Hummingbird (12 page)

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Authors: Nathan L. Flamank

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Hummingbird
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Jack smiled and nodded his head.

‘I am.’

Selena kept her gaze firmly on his as she began to pee and despite the circumstances: the feelings of humiliation and anger towards Jack, she let out a long contented sigh as the flow of urine grew in intensity and Selena shuffled her feet further apart to avoid the splash of pee and she wanted to cry, to weep at her humiliation but she refused to and she looked at Jack and she saw that his eyes were no longer on her face but between her legs.

He’s watching me pee

‘Huh, you like it don’t you Jack, you’re getting off on this.’

Jack didn’t acknowledge her but he didn’t stop looking between her legs and Selena slipped her left hand between her parted legs, she spread her fingers and slid her splayed hand down over the smoothness of her sex and she spread her cunt lips and pulled on her flesh and the arc of pee intensified and she pressed harder and the stream flowed faster and harder and when she finally finished peeing Selena rubbed her clitoris and Jack smiled.

‘I didn’t tell you to touch yourself Selena.’


‘I didn’t give you my permission to touch yourself.’

Selena stopped teasing her clit which pissed her off because despite everything she was actually aroused.

Jack got to his feet and instructed Selena to do the same. Selena looked down at the shingled path and the puddle of steaming urine and she felt the humiliation wash over her again and her face flushed red and she staggered to her feet.

‘You’re a bastard Jack,’ she spat and she spun on her heels and began to walk away.

‘Stop!’ Jack yelled.

‘Fuck you Jack!’ Selena yelled back and she glanced over her shoulder, she watched as Jack flicked his cigarette away and he came after her. Selena yelped and moved faster, she started to run, her heels making it hard going on the pathway but she had a ten foot lead on him…

So I’ll make it, I’ll just run away, fuck this crazy shit
, Selena smiled to herself,
that’s right I’ll just

Selena’s thoughts were batted aside as she felt a hand push between her shoulder
-blades and she cried out and stumbled off the edge of the pathway, her heels got tangled up and then she was no longer on her feet; Selena’s arms and legs went out to her sides and she tumbled forwards on to the leaf strewn forest floor.

Selena landed softly, she could feel the
cushioning of the fallen leaves and soft soil beneath her breasts and stomach and she rolled on to her back and looked up at Jack as he stepped between her spread her legs.

‘Fuck you!’ Selena yelled as she began to crawl backwards, she used her elbows to push along the ground and her heels kicked up leaves as she squirreled back away from Jack.

Jack was shaking his head as he walked forwards, his calm manner infuriated her.

, why isn’t he pissed off, why isn’t he dropping on me, he should be

Selena gasped as she realised what she was about to think.

My God, I want him, I want him to take me here and now, I want him to fuck me, to fuck me hard, to punish me for what I did to him

Selena stopped crawling and dropped back in to the soft
mulchy soil and she began to cry.

Tears quickly began to flow and Selena’s breathing grew ragged.

‘I’m sorry okay!’ Selena grabbed at the soil beneath her. ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I never meant to hurt you.’

Selena’s crying gave way to a primal scream and she cried even harder.

‘I love you, I’ve always loved you! I fucked up!’ Selena threw handfuls of soil and she opened her eyes and looked up at Jack. ‘I always fuck things up!’ Selena spread her legs and wiped the tears from her face, ‘I won’t stop you from fucking me Jack, do what you want, I just want you to forgive me.’

Jack crouched down next to her and Selena couldn’t believe what Jack did next.

He slid his hands beneath her, his left beneath her shoulders, his right beneath her ass and he lifted her as he stood back up; he’d picked her up as if she weighed nothing and he swept her into his arms and Selena snaked her hands behind his head and Jack adjusted his hand beneath her hips moving his hand to beneath her knees so that he was cradling her in his arms as if she were a child ready to be put to bed.

‘Jack?’ Selena said as she looked up at him through her tears. ‘Who are you?’

‘Let’s get you cleaned up, you’ve smeared dirt all over your face.’

Selena sniffed and managed a small smile before
she was carried in Jack’s powerful arms back to the house.




Selena relished the feeling of
the hot water caressing her skin; the massive bath tub was filled almost to the point of spilling over, only her face was above the surface of the water, she’d never been in such a large bath.

Her mind kept playing snippets from earlier in the day, the shame she had felt when she had been forced to urinate right in front of Jack, the anger she felt towards him as she had run from him and the deep need that she had for him to consume her. Selena recalled only too well how desperately she had wanted him to fuck her in the dirt.

me,’ Selena said aloud to the empty room.

To fuck away all the pain I have caused him over the years. When I finally drag my ass
out of this tub I promise I’m going to do anything and everything he tells me, this is no longer about me, I want to be his, I want to belong to him, to have choice removed, to have worries and recriminations removed

Selena sat up in the tub and swept her hair from her face.

‘I want freedom,’ Selena said and she boosted herself up out of the water and stood straight up and raised her hands high over her head and looked down at her body as soap suds and water streamed down over her curves and she smiled, ‘I want HIM.’

The bathroom door eased open and Jack came in, he looked at her in all her naked beauty and said, ‘I thought we’d head in to the local town, I noticed you didn’t pack a swimming suit.’

Selena chuckled, ‘I didn’t expect to need one.’

‘Well, now you do.’

Selena stepped out of the tub.

‘What do you want me to wear?’

‘You’ll see soon enough.’

