Hummingbird (18 page)

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Authors: Nathan L. Flamank

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Hummingbird
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‘Will do boss,
gotta go.’

‘Call me the minute you have something.’

‘Will do.’

The Fat Man ended the call and Nicky slipped his mobile phone in to his coat pocket and crossed the street, he’d parked his car two blocks over; he’d use the walk t
o clear the troubling thoughts that were beginning to work their way to the fore.




Selena wiped the back of
her right arm across her forehead, her brow was heavy with sweat.

Ha, my whole body is drenched
, she thought and then she cried out again as another orgasm washed over her, she had lost count of how many times Jack had made her come and she had no real idea as to how long she had been lying here at the edge of the pool; it had to have been quite a while as the sun had moved further in its crossing of the sky.

This can’t go on for much longer, I really can’t take much more
, Selena raised her head and pushed her elbows down so that she was now reclined back on them and tiny rivers of sweat cascaded down her body, rivers ran between her breasts, her breasts were drenched, beads of sweat covering them and she could see a pool of sweat in the depression her navel made and Jack still continued to work her over.

‘Shit, I can’t take much more,’ she cried and Jack locked his eyes on hers and Selena didn’t know what he did but her whole body began to shake and shiver and she collapsed back as the most powerful orgasm of the day so far washed over her and again she fought
her way back up on to her elbows and she groaned as she began to squirt again and Jack secured her undying loyalty when his mouth closed over her gushing cunt and Selena watched, totally hooked, addicted as he continued to manipulate her insides with his fingers as he swallowed her squirting juices.

Selena let out a yelp when Jack pulled her from the edge of the pool and the waters enveloped her.

She surfaced with her hands around Jack’s neck and before he could speak she closed her mouth over his and she had her eyes open and his dark gaze met hers and she parted her lips and his tongue slid between her teeth and she moaned in to his mouth, she could taste herself on his lips and tongue.

Jack broke the kiss, a trail of spitt
le hanging between their mouths and it struck Selena as so erotic, that single strand of spit hanging suspended between their mouths (and she mentally caught an image of an old Disney film about two dogs and a piece of spaghetti but she couldn’t recall its title), as so damn sexy that she pulled his mouth back on to hers and she kissed him harder.

Selena broke away and was panting like she’d just run a marathon, her whole body ached, her cunt and ass were on fire and the muscles in her back and arms ached.

‘You killed me,’ she laughed.

‘I hope not,’ Jack replied and he turned her away from him and she laughed as he pressed her up against the flat side of the pool.

‘I can’t take any more,’ Selena said.

‘Well, we’ll see about that,’ Jack replied and Selena groaned as she felt his hardness pushing between her thighs and then he was lifting her and his huge hardness pushed between the folds of her sex and he plunged deep up in to her and Selena cried out.

‘Ahh Jesus, shit, that feels good,’ Selena managed and she gripped the lip of the pool as Jack began to take her hard from behind.




Jack took his bottle of
beer and walked out on to the balcony, the sun was just touching the tree-line and he always liked this time of the day; that short window of time between day and night, light and dark, and in many ways this was where he existed, always walking that fine line between day and night and Jack saw the allegorical qualities to his musings.

Jack had never wanted to live a life so violent but it was the hand that he had got dealt and he played each h
and as the dealer dealt them.

sipped his beer and smoked his cigarette and he had an epiphany right there and then; he would grow old with Selena, the image just popped in to his head and he pondered long and hard on this moment of clarity.

Could I learn to trust her again?


Can I love her how she should be loved?


Jack smiled and continued to sip his beer and smoke his cigarette, he was in no rush to finish either; the instructions that he had given to Selena meant that she’d still be quite a while and he decided to finish his beer and cigarette and then he’d have another of each.

Jack watched a flock of starlings swirling and dancing across the sky and he watched their magical manoeuvres until his bottle was empty and the cigarette burned down to the filter before turning his back on nature in all its glory and he went to fetch another beer.




Selena slipped the high heels
on to her feet and stood up, she straightened the tight dress, smoothing it with her fingers and looked at her reflection; she liked what she saw and she knew that Jack would love it.

He’d chosen one of her favourite dresses for her to wear – a tight, incredibly short micro-dress that had a slightly stretchy feel to it so that she could ease it down her thighs to cover her ass whenever she needed to; it
was a metallic silver number; tiny pieces of silver reflective sequins, each circle approximately one centimetre in diameter.

Jack had also picked out a pair of matching silver five inch heels, covered in glitter and tiny pieces of costume crystal her feet would sparkle and shimmer as she walked; her long toned legs were now wrapped in a pair of glossy hold-ups, the natural skin tone colour of the stockings shimmered beneath the lights.

Underneath her dress she wore a simple white silk thong and no bra and she turned in a circle and glanced over her shoulder at her reflection; the back of the dress was cut just above the beginnings of the crack of her ass and she smiled as she bent slightly forwards, the dress clung to her ass and she liked what she saw.

Selena sprayed her ample cleava
ge with Jack’s favourite perfume and then she applied a generous coating of lipstick to the fullness of her lips; the deep plum colour matched her fingernails which she had spent twenty minutes painting. Selena applied another layer of volumising mascara to her eyelashes, dabbed the excess off with a piece of tissue and then walked out of the bedroom, she switched the light off as she passed the switch.

