He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1)
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“Libby, I got a few shots earlier of the hotel and loch that might be good for some promotional material. And I hope you don’t mind, but…” Jack looks a bit lost for words. “I’ll show you.” He lifts his camera, presses a few buttons, then lets me look at the display on the back. There on the screen in front of me is a picture of me and Alex. Jack obviously took that one a few minutes ago. Jack encourages me to look through the others he has taken, though. He’s been a bit snap-happy, as I see quite a few with me alone, just before Alex got here, and several of the two of us looking content. In some he’s kissing me. In all of them, we both look incredibly happy. I look up at Alex, who smiles.

I turn back to Jack. “Jack, these are good. But I’m wondering why you took them?”

“Well, you know I always take pictures of you every time I’m here, have done since…well, since your granddad. Until now, though, I’ve never been really pleased with them. They’re all missing something. When I saw the pictures in today’s papers, all I could think of was how I wished I had been there to take them, to capture you like that. And now here you are, looking just like that! The light was perfect, the backdrop was perfect, and so were you.”

“I have to agree with your friend Jack,” Alex says, putting one arm back round my waist. I turn and glare at him. I’m not sure I’m entirely happy with everyone seeing us together. I don’t even know what’s going on with us.

“Jack, what are you planning to do with these photos?” I ask, out of both curiosity and fear.

“Libby, I’m not doing anything with them—except giving them to you,” Jack says.


“I know what you’re thinking, Libby,” Alex says in a low voice. “These pictures will
end up in the papers, right? Jack, please tell Libby. Please put her mind at ease.”

“Oh! No! I’m so sorry, Libby, I didn’t think. No,
of course
they won’t end up in the papers. I will give them to you,” Jack assures me, and I know he’s telling me the truth. “Libby, I’ll e-mail you copies and drop off a disk for you on Monday. Look, I better get back to work.”

“Thanks, Jack. And the pictures do look great,” I say to him.

“It helps when the setting is completely perfect,” Jack says, smiling as he walks back towards the happy couple.

“You know, he’s right,” Alex says, leaning back down and resting his chin on my shoulder. He brings his other hand back round my waist.

“About what?”

“About you being a beautiful woman.”

“He didn’t say that.”

“He didn’t have to.”

“Do you think comments like that will get you into my bed?” God, I am really surprising myself.

“Your bed…no. Been there, done that, haven’t we? It’s about time for a different location.” The boyish grin on his face has just gotten wider with excitement and anticipation.

Time for a change of subject before the conversation gets too intense to change it. “I should really get back to doing some work before I have to take off again.”

“Yeah, I forgot. Going to see the apartment…and dinner with your parents.”
He said that like he’s going as well


“Oh, didn’t I mention it? Your dad invited Michael and me for dinner, but Michael bowed out. He’s going to have an early night. I think the last few days have caught up with him.”

“Well, this should make for an interesting night.”
is one of those words that can cover a lot of situations. My mum is going to take one look at me and just know what’s going on. There is no way I will be able to hide it from her. She seems to have a sixth sense when it comes to my love life.


dad in my office, on the phone. He doesn’t hear me or see me enter. “You’re right. They do make a lovely couple,” he’s saying to whomever is on the other end. “But there really is nothing in it, at the moment. The American actress? I don’t know. You’d have to ask Alex about that yourself. Yes, I read the reports, but as I said, you could ask him when you do the interview.”

Dad turns round in the chair and smiles when he sees me. So Alex is doing an interview. I do hope his private life isn’t the topic of conversation. I’m not sure I want to hear all about that. Dad finishes off his call.

“How long have you been standing there?”

“Long enough,” I say.

“So is everything going smoothly with the wedding?” he asks. I know he’s trying to change the subject. The question is, will I let him?

“Everything’s going great. So…who makes a lovely couple?”

“A journalist who wants to do an interview with Alex thinks you two make a beautiful couple, they are wanting you to attend a photo shoot with him.” Dad grins. Well, what can I say to that? After all, I’ve seen the pictures of us together. And if a picture says a thousand words, what do the pictures say about us?


