Hummingbird (8 page)

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Authors: Nathan L. Flamank

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Hummingbird
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Selena bobbed her head up and down faster and faster making sure to keep her lips tightly constricted, letting his cock fill her throat, it was one of her specialities; the ability to deep-throat came naturally to Selena and she could tell from the tightening of Jack’s balls that he would orgasm soon, and Selena went faster, the
wet O of her constricted lips drew up and down his cock, up and down, up and down and she squeezed his balls harder as she felt his cock deep down her throat, she fought the urge to cough and gag and pushed it deeper and then Jack was exploding down her throat and Selena was stunned by just how much thick, creamy spunk spewed forth from his spurting cock.

Selena heard Jack’s expletives of pleasure as she swallowed the first heavy mouthful of his semen and a part of her subconscious remembered the taste of his seed; a blend of bitter saltiness that was quickly replaced by a sweeter tang and Selena pulled her lips half way up his c
ock and tightened their grasp on his shaft, her tongue swirling around the circumference of his glans and she swallowed a second load of thickness and she was amazed at the power in which his cock spurted, the roof of her mouth and the back of her tongue coated quickly with more thick semen and she swallowed again and then a fourth time.

Just how much come has he got in him
? Selena wondered,
how long has it been for him
? Selena ran her hand up his spit coated length, gripping it between fingers and thumb in a tight circle and she had to swallow three more large mouthfuls of his seed before she felt his eruptions grow weaker.

Thank fuck for that
, Selena thought and she constricted her mouth once more and lowered her lips all the way to the base of his still hard cock and Selena glided very slowly up the length of his cock until just his glans remained between her lips and she sucked on his glans milking the last few drops from him and when she had one last mouthful she swallowed and released his cock from the wetness of her mouth.

Selena kept her eyes on Jack’s cock and she squeezed his cock at the base between her index finger and thumb and worked her grip slowly up his length, she watched as one last thick pearl of come spilled from the eye of his cock and she licked it away with the tip o
f her tongue and then she asked Jack if she could sit up.

‘You’re learning,
that’s good.’

‘Well, can I?’

Selena realised she still had her hand wrapped around his cock and that it was only now going limp and for a reason that she couldn’t explain she didn’t remove her hand and she smiled at his cock.
Jesus, what the fuck’s wrong with me
? But despite this disturbing thought she didn’t let go of Jack’s cock.

gonna be quiet if I let you up?’

Selena licked her lips, she could still taste Jack in her mouth and on her lips.

‘I’ll be whatever you tell me to be,’ Selena said in a quiet voice and even to her own ears she picked up on the humility and subservience in her tone and she wondered what it meant for her going forward.

‘Fine then, put my cock away and then you can sit up.’

‘Thank you.’

‘You’re welcome,’ Jack said and Selena did as he’d instructed.




The warmth of the sun
on her eyes slowly brought Selena out of her deep slumber and she opened her eyes and blinked. She moaned sleepily and rolled away from the sun’s intrusive glare.

When did I purchase blinds for the bedroom
? She asked herself, the fog of sleep still clouding her ability to process.
God I hate mornings

Selena rolled on to her back and stretched her arms and legs and yawned, her head felt heavy and she put this down to the vast quantities of alcohol that she had consumed the previous day and with the memory of her alcohol consumption, the previous day’s events came flooding back in to her consciousness like a dam finally breaking and its waters breaking free and she bolted up in the bed and looked around at her surroundings.

As she took in the décor she quickly realised that she was not in her own apartment, this room was too nice to be hers; oak floors that had been sanded and lovingly varnished, the walls painted a warm vanilla, the Tim Flach prints on the walls and the wooden blinds that allowed the light through were all meticulously well-kept and Selena couldn’t see a speck of dirt or dust anywhere.

Selena pushed the white cotton sheets from her lap, she was naked and as she swung her body around to the left she saw that the wall now opposite her had two doors in it and she stood up; the wooden floor felt cool beneath her bare feet and she padded across to the first door and opened it; the door opened on to a large walk-in closet and she could see her suitcases neatly stashed in one corner, her clothes
including her lingerie and various pairs of boots and shoes had already been stowed away on shelves and rods and from the back of the door that she held open with her left hand was a hook and from this hook hanged a lingerie set, she glanced down at her feet and noticed the pair of black thigh high boots that she had packed.

A yellow post-it note was resting on one boot and Selena bent down and picked the note up, she read the message that was neatly written on the square of bright yellow; she recognised the neat script as belonging to Jack.

‘Take a shower, fix your make-up and then get dressed in what is hanging on the door, the boots are not optional, come downstairs when you’re ready, and don’t keep me waiting, Jack.’ Selena scrunched the post-it note up in one hand and dropped it on the floor.

’ she said but she knew that she’d do as he’d instructed. ‘I belong to him,’ she added as she went to the other door and discovered a large en-suite bathroom, again it was meticulous and it took her breath away, the bathroom was all slate tiles and chrome fittings with a large open shower and Selena chuckled.

went in to the bathroom, she sat on the toilet and let go of her bladder and she peed for what felt like an hour.




