Hummingbird (14 page)

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Authors: Nathan L. Flamank

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Hummingbird
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Selena looked around the gravelled parking area and she could see a group of four men standing around the back of an old Ford pick-up truck, they were all drinking beer and passing a joint around and she felt a pang of panic as she realised that they’d have to pass near to the four men
to reach Jack’s Audi which was parked in the far corner of the packed lot beneath a street light.

‘What now?’ Selena asked.

Jack chuckled.

‘You’ve really got to stop asking that all the time.’

‘Sorry, but this is all new to me.’

ame here, I’ve never had a sex-toy before,’ he replied, there was a playful tone to his voice so Selena took no offense but when she gave it a second’s thought she realised that that was what she was, she was Jack’s to do with as he pleased, she had no control over her own life, at least not for the next month, so for all intents and purposes she was indeed a toy to be played with.

The cool night air caressed her naked breasts and tickled the exposed cheeks of her ass, the thong she was wearing did little
to keep her warm down below her

The door at Jack’s back opened and a drunk
man staggered past them and bent over next to an old battered VW Beetle and he threw his guts up sending a stream of alcohol enriched puke all down the front side panel of the Beetle, the spray of vomit splattered back against the drunk’s legs and he cursed and staggered backwards and fell on to his ass and continued to puke in to his own lap.

‘Jesus,’ Selena said and Jack walked the long way round to avoid the stench coming from the drunk.

Jack walked up a row of cars and Selena glanced over at the four men near the pick-up and she saw that the men were now all looking in their direction.

‘Do you think they can see anything?’ Selena asked.

Jack shrugged, ‘I don’t care what they can or can’t see, we’re almost at the car.’

They reached the car and Selena was surprised when Jack stopped at the front of the Audi and he lowered her back on to the hood of the foreign car, Selena released her hands and feet from behind Jack and stared up at him.


Jack looked down at Selena and he could see Selena’s breasts rising and falling as her breathing grew heavier, he could also see the look of nervous anxiety in her beautiful blue eyes.

I really loved this fucking woman, even now she holds a spell over me

He watched as Selena
extended her arms above her head and she slid her hands up the sleek body of the Audi and her fingertips grabbed at the screen wipers.

tretched out like she was her magnificent breasts were pulled together and thrust upwards towards the night sky and he could see how hard and engorged her nipples were; Selena had large breasts, breasts that broke the laws of physics, their size should have made them droop and sag but for some reason they didn’t, they always sat perfectly and Jack loved how her nipples were darker than the skin surrounding them; each nipple’s areola was puckered with miniscule pimples and he couldn’t help himself and he pushed her legs apart at her knees and leaned down over her and his mouth closed over her right nipple and he sucked the hardened bud deep in to his mouth and he pulled on the nipple stretching the engorged teat out from the surface of her breast and he pulled his head back until her nipple began to stretch her breast out from the rest of her chest and he heard Selena’s soft cry of pleasure and pain and he released the nipple and he smiled at just how big it now was, the areola had swelled right up and the bud was as hard as any he had ever seen and he moved his mouth to her left nipple and did the same to that one and when he finally stood up straight he looked down at Selena’s heaving breasts and Jack slid his hands along her exposed ribs and around to the sides of her breasts and then he spread the fingers of each hand and his hands closed on her huge, round, perfect breasts and he pushed them together and caressed them and kneaded them beneath his hands and his eyes found Selena’s and he could see the lust and longing in her eyes.

Selena licked her lips and said: ‘Fuck me Jack, please just fucking fuck me, right here, right now, please!’
and Jack had to admit that the pleading tone of Selena’s voice made his already hard cock even harder.

Jack pulled on Selena’s nipples and she cried out, her voice swept away by the breeze blowing through the parking lot.


Leeze Jack, please.’

‘More,’ Jack said and he lowered his mouth to her breasts once again and his mouth began to plant kisses all over her twin mounds.