Selena walked
along the hallway and noticed that the door to the master bedroom was slightly ajar, she hadn’t been in to Jack’s bedroom before and she cocked her head listening to see if she could hear Jack anywhere nearby; she thought she caught the briefest sound of the fridge door closing and she pushed the bedroom door open, her hand felt along the wall and her fingers found the light switch and she flicked it on.

Jack’s bedroom was as impressive as the rest of the house; bare oak floor, a large king size double bed positioned
dead-centre of the immense room, bookcases chock full of books ran the length of one wall, a high end sound system was shelved neatly on another. One wall was entirely glass, the final wall had three doors mounted in to it and Selena crossed the room as quietly as she could.

The first door opened on to a
beautiful master bathroom and the next revealed a huge walk –in closet. Selena moved to the third door and her hand closed over the handle, she tried it but the door was firmly locked.

alls,’ she said softly before re-crossing the room to the main door, she flicked the lights off and exited the master bedroom.

Selena wondered what was behind the locked door as she headed down the metal spiral staircase to the kitchen.

Jack was out on the balcony and she smiled at his back, he looked really good in his expensive suit. Selena walked to the balcony door and Jack turned to look at her.

Selena raised her hands high
above her head and her fingers grasped the door surround above her, she moved her feet apart and thrust her chest forwards and grinned at him.

‘You like?’

Jack sipped his beer and smiled.

‘Not bad, not bad at all.’

Selena let out a huff.

‘Not bad? I look fucking incredible.’

Jack laughed.

‘Do you want a beer and
a cigarette before we leave?’

‘You know I do,’ Selena replied.

‘Well then, you’d best show me your knickers and then you can fetch a couple of beers from the fridge.’

‘Yes master,’ Selena teased and she released her hold on the
wooden cross beam, she snagged the hem of her dress and pulled the dress up over her thighs until her crotch was exposed and Jack smiled and Selena felt his eyes roaming across her patterned stocking-tops and thong.

Men, such fools to their desires
, and Selena chuckled at the irony, she was his slave, she would do all that he told her to do but he was also a slave, a slave to his own needs and she realised that she had some measure of power over him.

‘Very nice,’ he said before turning away and
Selena laughed before fetching them both a beer.




Selena was very conscious of
the lingering looks she was getting from the other diners in the up-market dining room of one of the city’s most exclusive hotels and Selena wished that they hadn’t driven all the way back in to the city just to eat; the city held bad memories for her, for them and she had to admit that she was still afraid that the Fat Man would suddenly appear and that Jack would inform her that he’d had a change of heart and that she once more belonged to the Fat Man.

Selena finished off her third glass of red wine and the buzz that
she was beginning to feel did little to settle her fears.

Jack must have picked up on her concerns, he took a sip of his iced water and he smiled across the elegantly set out table and told Selena to relax.

‘You’re okay Selena, you have nothing to worry about, and your only concern should be pleasing me, ’Jack chuckled, ‘that and the fact that every woman in here hates you.’

na poured more wine in to her glass and glanced once more around the restaurant, ‘I’m not doing anything wrong, why are all these women giving me the “evils”?’

‘Because their dates all want to be sat where I’m sat, I can feel the lust in the air.’

‘Well, just don’t order me to get my breasts out in here, I’d never make it out of the building.’

Selena laughed at her own joke but she saw the look in Jack’s eyes and she wished she’d never said anything, the last thing he needed was more ideas.

‘How’s the meal?’

‘Wonderful, I don’t think I’ve ever eaten anything half as good as this lamb.’

They finished their meal and after coffees Jack paid the bill and he led Selena out of the restaurant, many pairs of eyes tracked their progress and Selena was relieved once they were out on the street.

A chill wind had picked up since they’d gone in to the restaurant and Selena crossed her bare arms over her chest.

‘Come on, we’ll soon be back in the warmth,’ Jack said and he walked alongside Selena, his left hand slid beneath the hem of her dress and the silver garment rode upwards over her ass and Selena didn’t object, Jack’s hand grasped her buttocks as they turned the corner.

The car was four spaces down and Selena couldn’t wait to be back in the car and heading home.

? She thought.
Is Jack’s house more of a home to me than my own apartment

Selena felt Jack’s hand caressing her exposed buttocks and she was thankful for the lateness of the hour, the street was empty
and Selena wondered whether Jack would have been so demonstrative in broad daylight, she didn’t have to think about that for too long, she knew the answer was a big fat yes.

They reached the car and Selena turned and stepped in to Jack’s arms, she tilted her face up to his and he kissed her, she replied in kind and sucked his tongue between her teeth. Jack’s hands caressed her ass and his fingers slipped beneath the thin strip of her thong, she could feel his fingertips flutter across her puckered ass-hole and she tingled at the thought of his cock inside her ass, she had really enjoye
d getting fucked in her ass and she longed for his cock to plunge once again deep up in to her rear and the dirty sensations that would come with it.

Selena and Jack heard the sudden slapping of feet on the sidewalk at the same time and Jack turned to see a hooded figure lunging towards him, Jack released Selena and raised his arms to ward off the unexpected assault. The hooded assailant swung a billy-club and Jack’s right arm deflected the swing and he stepped forwards and slammed his head in to the assailant’s face; the man crumpled to the ground.

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