Hummingbird (9 page)

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Authors: Nathan L. Flamank

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Hummingbird
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‘I fucking told you not to move, that you have no say, fuck Selena, you’re so fucking dumb that
it’s un-goddamn-believable. If I wanted you to move your fucking beautiful head I’d have told you to.’

Selena felt tears spring to her eyes but she kept her emotions in check and resumed looking straight ahead.

At least the view is incredible
, she thought as she struggled not to cry.
Damn it Selena, grow a pair, you’re here because you fucked up and you fucked up big, Jack has saved you from a fate worse than death so concentrate on the task at hand and just do what he tells you when he tells you and nothing more

Selena saw a huge bird of prey circling high above the trees; its majestic wings spread wide as it held its position by the strong currents and she focused on the bird and after several moments she felt her urge to weep dissipate and she just settled in to the here and now.

Jack put a plate down on the table in front of her, Selena glanced down at the steam rising from the freshly scrambled eggs and the crispy bacon criss-crossed over the yellow of the eggs and her stomach let forth a loud grumble; she really was hungry.

Jack moved
behind her and as he passed by her Selena felt his hand briefly caress the curve of her rump, it was a fleeting touch but her skin from nose to toes broke out in goose-flesh.

God-damn-it, his touch is just as electric and gentle as I remember
, Selena thought and then she shook her head to chase away the dirty thoughts circling at the edges of her consciousness.

Selena cried out as Jack’s open hand smacked hard against her buttocks; the black silky thong that he had instructed her to wear did nothing to shield her naked cheeks from Jack’s open hand.

‘What was that for?’ Selena yelped.

put a knife and fork down next to her plate and Selena turned her face to look at him side-on as he rested on one hand, with his free hand he brushed her hair from her face.

‘Not that I need a reason to do with you as I wish, I slapped your ass because you moved your head, I didn’t give you permission to move.’

Jack stood up straight and passed behind her, this time Selena was expecting it and when Jack’s open palm connected with her buttocks with a stinging slap Selena didn’t cry out even though she wanted to and she didn’t move even though she wanted to rub her sore buttocks.

‘And that was for speaking without having permission to speak.’

Selena kept quiet as Jack poured two mugs of coffee and returned to the table, he put the mugs down and took a seat opposite Selena’s prone form.

‘Eat,’ Jack said as he began to tuck in to
his own breakfast.

Selena paused before asking if she could use the knife and fork.

Jack laughed and Selena could hear the warmth in his chuckle, a warmth that had once encircled her world, her every waking moment and she felt a pang for that past, a past that she had destroyed.

‘I don’t expect you to use your hands.’

‘Can I sit down?’

‘You tell me?’ Jack asked with a playful grin turning the corners of his mouth.

Selena smiled, she knew what he meant and she cleared her throat.

‘I know I
sit down, the question is “May I sit down”?’

‘No, stay exactly where
you are, I’m enjoying the view.’

Selena had to adjust he elbows on the table, bending over the glass table was not the easiest way to eat a meal but she got the hang of it and she made sure to keep her ass high in the air and her elbows never left the surface of the table as she made short work of the food in front of her and as she finished her coffee she thanked Jack.

‘You’re still the best cook I know,’ Selena said.

‘Thanks,’ Jack replied. ‘And you’re still the most stunning creature
that I’ve ever seen.’

Selena was stunned by his words, she hadn’t expected Jack’s compliment and she felt a warmth spreading between her thighs.

Jack pushed himself up from the table.


‘Please,’ Selena said and she made sure not to move one inch as Jack fetched them both another mug of coffee.

Once Jack was seated again she asked him if she could ask him a question.

‘Go for it,’ Jack replied and he took a sip of his coffee.

‘What are we going to do today? Where is this place? Who owns it?’

Jack laughed.

‘That’s more than one question.’

‘I’m sorry, it’s just this is all so new, I’ve never been in this kind of situation.’

‘What situation is that?’ Jack asked playfully.

Selena took a sip of the strong black coffee before saying, ‘I’ve never been someone’s captive.’

Jack looked genuinely shocked.

‘Is that what you think you are? My captive?’ Jack sipped his coffee and reached for a pack of Marlboro, he lit the cigarette with his zippo, a zippo that Selena remembered from their time together; he’d had it for years, Jack had once told her where it had come from and she smiled and asked if she could have a cigarette.

Jack lit her a cigarette and held it out to Selena. She took it and Jack stood up from the table, he picked up his coffee and headed for the open door that led out on to the vertigo-inducing balcony.

‘Follow me Selena, I try not to smoke too often in the house.’

Jack walked out on to the balcony looking out at the breath-taking vista and Selena took the opportunity to stretch her arms and to work the kinks out
of her back, she’d been bent over for close to half an hour and before picking up her coffee she rubbed her left hand across her buttocks.


Selena stood next to Jack looking out at the treetops, he turned to face her and Selena inhaled deeply on the cigarette, she held the smoke in her lungs.

‘You’re not a captive Selena, you can leave this house whenever you so choose, if I ask you to do something and you don’t want to do it then don’t, if I propose something that you’re not
prepared to see through then don’t, you can walk away whenever you like.’

Selena expelled the held smoke through her nostrils.


‘But nothing,’ Jack said and he sipped his coffee and
resumed looking out at the forest.

Selena bit her bottom lip as she struggled to
understand what it was that Jack had just told her.

