing my ass, drawing me closer to him. But god, there is no space left between us. The only way we could be any closer is if we were naked, and I’m sure that’s only a matter of time. He moves his hand round my ass, roughly parts my legs, and shifts us both slightly. His arousal is very evident, as his erection strains against me, seeking a means of escape. He groans. This is way too intense. I tighten my hands in his hair, and a softer moan escapes his throat. Our lips are still locked. I need him. Every last inch of him. And I don’t think my body is prepared to wait. The ache is almost unbearable.

“Alex,” I say, pulling away from him, though it’s the last thing I want to do. But I’m moaning, and I realise that anyone passing by in the hallway could hear us. “Alex, you do remember that I have a very comfortable bed, right?” I really don’t want to hear tomorrow that we’ve had a complaint from guests
about the antics coming from this room. All the staff know this is my room.

Alex’s lips travel down my throat and round to the side of my neck. This I like. This feels softer. I moan and groan again. I rub myself against him, trying to relieve the ache that has built up, but it’s not working. There’s only one way that’s going to happen.

He chuckles. He’s loving this, teasing me. Tugging a bit harder, I pull my hands out of his hair and bring them down to his firm chest. Splaying my fingers, I push him back slightly. He frowns and then laughs. He looks so hot right now.

“Is there a problem, Libby?” He’s smirking at me.

“Oh, I think you know what the problem is, and you’re the one causing it. Now, you need to decide whether you’re going to be the one to fix this
, as you put it, or…” Two can play this game—if that’s what he wants, to play.

He does. He smiles at me and brings one hand up to cup my chin. He kisses my lips. Not a long, smouldering kiss but more like a quick peck. He leans back and watches me. I’m struggling to get my breathing back to something close to normal.

“So, Miss Stewart, you would like to go to bed?” His eyes shift from me to the bedroom door. “Or we could have a drink?”

A drink. A bloody drink. He’s got me all hot and bothered, and now he wants a drink?
I want to scream at the top of my voice,
No, I don’t want a drink; I want you inside me, now!
But I don’t. I smile wickedly. “I have some white wine if that’s what you really want, but I am sure the minibar in your room is better stocked than mine.”

He glares back, fire burning in his eyes, challenging me. God, the desire running through me is intense. I am not sure about the game he’s trying to play at the moment, but my body needs a release, not a game.

“I know exactly what you need, Libby, and I think I started to tell you earlier tonight what I want to do with your body.” His voice is light and sexy.

He takes my hands away from his chest, places them round his neck, and then starts backing me up through the room. He stops at my bedroom door and lets out a sigh as he opens it. “I do hope you can function on very little sleep because once we make it to your bed, sleep will be the last thing on your mind.”

The grin on his face tells me a story.
Oh my god. What have I let myself in for?

He throws me down on the bed a little rougher than I expect. He has a serious look in his eyes, which now give very little away. He bends down and removes both my shoes at the same time, tossing them across the room. Instantly I feel relief. Why hadn’t I taken them off as soon as I got in? Oh yeah. I was a bit preoccupied.

BOOK: He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1)
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