Hummingbird (17 page)

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Authors: Nathan L. Flamank

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Hummingbird
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The extension continued to slowly move outwards on heavy pistons and Jack slipped his hand from her bikini and he took her hand and led her to the edge of the rooftop; Selena was so stunned (and a little afraid) by what was happening that she paid no attention to the fact that her right breast was no longer in the black slinkiness of her bikini.

At the rooftop’s edge Jack told her to stand looking out at the new extended portion of the rooftop.

‘Hold on to the railing, you won’t want to miss this.’

‘Jack!’ she exclaimed as he stepped back.

it’s perfectly safe, you have my word.’

Selena grasped the top of the metal railing that ran the length of the glass panelling that surrounded the rooftop and she looked down at the extending platform, it looked like a slab of heavy glass with a chrome sheet covering it and after another thirty seconds there was a loud hiss of escaping pressure and the platform ceased to move.

Selena looked back at Jack and he laughed and pressed another button on the console.

‘Keep your eyes on the platform Selena.’

Selena looked out at the extended platform and watched as the metal sheet retracted back in to the wall, she could hear more hydraulics as the sheet retracted.

Selena gasped when the platform was finally fully revealed; it was another swimming pool, impressive in and of its own but what really made her mouth drop open was the fact that the entirety of the pool-platform appeared to be made of
some sort of transparent glass, she could see the forest far below through the platform; the image was a little distorted but nonetheless it was breath-taking.

Another loud hiss of escaping air ca
used Selena to startle and she watched as glass panels slid up from the base of the extended platform, they ceased to rise after five feet and then Selena gasped again as part of the rooftop that she was standing on began to slide apart.

‘What the fuck,’ she exclaimed as the roof parted in the middle until a trench six inches deep
and three feet across was revealed, she could see that the trench ended at the side of the pool and she grasped what was about to happen moments before it did and there was a strong sound of water being released and water flooded in to the channel that the parting of the roof had revealed.

‘Like Moses parting the Red Sea,’ Jack said as he walked up alongside her.

Selena heard another rush of water and watched as water began to pour forth from an as yet unrevealed water spout set back against the wall that led back inside this wondrous house; she watched as the pool on the extending platform began to fill and she saw the main pool was half empty before the fresh intake of water began to refill it.

‘This is amazing Jack,’ Selena said, she had to speak up to be heard over the sound of running water.

Jack just nodded his head.

‘It’ll quieten down in a minute, the pools are just balancing out, it’ll start to circulate soon and then it’ll be no louder than a running brook.’

Another five minutes passed and then the transformation was complete and just as Jack said it would the only noise that Selena could hear was the gentle lapping of water in the two pools and the trickling of water as it flowed along the trough.

Selena gingerly stepped forwards to peer down at the
extended pool-platform and she sucked in a deep breath.

‘My God Jack,
it’s like something out of a superhero movie, you know, like Iron Man’s house.’

Jack laughed.

‘Never watched them so I’ll take your word for it.’

What’s the platform made out of it?’

Jack stood next to Selena and she leaned back in to his hip as his right hand snaked beneath her right arm and his fingers closed on her exposed breast and Selena looked down at his hand caressing her large breast.

‘The architect did tell me but I forget, it’s some kind of re-enforced glass, she mentioned something about advances in carbon and glass technology but it was all over my head.’

‘Is it safe?’

‘Better be,’ Jack said and before Selena knew what was happening he had picked her up in his arms and launched her out over the balcony.

Selena screamed madly before splashing down in to the second pool, she hit the water back first and as the water
closed over her she caught a momentary glimpse of Jack climbing down a ladder that she had not known existed.

Selena spluttered to the surface and managed to swim to the edge of the pool and she grabbed the smooth surface of the pool’s edge and tried to climb out but her fingers lost their traction on the slippery surface and she slipped back in to the pool.

Selena looked up and Jack was towering above her, his naked body blocking out the sun and he held a hand down for her to take. Selena grasped his hand and pulled with all her strength and Jack fell forwards in to the pool’s warm waters and Selena spun around and dropped on top of his head before he could stand up and she was laughing as she tried to keep his head under the water but Jack was too strong and he pushed her away and came up between her legs lifting her up out of the water so that she was sat on his shoulders and he stood up in the pool and Selena laughed.

‘That was not funny Jack, I practically shit myself!’

‘Now that’s something I have no wish to see.’

raised her arms out from her sides for balance as Jack’s hands grasped her thighs and Selena pressed her groin hard against the back of his head. Jack spun in a quick circle and Selena screamed with nervous laughter, she looked down and was instantly hit by a wave or vertigo; it felt and looked like she was high above the trees without any kind of support; the platform’s transparency causing her to feel light-headed.

‘This is too fucking weird,’ she said.




Selena was sat on the
edge of the pool, her legs from the knee down were in the water and her feet (she was still wearing the black heeled sandals, though one of the ribbon straps had come loose and was swaying in the pool’s current – Jack hadn’t let he remove them) kicked lazily under the surface of the water.

He won’t let me take the heels off but he soon had me out of my bikini though didn’t he

Selena looked to her left where she could see the two piece swimsuit drying in the sun, from her seated angle it looked like the bikini was floating in mid-air.

Selena placed her palms flat against the platform beneath her and tilted her face up to the sun; it was baking hot and she could feel sweat running down her back. Selena looked down at her right hand and she spread her fingers and against she had that disconcerting feeling of being high in the air with nothing beneath her but the trees over a hundred feet beneath her.

