Hummingbird (27 page)

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Authors: Nathan L. Flamank

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Hummingbird
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‘Yes I’m fine.’ Michael ran his hands down the spine of her back, his fingers moving slowly down over her buttocks. His fingertips stopped millimetres from the entrance to her vagina and she realised that he was staring in to her bright green eyes with a look that she hadn’t seen for a long time from him. It was the way he used to look at her when they first got together almost ten years ago, the look that made her tingle and she felt gooseflesh break out across her entire body and he said, ‘Beth, have I told you recently just how damn beautiful you are?’

Beth bit her bottom lip and shook her head side-to-side.

‘You are so beautiful and you have no computation of just how grateful I am that I have the chance to tell you that. You’re beautiful sexy-bra and I love you and things are going to change.’

It was too much for her and she felt a tear slide down her left cheek and watched as it landed on her husband’s face.

‘You haven’t called me that in years Michael.’

He nodded his head. ‘I know, but I always think it.’

‘Make love to me baby.’

Michael swallowed and said, ‘I might not last that long, you look so good this morning.’

Beth laughed and she reached between her legs and took hold of him in her right hand and he said, ‘Jesus!’ and she felt him ejaculate in her hand, his thick semen splashed against the lips of her cunt and she could feel the stickiness of his seed flowing over her hand.

‘That’s a new one on me babe,’ she said playfully and then he was rolling her off of him and then she was on her back and before she could say anything his head was between her legs and she felt his mouth on her and his fingers working their way inside her as he kissed and sucked at her sensitive flesh and she gripped the sheets as a powerful orgasm washed over her and she cried out that she loved him and she was even further surprised when she felt the hardness of his recovered cock push inside her and watched his face as he lowered it to her breasts and kissed them and brought her to another powerful climax. Before he finally came inside her she had
orgasmed twice more and she felt shattered when he finally got up from the bed. He stunned her once more by saying he was going to fix her breakfast whilst she had a shower. She was smiling as she watched his sweat soaked body disappear from the bedroom and she would later receive comments at work about how she couldn’t seem to stop smiling.

Beth didn’t realise at that moment as she lay on her back panting from her orgasms that she would indeed be smiling a lot more in the future to come and that she would be happier than she had been in a very long time but at that moment she was stunned by the behaviour of her husband - a pleasant stunned, but stunned never-the-less and before the day was out she would be even more surprised by her husband, a man she loved but had started to resent and the changes in him would bring her out of the depression that she had felt beginning to encroach on her again.



They were in the car; Beth was driving; Michael sitting in the passenger seat. Beth was in her veterinary nurse’s uniform, her black hair tied back in a ponytail. She caught Michael once more staring at her.

She smiled at him, she was apprehensive about something that she couldn’t put her finger on but she knew it had to do with the subtle changes in Michael; he’d been acting a little weird ever since he woke up.

‘Why do you keep staring at me?’

‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to, I’d just forgotten how beautiful you are, I can’t stop noticing something that I’d forgotten about you.’

Beth self-consciously brushed non-existent fluff from the dark green cotton of her work trousers, ‘I’m nothing special Michael, you just think I am, I’m fat and you know it.’

Michael knew that was total bullshit; Beth was slim with 32EE breasts, a perfectly shaped ass with long well defined legs. She was a fraction over five feet three inches tall and her face was perfectly defined, he knew he was batting above his average with her and she looked like she did when he had first met her.

Michael reached across and his fingers brushed the hair alongside her neck and again she felt that tingle, like a pleasant electric shock and she shivered involuntarily.

‘Beth, we both know that’s just the depression talking.’

Beth shot a glance at him and she saw the concern in his eyes, concern she hadn’t seen for many months.

‘You noticed huh?’ Beth said quietly and Michael nodded his head.

‘Trust me honey, you’re going to be fine, I promise you that that depression won’t come back, I have a very good feeling about our future.’

Beth offered him a playful smirk. ‘You do, do ya?’ Beth indicated right and fell in behind the line of rush-hour traffic heading in to Welwyn Garden City. ‘I do feel a lot better today, and that’s down to your performance this morning but just so we don’t get too far ahead of ourselves we have my work’s Christmas party this evening and we’re almost broke and we can’t exist on just my wage anymore.’

She hadn’t meant for all the words to come spilling out and for it to sound so harsh, the hidden subtext being that she blamed him for their constant state of struggling to stay afloat in an increasingly hard economy. She didn’t want him to get a job that he wasn’t happy doing but they did need more money. The occasional money that he earned as a bar-man wasn’t enough. She was about to change the subject to avoid another argument, the last thing she wanted was a row but Michael interrupted her thoughts by saying, ‘I know Beth, too much pressure has been on you lately and I haven’t done enough to support you, to support us but today that all changes.’

‘Uh-huh,’ Beth replied and she winced at again how harsh she’d sounded, she didn’t want to let this overtake her good mood, she really was feeling pretty damn special this morning and she smiled at him warmly, ‘I just want you to be happy Michael, to find something that you’ll enjoy doing.’ And that makes money, she thought but thankfully didn’t say.

Michael squeezed the back of her neck gently.

‘I know, I’ve been thinking about it and when you finish today I’ll have an idea of what it is I want to do and I’ll tell you all about it.’

The pads of his fingers and thumb felt so good as he massaged her neck that she felt herself getting wet  “down below” and she laughed and said, ‘Michael stop it, I’m getting horny again and I have to stay in this uniform all day.’

Michael took his hand away and said, ‘I love it when you wear your nurse’s outfit.’

‘I look terrible in this, it has no shape, the only reason you like it is because you like looking through the gaps where the buttons run down the front, don’t think I don’t see you trying to get a glimpse of my bra.’

