Hummingbird (23 page)

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Authors: Nathan L. Flamank

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Hummingbird
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She smiled at him and said, ‘Yes I know they’re big, thirty two double F in fact, but they’re all natural.’

‘Sorry.’ She could see him visibly redden beneath the street lighting.

‘I wish you’d stop saying sorry but right now isn’t the time to ogle my body.’

Dan had laughed and the tension that had built up over the last hour or so visibly began to leave him, all down to this strange, confident young woman who had entered his life.

‘You are stunning,’ he had told her. ‘You look like a dark haired Scarlett Johansson.’

‘Thanks, I’ll take that as a compliment. People have told me that I have lips like her.’

Dan laughed, ‘Well yeah, you do have full lips.’

Chloe ran her fingers through her hair, twisting the black locks between her digits and pouted at him, ‘And they’re not just for kissing!’ She’d laughed

‘Fucking hell Chloe!’ He’d said, ‘I still can’t handle how blatant you are, it’s almost predatory!’

‘And you’re my prey,’ she laughed for the umpteenth time, ‘Take a left up here,’ she’d instructed him. The remainder of the journey had passed in a charged silence only broken when Chloe gave him directions.


Reading, ENGLAND.


Dan parked the car and looked up at the imposing tower block before them.

‘Depressing isn’t it?’

Chloe unbuckled her seatbelt and said, ‘Sure but there’s zero crime around here thanks to the CCTV and the flats are spacious, and mine was relatively cheap.’

‘How long have you lived here for?’

‘Three months,’ Chloe said as she unclipped his seatbelt and moved closer to him. He could smell her breath, a mixture of alcohol and spearmint, and it wasn’t unpleasant. Dan pushed himself back into his seat, ‘What are you doing?’

Chloe smiled showing her perfect white teeth, ‘You know I’ve been thinking, if this psycho is as crazy as you say he is then this may be our only chance.’

‘Chance for what?’ He said. She’s crazy, he thought, this night had been one big overdose of crazy.

‘This,’ she replied and moved in real close and kissed Dan full on the mouth, there was no hesitation on her part and Dan found himself giving in instantly, he opened his mouth, her full lips on his and she kissed him hard, her tongue seeking his. Chloe was so close to him he could feel her large firm breasts pressing against his chest, her left thigh stroking his and they kissed for a minute, their tongues hungry for the other’s and when Chloe pulled back they were both panting.

Dan saw her breasts moving up and down with each deep breath that she took, and without thinking he reached forward and pushed his hands inside her low cut dress, he stretched the material wide freeing her breasts and he cupped her exposed flesh in his scarred hands. He kissed her again, this time he was in control. As he kissed her his thumbs playfully flicked at her dark nipples. He kissed her mouth sucking on her lower lip before kissing her chin, her throat and down to one large breast. He pushed the right breast upwards and sucked the swollen nipple deep into his mouth, his tongue tracing the areola as his lips sucked hard on the rigid flesh of her nipple.

Chloe let out a moan of pleasure but pushed him away. Panting they stared at each other and Chloe smiled at him, ‘I knew it, I just knew you felt the same way, but we need to be moving.’

Dan nodded, ‘Yes we should get moving.’ He continued to stare at her exposed breasts and then said, ‘Sorry.’

Chloe sat back and adjusted her dress, ‘I do wish you’d stop saying that. Sorry; it seems to be your favourite word.’

‘Okay, you’re right, let’s move.’

They got out of the car, Dan locked it and he started to walk towards the nearest tower block. He stopped when he saw that Chloe was still standing by the car. Under the orange street light she looked even more gorgeous than she did in the darkened car; her beauty almost sucked the breath from his lungs. What a cliché he thought.

‘I don’t live in that one Dan, I live over there, several towers down,’ she pointed in the direction of how they had entered the residential estate.

‘So why make me park here?’ he asked as he walked back to her. Chloe wrapped her left arm around his waist and started to guide him along the pavement.