‘Please Jack, I’m begging you, I want you to fuck me, to use me, to stick that massive cock in me, stick it wherever you want, I want you to fuck me so hard, please,’ Selena cried out as Jack’s mouth closed over her already swollen right nipple and he sucked hard and pressed his tongue against her nipple securing it between his tongue and the roof of his mouth and he sucked harder and deeper until his mouth had sucked several inches of her breast in to his mouth and the suction and force hurt her in a sexual way and Selena shouted out for Jack to ‘JUST FUCKING TAKE ME YOU BASTARD, FUCK ME NOW!’


‘And when you’re done fucking the whore we’ll fuck her.’

Selena’s eyes snapped open at the strange voice and she looked over Jack’s right shoulder and she cried out in fear when she saw the four men fanned out in a half circle behind Jack
; Selena recognised them as the four beer drinkers from the pick-up, she’d forgotten all about them when Jack had started to tease her nipples but now she was petrified, up close the four strangers were big and muscular and powerful looking and they looked dangerous.

Jack released Selena’s nipple and pushed himself up and he glanced down at Selena.

‘Don’t move an inch,’ Jack told her and as crazy as it sounded Selena realised that even before Jack had opened his mouth she had had no intention of moving or covering herself up and she wondered what that said for her mental stability, laying prostrate and exposed on the hood of the Audi, the cold metal beneath her back, her legs spread wide, thong on show, breasts out for all to see and she hadn’t even thought to move.

Selena shook her head, ‘I wasn’t going to,’ she said softly.

Jack turned to look at the four men, his gaze flicked from one to the next until his eyes settled on the behemoth stood to Jack’s left.

‘Sorry guys, this is a private show, the lady isn’t for sharing.’

The behemoth laughed. ‘That’s why you paraded her half naked across the parking lot, her tits and ass out for all to see.’

Jack nodded his head.

‘You’re right, I guess that was a bit much, so look, you guys wanna watch me fuck her then I’ll let you, but that’s it.’

The behemoth scratched at his dirty beard and spat a mouthful of chewing tobacco in to the dirt at
his feet.

‘Man, if I say we’re going to fuck her, we’re going to fuck her, if I unzip my beast and tell you to suck it you’re
gonna suck it.’

The three men next to the giant widened the circle, taking up positions ready to attack the minute the big guy gave them the nod.

Jack turned fully to face the four men, he touched Selena’s left ankle and offered a gentle squeeze of reassurance and Selena remained where she was and the thought came to her then that she was on show like a slab of meat in a butcher’s shop and despite what others would do in her situation she actually found herself enjoying the moment and once again she questioned her own sanity; yes, she could argue that Jack hadn’t given her permission to move but even if he had would she have or would she (like a large part of her believed) have remained where she lay?

My God, am I really just a slut underneath this educated veneer? When it comes right down to it do I need anything in my life other than Jack? Shit, am I totally fucked or what
? Selena’s thoughts tumbled through her head until Jack broke the moment.

‘Last chance guys, do
yourselves a favour and just leave.’

The tall, gangly, acne-scarred man standing next to the giant smirked at Jack.

‘There are four of us and only one of you asshole,’ the man said trying his best to appear menacing but to Selena’s ears it sounded like a bad impersonation and she had to control the sudden urge to bark out a laugh.

‘There could be a dozen like you four and that wouldn’t be enough,’ Jack said and the calm, assured tone in his voice gave the behemoth pause but by then it was too late.

Jack could have talked his way out of the confrontation, he could have just mentioned the Fat Man and the four men would have dropped to their knees in supplication (even out here in the wilds the Fat Man’s name and power was immense) but Jack felt the old red mist descend and he knew that there was no backing out now and he did what he did best, he did what he had been trained to do and that was to neutralise the enemy, to neutralise the imminent threat of danger but Jack also knew that there wasn’t any real danger, not from these four buffoons and if he was being really truthful he just wanted to hurt these assholes, he doubted that their behaviour tonight was a one off and he wondered how many people these four had hurt in the past, however many it may have been they wouldn’t be hurting anyone after tonight.

Jack stepped forwards in to the middle of them knowing that this would draw them in closer, they would sense the upper hand and attempt to swarm him and like the dumb-fucks that he judged them to be they did just that.