Michael laughed. ‘You could just pop the buttons and give me an eyeful.’

He said it jokingly and normally she would have berated him for it. The man was a hound-dog for this sort of thing but today she felt differently and so she took her left hand off the steering wheel and popped the top three metal poppers of her nurses’ tunic and opened it wide so that Michael could see her breasts through the black lace bra that she was wearing. Her nipples were still hard from earlier that morning and Michael moaned and said, ‘I love your breasts Beth, I love you.’

‘I love you too.’ She snapped the poppers closed and turned the car in to the gravelled car-park that backed on to the veterinary hospital where she worked and had done so for the last three years.

Beth turned the engine off and unfastened her seat belt. Michael did likewise and handed Beth her small black handbag.

‘What time do you finish?’

‘I have a short shift today, finish at five.’

‘And what time’s the Christmas bash?’

‘Meeting at Rebecca’s at eight, I told her we’d give her and Mark a lift, that way they can drink.’

Mark and Rebecca, he’d forgotten about them, but tonight would be different, he’d see to that. Michael nodded his head. ‘Okay, I’ll be here for five.’

Beth leaned across to give him a quick kiss goodbye but the second her lips met his she folded in to him and she kissed him passionately, Michael reciprocated and their tongues explored each other’s mouths and she was sucking on his lips and she was panting hard as his left hand massaged her breasts through her tunic. She moaned as his right hand stroked the nape of her neck.

‘Jesus!’ she whispered and Michael broke away from the kiss. A long thread of saliva hung suspended between their mouths and Beth laughed as she pulled back and the saliva string snapped back towards Michael. ‘Honey I’m feeling so strange today, it’s all your fault.’

Michael smiled. He gave her another quick kiss and then said, ‘I love you Mrs Simms, more than I ever thought imaginable, I’ll pick you up at five.’

‘Love you too,’ Beth replied and opened her door. She got out on rubbery legs and Michael watched her cross the car-park. He smiled as she wiggled her ass for him before she disappeared through the sliding doors of the veterinary building.

Michael got out of the car and walked around the ten year old Volvo and got behind the wheel. He fastened his seatbelt and then screamed out loud, an animalistic release, he was reminded of a line from a Walt Whitman poem: “I sound my barbaric yawp across the rooftops of the world”, and that was how he was feeling, he banged his hands down on the steering wheel and continued to vent his feelings, all of this was way beyond his understanding.

Several minutes later and Michael was finally under control and he adjusted the rear-view mirror so that he could see his eyes and he said, ‘I am either in a coma, a nuthouse or somehow I’ve gone back in time to a time when she still loved me, when I still loved her, when we still had a chance, and the future was still possible, which one is it Michael?’

He buzzed the driver’s window down and listened to the sounds around him. He could hear traffic passing on the busy road beyond the privet hedge that ran around the car-park and he could hear the birds twittering in the trees and the barking of dogs not wanting to be poked or prodded by the veterinary staff in the animal hospital. The December sun, unseasonably warm, felt good on his
up-turned face and he took deep breaths through his nose; he could smell the exhaust fumes of the traffic, the slight scent from the privets and the underlying aroma of disinfectant from the hospital.

If this is me cracking up, he thought to himself, it’s damn well realistic.

Someone thumped on the roof of the car making Michael jump and he opened his eyes and groaned. Mark leaned down so that his face was in line with Michael’s, he was smiling, but Michael noticed, as he always did, that the smile didn’t reach further than Mark’s mouth; the man’s eyes were cold and lacking in any warmth, and considering what Michael now knew about the man, from several years of knowing him and knowing what he would have done in the future (years that hadn’t even happened yet – Jesus this could get confusing) Michael wasn’t at all surprised to realise that the smile was as fake as the man himself.

‘Picking up or dropping off?’ Mark asked; that fake smile still splattered across the prick’s face.

‘Dropping off, Beth has just started, on until five.’

Mark absentmindedly licked his bottom lip and Michael had to fight the urge not to kick the door open and stamp on the man’s face. Michael knew now what he was capable of; the years he had experienced, years that hadn’t happened in this world, had not been totally wasted, he had put all those endless spare hours to use, and although he now looked like he should at this time in his life, having gone back in time several years?, he still retained his memories and knowledge from the years that he had experienced in the future, in another life, or was he right then at that moment bashing his head against a padded wall in some cell somewhere? All of these thoughts were too much to take, especially with this colossal fuckwit standing in front of him making it even harder to digest the situation Michael now found himself in.

‘Urggh,’ he groaned. It was all too confusing.

Mark was talking and Michael realised that he hadn’t heard a word of what the dick had said.

‘Sorry Mark, I was miles away.’

‘Said you’re picking us up tonight right?’

‘So Beth has informed me.’

‘Excellent, I plan on getting very drunk, Rebecca too, that way I can get her to do stuff she wouldn’t normally, if you know what I mean.’ Mark laughed at his own vulgarity.

‘Not really Mark.’

‘Right, you don’t drink do you?’

‘No.’ He did, but only occasionally, and never heavily.

‘Beth sure does though; she can be a flirt when she’s had a few I can tell you.’

It would only take a minute to break this fool’s neck, Michael wouldn’t even have to get out of the car but here wasn’t the place so he settled his breathing and said, ‘Mark, you are such a fuck-tard.’ Michael quickly put the car in reverse and swung the Volvo around and Mark had to jump out of the way of the rear fender. Michael put the car in gear and a shower of tiny stones were made airborne as the tyres spun and then Michael was away and he smiled at the look of shock on Mark’s face in the rear-view window….







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