Hummingbird (19 page)

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Authors: Nathan L. Flamank

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Hummingbird
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Jack heard Selena scream and he spun around to confront the danger. Jack felt a sudden jolt of electricity course through him and as he folded to the concrete he realised that Selena was still screaming and that he had pissed himself.

Jack’s last conscious thought was I’ve just been
tasered and then the blackness rushed in on him and swept him away and down in to his darkest nightmares.




The first thing Jack saw
when he came back to consciousness and opened his eyes was Selena’s bare ass; she was bent over a steel table, her feet (she was still wearing the high heels) were cable-tied to the legs of the table at her ankles, her arms stretched out to the far corners of the table, her dress was pulled up over her back and her thong was down around her knees; Jack could tell that she had been raped; he could see semen running out of her sex and down over her left thigh and he cried out in anger and frustration.

Selena turned her head, her face was pressed against the table along her left cheek and
she looked back at him with one frightened eye, the part of her mouth that Jack could see was covered with a strip of silver tape and he could see that she had been crying.

Jack shook his head and he tried to clear the haze from his brain, being
tasered had left him feeling off balance.

Jack realised that he was handcuffed to a pipe high above his head and he looked up at his hands, the pipe that his hands were cuffed to was at least three inches thick so yanking the pipe from its
moorings was out of the question.

Jack glanced down at his naked torso, someone had stripped him out of his shirt and jacket while he had been unconscious, he was still wearing his suit pants and the toes of his shoes scraped along the surface of the concrete floor, as he became more awake his shoulders and arms began to cry out
their pain, the muscles being stretched from his suspended position, and from the way his face and ribs hurt he knew that he had been beaten whilst he was still unconscious from the tasering.

‘Selena, I’m sorry,’ he coughed. ‘I’m sorry, but don’t give up, I’ll get us out of here I promise.’

Selena’s eye was wide open, the fear evident but she managed to nod her head.

‘Please Jackie-Boy,’ a man’s voice said from the basement’s stairs and Jack knew that voice.

The Fat Man came in to view, a waddling mass of white doughy flesh, apart from a pair of house slippers the Fat Man was naked.

The Fat Man moved slowly across the basement and Jack saw three other men coming down in to the basement, Jack couldn’t see Nicky anywhere and he wondered where he was.

The Fat Man nodded at Selena’s exposed backside and said to the three newcomers, ‘I’ve already fucked her twice, her ass is as tight as a baby’s. Take turns to fuck her, make sure Jack watches every damn fucking thrust and when you’re done with her slice her open.’

Jack pulled at his restraints but there was very little give; dust floated down from the pipework and he sneezed.

Jack watched as the first of the three men unzipped his flies and stepped right up behind Selena.

‘You touch her Sammy and I’ll fucking tear you a new ass-hole,’ Jack spat.

Sammy looked back over his shoulder and laughed.

Jack could do nothing to stop it and he looked on as Sammy grabbed Selena’s hips; Selena bucked and struggled at her bindings but it was to no avail and Sammy rammed his cock hard up in to her ass and the sound of Selena’s muffled cries sent ice pouring through Jack’s body.

Jack’s whole body shook as he tried in vain to pull the pipe from the ceiling, he felt the bracelets of the cuffs ripping in to his flesh and blood began to flow from the tears in his skin.

‘I’m going to fucking kill you all, you hear me?’

The Fat Man stopped just out of Jack’s potential reach, although Jack was cuffed the Fat Man didn’t underestimate Jack’s ability to kick out, the Fat Man hadn’t got where he was by being stupid.

‘I can’t believe it came to this Jackie-Boy, it took a couple of days to figure out but figure it out Nicky did, you’re right, he is a more than capable tool, I’m hungry so I’m going to leave you to the show, but when they’re done with the delectable Miss Boyd I’ll come back and then you’ll have some questions to answer.’

‘You’re dead,’ Jack screamed, ‘I just haven’t killed you yet.’

‘Please Jackie-Boy, there is no happily ever after, you’re going
to hang there while the boys fuck Selena to within an inch of her life and when they gut her like a fish you’ll realise just what’s in store for you once we’ve had our little Q and A session.’

The Fat Man waddled away and didn’t look back.

Jack pulled at his wrists, the pain was immense as more skin was stripped away and the flow of blood intensified.

Sammy grunted and from his jerking thrusts Jack
knew that Sammy had unloaded. Sammy stepped back and another man took Sammy’s place and Jack shook his whole body as the man, Ralphie, pushed his cock up into Selena’s ass and Jack made sure to keep his eyes open, he wanted to witness every damn minute.




Selena tried not to think
of what was happening to her but it proved impossible, her ass was burning from the pain and her cunt was also aching and when one of the men, she thought it was the one she had heard called Ralphie, came to the front of the table and yanked her head up by her hair she shot him a look that made him laugh.

‘Damn boys, she’s still got a lot of fight in her.’

Ralphie ripped the silver tape from her mouth and she cried out.

‘Now Bobby here is
gonna fuck you again, and you’re gonna suck my cock, you understand?’

Selena nodded her head, she knew her only chance of survival lay with Jack getting free and she’d do whatever she had to
to stay alive for as long as possible. She couldn’t see Jack but she could hear his cursing and his body thrashing around; she’d seen the men handcuff him to the pipe before they had secured her to the table, the men had taken turns in beating Jack whilst he was still unconscious and she had cried as Jack’s blood had begun to flow and she had heard the snap of bones as Jack’s torso was used like a punch-bag.

hoped that the pipe would give out from his weight and that it would give out soon.

Ralphie pushed his cock between her lips and Selena let him fuck her mouth, she was just waiting and hoping…


The pipe would not break from its
moorings and Jack realised what he had to do, it was their only chance.

