He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1)
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The hotel seems quiet, but I know there is a wedding reception in full flow at the other end of the hotel. We stroll through the hotel hand in hand like an ordinary couple and head up to my room. We are anything but ordinary. It doesn’t take too long to get to my room.

“Right, Miss Stewart. Let’s get you into bed,” Alex says, his voice soft and low.
Bed. This could be interesting
. My smile spreads across my face as I look him in the eye.

“No, you don’t. I know
what you are thinking, and as much as that thought appeals to me, you are shattered. I have monopolised too much of your time. Now, pyjamas? What do you usually wear to bed?”

I point to the drawer. He takes out my pj’s and brings them over. I take them from him and go to the bathroom to wash and change. When I am finished in the bathroom, I walk slowly back to the bed.

“Come on,” Alex says as he pulls the bedcovers down. “In you get, baby.”

I do as I am told and climb into bed. I roll straight onto my side. I feel the mattress shift as Alex gets into bed next to me and switches off the light.

“Good night, baby,” he says, wrapping his arms around me and giving me a kiss on the back of my head. He’s naked. I know I will have sweet dreams tonight.


time to get up. Come on.” Alex’s voice is soft and coaxing. The weight of the bed has shifted. He’s sitting beside me. His hand reaches down and moves my hair off my face. His touch is gentle and warm but most of all, familiar.

“Please…not yet. Surely it can’t be time to get up already?” I mutter.

“Yes, it is. Come on. Up you get.” He pulls me round with strong arms. I turn and gaze up at him. His eyes are soft and sincere. He leans down with a soft smile and places a soft kiss on my lips. He pulls away too quickly. “Now. Up.”

“No. I want you to come back to bed,” I whisper. The thought of him joining me back in bed suddenly has me feeling all hot and bothered. My body wants
him. “Please? I’ll make it worth your while. Why didn’t you wake me earlier?”

“No,” he says, his voice firm. “I
to wake you—nothing would have given me greater pleasure—but you looked so peaceful, so beautiful, and so tired. I couldn’t be that selfish.”

Selfish. I’m sure I would’ve been if the boot were on the other foot. And pleasure—I’m sure we would both have gotten a great deal of that.

“Come on. Michael is joining us for breakfast.”

. I sit up in bed and pull the covers all the way up to my neck. I feel my face redden. He’s here? “Is Kirsty here as well?” I ask. No, she can’t be, or she would already be in my bedroom. I know her well.

“No,” he grins. “I believe she left a short time ago. Now if you don’t get moving, you’ll be going to a football game in your pj’s.” He yanks the covers off me and right off the bed.

“Do I have enough time for a quick shower?”

“Yes.” He gives me a lingering kiss before turning away and walking out of the bedroom.

Ten minutes later I’m fresh from my shower, wet hair pinned back, and dressed in a black-and-cream dress. I leave the bedroom to join Alex and Michael for breakfast.

“Have you two left me anything to eat?” I ask, entering the sitting room.

They both stop talking and turn to face me. Alex stands as I stroll towards the table. Michael
is watching me intently. I can feel his eyes burning through me as Alex pulls me into his arms.

“Good morning again,” he whispers into my ear, kissing me. Right now I really wish Michael weren’t in the room.

“Good morning, yourself. I’ve missed you this morning.” From the look on his face, he knows exactly what I mean.

“I’ll make it up to you, I promise,” he says, grinning. The glint in his eyes is full of promise and leaves me with a feeling of anticipation.

“Good morning, Michael,” I say, sitting down next to Alex’s seat.

“Morning, Libby. I hear you’re not much of a football fan these days. I’ll sit with you, then. I’m not either.” He chuckles. I don’t know why, but the expression on his face leaves me feeling puzzled. Uneasy even.

I pour some orange juice and take some fresh-chopped fruit. I can feel Alex’s gaze before I turn to look at him. It’s then I notice he’s wearing a crisp, white shirt, the top button still undone, and his tie draped around his shoulders for later. He’s not shaved, but the stubble looks good on him. I’d like to run my hand along his jawline and feel its roughness as I pull him in for a long, sweet, passionate kiss, but that will have to wait until we’re alone. I’m not sure when that will be, since we’ll be in company all day.