The giant roared and swung a hammer of a fist towards Jack’s head and if it had connected with Jack’s skull Jack had no doubt that there was a high probability that just that one punch would have hospitalised him or put him in the ground but the swing was lazy and wild and Jack dropped beneath it and moved in and came up fast, Jack’s projecting elbow connected with the giant’s nose, the power of Jack’s upward thrust broke the giant’s nose and sent pieces of bone and cartilage splintering up in to the man’s brain and the giant fell backwards like an oak beneath an axe; he was dead before he hit the ground and the sudden defeat of the biggest among them gave the others pause.

Jack snapped his right foot out against the tall acne-scarred man’s left knee and the knee snapped and folded in on itself and the man screamed out in pain and Jack moved on to the
third who was in the process of literally pissing himself, Jack could see the spreading darkness through the chubby man’s jeans.

Jack didn’t stop, he
stop and he grabbed the chubby man’s right arm, he twisted it sending the man to his knees as the man struggled to stop his arm from being dislocated and Jack grasped the man’s wrist and twisted; the splintering sound echoed across the parking lot and the man screamed out as Jack snapped the arm sending a piece of white bone out through the tear in the man’s skin and Jack finished him off with a heavy, forceful knee to the kneeling man’s face.

The fourth man was already running away between the rows of parked cars and Jack let him, Jack knew that no one would be reporting this to the local Sheriff and even if they did one call from the Fat Man would resolve the issue.

The acne scarred man was rolling around in the dirt clutching his knee; he’d never walk again without the use of a walking stick and Jack stood over him.

‘Look at me fuck-stick,’ Jack spat and the man looked up, the fear making his eyes bulge.

‘I ever see you around here again I’m going to use your skull as an ashtray, we clear?’

‘Y-y-yes, we’re clear, fuck man you killed Jimmy!’

Jack looked over at the slab of meat that had once been Jimmy. Jack nodded his head and then glanced back down at the man cowering at his feet.

‘Jimmy’s mama should have taught him some manners.’


Selena took Jack’s hand and he helped her down from the Audi.

‘As much as I want to fuck you, I’d rather not do it here with the smell of human shit in the air.’

Jack opened the car’s passenger door for her and Selena got in, he closed the door after she swung her feet in to the car and then he walked around to the driver’s door and got in behind the wheel.

Jack switched on the headlights and turned the ignition key and the powerful engine roared in to life.

Jack drove out of the parking lot and on to the road that would lead them back out of the town and all Selena could do was sit there in silence, her dress still down around her hips, she was stunned by the sudden violence and the calmness in which Jack
had unleashed it.




They were out on a
country highway when Selena finally said, ‘Jack, how many men have you killed?’

Jack glanced at her and she quickly added, ‘I mean, you just killed a man, aren’t you
worried about the law catching up with you?’

‘No, he deserved it, he would have raped you if he’d had the opportunity.’

Selena let the words sink in, Jack was right, the man named Jimmy would have indeed raped her if it hadn’t been for Jack.

‘Even so, he’s still a human being, he could have had family, be someone’s father, or brother, husband or son and now he’s dead, doesn’t that give you pause?’

Jack buzzed his window down and found his cigarettes, he pulled one from the pack and quickly lit it, he tossed the pack to Selena and with shaking hands she took one and thanked him when he passed her his zippo.

Jack took a deep drag on his Marlboro.

‘Death has always walked with me, in the Rangers I killed because I was told to, orders were given and I obeyed them in service of my country, a country I love but no longer respect and then I came back to the real world and took up with the Fat Man and more killings followed.

I’ve lost count of the amount of bad men I’ve put in the ground and then there are the three men I’ve killed to protect you Selena,’ Jack glanced at her and offered up a smile, ‘Selena, would you have preferred it if I let those two guys yesterday abduct you, or tonight would you rather be here in the car with me or beneath one of those grunting and thrusting assholes?’

Selena shivered at the thought that Jack’s words had planted in her head, she shook her head and her left hand tugged at the hair clips holding her blonde tresses up, she continued to shake her head as she worked her hair free.

‘No, I’m glad you killed them, and that’s my point, I’m scared of what sort of person that makes me.’

Jack chuckled.

‘It makes you human Selena, the desire to live, to be safe, to avoid harm when possible, they’re all natural responses.’

