Hummingbird (21 page)

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Authors: Nathan L. Flamank

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Hummingbird
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Jack nodded his head.

‘That’s exactly what I think Nicky, that going to be a problem?’




It had been five months
since Jack had seen Selena and in those months he had grown strong again, his shoulder no longer caused him pain and he had grown accustomed to the loss of his left thumb.

Jack picked up the tennis ball that one of the dogs had dropped at his feet and he threw it far in to the woodland and the dogs took off through the snow; winter had come
early this year and the land was coated in a good eight inches of fresh white crispness, the dogs loved the snow.

Jack flexed the four fingers of his left hand, the cold
aggravated the loss of his thumb but he knew that he was lucky that it hadn’t been a lot worse; according to the doctor that had treated him he could have lost the hand to infection but Jack had been lucky and all the doctor had had to remove was the thumb and surrounding infected tissue.

The doctor had also treated Jack’s shoulder and seen to Selena; the doctor operated outside of the law and a hundred grand had ensured the man’s loyalty and silence: that had all occurred the
same night that they had fled the Fat Man’s mansion, Selena and Jack had recovered at the doctor’s secluded surgery over the following three weeks and Selena had been greatly relieved when her test results had all come back negative – she’d feared some kind of disease or pregnancy and they’d celebrated the news with a glass or two of champagne.

After their stay with the doctor to recover they had returned to Jack’s house for a few days and Jack had filled in all the blanks for Selena before she had returned to the city; they had both needed time and space away from the other and Jack had not heard from Selena since.

A pheasant, startled by the dogs, took to the air amid a flurry of barks. Jack threw the ball a dozen more times and then sent the dogs away and he started back for the house.

Rounding the final bend of the woodland path he heard the sound of a large diesel engine and his face broke out in a large smile…




Selena cast one last look
around the empty apartment, she’d already cleared out all of her belongings and what she wanted to keep and take with her was already loaded in to the back of her brand new 4x4.

She put her keys on the kitchen table next to the note that she had left for Mattie; Selena had signed the business over to Mattie along with the lease on the apartment, it would be up to Mattie as to what she wanted to do with the place
now, Selena was done with it all; the business, this city, it was all a part of her past and she was firmly set on the future ahead of her.

Selena picked up the large white cardboard box that she had left by the front door, the yellow post-it note was still secured to the lid and she read the note for the thousandth time, the note was written in Jack’s neat scrawl
: If and when you’re ready I’ll be waiting, open the box and never look back, love Jack X

Selena balanced the box on her hip, it wasn’t heavy, and she opened the
apartment’s front door and stepped out, the door closed behind her and she walked down to the 4x4 without looking back.

Selena opened the 4x4 and placed the box on the passenger seat and got in to the truck behind the wheel, she switched the engine on and secured her seatbelt and pulled away
from the kerb; the 4x4’s traction kicked in and Selena effortlessly drove on through the snow.

Within a half hour she was on the highway heading for her new life, she switched on the CD player and listened
to an old David Gray album and sang along to it, she glanced at the box and not for the first time wondered what was within it.

The box had been waiting for her one morning after returning from the local market, she’d read the note but had never opened it, she’d never been ready to but as the CD finished and started again she realised that finally she was and she reached across and flicked the cardboard lid from the box, she glanced at the contents and smiled at what she saw.

‘I think I’m ready Jack.’




Jack opened his arms and
Selena stepped in to his embrace, their breath formed clouds around their faces and Selena looked up in to his eyes.

‘I’ve missed you,’ she said and she closed her eyes and Jack’s mouth closed on hers and she let him take the lead and the kiss was the sweetest
taste she could have ever hoped for.

Jack broke the kiss.

‘Come on in out of the cold.’

‘One sec,’ she said and Selena tramped back to the 4x4 and she reached in across the driver’s seat and picked up the box. Selena closed the driver’s door and followed Jack up the steps to the front door.

Once inside the house Selena held the box up and asked Jack where she could go get changed.

Jack removed his thick winter coat.

‘Are you sure you want to go through with this Selena, after what happened…’

Selena silenced his words with a kiss.

‘I’m sure, that’s the past,’ Selena nodded at the box in her hands, ‘I want this to be the future, now where can I go get ready?’

‘Wherever you like Selena,’ Jack replied.

‘Okay, go wait in the kitchen, I’d love a coffee and a cigarette when I come back down.’

‘Sure,’ Jack said, he kicked his snow boots off and started for the kitchen.