‘You can put your arm around me Dan if you want to.’

‘Okay,’ he replied nervously but he did snake his arm across her lower back resting his hand high on her right hip.



‘Your hand; move it lower.’

Dan moved his hand down an inch.

‘Oh for Christ’s sake Dan, stop being so prim and proper!’ She took his hand in hers and moved it down lower and slapped his palm down on her right buttock, ‘There; now grip it.’

Dan gripped her buttock.

‘That’s better,’ Chloe said.

He could feel her ass through the thin material of her dress and his fingers felt the contours of a suspender strap. His cock, which had quit playing like a rock for several minutes now returned to
it’s former hard self.

This is crazy!

‘I have two questions for you Chloe.’

‘Fire away Dan,’ she replied as they continued walking.

‘One; you understand the danger I’m in, that we’re now in, after all that I have told you, why are you behaving like this? I’d have thought you’d be too wary or scared to act like we’re a couple of hormonally rampant teenagers out on a first date.’

Chloe laughed, it was a soft gentle laugh, as if she didn’t have a care in the world, ‘Technically one of us is still a teenager.’

‘Oh fuck!’ Dan said, ‘Now I really do feel like a lecherous old pervert!’

Sensing what he was about to do Chloe said, ‘Don’t even think about moving your hand from my ass.’ Chloe did feel his grip slacken but then she smiled as his grip returned, ‘And if you say you’re a pervert one more time I’m going to scream.’

‘Okay,’ he said.

‘In answer to your question this is how I see it; we’re in a real predicament, maybe even mortal danger, this is my way of still having some control over the situation, I’m saying a big fuck you to this psycho of yours, okay?’

She’s crazy, but what does that make me? Dan asked himself. I’m playing along with her; I need to get myself together.

‘Fair enough,’ Dan said.

‘What was the second question?’

‘If you live down this way why get me to park all the way back there?’

‘Easy,’ Chloe said, she could feel the warmth of his hand on her cold ass and it felt really good, ‘There’s a strong possibility that he has some kind of tracker on your car, maybe even on you. This way if he does turn up earlier than we expect him to, and it’s only the car he has bugged he won’t be able to find us that easily. Like you he’ll think we’ve entered one of the blocks back there.’

‘Damn, I should have thought of that,’ Dan said and he meant it.

‘It’s okay, you’re just not thinking straight, it’s been one hell of a night for you, you’ve had lots of distractions, including me, but we’ll sort that little problem out soon enough as I need you thinking straight asap.’

Dan nodded his head, she was right; he hadn’t been thinking straight since this had all started. When he actually thought about it he couldn’t figure out why he had run in the first place. There was a time, long ago, when he would have taken the pistol off the psycho and beat him to death with it, but tonight he hadn’t and now here he was.

Perhaps its fate he thought.

‘I don’t see how he could have planted a bug on me,’ Dan said, ‘He never got close enough to me to plant anything on me.’

‘He shot you remember?’

‘How can I forget,’ Dan replied and as if to prove his point his right shoulder began to throb. ‘Let’s swap sides, my arm’s beginning to ache.’

They switched positions on the pavement and Dan surprised Chloe for the first time, he put his left arm across her back, Dan moved his hand down over her buttocks and up under the dress, the dress was pushed upwards and his hand clutched her naked left buttock and he gripped it firmly. Chloe let out a small moan and pushed her ass back into his hand and said, ‘Now you’re learning.’

Dan laughed, ‘I’m giving the psycho a big fuck you!’

Chloe laughed too, ‘That’s right.’

‘What does his shooting me have to do with anything though, apart from the obvious?’

‘Do you know anything about nanotechnology?’ Chloe asked.

‘It’s a form of robotics, tiny machines; right?’