Jack finished his cigarette and flicked the butt out in to the darkness.

‘I don’t take enjoyment from killing people but I learnt a long time ago not to give it too much thought and,’ Jack paused and Selena could see that he was struggling to find the right words, he shrugged his shoulders, ‘I can tell you this Selena, killing a man isn’t hard, sure the law and the media would have us believe that every life counts but that’s horse shit thrown around to keep society in check, killing a man is no harder than opening a can of soda, you just have to compartmentalize it, the pulling of the trigger takes the same amount of pressure as pulling the tab on a can of coke, what’s the difference?’

Selena laughed.

‘Come on Jack they’re two totally different things, Jesus, you can’t really believe that?’

‘Why not

‘Because that would make you a Sociopath.’

‘No it doesn’t, a sociopath lacks feelings, emotions, a conscience, I have all of those but when I pull the trigger it’s because the person on the other end of the gun has done something to make me pull it.’

Selena didn’t know how to respond to that and she finished her cigarette and let the wind snatch it from her fingers, she saw the glowing red end dance on the wind, the image caught in the car’s side mirror.

Selena glanced at Jack.

‘So now what?’ Selena quickly realised what she’d just said, ‘I’m sorry,
I’m just so on edge.’

‘That’s okay Selena, I know the perfect way of getting rid of your anxiety.’

‘Oh yeah, and what’s that?’ Selena asked though she had a pretty good idea of what Jack was referring to and she felt the heat between her legs intensify, ‘I’m wound up tighter than a, a, a,’ she laughed, ‘I don’t know what.’




Selena gasped, the pleasure she
was feeling was not what she had expected and she squeezed the trigger again and the sharp recoil of the gunshot echoed back from the steep sides of the abandoned quarry that Jack had brought her to.

When Jack had told her he had the perfect release for her anxiety she had assumed that he’d been referring to fucking and even after he had turned off of the highway on to an old dirt track and as she’d been bounced about in her seat from the uneven surface of the track she had still been under the illusion that he was finally about to fuck her, to take her, to pound her with his huge cock and when they reached the quarry and Jack had parked and switched the engine off Selena’s heart rate was so high that she feared a heart attack.

Jack flicked the headlights to full beam and the quarry was lit with bright, artificial white light and Selena could see a few pieces of long abandoned machinery and large oil barrels off to her right, beyond the forgotten machinery she could just make out an old shack with one of those portable toilets that she always saw at the county fair resting on its side next to the shack.

Jack had smiled at her and told her to get out of the car and she had complied, she’d walked to the front of the Audi and bent over the hood and spread her feet wide apart; she’d watched as Jack climbed out of the car and
Selena felt a trickle of fear climb up her spine when she clocked the gun in his hand.

‘Follow me,’ Jack had said and Selena had pushed herself up from the hood of the car; Jack hadn’t told her to cover her breasts and so she had followed him, not an easy
feat in her six inch heels and the ground was so uneven that a couple of times she had almost ended up on her ass.


Jack came up behind Selena and his right arm came around her, his hand ran down her extended arms to her hands which were gripping the pistol in a two handed grip and she could smell his cologne and feel his groin pressing against her ass, she licked her lips and attempted to keep her breathing steady and slow.

‘You’re snapping at the trigger Selena,’ Jack said and she could feel the warmth of his breath caressing her right ear, his mouth was so close to her skin. ‘Caress the trigger, lightly pulling, breathe in, breathe out and gently pull the trigger this time, nice and slowly.’

Jack’s hand came away from hers and then his hands were on her hips and he told her to move, to her widen her stance a couple of inches and she did as he told her.

Selena breathed slowly, Jack’s groin pressing tight against her ass now, his hands on her hips holding her firmly in place.

‘Slowly Selena.’

Selena sighted down the pistol and followed Jack’s instructions, when her finger tightened on the trigger this time she didn’t snap her finger back but applied pressure lightly and when the shot rang
out she didn’t jump like she had during her last six attempts and she laughed when the beer bottle exploded on top of the upside down barrel that Jack had positioned for her twenty minutes ago.

Selena twisted her upper body and smiled at Jack.

‘I did it,’ she squealed with delight.

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