Hummingbird (11 page)

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Authors: Nathan L. Flamank

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Hummingbird
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Jack glanced at Selena and smiled at her.

‘Had you worried?’

‘I almost peed myself.’

‘Stay where you are, don’t move okay, they’ll rip you apart if you so much as scratch.’

‘Okay,’ Selena said.

The dogs were still jumping and twisting around Jack and Selena wondered how he’d control them enough for her to be able to leave and her question was answered a split second later.

She heard Jack click his fingers and to her total
amazement each of the five dogs went from chaotic anarchy to instantly dropping to their haunches and the five dogs sat before Jack in a uniformity of obedience.

Jack clicked his fingers twice and the five dogs went fully to the ground and Selena watched as each dog rested their head on their front legs; to Selena each dog looked like the Sphinxes of Egypt, not even a tail wagged; they were as still as statues.

‘My God that’s amazing,’ Selena said.

‘Okay Selena, walk to me slowly, no sudden hand gestures, nice and quietly.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘I’m sure, do

Selena did as instructed and she could feel the hair on her arms and neck stand up as ea
ch of the five dogs turned their heads to look at her and each dog watched her intently as she joined Jack in front of the dogs.

Jack clicked his fingers and the dogs instantly stood up and their heads swivelled up to their master.

‘This is Selena. Friend.’ Jack glanced at Selena, ‘Say hello to them Selena.’

Selena swallowed. ‘Hello.’

Jack laughed at the fear in Selena’s voice.

‘They won’t bite Selena, not now, say hello like you mean it.’

‘Um, hello doggies, nice little doggies.’

Jack laughed and he crouched down and instructed Selena to do the same.

Selena complied, she tucked the short dress between her legs as she squatted down.

‘Hold your hand out for them to smell.’

Selena did as instructed and each dog nosed her hand.

This is Selena fellas.’

Jack stood up and helped Selena back to her feet.

Jack looked down at the dogs and they all looked up at him.

‘Selena. Friend. No harm.’

Jack clapped his hands together and the dogs rushed forwards at Selena and she yelped in fear but she quickly began to laugh as the dogs licked her hands and nosed her feet.

‘You’re part of the family now Selena, they’ll never harm you, not now.’

Selena scratched behind various dogs’ ears and stroked various backs and she looked at Jack.

‘That’s good to know.’

Jack grinned.

‘Well, not unless I tell them to and then you’re totally fucked.’

Jack laughed and he started walking along a shingled path that led away from the patio area and through the woods. Selena followed and the dogs all took off bounding away in to the shrubs in a cacophony of yips and yaps.

They walked along the path and Jack explained how the dogs roamed the grounds twenty four/seven.

‘Each dog has a chip in their collars that allow them access to the kennels at the rear of the property, it’s a state of the art facility, underground heating, food and water dispensed on timers; they can roam wherever they like within the grounds.’

‘How big is this place?’

Jack stopped on the pathway and Selena stopped next to him, it looked as if he was about to change the subject but he said, ‘I think the fences run two kilometres a piece, four sides, I’ll let you figure out the square kilometre-age.’

Selena chuckled. ‘I don’t even know if that’s a word.’

‘You know what I mean.’

‘You own this place?’

Jack nodded his head. Two dogs burst from the shrubs off to their left and shot in front of them and across the pathway and into the dense shrubbery once more.

‘It’s a beautiful place, when, how did you come by this wonderland.’

‘An uncle died and left me a lot of money, I bought the land and such three years ago and…’

Selena interrupted him.

‘But we were together then, you never told me.’

‘It was going to be a surprise, an engagement gift.’

Jack fell silent and Selena didn’t know how to respond to this revelation.

‘I guess that’s something else I fucked up,’ Selena finally said and she offered Jack a small smile, he returned the gesture and then told her to remove her dress; the sudden change in topic caught Selena off guard and she just stared at Jack.

‘Now Selena, you’re my guest but you’re also my

The word stung: TOY but what could she do? Selena gripped the hem of her dress and tugged the dress up over her hips and stomach, the material caught below her large breasts and she had to pull harder but finally the dress was up over her breasts and then fully off and she held the dress bunched in her left hand.

Selena felt totally exposed, a combination of the manner in which she had been told to strip and the fact that she was outside in the middle of nowhere surrounded by trees and foliage, for all she knew anyone could be watching her; a hunter out chasing game, hikers out for a walk but then Selena thought of the dogs and the fence and she relaxed; no one would be stupid enough to hike through Jack’s land.

‘When you’re here, whether in the house or out here in the grounds you’ll always be naked unless I have instructed you to wear clothes, are we clear?’

Selena nodded her head.

Selena crouched ready to take her heeled sandals off but Jack told her to keep them on.

‘You’ll always wear heels, unless I tell you to take them off.’

Selena stood back up and chuckled, ‘I could never understand your obsession with heels, well you and every other man I’ve ever met, seriously
what’s the deal?’

‘Just do what you’re told Selena and don’t worry about my obsessions.’

Selena felt her face flush and the anger spilled out before she could stop it.

‘Fucking hell Jack, I was only asking, Jesus!’

Jack glared at her and she quickly fell silent, again she had that sense of chastisement; she felt like a naughty child being reprimanded by a parent.