“Is that all you’re going to have?” The question comes from Alex.

“For the moment, yes. I don’t have time for anything else. I need to finish getting ready,” I say. “And we can get something to eat before the game if I get hungry.”

Breakfast continues in unbearable silence. I’m wondering what’s going on between Alex and Michael. Michael is a bit weird this morning. Or maybe this is what he’s always like. Let’s face it; I don’t know him at all.

“If you’ll both excuse me, I’m going to dry my hair,” I say, getting up. Michael is still watching me intently, and Alex is looking between Michael and me. I don’t know what’s going on, and I’m not sure I want to know.

No sooner have I closed the door behind me than I hear them starting.

“Don’t. Seriously, Michael, we’re not doing this.” Alex sounds angry. Do I want to stand here behind the room door eavesdropping? Yes, I think I do.

“Oh, come on. You’re telling me I can’t do anything? She’s more my type than yours. I’m sure I can have some fun with her. I know you would have fun with Kirsty.”

Shit, I really didn’t need to hear that. So this is all too good to be true. I knew there would be a catch somewhere along the line. I hear a thud, as if someone has slammed a hand down on the table.

“I’m warning you. We. Are. Not. Let me repeat… We. Are. Not. Playing. This. Game,” Alex says. “Libby is different.”

Different how? What game? At once I want to call off today. I pick up the hairdryer and start drying my unruly hair. Once it’s dry I pin most of it up, leaving some down around my face. I put some light makeup on and slip into a pair of black heels. I stand in front of the full-length mirror. I suppose I will do. My face looks haunted. I’m not sure I want to face either of those two. Should I pretend to be sick?

Get your act together, girl. What’s changed? Just tell him you overheard them. Demand answers. How bad can it really be?
I put on some jewellery, grab a handbag, and practice my best teeth-whitening smile. Fake, but it will have to do.

I leave the safety of my bedroom and find only Alex waiting on me. Should I talk to him just now about what I overheard? I might not get another chance today.

“Libby, what’s wrong? You don’t look so good.” The concern is evident in Alex’s voice.

I shake my head as he walks towards me, meeting me in the middle of the room. He places both hands on my shoulders. I shrug them off. He looks like I feel: wounded.

“For Pete’s sake, just spit it out. I’ve obviously done something wrong.”

“Okay,” I say, my voice raised and slightly shaky. “I heard you and Michael. You seemed to be discussing…swapping. So I think you have some explaining to do, don’t you?”

He turns away from me. Edgy. That’s how he seems. So there’s a lot more to him than meets the
eye. I feel tears well up in my eyes. I can’t do this. I need to cancel today. They can all go on their own.

“Alex, the car will be downstairs for you shortly. I’ll call Ethan and make my apologies. I’ll tell him I’m unwell or something.”

“No,” Alex snaps. He turns to face me once again. I’m struggling to contain the tears. I want him out of the room before I let them fall.

“No, what? Look, Alex, please just go!” I shout.

“Libby, please. Let me explain. Please?” He reaches over and tenderly cups my face. I freeze. I am so overwhelmed with emotions that a single tear escapes and runs slowly down my face. He wipes it away.

“You have one minute.” After that I will surely break down.

“Okay. Michael and I have been friends for years. When we were younger, Michael was seeing this girl, and I bet him that I could make her
girlfriend, steal her away from him. He accepted the challenge. It’s a game we’ve both played once in a while over the years whenever one of us was kind of…jealous, I guess…over the other guy’s hot girlfriend. None of the girls even realised. I’m sorry.”

? Do you have any idea how pathetic that sounds? What age are you? You sound like an adolescent schoolboy!” I shout. “You think that’s all right to do, play games with people’s emotions? And what…did Michael just presume that because
I was so quick to jump into bed with you, he had a chance too? I am not some cheap whore. You’ve had your minute.”

“No, you most certainly are not. That’s not what I think of you. Please, Libby, if you were listening, you must have heard my reply to Michael.” I nod. “Well then, you already know I’m not playing
kind of game with you. Michael knows it now too. He won’t bother you. And I know it sounds stupid, but it’s kind of Michael’s way of saying he approves of you…that he really, really likes you too.
come to the football?”

