Hummingbird (7 page)

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Authors: Nathan L. Flamank

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Hummingbird
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‘Get the fuck out of here,’ Jack roared at the waiter and the waiter decided to act on Jack’s
words a lot quicker than Selena had so far and the man disappeared rapidly back from whence he had come.

Selena followed Jack with wide eyes as he circled the table and then he was behind her and she had to look back over her left shoulder to keep him in sight.

‘Move your feet apart,’ Jack said, some of the rage gone from his voice and Selena quickly complied, she didn’t want to antagonise him, not now, not with the anger that was still evident on his face.

‘More, show me that cunt,’ Jack demanded and Selena sobbed, she’d never heard Jack speak this way before; the Jack she had known and loved wa
s well spoken and graceful.

is words and the intonation in which he spoke them now shocked her more than anything she had endured since the Fat Man had appeared in her shop less than twenty four hours ago and Selena sobbed harder; the tears dripping from her chin to mingle with spilled whiskey but she complied with his demand and she moved her feet further apart.

Push your ass up.’

Again Selena instantly complied, she lowered her front so that her breasts touched the whiskey stained cloth and pushed her ass up towards
the ceiling and she kept at it until she knew that she was as exposed as the position would allow her to be (her prone position now resembling an inverted archway) and she sniffed back her tears and snot and closed her eyes, she was resigned to what was about to happen.

Despite her signing the contract Selena knew that what was about to happen to her was nothing short of rape; she didn’t want this, not now, not like this but she was terrified of what Jack would do to her if she refused.

Would he shoot me
? Selena asked herself and then her insides twisted in to a deeper knot of terror as the next thought hit her

What if he tears the contract up and turns me out on the street

Selena let out an involuntary yelp as she felt Jack’s hand on her back, she could feel his fingers as they ran the length of her spine and she tried to hold back her fear and she prepared herself for what was about to be done to her, she s
queezed her eyes tightly shut and concentrated on not letting her fear show.

But nothing happened.

Jack’s hand went away and a half minute passed and she began to open her eyes when Jack’s voice snapped her eyelids open fully.

Selena saw Jack standing next to her, the gun was now back in his shoulder rig and she blinked away her tears and for the first time she noticed that Jack had tears in his eyes too and then she saw what was in his right hand; a small velvet box, the hinged lid
already snapped open and she watched as Jack put the jewellery box down on the table in front of her right hand.

‘I loved you Selena,’ Jack said, his voice soft and warm, the voice that she knew so well from many a conversation spoken in the darkness of his bed
, of hours spent just talking to one another, she knew this voice like a mother knows her baby.

‘I’d spent ages working up the courage to tell the Fat Man that I was through, I wanted a life with you, a life away from all the violence, I wanted a family, children, a normal life, I bought this ring the day I intended to ask you to marry me, the same day that I came home to catch you with another man’s cock between your lips.’

Jack rubbed a knuckle across his eyes and offered up a sad laugh. ‘All of this is on you Selena, you have two choices here, honour our agreement or get the fuck out of my life and this time for good, I’ll be in the car once you’ve decided.’

Jack scooped up her discarded dress and walked out of the restaurant; he didn’t look back.




Jack looked up as the
restaurant’s door opened, he’d been waiting in the car for five minutes and had planned to give Selena another five before driving away and leaving her to fend for herself. He could see that Selena, save for her high heels, was still naked and light from the inside of the restaurant spilled out on to the sidewalk; a half circle of orange illumination. Selena let the door close behind her and Jack watched as she took a deep breath, possibly to give her courage, and then she walked across the sidewalk and in front of the car, she walked with slow measured strides, her head held high, her long blonde hair now blowing around her face from the early morning winds and then she was opening the passenger door and climbing in. Selena closed the door and turned in her seat to face Jack.

Jack glanced at her, he let his gaze traverse up the curves of her thighs, registering the neatly trimmed thatch of pubic hair before allowing his eyes to continue on and up, he felt a long forgotten stirring in his loins at the sight of Selena’s perfectly formed large breasts and the hardened nipples. He snapped his eyes up to Selena’s and she smiled at him and opened her hand.

‘I’m sorry Jack, I never meant to hurt you.’

Jack t
ook the jewellery box from her hand and slipped it in to a pocket of his jacket. He started the car and pulled away from the kerb.

‘What you said in there? About loving me, I…’

Jack silenced her with a wave of a hand.

‘I said I loved you, past tense, this has nothing to do with love now Selena.’

Selena lowered her sun visor and looked at her face in the small mirror stitched in to the material of the visor; even in the darkened interior of the car she could see her eyes looked like shit and that her mascara had run, she snapped the visor shut and sat back in her seat.

Selena waited for Jack to speak but after two blocks and still no words forthcoming she broke the silence.

‘So what now?’

Jack pulled in to an underground car park and Selena looked around as Jack drove deeper in to the concrete structure.

He didn’t speak to answer her as he parked up and got out. Selena looked through the back window as Jack opened the trunk.

Selena opened her door and poked her head out.

‘Get out of the car Selena.’

Selena complied at once, she was still shaken by
the events back at the restaurant and she walked to the back of the car just as Jack finished removing the last of her cases from the storage space.

Fear washed over Selena once again,
was he abandoning her here and now

‘Jack, please, I said I’d do as you please.’