Selena headed up the spiral staircase, she left snowy foot prints behind her but Jack didn’t complain.




Selena walked along the hallway
and as she passed Jack’s bedroom door she decided to get ready in his room, from here on out, if everything went as she hoped his bedroom would be her bedroom.

Selena opened the bedroom door and walked in. She put the box on the bed and quickly stripped out of her clothes, she went in to the master bathroom and took a long shower, she washed her hair and shaved her legs and shaved
between her legs, she shaved away most of her pubic hair, just leaving a thin strip. Finally finished she rinsed off and switched the shower off, Selena grabbed a couple of towels and headed back in to the master bedroom.

Selena stopped, she noticed that the door that had previously been locked to her was ajar,
and she hadn’t noticed it before. Selena crossed to the door and pushed it open on to a room that she had never been in before and the towels that she had been holding fell from her fingers and she put her hands to her cheeks, her mouth open in a large O and she felt tears spring forth and spill down her cheeks.

‘My god!’ Selena breathed as she looked at the dozens of artists’ canvasses mounted on the walls, more were lined up on the floor leaning against the walls and an artist’s
easel housed a large canvass, the picture three quarters finished.

Selena was looking at various styles and forms, in different mediums, pastels, acrylics, paints and pencils, some were done in charcoals, some were colour,
and others were black and white. The picture on the easel was in water colour; every single one of the paintings and pictures were amazingly detailed and of high quality and Selena couldn’t believe how life like each and every image was.

‘They’re like looking in the mirror,’ she said as she looked from one canvass to the next, she couldn’t believe how Jack had managed to catch her likeness so skilfully; she’d never even known he was capable of using a crayon let alone create art of this calibre.

Selena picked up her towels and backed out of the studio, she closed the door and smiled.

The hours they must have taken him, the effort, the skill, my God

Selena walked back to the bed and looked down in to the box.

‘I wonder if he’d let me sit for him today?’




Selena was on her knees
, her high heels pressing against her ass, the toes of her shoes flat against the wooden floor as she looked up at Jack who was standing in front of her.

‘Say it Selena.’

Selena licked her full lips and smiled.

‘I’m yours for you to do with as you see fit, you own me.’

‘I own you right down to your very DNA.’

‘Yes,’ Selena breathed, ‘I
belong to you, I live to please you, I won’t ever say no, I won’t ever argue or disagree or…’

Jack laughed.

‘Ha, you? Never gonna argue?’

Jack slipped his hand
s beneath her armpits and helped her to her feet.

Selena was lifted up and she wrapped her legs around Jack’s hips, her hands linked at the back of his head and she kissed him. Selena parted her lips and Jack’s tongue filled her mouth and Selena moaned as she sucked it before letting his tongue slip from her mouth.

‘I’m your
Jack, your
, your woman, I don’t ever want to be scared or alone again, I just want you.’

Jack smiled, ‘I love you Selena.’

Selena felt tears brimming in her eyes and she smiled.

‘I love you too, I’m so sorry that…’

Jack kissed her hard to silence her and his hands grasped her ass as he walked over to the kitchen counter, he bumped her up on to the counter and she released her legs from around his hips and Jack stepped back and his eyes roamed her body; he loved the black beaded dress that she was wearing, strips of miniscule beads on threads ran horizontally across her, each thin black threading of beads was separated from the next row by a half centimetre gap, beneath the strands of black beads he could clearly see the black cleavage enhancing bra that she was wearing and he pushed her stocking-clad knees apart to look at the black gusset of her matching thong, his eyes settled on the black patterned tops of her hold-ups and his gaze ran down the glossy, sparkling surface of her stockings to her black five inch high heels, her shoes sparkled from where the overhead lighting caught the tiny beads of black crystal stitched in to her shoes.

Jack let his eyes move oh so slowly back up her entire length to her silky blonde hair and then his eyes settled on hers.

‘We don’t need the contract any longer Jack, I just want to do what you tell me to, I want the freedom that comes with not having any power, I just want be what you want me to be, that’s all I need.’

Jack kissed the corner of her mouth and he nodded his head.

‘This is the last time I’ll ever kneel before you,’ Jack said and he lowered himself to one knee and looked up at her.

Selena’s eyes widened when she saw the small box he was holding in the palm of his left hand, he snapped the box open with his right hand and the large diamond ring all but blinded her.

‘Marry me?’

Selena felt choked up and as the tears flowed down her cheeks she nodded her head.