“Why? Because you want me there or because you just don’t want to have to try and explain why I’m not there to my dad?” I stand shaking my head at him. I know how my dad will react, especially given that my mum has probably already told him about Alex and me. “Okay. But you have to make sure Michael understands. He made me very uncomfortable during breakfast. You also have to find out what’s going on with him and Kirsty, because I will not stand back and let him play games with her.”

“Done. I promise,” Alex whispers. He leans forwards and kisses my lips softly. “Come on then. Are we ready to go?”

“Yes, I suppose. Do I look okay? Do I need to touch up my makeup?”

“You look beautiful. You always do.” He smiles, holding out his hand to me.

“Let me fix your tie before we go? We can’t be having you seen like this leaving here. What will people think?” I giggle as I take his tie from his shoulders. I button his top button and lift his collar up. I place the tie round his neck and, holding it at both ends, pull him slowly to me, staring into his eyes. God, I love his eyes. He raises his eyebrows questioningly, then grins. My intention is very clear. Our kiss is passionate. And in that moment, all my anger is washed away.

We walk downstairs hand in hand. I am not so bothered who sees us together. After all, I told my mum we were seeing each other.

Kieran is working at the front desk, but the big question is why. “Is everything okay, Kieran?” I ask curiously.

“Yes, Sally’s just running a bit late this morning. She’s on her way, though. She called to say.” He looks between me and Alex and smiles. “So am I to presume that you two are no longer a deep, dark secret?”

“No secrets,” Alex replies. Maybe I should just ask him outright what kind of a relationship he thinks we have, since I don’t really know myself. How can I possibly answer the questions I am bound to be asked?

“Libby, remember that I won’t be in until lunchtime tomorrow, so you’ll have to make sure everything is ready. But I’ll get the room set today.”

“I remember. See you tomorrow then. Mind, if there are any major problems, call me.”

“Okay. You two have a good day.” Kieran is grinning with his trademark full-on, dazzling, white smile.

We head outside to find a very impatient-looking Michael leaning against our car for the day. I am suddenly not sure I can spend the day with him. I tense up just seeing him.

“It’s fine. Just breathe, baby,” Alex whispers, so low I can barely hear him. I look at him, and I know everything will be okay.

“What kept you two? On second thought, don’t answer that. I have a pretty good idea.” His look is smug. What I wouldn’t give to knock that smug grin off his face. Then it hits me.

“Jealous, Michael?” My statement is bold and straight to the point. I look at Alex as I walk round the back of the car, open the door on the far side, and slide into the seat in the most ladylike way I know. Alex is laughing, and Michael is shocked. Good. That’s the reaction I was hoping for.

“You walked straight into that one. I say you got off easy. She overhead you earlier,” Alex tells him.

“Oh.” Michael at least has enough class to look abashed.

Alex slides in beside me and straightaway wraps his arm round me. I want to crawl onto his lap and wrap my arms round him, but I restrain myself. I’m going to be doing that a lot today—restraining myself.

“Well, Miss Stewart, you told him. So seriously, are we okay?” he asks me with a solemn look on his face.

“What do you mean?”

“Me and you, after earlier,” he asks.

“Yes. But I do have a question. What exactly does ‘me and you’ mean? I need to know what to say when people ask questions about our relationship. Let’s face it. Someone’s bound to ask today,” I say, looking down at my hands.

“Ah, I see.” He’s very quiet for a few moments as he thinks about my question. “Well, what did you say to your mum last night? I know she worked it out. It was obvious from the expression on her face.”

“Well, she first thought that maybe we didn’t get on. She was going to speak with my dad and get someone else to look after you,” I say.

“Ha! Then what?”

“Then I told her I was kind of
you,” I whisper shyly, looking anywhere but at him.

“So isn’t that what we’re doing?” He brings his free hand up to my chin and tilts my face so that I’m looking straight into his blazing eyes.

“I don’t know what we’re doing,” I say, mesmerised by those eyes. “I mean, you live in another—” Just then the spell is broken.

“Ready to go?” Michael asks as he gets into the car. Alex shoots him a quizzical look.

I speak to the driver. “Mark, we need to pick up Ethan first.”

“Yes, miss.”

BOOK: He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1)
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