“Yes, sweetheart?”

I decide not to say anything to my father. What should I tell him? The truth? God, what is the truth? That I am sleeping with his client and that I jumped straight into bed with him the first night I met him? Or tell him yeah, I think we do look like a great couple, and there’s nothing I would like more than for us to
a couple. But back to the real world—that’s not going to happen. I can just see his face.

“You were about to say something?”

“No, it’s fine Dad.” I sigh. He looks at me with a puzzled expression on his face. “I have a few things I want to check with Kieran. I’ll meet you out front later on.”

“Yes sure, just text me when you are ready to leave. Alex is coming with us,” Dad says. “Is that all right?”

“Fine.” What else can I say?

It turns out that everything is going well in the hotel, and I’m not needed at all, so I head up to my room. I want to phone Kirsty now while I have peace
to do that, and then I’ll change before heading out with my parents and Alex.
How the hell am I going to be able to sit through tonight?

I call Kirsty, and whilst it’s ringing I start running a bath. A relaxing bath is just what I need to soothe away all my aches and pains.

“Finally! I thought you were never going to answer,” I say to Kirsty.

“Yeah, yeah. I was just getting ready,” she says.

“You got a hot date tonight?”


“Well, do you or don’t you?” I say. I really don’t know why she is being so coy about it. I know she’s dying to tell me; I can hear it in her tone.

“Yes. I
seeing someone tonight,” she says. She must be grinning from ear to ear.

Spill! Who are you seeing?”

“Okay, okay. I’m having dinner with Michael.” Her reply sounds very smug.

“Michael…as in Michael Smith?”


“So Michael has blown my dad off for dinner to go out with you? That’s magic! You really must’ve made an impression last night. I do hope it was the impression you made
you got so drunk.”

“I know.” She giggles. “I didn’t think I was drunk until we stepped outside, and the fresh air hit me. Was I bad?”

“You’ve been worse, but there was no way I was going clubbing with you.”

“Shit, that bad?”

“So where are you two going?” I ask curiously.

“I’m coming to the hotel, but I know I won’t see you since you’re going out.”

“You’ve done your homework. You got it all planned.” I pause, knowing what Kirsty is like. I’ll probably see her at breakfast tomorrow.

There’s a knock at my door. “Kirsty, look, I have to go. There’s someone at the door, and I have a bath running. Have a nice night…and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

“You’ve not left me much, seeing how quickly you and Alex—”

I don’t let her finish. “Okay, point made. See you tomorrow.”

I end the call by telling her I’ll see her soon—although how soon, who knows? There’s another knock at my door.

“Just a sec,” I call as I turn the water off in the bath.

I open the door to find a very handsome-looking Alex leaning against the doorframe. He’s holding a suit carrier draped over his shoulder. I suppose he has a suit in it, but I can’t imagine why he’s carrying it. Is he leaving suddenly? I must have a worried look on my face, because a slow, sexy smile spreads across
his beautiful face.
God, he looks hotter every time I lay eyes on him

“Well?” I ask. The question hangs in the air for a few moments.

“Well what?”

“What’s with the suit carrier?”

“Well, I thought maybe I could leave it here, just in case.” He’s really not giving much away with his passive expression. Totally unreadable. Well, two can play this game.

“You mean to stay here tonight? Ah, I see. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I’ll be staying at my parents’ tonight,” I say matter-of-factly and trying—really, really trying—to keep a straight face.

The expression on
face is priceless. What I wouldn’t give to have a camera in my hand at this moment. I giggle and give myself away.

“You had me there,” he says, leaning down. His soft lips meet mine in a quick kiss. “So am I going to be left standing in the doorway?”

“Come in then,” I say. I walk towards the seating area. He places the suit carrier over the back of the couch, and before I know it, he has pulled me into a tight embrace. I throw my arms up around his neck in response.

“I’ve missed you today. You have no idea how much.” His voice is low and soft.

I think I do. Although it’s been a hectic day here, I’ve missed him too. Really missed him.