‘Are you saying that the contract is done with?’

Jack chuckled.

‘What I’m saying is this Selena: the contract isn’t what keeps you here,
it’s your word, your willingness to honour our agreement, the mess you’re in is your doing, your salvation is in your hands, only you can decide how this all works out. Stay. Go. Win. Lose. Be free of the “Fat Man”. It’s all down to you.’

Jack fell silent and Selena watched him as he smoked his cigarette down to the butt. He stubbed it out in a glass ashtray that he had placed on the railing.

Selena finished her cigarette and her butt joined his. Selena finished her coffee and put the empty mug down on the flat surface of the railing.

‘Okay,’ Selena said.

Jack turned to face her.


Selena laughed.

I’m yours. Do with me as you see fit, I’ll honour our agreement.’

Jack nodded his head and offered his hand. Selena shook it; neither pulled their hand away and Selena wondered if Jack could feel the electric pulses the same as she could.

‘What now?’ Selena asked.

‘Now?’ Jack asked as he stepped forwards closing the distance between them. ‘
What do you think?’

Selena chuckled, he was so close to her now, his body almost against hers and sh
e could feel her heart rate kick up a notch as Jack’s dark eyes settled openly on her large and full and rounded breasts; the bra she was wearing was one of her many push-ups and Selena glanced down at her chest, she could see her nipples which were hard pressing against the silkiness of the bra’s cups.

‘I guess whatever you want is what is about to happen.’

Jack flicked his eyes from her breasts and held her gaze.

‘I do believe you’re learning.’

‘I believe you’re right.’

Jack raised his hands and his hands cupped her breasts and Selena closed her eyes and tried not to give in to the moan of pleasure that was threatening to burst from her closed lips.

‘Open your eyes Selena.’

Selena opened her eyes and watched as Jack’s fingers unclipped the clasp between the bra’s cups and he swept the bra back from her breasts and they spilled free. Jack quickly slipped the bra from her shoulders where it dropped from her arms and down over her hands, it fell to the wooden decking and Selena cursed as the expensive bra slid between two planks and she watched as the bra disappeared in to the forest beneath the balcony.

‘Balls, I like this set,’ Selena said before apologising.

‘That’s okay Selena, we’ll find it later on.’

‘Whatever you say Jack.’

Jack’s hands slid down the contours of her ribs and over her hips and before she knew what was happening Jack had her thong down around her knees and then she was stepping out of thong and she stood before Jack; naked except for the black thigh-high boots.

Jack’s hands roamed across the smoothness of her thighs and his hands continued around to the back of her legs and up over the curve of her buttocks, he squeezed her buttocks and spread them, his thumbs pressing against the cleft between Selena’s ass cheeks and when his thumbs rolled over her puckered anus Selena bit her bottom lip to prevent her from groaning.

Selena opened her mouth to speak but managed to keep her words in, not that she would have had the chance to speak for that was the moment that Jack’s mouth closed on hers and Selena felt herself swept away and within seconds she was lost.




Selena let the hot water
cascade down over her naked form, with her eyes shut she let the shower’s powerful jets splatter across her face as she swept her hands back through her long blonde hair; she could feel the shampoo running through her fingers and she washed the shampoo from her hair before rinsing several times.

Finally she opened her eyes and lent back against the tiled wall, water ran down between her breasts and coursed between her legs and she slipped a hand between her legs; her pubic area was now totally bald; Jack had told her to shave all of the pubic hair from her body and she’d been in the shower for almost twenty
minutes before the area surrounding her cunt was as smooth as possible and Selena had to concede that she did like how “free” her groin now felt.

Selena rinsed once more, her thoughts going back to the balcony and the kiss
that she had shared with Jack; when he had taken her in his strong embrace and she felt his hardness pressing through his jeans to press against her naked groin she had assumed that he would fuck her, but Jack had surprised her, he didn’t fuck her, what he did do was kiss her passionately. At first she had resisted but soon she had given in and had been washed away by the feel of his lips against hers, his tongue in her mouth had brought back a torrent of memories and he had kissed her for a long time, so long in fact that her mouth ached even now.

The bathroom door opened and Selena looked up from between her legs.

‘Finish up, I’ll be downstairs when you’re dressed.’

‘Okay Jack.’




Jack closed the bathroom door
behind him after telling Selena to finish up; his thoughts strayed to the image of Selena’s shaven sex and he shook his head to chase the visual away. He walked across the bedroom, the room was the biggest of the guest rooms and he glanced at the clothes that he had placed on top of the cotton sheets on the double bed, he had no doubt that Selena would wear what he had chosen.

Jack headed out in to the hallway and walked quickly along the corridor to his own bedroom. In his room he stripped off his t-shirt and as he walked past the mirror mounted on the back of bedroom door he caught a brief image of his scarred and torn-up torso, he paused and reflected on the image that confronted him, the scars were a constant reminder of his time in a country
that he should never have been sent to and the brothers that he had lost over there in the heat and dust of the desert.

Jack went to his closet and pulled down from a hanger a black ribbed top; he slipped it on over his head and pushed his arms in to the sleeves; the material was a light cotton and as he straightened it down over his torso it clung to his sculpted body like a second skin, he rolled the sleeves up to his elbows so that his tanned forearms were on display, he couldn’t help but grin; his forearms had always been one of Selena’s weaknesses and he intended to make her squirm.

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