Selena turned back to face the pool and saw Jack’s face break the surface, he smiled at her.

‘Spread your legs.’

Selena returned his smile and she let her knees fall open.

‘Further, show me it all.’ Jack breast-stroked through the water, Selena could feel his gaze on her crotch and she spread her legs wide.

‘Spread your pussy.’

Selena felt a tingle, she slipped a hand between her legs, she pressed her closed fingers against her sex and then spread her fingers so that the folds of her labia were stretched wide; she could feel wetness already beginning to run down her fingers.

‘Keep ‘
em spread, lie back.’

Selena did as Jack
instructed and she closed her eyes. Selena gasped when she felt Jack’s hands slide between the smoothness of the glass platform and her naked buttocks, his fingers gripping her buttocks he pulled her closer to the edge of the pool.

Selena had finally accepted what she had suspected for the last twelve hours or so, she had
become Jack’s
and she didn’t want for it to end, with Jack being in total control there came something else that Selena had never dreamt possible: freedom, now that she had no say, no control at all over her inhibitions had been swept away, her actions were a result of another’s orders and so she couldn’t be held accountable for the things he made her do and she loved it.

Selena had studied English at college and she’d always remembered a professor talking about man’s search for plenitude, that moment of total and absolute contentment and the professor had explained that plenitude was a myth, that man, that society in general lived in a constant state of lack, always wanting more, always seeking a greater level of plenitude
but right then, at the exact moment that Selena’s cunt was roughly pulled against Jack’s mouth and his tongue pushed between her spread apart labia and plunged deep in to her soaking wetness, if that professor had been here she would have looked up and laughed and told him “here, here’s your fucking plenitude”, Selena cried out when Jack inserted two fingers up inside her ass and she could feel his fingers pressing against her inner wall and his tongue pushed deeper up in to her wet pussy, she could feel his face pressed tightly to her sex, she cried out loudly and released all of her concerns, all of her reservations and insecurities and she gave herself totally to Jack.

‘Do whatever you will Jack, just don’t fucking stop!’




Nicky wiped the blood from
his clenched fist, he noticed something stuck in the back of one of his knuckles and he picked it out of the skin and held it up to the light coming through the narrow window.

‘See Dwayne?’ he asked as he held the piece of tooth out for his captor to see, ‘I can’t believe you’re making me do this.’

Nicky flicked the tooth at Dwayne.

‘Fuck you!’ Dwayne spat back, blood coating his chin and dripping down on to his ebony chest.

Nicky snapped out a quick jab and the black man’s head snapped backwards; this time a whole tooth came free and flew across the basement to skitter beneath the building’s ancient boiler.

‘This i
s what I hate about niggas, you never admit when you’re wrong, you tried pawning a dead man’s watch and you get caught,’ Nicky laughed before continuing, ‘I gotta hand it to you Dwayne, you surely are the dumbest nigga I have ever encountered.’

Dwayne coughed and spat a mouthful of blood and broken fragments of teeth on to the concrete floor.

‘Fuck you you racist fuck!’

Nicky looked offended and flexed his fingers.

‘Damn Dwayne, you got me,’ Nicky said with sarcasm, ‘I’m amazed that you all call each other the N word, you all wear it like a badge of honour, I hear it in that shit rap music you and your crew listen to, I see black African-American actors using it all the time and you lot revere them, yet the minute a white guy uses it as a way of describing a dumb ass motherfucker like you
suddenly play the race card.’

Nicky snapped another jab out and this time he’d hit a little bit harder than he had intended, Nicky saw Dwayne’s eyes roll up in to the back of his head and the chair that he was tied to tipped over and the sound of Dwayne’s head connecting with the concrete floor sounded like a baseball bat connecting with the perfect pitch.

‘Well shit,’ Nicky said and he walked over and crouched down next to Dwayne, he pressed two fingers against Dwayne’s throat but he already knew it was too late, he could see the spreading pool of blood already fanning out from the back of Dwayne’s head.

‘I’ll have you know you fuck-wit that I’m married to a beautiful Senegalese woman, I have two children with her and I love her family, they’re good people, all you ever were was a
dumb rapist drug-pushing nigga.’ Nicky stood up and then drove a rib breaking kick in to the side of Dwayne, ‘I’m no racist!’ He kicked him again for good measure and then left the basement.

Once he was out on the street he rang the Fat Man.

‘Yeah,’ Nicky said when the call was answered, ‘Dwayne claims that he just robbed our guy’s body, he was already dead, and he didn’t do the killing.’

‘You believe him?’ came the Fat Man’s reply, the boss sounded out of breath and Nicky had no wish to know what had got the Fat Man all hot and bothered.

‘Funnily enough boss I actually do, no one could have taken that kind of beating without breaking.’

A half a
minute of silence passed and then the Fat Man said, ‘Okay, okay, let him go.’

‘Ah, too late for that.’

‘Well, I guess he won’t be missed.’

‘No, he won’t.’

‘So we’re still no closer to nailing this guy?’

‘No, I’m doing all I can boss, I’m everywhere I need to be, we’ll get him.’

‘Relax Nicky, I have faith in you, so what now?’

‘I’m heading over to the coroner’s office, one of the detectives that you got the commissioner to liaise with me is meeting me there, and I’m hoping they’ll have some news.’

‘Okay Nicky, keep me appraised.’

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