I hate him

‘Bend over, put your hands on your knees.’

Selena did as Jack commanded and she looked at Jack’s face; she could see his eyes were on her suspending breasts.

He always did have a thing for my tits

remained in the position that Jack had ordered her in to and waited for Jack’s next command. Jack continued walking along the pathway and he turned to glance back at Selena.

‘I’ll be another hour out here with the dogs, you better be exactly where you are when I return
and don’t even think about moving, you’re on camera.’ With that said Jack continued walking and he didn’t look back.

Selena was stunned and she looked around her immediate surroundings and she quickly spotted the security camera secured to the trunk of a tree; the camera was mounted about ten feet from the forest floor and the lens was aimed directly at her; Jack had picked this spot to stop on purpose!

Selena couldn’t believe it.

What the hell, one minute we’re chatting and enjoying ourselves, I even forgot all about the contract for a moment, it felt like the old days. Maybe that’s the whole point Selena, maybe Jack was reminded of the old days and how you fucked it all up. If you have any sense you’ll just stand here and wait for his return. Shit, shit, shit

Selena watched Jack’s back until he disappeared from view.

‘Well fuck!’ Selena whispered and she settled in for Jack’s return.




Hugo Wrexler got out of
the elevator on his floor and as the doors closed behind him he glanced down the corridor at his apartment’s door; never had he been so happy to see his own place.

The last three days had been exhausting, a new batch of underage girls had been shipped in to the city and as was his custom Hugo had tasted what the girls had to offer; and fucking tight little assholes was Hugo’s number one enjoyment, there was nothing like the cries of innocence being torn away to give him a hard-on that could last for minutes and Hugo smiled as he inserted the key in to his door, he saw the little redhead’s ass in his mind’s eye.

‘She was good, I’ll have her again before I put her to work in one of the Fat Man’s houses.’

Hugo turned the key and pushed his front door open; the door swung wide and Hugo was cut in half by the roar of a shotgun. The blast caught him squarely inches above his two inch cock and the concussive force of two loads of buckshot tore through muscle, fat, bone and sinew to severe torso from legs and the corridor was bathed in a torrent of crimson.

As the cordite settled and the smoke cleared the door came to a stop and revealed a shotgun rigged to a stool, thin nylon cords connected the trigger to the door and when the police arrived ten minutes later they would admire the skill in which the trap had been set.

And it would be a rookie patrol woman who spotted the intricately folded piece of paper on the floor beneath the stool, and the piece of paper would look a lot like a hummingbird.




Not only was every muscle
in her arms and back aching, Selena’s breasts were beginning to ache and the urge to urinate that she had been fighting to control for the last hour was almost at the point of her not being able to hold it back.

Selena groaned as she felt another surging need to pee wash over her and she almost praised a God she didn’t believe in when she saw Jack come
around the bend in the path; she couldn’t see or hear any of the dogs.

‘Did you move?’ Jack asked.

‘Nuh-uh,’ Selena managed.

‘I can check the camera’s feed when we get back to the house so if you’re lying you’re better off telling me now.’

‘I haven’t moved an inch, my tits are sore, my back is cramped, my arms are locked up and I have sweat dripping down the crack of my ass.’

Jack looked up at the sun breaking through the heavy boughs and greenery and he smiled, ‘I hadn’t thought about the heat.’

Jack came to a stop next to Selena and inspected her back and shoulders.

‘You’ve not burned, a shower will see you back to your old self.’

Selena looked up at Jack, she hadn’t moved since he’d returned.

‘I need the toilet Jack, really bad.’

Jack stepped behind her and took up position four feet behind her.

‘I’m not
gonna stop you from going to the toilet Selena.’

‘Thank God,’ Selena laughed and she started to straighten up.

‘I didn’t say you could move though,’ Jack said and the force of his words froze Selena.

‘I need the toilet Jack, please.’

‘And I’m not stopping you but if you take one fucking step our deal is done.’

Goddamnit Jack I’m not going to piss where I stand, that’s humiliating.’

Jack lit a cigarette and Selena would have killed for one but she wasn’t going to ask him for one,
and I’m not taking a piss right here
, she added to herself,
he’ll let me go back to the house shortly, if I walk fast enough I should make it

‘Can I please stand up straight, my breasts are hurting now Jack, please?’

‘Turn around and face me.’

‘Thank you,’ Selena said and as she straightened up she sighed with relief as blood began to flow and she rubbed at her breasts to chase the aching away. Selena turned to face Jack and she was surprised to see that he had lowered himself to the pathway and was sitting cross-legged. He looked up at her as he inhaled on the cigarette.

Selena groaned.

‘Please Jack, this is humiliating, please.’

Jack shook his head.

It’s no more humiliating than buying a ring for your girlfriend, of coming home to give her that ring only to find her sucking another man’s cock.’

‘So that’s what this is all about? Revenge?’

Jack shrugged his shoulders.

It’s about you being accountable for yourself, the only reason you’re standing in front of me, naked, desperate for the toilet is because of the actions that led you here.’

‘You’re a bastard Jack for making me do this.’

Selena couldn’t hold her bladder any longer
. I wouldn’t have even made it to the house even if he’d let me
. Selena widened her stance and squatted.

‘You’re enjoying this aren’t you?’

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