Hummingbird (10 page)

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Authors: Nathan L. Flamank

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Hummingbird
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As he sat down on his bed to pull on socks and a pair of dark brown cowboy boots he thought about the last twenty four hours and the situation that he found himself in; a part of him, he had to admit, revelled in the knowledge that Selena, for want of a better word was now his slave, but the bigger part of him was filled with other thoughts and concerns and when he heard Selena’s bedroom door open he had to wonder whether he had it in him to see this through to completion.

We’ll soon see
, Jack thought. He cleared his throat, ‘I’m down here Selena,’ Jack called out and he heard Selena’s footsteps grow nearer.

Jack got to his feet just as Selena stepped in to the room’s open doorway and he smiled at her appearance. He’d chosen a simple black summer dress for Selena to wear, cut low at the front and even lower at the back with thin spaghetti straps; the dress clung to Selena’s body where it was supposed to and the dress flared out from her hips, it was a short dress that barely reached mid-thigh and he instructed her to turn around.

Selena complied at once and when she was facing away from him he could see the criss-cross strapping at the back, the dress at the back was cut all the way to the top of her ass and he could see the beginnings of the cleft of her ass and he smiled.

‘Spin,’ he told her and Selena did as he’d instructed without a second’s thought and as she spun on the spot the flared skirt flew out from her hips revealing her naked groin beneath; he’d not put out any lingerie for Selena to wear and he was pleased to see that she had complied with that demand also.

‘Okay, stop before you topple over.’

Selena laughed as she came to stop.

‘You picked the shoes.’

‘You look very sexy Selena.’

‘Thank you.’

ou always did look great in heels.’

He’d picked out a pair of heeled sandals for her, and even though he didn’t know the correct fashion term for them
and wouldn’t be able to name the designer or model of shoe he liked the way the sandals had a heel, and he especially liked how the black straps crossed her delicate feet, the sandals were kept in place by black ribbons that snaked around her ankles up her calves several inches where they were tied at the back of her calves in pretty knots.

As if sensing Jack’s interest Selena said, ‘Jack, they’re Jimmy

Jack laughed, ‘I’ll have to send him a letter of appreciation.’

Selena chuckled.

w what?’

‘Now you do your make-up and I’ll meet you down in the kitchen, you have ten minutes, do not be one second late or you’ll pay the price.’

‘Yes Sir,’ Selena said in a jovial yet slightly mocking tone of voice.

Jack smiled, ‘I like that…Sir, I like that a lot. Go.’




Jack was once more out
on the balcony when Selena joined him, she had thirty seconds to spare and Jack smiled when he looked up from the mobile phone he held in his hand, he slipped the phone in to the back left pocket of his jeans and he asked if Selena wanted a cigarette.

‘Please,’ she said as she joined him at the railing.

‘You like?’ Selena asked as she took the cigarette that Jack held out to her. She put the filtered tip between her lips and Jack sparked his zippo and held the flame to the end of her cigarette; Selena inhaled and Jack snapped the zippo shut.

‘Very nice,’ he said.

‘Thank you.’

Jack surprised her by spinning her away from him so that she was propelled up against the balcony’s railing and he was behind her and she grasped the railing with her hands, the cigarette bobbing between her lips as she felt his hand press down on her lower back so that she had to bend over or fear breaking her back.

‘Fuck,’ she cried out and the cigarette slipped from her lips and disappeared over the railing and down in to the depths of the forest. ‘Shit,’ she added and then Jack was pushing her legs apart and his hands pulled her dress up over her naked ass and Selena could feel his hardness pressing through his jeans against her naked ass and she gripped the railing tightly as she waited for him to fuck her; the moment she had been anxiously waiting for was finally here and Selena wasn’t sure how she felt about it;
could she let someone just fuck her, to use her, to own her

Selena slowly realised that Jack was no longer pressed against her and she looked back over her right shoulder; Jack was heading back in to the kitchen and Selena didn’t know what to do, he hadn’t told her to move, he had given her no instruction and so she just stood where she was not moving and not talking, all she could do was wait for Jack’s next command and she realised at that exact moment that she had finally accepted her fate - her role; she would do whatever Jack instructed.

Ten minutes passed and then Jack came back.

‘Come on, let’s go.’

Selena stood up straight, the dress slid back down over her ass and she turned to face Jack.

‘May I ask where we’re going?’

Jack chuckled, ‘I think it’s time you met my kids.’




John Mazzeo turned the key
in his Lexus’ ignition; the fireball was witnessed from three blocks away and the resultant explosion caused damage to the cars parked either side of the Lexus and blew out windows in the ground floor apartments for half a block; apart from John Mazzeo it was a miracle that no one was injured.

When fire crews and police arrived three minutes after the car went up there was nothing that could be done for
Mazzeo and once the fires were put out and the crispy carcass removed from the car’s wreckage the tiny metal box was found in the foot-well of the front passenger seat. The fireman that retrieved it and handed it to the responding police detective explained what it was; the small four inch box was what was often referred to as a “hot box”.

‘You see Detective,’ the fireman said as he schooled the older man, ‘these boxes are fire proof, bomb proof, rich people keep prized possessions in them, they come in all sizes.’

‘Yeah, yeah,’ the Detective said. ‘Can you open it?’

‘Sure,’ the fireman said as he
prised the small reinforced box open. The two men peered in to the box and the Detective scratched his head.

‘What the Hell?’

The fireman looked closer.

‘Is that a bird?’