Jack began to strip out of his clothes and Selena winced at his scarred torso as he raised the top he was wearing up over his ribs and chest.

Jack was soon naked and he walked by Selena and stepped in to the tub of still hot water.

‘I’ll meet you down in the kitchen when I’m ready,’ Jack said before he slipped beneath the water fully submersing himself.

Selena grabbed a towel and walked from the bathroom, as she headed to her bedroom she couldn’t get the image of Jack’s huge cock hanging between his legs out of her head.




Selena was out on the
balcony wearing what she been instructed to wear waiting for Jack when he finally joined her. He looked handsome and rugged in clean jeans and a light woollen pullover and a pair of black boots.

Selena watched him as he opened a fresh pack of Marlboro.

‘Want one?’

Yes please,’ Selena replied and she took the offered cigarette, their fingers touched for the briefest of moments and she felt that spark and she thanked Jack once he had lit the end of her cigarette with the flame from his zippo.

‘About earlier,’ Jack said as he leaned back against the rai
ling. ‘If I want to see you going to the toilet then it’ll happen.’

Selena nodded her head.

‘It’s okay Jack, I understand, I won’t be a problem from here on out I promise.’

Jack laughed.
Selena could hear the warmth in Jack’s chuckling and she smiled too.

‘You’ve always been a problem Selena, I doubt it’ll change any time soon.’

‘Yes, it will, tell me to do something and you’ll see.’

Jack blew smoke out through his nostrils and nodded his head.


‘Okay, but you’ll see.’

‘That other thing you said.’

Selena knew what Jack was referring to, she had told him that she was in love with him. Selena nodded her head, ‘I do, I always have, but I hadn’t realised until I was laying there flat on my ass.’

‘So why did you cheat on me?’

Selena had no answer.

Why did I cheat on him? Why did I fuck that guy? Why did I fuck everything up

Selena took a long drag on her Marlboro, she held the smoke in her lungs for several beats and then exhaled heavily.

‘I don’t know Jack, I’ve thought about it a lot over the last couple of years and I’ve never been able to come up with an answer, I’m sorry, I mean that, I’m really sorry.’

Jack nodded his head.

‘Me too Selena.’

‘Where do we go from here Jack?’

‘I don’t know, let’s just get through the next twenty nine days and see how you do.’

Selena chuckled.

‘I meant what I said, anything you ask, I will not be a problem from here on out.’

Jack replied and he finished his cigarette, he stubbed it out in the ashtray and Selena did the same with her own.

‘Come on,
let’s go.’

Jack held a hand out to Selena and she took it in hers and as Jack’s fingers entwined with hers Selena felt pulses of electricity shoot up her arm.




Nicky knew that the boss
was going to go crazy when he heard what Nicky had to tell him. In less than 24 hours four of the Fat Man’s business associates had been killed, three by bombs and one by a rigged up shotgun and when the Fat Man called him to enter his den Nicky rolled his shoulders and worked the kinks out of his neck before he pushed down on the solid gold handle and pushed the door open.

‘Take a seat Nicky,’ the Fat Man said and Nicky did as instructed. Nicky crossed his legs and tried to sit as calmly as possible.

‘So, fill me in Nicky and don’t spare me any details.’

Nicky cleared his throat and spent the next ten minutes explaining all that happened in the last twenty four hours, when he was finished he sat back in the expensive chair and waited for the Fat Man to explode in a rage.

The Fat Man surprised Nicky.

‘Fuck,’ the Fat Man said softly, ‘I shouldn’t have let Jack go on vacation.’

Nicky bristled at the comment and the Fat Man waved Nicky back in to his seat.

‘I’m not blaming you Nicky, Jack
said you’re the best he works with, and he has faith in you so that means I have faith in

‘Thanks boss.’

‘So, where we at?’ The Fat Man asked.

Nicky cleared his throat.

‘Hang on one minute Nicky,’ the Fat Man interjected and he picked up his desk phone and pressed a button.

‘Yeah, find Clara and have her sent to my den immediately.’ The Fat Man put the phone back in its cradle and turned his gaze on Nicky and motioned for Nicky to speak.

‘I’ve got three teams visiting all your other businesses, so far everything is as it should be with them, I’ve given orders for stronger security at the various whore houses and drug houses, I’ve also put in a request to the police department for assistance but so far they’re stone walling my efforts to find out what they know.’

‘I’ll put a call in to the Commissioner, carry on.’

‘I have been able to find out that a hummingbird has been found at all four crime scenes.’

The Fat Man raised a hand.


‘A hummingbird, an Origami hummingbird, one’s been found at each scene.’

‘What the fuck is Origano?’

‘Origami boss, you know, that Japanese folding paper shit.’

‘Right, right, yeah, so what, the killer’s leaving a calling card?’

Nicky shrugged his shoulders, ‘I’m not sure, maybe, or
it’s meant to mean something to you.’

‘To me?’

‘It’s possible that the hummingbird is a message, does it mean anything to you?’

The Fat Man thought about it for several minutes and Nicky had to give it to the boss, he never rushed, the boss always considered what he’d been told before he answered and Nicky could actually see the look of concentration on the boss’ sweat covered face
, after several more minutes of silence the boss focused back on the room and Nicky.

‘Doesn’t mean a fucking thing to me Nicky, I can’t even see a Japanese angle, I’v
e never dealt with those slanty-eyed fucks and as for a fucking hummingbird, nothing, so where does that leave us?’

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