‘Yeah, but they’re not just tiny, some are as small as microbes. The bullet could have been covered in them, the bullet hits you and the “nanobots”, for want of a better word, are transferred to your skin, they then send out a radio signal and he’s able to triangulate your whereabouts via a GPS unit or something.’

‘But it’s only a surface wound, like severe carpet burn,’ Dan replied.

‘Umm! You can give me carpet burns anytime you want.’

‘I knew you were going to say something like that.’

‘See, we know each other so well already, and who said it wasn’t love.’

Dan smiled, ‘You really think he has access to that kind of technology?’ The possibility scared the shit out of him.

‘Seriously?’ Chloe said. ‘No, I don’t, I’d say your car has been bugged.’

‘But he told me that he wasn’t looking for me, that I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was my friend George that he had been expecting to see, I told you this already.’

‘Maybe, maybe not; perhaps you were the intended target all along and mentioning George just adds another layer of confusion for you.’ Chloe said.

‘Perhaps, but that then means that he had to have been watching me for a while to know what sort of car I drove, and if he knew I had an
Astin Martin would he have really turned up tonight in a Chelsea tractor; not exactly a vehicle suitable for high speed pursuits is it?’

‘There are too many possibilities Dan, for all we know he may not be acting alone, he could have a team working with him. Men sat in cars waiting to see which direction you fled Hertford in, he had no idea which direction you’d take, there are a million different scenarios.’

‘Unless the car is indeed bugged,’ Dan interrupted.

‘Right, but right now we know very little about anything which is why I need to get you recharged and thinking straight. You may have forgotten something, a little tiny detail, something he may have said that you dismissed at the time. You may know more than you think you do. We’ll find out soon enough once you’re refreshed, taken care of and back on point so to speak.’ Chloe smiled at him, ‘I
know I’ve knocked you sideways and I need to get you back to fully concentrating on this whole situation.’

They’d been walking for about five minutes and Chloe brought them to a stop, ‘This is my block,’ and she led him up a small communal footpath.

Headlights illuminated them and Dan froze. A small mini sped past them and the driver; a young man shouted out the open window, ‘Show us your tits!’ His passengers laughed when Chloe gave them the finger and the mini disappeared around the corner.

‘Relax Dan,’ Chloe said. ‘We’re easily forty minutes in credit and even if the psycho does turn up here he’s got to find one flat among six hundred. We’re safe for now.’

She took his hand and they entered her complex.


The lift was out of order.

‘We’ll take the stairs; I’m only on the fifth floor.’

Chloe led him to the stairwell and they ascended in silence. The stairwell was lit brightly by fluorescent strip lights. As they climbed the concrete steps Dan walked behind Chloe, letting her lead the way, and he admired her body as she walked up the stairs in front of him.

Chloe quickly looked over her shoulder, her black hair sweeping by his face and she said, ‘Caught you.’

Dan smiled and opened his mouth to speak but Chloe beat him to it and said, ‘Don’t say you’re a pervert,’ she joked. She wanted him to look; she wanted him to be besotted with her.

‘Actually,’ Dan said, ‘I was going to ask you to show me your ass.’ As he spoke his face reddened but he didn’t regret saying it, maybe Chloe’s craziness was infectious. Infecting him like the sweetest of poisons.

Chloe glanced over her left shoulder again and smiled down at him; without losing stride she took the hem of her dress in her hands and pulled it up her thighs slowly, inch by inch until her perfectly formed ass was on show. Her skin was flawless; the colour of honey; perfection.

She kept the dress held up around her waist and walked up the remaining two flights wiggling her ass like a porn star. His eyes never strayed from her bare buttocks.

They reached the landing to her floor and Chloe pulled the fire door open, ‘My flat is at the end of the corridor.’ With the dress still pulled up around her waist, her ass and suspenders on show she sashayed down the lit corridor. Dan wanted to tell her to lower her dress, that another tenant from one of the other two apartments on her floor could choose that very moment to open their door; that they would see everything; but the fact was he was enjoying himself too much.

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