Jack grabbed the thumb of his left hand in the fingers of his right hand and took steadying breaths, he thought of his time in the Rangers and he recalled what an instructor had once told the unit as they prepared to leave for the desert:
Pain is life, as long as there is pain then there is life, if you’re in pain, hold on to the feeling because it means you’re still alive

Jack waited until the three men were concentrating on Selena and he kept his eyes on the scene before him and he snapped his thumb, the pain shot through him and he gritted his teeth and twisted the
thumb and snapped again, this time the pain of tendons shredding flooded his body with adrenalin and when he yanked the thumb again he didn’t even feel the pain as the last of the tendons and sinews of muscle holding his thumb to the rest of his hand came away.

With the thumb now disconnected from the rest of his hand, with only the skin stopping the bones of his thumb from coming apart it was easy to manipulate the loose thumb and his left hand slipped from the handcuff’s bracelet.

Jack grunted as the bracelet slid up over his fingers, his mangled and useless thumb now hanging like a flap of bony skin and his hand was free, with the left bracelet now empty there was nothing stopping him from lowering his feet to the floor and a second later the chain of the handcuffs rattled over the pipe, the empty bracelet caught for a moment and then came free of the gap between the pipe and the basement’s ceiling and Jack moved forwards like the unstoppable force of violence that he had been trained to be…


Selena knew her moment had arrived, looking up at Ralphie’s face she saw the man’s eyes widen at whatever was happening behind her and she knew that somehow Jack was free and she seized her opportunity.

Ralphie began to pull out of her mou
th and she waited until only an inch of his cock remained in her mouth and with every ounce of strength in her jaw she snapped her teeth together; she felt her teeth beginning to press through the delicate skin of Ralphie’s cock and Ralphie screamed; the sound echoed through the basement and he tried to pull his cock out from between her biting teeth but Selena ground her teeth harder and blood poured in to her mouth and Ralphie’s screaming went up several octaves.

Selena felt Ralphie’s fist slam in to the side of her face but it was too late and her teeth crunched together and Ralphie’s cock was severed and he staggered backwards screaming even harder than before
and a powerful spray of blood splattered across Selena’s face and she grinned out from beneath the cascading blood.

Selena felt the pressure pressing on her from behind vanish and she chewed the piece of cock in her mouth and spat the masticated piece of flesh at Ralphie; her face was drenched in blood as Ralphie tried to stem the flow of blood pouring
out from between his fingers from where he held his groin and then she saw a blur of movement and someone was blocking her view of Ralphie…


Jack slipped the blade from his sock and snapped it open; the blade was only two inches in length but it was the sharpest knife available in the world and could cut through sheets of steel so flesh was not going to be an issue.

Jack ignored the pain in his left hand as his right hand closed over the knife’s grip and he stepped up behind Sammy.

Sammy realised at the last moment that something was wrong but it was too late, he had his jeans around his knees waiting his turn to have the woman again, his hands gripping his four inch cock, and he felt the coolness press between his scrotum and ass-hole and he heard the last words that he would ever hear: ‘I told you I’d tear you a new ass-hole,’ and the blade thrust up in to his soft flesh and he tried to vocalise his pain but his pain was so great that nothing came forth.

Jack thrust the blade deep and pulled upwards; the thin blade split Sammy’s flesh, he
ran the blade upwards, the blade sheered through Sammy’s ass-hole and up between the cleft of the man’s buttocks, blood began to flow in a torrent down over Jack’s hand.

Jack ran the knife the entirety of Sammy’s back; Sammy’s shirt parted with ease and Jack was rewarded with the vision of the skin on Sammy’s back parting like a pair of drapes to reveal th
e white ridges of Sammy’s spine and with one final flourish Jack ran the blade around Sammy’s throat; geysers of blood sprayed in every direction and Sammy dropped to his knees and fell forwards on to his front, Jack looked down at the exposed spinal column and parted flesh and he looked up when he saw Ralphie beginning to thrash about and Jack wondered what the hell was happening but then he saw the blood pouring from Ralphie’s groin and Jack had to smile; Selena had chosen her moment well.

Jack crossed behind Bobby and with a simple twist snapped the man’s neck and he yanked the man backwards away from Selena; Bobby slammed to the basement’s floor and Jack moved around the table.

He almost lost his footing on the blood soaked floor but Jack managed to stay on his feet and he buried the blade in Ralphie’s left eye, he slammed the heel of his right hand against the blade’s grip and the knife plunged deep in to Ralphie’s brain.

Ralphie folded to
the floor and Jack tugged the blade free and quickly severed the cable-ties securing Selena to the table, Jack found the key to the cuffs in one of the dead men’s pockets and he uncuffed his right hand…




Selena allowed Jack to hold
her up, she was aching all over and as the blood flooded back in to her extremities she slowly managed to stand on her own two feet. Selena grasped Jack by the waist and pressed her body tight to his, she felt him wince as she crushed his ribs and she looked up at him.


Jack shook his head, ‘I’m the one that owes you the apology Selena, I really didn’t think you’d be in danger, I am so sorry for what you had to go through down here.’

Selena released him and swept her blood-soaked hair back from her face, she wiped the back of her arm across her face and more blood came away; her whole top half was drenched in Ralphie’s blood.

‘We’re alive, that’s the important thing, now what?’

Jack crouched down at Bobby’s lifeless body and snagged the Glock from the man’s jeans, Selena staggered across to Sammy’s body and she saw the carnage done to the rapist’s back, she could see the length of spinal cord and she bent over and threw up, she heaved and threw up a second time, her vomit covering Sammy’s back.

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