The Detective slipped on a pair of latex gloves and delicately extracted the box’s sole item, he held it up to the sun.


‘What did you say Detective?’

The Detective cleared his throat, ‘
I said Origami; it’s a form of Japanese art, folded paper, intricate shapes and all that shit.’

‘It’s pretty,’ the fireman said. ‘It looks like a bird.’

‘A Hummingbird,’ the Detective added before putting the miniature sculpture back in to the box.




And so it began…




Selena followed Jack down the
long sweeping driveway, she was still struck dumb by Jack’s revelation as they had stepped out on to the front steps, this house and its grounds belonged to him and Selena was in awe.

Jack had given her a full tour of the house, having only seen one or two rooms since wakening she had been eager to see the rest of the house and when Jack had shown her around she had been left shocked by just how beautiful the house and its décor was.

Selena had been surprised to learn that the house had four floors with an underground garage that housed gardening equipment, tools and machinery with enough space for three cars.

‘Last night when we arrived here you were out cold, I carried you up from the garage and put you to bed,’ Jack had explained as he’d shown her the second staircase that was housed at the rear of the property and led from the garage to the uppermost level in a series of switchbacks.

‘I can’t believe I was so out of it,’ Selena had replied and even now as she looked at the gardens she couldn’t recall her arriving at the house, she really must have been exhausted.

Jack had shown her the rooftop where she was confronted by an even better view of the surrounding countryside and she gasped at the rooftop swimming pool.

‘It’s heated and the glass panels keep the wind out and when its sunny the glass only adds to the rooftop’s temperature,’ Jack had explained and Selena looked at the five foot high sheets of glass that ran along three sides of the rooftop; the glass panels were ten feet in length, connected to chromed circular posts by glistening bolts; she could see sun loungers and a small barbecue area at the far end of the pool and Jack had told her that the pool at its deepest was a little over five feet, the shallowest point was just shy of two feet.

‘The architect couldn’t go deeper as it would greatly weaken the overall structure of the house.’

‘It’s beautiful,’ Selena had replied, ‘I haven’t had a swim for ages.’

‘We’ll soon remedy that,’ Jack had replied before leading her back down the metal spirals of the staircase.

Selena was shown an impressive living area that took up the whole of the third floor and again she was blown away by the views seen through the west facing wall; a wall made entirely of glass and again she was struck by the quality and warmth of the room’s furnishings; all light coloured leather sofas and impressive looking “egg” chairs, and the floor was varnished oak and mahogany strips and her mind boggled at the expense all of this must have incurred; she’d wanted to ask how Jack could afford all of this but was afraid to know the answer.

The house was one pleasant surprise after another but the gardens were something else, as they walked down the driveway and Selena looked out at the ridged and stepped gardens that bordered the drive she felt as if she had been transported to some fictional land of beauty of wonderment; she could see a myriad of Japanese Acers, Maples, and other exotic trees and shrubs and the colours were breath-taking
; there were reds, oranges, yellows, lilacs, pinks, every colour under the sun was in bloom.

They reached a set of stone steps and Jack held his hand out and she took it in hers as they began to head down the steps that cut away from the drive; the steps went on for a while in a sweeping arc and when they finally reached the bottom Selena looked up and realised that they were now beneath the balcony.

The immediate area had been levelled and dark slate had been set in a dark crystallised cement creating a patio area like none she had ever seen before; she could hear the trickle of water and she turned to see water running down the side of the cliff’s rock face in tiny waterfalls, the trickling streams of water collected in a rock lined pool at the base of the cliff and Selena saw that the pool fed a small stream that wound away from the cliff’s face and in to the depths of the woods.

‘My God Jack, this place is truly wonderful, I’ve never seen such beauty or attention to detail, who designed it?’

‘I did,’ Jack said and he turned towards the woodlands and Selena joined him.

‘What’s that noise?’ Selena asked, and Jack could hear the trace of fear in her voice, he too had heard the loud barking sounds and the thrashing of bushes.

‘My kids, take my hand again, quickly.’

Selena took Jack’s right hand in her left and he pulled her close against his side.

‘Stand perfectly still Selena, do not move an inch, and don’t even blink until I tell you that you can, this is no joke.’

Selena swallowed and nodded her head.

‘Okay,’ she said and her eyes went wide as a huge Doberman-Pinscher burst from the undergrowth, it was the epitome of lethalness; all sleek muscles and tendons, it black and brown patched coat glistening with sweat.

Selena squeezed Jack’s hand in fear and four more Dobermans burst from the undergrowth and the five lethal looking dogs circled Jack and Selena; Selena could see each dog was sniffing the air and their tales were all low to the ground, their ears pointed forwards as they continued to circle Jack and Selena; the scariest thing though was the way that the five dogs made not a sound and Selena had the sudden urge to urinate and she had to clamp her inner muscles to prevent herself from peeing where she stood.

Jack suddenly let go of Selena’s hand and before she could stop he lunged towards the nearest dog and the other four lunged forwards as Jack dropped to his knees and the dogs were all over him.

Selena watched in terror
as Jack disappeared beneath a mass of black and brown bodies and she opened her mouth to scream but realised at the last moment that she could hear Jack laughing and she could also hear the happy whining and yapping of the dogs and she watched as Jack came up with one of the powerful dogs cradled in his arms; the dog was licking Jack’s face and then Jack released the dog and then he was knocked on to his back and the dogs were all over him; Selena could hear the Doberman’s tales thwacking against various body parts and after what felt like an age Jack managed to stand up.

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