Jack slammed the trunk’s lid and looked at Selena.

Actually Selena, that’s the first time you’ve actually said that, but relax, I’m not leaving you to the wolves.’

‘So what…’

‘Swapping cars.’




They’d swapped cars and once
they were back on the street Selena said, ‘I’m confused, why did we swap cars, is this your car? I mean…’

It’s my car, that’s all you need to know, we’re not going to get pulled over by the cops if that’s what you’re worried about.’

Selena had to laugh, given the fact that she was still naked, getting pulled over by some trooper was not high on her list of things she’d like to happen.

‘But why…’

‘Not your concern Selena.’

Selena adjusted her posture, the black leather seat squeaked beneath her naked ass and she opened her legs a little to get comfortable, she glanced at the car’s interior; it was a fancy import and she had to admit that it was a damn sight lot more comfortable than the other car.

Jack continued on in silence and Selena once again was the first to speak.

‘So what now?’

Selena saw the flash of annoyance on Jack’s face.

‘I mean, aren’t you going to tell me where we’re even heading?’

‘You don’t need to know.’

‘Okay, so what do you want me to do?’

‘Just sit there quietly and enjoy the ride.’

Selena sighed with impatience.

‘But I’d at least like to…’

Jack shook his head.

you’re not able to just sit there and keep your mouth shut?’


‘Suck my cock.’

Several seconds passed, seconds where Selena’s brain struggled to compute those three words but eventually h
er brain caught up and the trio of words flashed in bright neon lights in front of her eyes: SUCK MY COCK, flashing on and off and Selena stuttered as she tried to formulate a response.

‘Look, I was willing to offer you a period of grace,’ Jack said as he took his right hand off of the wheel and his hand dropped to his lap and his fingers began to unbutton his jeans. ‘I thought it would take you a couple of hours to digest just what it was that you signed and what it meant, and where we’re going is a three hour drive so I thought to myself, “hey
Jack just let her sit in silence and mull everything over” but no, as per your usual operating procedure you’re too dumb to follow the simplest of instructions.’ Selena’s eyes were on his groin as Jack’s hand slipped inside his opened flies and she watched as he freed his cock from his boxers.

‘So, if you won’t keep that beautiful mouth of yours shut and be quiet I’ll give you something to occupy it with, now…SUCK. MY. COCK.’

Selena laughed, the nervousness that she was feeling getting the better of her, ‘I…’

Jack slammed his foot down on the brakes and the car
screeched to a stop and Selena was thrown forwards in her seat, her belt snapped tight across her naked stomach and breasts and she cried out; not so much in pain but in shock.

Selena got herself together and wide-eyed looked across at Jack.

‘I’m counting to five and if your perfect lips aren’t wrapped around my cock by the time I get to five I’m kicking you out and you can fend for yourself, and whilst you’re sucking my cock take the opportunity to actually think about the contract and the fact that you
to me.’

Selena cleared her throat, she didn’t know what to say or what she should do.

Jesus, he really means it, shit, shit, shit, I signed that contract but this is all so sudden I
, Selena’s thoughts were cast aside when she heard Jack counting and in a split-second she realised that he was already on three.


Selena scrambled across her seat but her seatbelt snagged her and she cried out in frustration as she fumbled to unlatch it.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl, it was as if she was in a slow-motion film, Selena’s eyes were on Jack’s mouth and she could actually see his mouth forming his next word….

She felt the latch give…

Selena slid sideways and her right hand reached across and her fingers closed around Jack’s hardening cock and she started to lower her face towards his cock…

Please let me make it
, she begged herself as Jack’s thickening cock loomed closer as she dropped her face towards his swelling glans…

‘Five,’ Jack said and Selena almost shouted out in relief and a sense of achievement washed over her because she had beaten the count; her full lips were half way down Jack’s now fully inflamed glans when she heard him reach a five count and she continued to lower her lips down his thick shaft until she could feel his glans pressing at the back of her mouth. Selena felt Jack’s hand settle on her head and she breathed through her nose waiting to hear what he would say next.

‘Don’t stop until I come, and you’ll be swallowing it Selena, all of it.’

Selena nodded her head or tried to and then she felt Jack’s hand leave the top of her head and he resumed driving.


I can’t believe I’m doing this, and I sure as hell can’t believe how relieved I was to actually get my lips on his cock before he finished counting
, Selena thought as she continued to work her mouth up and down the length of Jack’s cock.
I’m his now, and I have to see this through to the end, think of it this way Selena; at least I know Jack, I loved him once
, Selena’s internal monologue continued,
and he really does have a gorgeous cock

Selena would have laughed if it wasn’t for the thickness of his shaft filling her mouth and she lowered her face once again until her
lips were at the base of his cock and she constricted her lips in to a tight O and then she slowly drew up his entire length and the pressure had to be building in Jack.

Selena used her free hand and slowly began to knead Jack’s balls, and she was pleased to feel that the skin of his sac was tight and free of hair; years before she had shaved him one night for a laugh but she had loved the way his cock and balls looked without pubic hair and she had made him promise to regularly shave or wax and Jack had just chuckled and told her
whatever you want baby
, and he’d obviously kept it up since their split and Selena squeezed his scrotum and was rewarded with a heavy moan of pleasure from Jack.

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