‘I’ll marry you, I’ll marry you,’ she all but squealed and Jack stood up and took her hand and slipped the ring on to the correct finger.

Selena looked at the diamond, it was so big as to be almost offensive.

, Selena mused,
but I’ll live with it

Selena kissed Jack and held him tight for several minutes before letting him go.

‘Now what?’ Selena asked.

Jack smiled.


Selena nodded her head and she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth as she saw the look on Jack’s face, she felt that all too familiar tingle beginning to spread out from between her legs.

‘Now, well now,’ Jack said as he pulled her to the edge of the kitchen counter, his fingers tugging the gusset of her thong to one side exposing her sex, he unzipped his jeans and his hardness sprung free, Selena licked her lips at how hard he was.

‘Now? Now you’re going to be fucked.’

Selena moaned and smiled and she reached down and grabbed his cock and guided him up in to her.

Jack’s hands curled behind her ass and he pulled her to the very edge of the counter as his cock filled her and Selena locked her feet behind him and she braced her hands against the edging of the counter top.

‘Fuck me,
me from my memories,’ Selena whispered. ‘Use me, make me come, make me

Jack kissed her, Selena parted her lips and their tongues danced together and Selena moaned in to his mouth as Jack’s hardness filled her and she closed her eyes
and when he eventually came deep inside her Selena knew that finally she was home.


The End…


HUMMINGBIRD is a total break from anything else I’ve written. There’s a hardness and harshness to Jack and Selena’s relationship and I wanted that hardness to flow through the entire story. I wanted the bad people to be bad and for the moments of good to be just that: GOOD.

Observant readers will catch the occasional reference to other characters and stories of mine but on the whole I wanted Hummingbird to stand on its own and for Jack and Selena’s journey to be enough.

There are a lot of unanswered questions and this was intentional on my part; life is a mystery and I guess I like leaving some things unexplained.

I enjoyed writing Hummingbird, it was good to write a main character that had a hardness running through him and to write a romance that was just as hard as the two main protagonists…but I hope that there was enough passion and love on show to temper that hardness (I guess I’ll just have to wait for feedback from my fans to see if I achieved all that I set out to achieve
– and yes I do have some fans out there).

Thank you for taking the time to visit with Jack and Selena and I hope you enjoyed their incredible ride, if you enjoyed it half as much as I enjoyed writing it then I guess that’s no bad thing.


If you enjoyed this erotic thriller then you may
wish to read on for exciting excerpts from some of my other erotic thrillers


Rage Against The Machine Excerpt:


Dan Constantine sped down the motorway. The Astin Martin’s speedometer showed that he was doing a little under 140mph. Speed cameras and the police were the least of his worries on this cloudless night.

In portent of the terrible events to come the full moon was a blood red in colour, anticipating the violence to come on this summer evening. Dan’s once steady eyes kept flitting to the rear-view mirror, constantly checking for the vehicle that he was in no doubt was back there in pursuit. Dan’s right shoulder ached incessantly from the gunshot wound he had received only an hour ago and his heart was beating at a far higher rate than he was
use to. What the fucks happened to me, why did I run?  He thought to himself. Dan knew he had to settle his nerves, that the adrenalin surging through his system would soon abate and he would be left with the after effects, and exhaustion would consume him; he needed to steady his breathing and calm his nerves.

He was okay for fuel having filled the car earlier that day before the psycho had come into his life, when all he had planned was a night in front of the television. George had screwed up that idea but Dan couldn’t think about George or to the events that had led him to be speeding down the motorway at 2am in the morning, his only concern right then was to put as much distance between him and the psycho that he knew was back there, somewhere in the dark.

Dan passed the entrance to a service station and soon he was shooting past the exit lane too. Briefly, in the car’s headlights, he caught the shadowy outline of a person standing at the exit ramp with their thumb out. A woman he thought but the image was only fleeting as he sped by.

Dan looked in the rear-view mirror at the rapidly receding figure and without thinking he slammed on the brakes, his foot pressing down hard on the pedal, smoke rising from the locked wheels. In a squeal of brakes and rubber the car came to a total stop a few hundred yards from the exit ramp. He sat there, his hands so tight on the wheel his knuckles had turned white. Dan’s
heartbeat began to slow and he studied the lone figure in his mirror. For some reason that he couldn’t explain he knew instinctively that he should pick the stranger up. What if the next car to come along belonged to the psycho from the club? What would he do to this stranded hitcher? Would he pick them up? Would he run them down in a spur of the moment hit and run? In Dan’s mind he saw the psycho deliberately hit the prone hitcher, the body flying over the car to land in a mess of broken bones and spilled blood. Or would the psycho just drive on by, intent only on catching Dan as he had promised he would? Dan had no idea as to the psycho’s intentions, all he did know was that he could not in good conscience leave an innocent stranger open to the possibility of danger.