“How could you possibly miss me? You saw me this morning and outside at the wedding.” I don’t want to admit my feelings just yet. I have to decide what those feelings are first.

He’s holding me tightly, flush against me. His gaze is full of lust. Raw lust? Or is it just a reflection of my own eyes I’m seeing? He tugs my hair gently to tilt my head back. He works his other hand down my spine, settling it on my ass. He pulls me in again even tighter. He kisses me—not softly this time but passionately. Lustfully. He wants me just as much as I want him. He pulls away, and I swear his eyes are glowing.

“What took you so long to answer the door? You up to no good?” He’s smirking at me.

“If you must know, I was running a bath. And I was on the phone with Kirsty.” He has a smug look plastered on that beautiful face. He already knows.

“I’m glad she told you. I don’t mind keeping it a secret from your dad, but I didn’t want to keep it from you too. Now…running a bath, you say? Is it big enough for two?” he asks with a low, suggestive voice. His smile is wicked.

“Yes,” I whisper. “I want you.”

His breathing changes. I feel and hear him inhale sharply, trying to get it under control.
My words alone have done that to him. Glad to see I can have the effect on him that he has on me

“I want you too. Come on.” He takes my hand and leads me to the bathroom.

Our eyes meet. This beautiful man takes my breath away. Desire burns in our eyes. I can see it. I can feel the passion. It’s pulling me in the right direction, straight towards him. And at the moment, that’s the only place I want to be.

When we enter the steam-filled bathroom, I check the water. Just perfect. Well, it is for me, but then I’ve always loved a hot bath. When I turn to face Alex, he’s undressing, and I do the same. By the time I’ve finished and pinned my hair up in a clip, Alex is already sitting in the bath waiting patiently on me to join him.

I climb in and sit between his lap, leaning my head back against his shoulder.
I could get used to this
. I feel warm and fuzzy, and I can’t decide whether it’s the bath or Alex making me feel like this. He reaches beyond me for the soap and a cloth, but I take the cloth from him to remove the makeup from my face. When I’m done, I hand it back to him.

“Lean forward.” I do as I am told. He soaks the cloth and brushes it over my back several times. Then he slides the soap around my damp skin, lathering my shoulders, slipping down the furrow of my spine, down to the small of my back. He drops the soap and continues caressing me with his strong hands, making delicious circular motions with his palms against my soapy skin. He places a trail of kisses round my bare neck. My breathing quickens.

“Turn around.”

I see where this is going. Again I do as I am told. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he slowly guides me into position, teasing me at first with just the tip. Then he pulls me down. I gasp as he enters me fully. I feel my vaginal walls shiver and embrace him, and then I take control. This I will enjoy. I ease up, up, up, and then just as it seems we will separate, I slide all the way back down. Up and down. Up and down. He tries to bring his hands up to my hips to take control, but I pin them in place with mine. This isn’t about me; it’s all about him. I know I will enjoy this, but right now every move I make I make for his pleasure.

His breathing is erratic. His eyes are closed. I’m watching him as I control the pace. His pleasure is evident in his face. I want to hold on, although my body’s own desire is taking control. My head falls back as I focus on the sensation of his skin on mine deep inside me and massage him rhythmically with my pelvic muscles. Taking him higher. Pushing him to the edge. Up and down. Faster and faster. Closer to the edge until he lets go, loudly calling my name. At the same time, I explode around him.

We sit in the same position for a few moments, spent. Finally our breathing returns to normal, and I lean towards him and give him a brief kiss. Then I pull myself up on the bath.

“Where are you going?”

“To get myself ready before my father comes looking for me,” I say, laughing. I grab a towel and wrap it round me.

“Shit.” That got him moving.

A short time later, we are both ready to meet my father. If I’m honest, I’m dreading tonight. I hope I can manage to stay professional in front of my parents.

“You scrub up well,” I say to Alex with a smirk. His hair is still damp from our extended bath, but it still looks great. He’s wearing a deep red shirt with black trousers, and he looks hot, but then again, I’ve not seen him look any other way.

BOOK: He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1)
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