Dan put the gears into reverse and sped back down the motorway using the mirrors to guide him. A lorry passed by on the opposite side of the motorway, its big rig lights illuminating the roadway and Dan could see that the nocturnal stranger was indeed a woman and as he got closer he could see that she was young and petit. He slowed the car alongside the woman and before he had even come to a full stop the woman was opening the door and leaning in to him through the gap in the open door. The interior bulb lit the woman and his initial observations were that of cleavage, black hair and stocking tops, then she spoke, her face towards him, she had succulent “bee-stung” lips, her eyes locked on his, ‘You’re not a pervert or anything like that are you?’ Her voice was soft and timbered with a slight raspy undertone.

‘Not that I’m aware of,’ he managed to spit out.

‘Good,’ she replied and climbed into the car, she slipped her high heels off and flexed her
stockinged toes and then fastened her seatbelt. She dropped her small clutch bag in the side pocket of the passenger door.

‘Well?’ She said indicating the road ahead and that he should drive.


Dan put the car in gear and quickly accelerated, soon he was back to doing 120mph and accelerating further pushing the engine towards its top limits.

‘I’m Chloe.’


‘Pleased to meet you Dan.’


Dan couldn’t help but look at her, casting glances from the empty road ahead to the young woman sat beside him. He estimated she was barely out of her teens and she was very attractive, almost overwhelmingly so. It wasn’t just her physical appearance, she exuded a certain confidence that he hadn’t seen in someone so young and it made for a heady concoction. To top it all off the way she was dressed left almost nothing to the imagination.

Chloe was wearing a very short black metallic dress with a deep plunging neckline. Its spaghetti straps showed off her perfect shoulders, her skin the colour of honey. Her breasts were so exposed that her nipples were almost visible; the darker flesh of the areola creeping from the fabric. The dress was so short that her stocking tops and suspender straps were clearly seen. Chloe’s thighs held his gaze for longer than he had intended and he reddened, glad that it was night time and that his embarrassment would be hidden from the young woman. He had tried not to stare but he knew that she had clocked him and he felt a twinge of shame.

‘I know; I look like a slut but there’s a reason for it,’ Chloe said, ‘I was at a fancy dress party. I’ve just come from it, I left my date back there at the services when it got, no, when he got too much for me.’

‘Sorry I didn’t mean to stare, really, I’m not a pervert,’ he laughed nervously and to his own ears he sounded like a total jackass.

‘It’s okay Dan, I really don’t mind in the slightest.’ She laughed and unlike him she didn’t sound at all nervous, in fact she sounded confident and assured, which surprised him, especially considering that she had taken a lift from a complete stranger in the middle of the night.

Dan kept checking the mirror between glancing at her and watching the motorway in front. Several minutes passed in a strange easy silence and eventually he felt obliged to say something.

‘Why did you leave him?’ He asked, ‘I mean your date, if I’m not being too intrusive.’

‘Not at all, simple really, he was a total fuckwit. I only met him this evening, a friend of a friend and all that. He turned out not to be the best chaperone a girl could have.’

‘In what way?’

Chloe laughed, ‘He kept trying to touch me up and cop a feel, and he didn’t take the hints that I wasn’t interested in him in that way. If he hadn’t been a friend of my friend I’d have knocked his lights out, know what I mean?’

‘Sure,’ he replied, ‘what were you going as?’

‘A slut, it was one of those vicars and tarts affairs, very naff, hugely embarrassing but fun as well up to a point.’

Dan’s initial wariness of this underdressed woman had evaporated and he couldn’t understand why. He just knew that he liked her; he liked her openness and frank honesty. They fell into an easy silence. Several miles passed, and then just when Dan didn’t think the night could get any more bizarre it did: Chloe said, ‘So tell me Dan, have you ever fallen in love with someone this quickly before?’

The car was almost in the central barriers before he got the steering wheel back under control.

‘What?’ Dan choked out.

Chloe was smiling at him; he could see it in the darkness, the slight sparkle of white teeth. ‘We both know there was a spark between us the second I got in the car. What else could it be; other than love at first sight?’

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