Selena checked her reflection in
the full length mirror that was on the wall opposite the foot of the bed and she had to admit that she looked fucking incredible. She licked her lips and offered her reflected image a smirk.

‘You sucked his cock last night, you’re nothing but a whore.’

Selena adjusted the left cup of her bra and she was surprised to discover that her nipple was hard and engorged; the areola puckered and at the touch of her fingers she felt a spark shoot to her groin and she let out a groan; she thought of Jack’s cock exploding deep down her throat and she twisted her nipple and cried out. Selena slapped a hand to her mouth to stifle her cry and she quickly finished adjusting the straps and cups of her bra.

‘If I’m going to be his whore, then I’m
gonna be the sexiest fucking whore he’s ever had.’

Selena took a deep steadying breath and then walked out of the bedroom, her heels clicking on the hardwood floor announcing her every step.

Out in the hallway Selena saw more varnished flooring and earth tones on the walls and she wondered whose house Jack had brought her to. More artwork hung on the walls and as she passed them she cast quick glances at each print, she recognised more Tim Flach and at the head of the metal spiralling staircase she looked up at a huge framed photo-print; the image was highly detailed and graphic in its depiction of a woman’s genitalia and Selena saw the photographer had signed the piece and she vaguely recognised the name.

‘Michael Simms,’ Selena said as she took hold of the curving rail and descended two floors to the ground floor, she stepped off of the last metal stair on to an almost black in colour marble floor and again she admired the décor; each item of furnishing that she had seen so far in the house spoke of taste and wealth.

Selena caught the unmistakable smell of freshly brewed coffee and she headed across the large open planned ground floor; she saw the kitchen off through an archway and she took a deep breath and walked in to the kitchen.

This room
was all black marble and steel; the cupboards and central island were cut square and their metal doors and base-surrounds sparkled in the light shining through one long window that ran the length of the kitchen, the window had to be twenty feet in length and ten feet in height and Selena’s breath caught in her throat at the view beyond the window.

Selena forgot about everything, she didn’t even acknowledge Jack’s presence off to her left as she walked in under the arch; she crossed to the window and looked out on the wilds of, well, she had no idea where they were, all she could see were the tops of
colossal trees stretching out from the large deck that she realised must have surrounded the house; she felt like Jane in a Tarzan story, to her it was as if the house she was in was a treehouse built amongst the canopy of an Amazonian rain forest. For miles all she could see were the tops of the trees and then the dark green met the bright blue of the sky.

God,’ she said almost reverentially, she moved along the window until she reached the very end where there was an open door that led out on to the deck and that also allowed for a soft breeze to blow in to the kitchen and on the breeze Selena could smell the scents of this woodland wonderland.

Without thinking Selena walked out on to the large deck, wooden planks did indeed run the length of the house and Selena stopped at the wooden railing and looked down and she quickly realised that she was standing on a walkway that extended out over the forest beneath her and she saw thick metal stilts stretching
out from a cliff at a ninety degree angle to the underside of the decking and she felt her senses spin at the sudden realisation that she was standing above a drop that she gauged to be at least a hundred feet.

Selena let out a yelp and backed across the deck and she stepped backwards in to the kitchen and she glanced down at her heeled feet and she heard Jack chuckle and she spun around to face him.

‘It can be a little disorientating at first,’ Jack said. ‘The house backs on to the edge of the cliff.’ Jack watched as Selena tapped her feet against the marble flooring as if testing the ground beneath her.

Jack laughed. ‘Relax Selena, the house is firmly on terra
-firma, only the decking stretches out over the cliff.’

‘Are we safe?’

‘One hundred percent, the rocks here haven’t moved in millions of years, I doubt today’ll be any different.’

‘Who owns this place, it’s beautiful?’


Selena had a hundred questions but at the mention of food her stomach growled and she realised that she was famished; she hadn’t eaten anything of worth since the day before yesterday and she nodded her head.

‘Please,’ Selena said and she started across the kitchen to a large glass-topped table, she pulled a chair out and began to sit down.

‘I didn’t tell you to sit down Selena, in fact I didn’t give you permission to do anything.’

Selena glanced back at Jack and for the first time since coming in to the kitchen she looked fully at him.

Goddamn it, he’s one sexy motherfucker
, Selena allowed.

Jack was wearing pale jeans and a grey t-shirt, the shirt showed off the cords of tight sinew and muscle in his arms and neck and the shirt clung to Jack’s toned and sculpted torso; he wasn’t muscled like some gym-freak but he had the build of a soldier and Selena figured that in many ways the word soldier was apt; he’d served his country with distinction before becoming the head of the Fat Man’s own private “army” of enforcers.

‘What?’ Selena asked, she’d never been the most patient of people but this was unbearable; the not knowing what was required of her was frustrating like Jack couldn’t imagine.

‘You don’t get to do anything without my saying so first. You want a drink? You ask for it. You want something to eat, you ask for it, you want to sit down, you ask, you want a shit, well guess what
? You ask for permission, are we clear Selena? You have no say over anything, are we clear?’

Selena felt her face go red and she had to bite back on the anger wanting so spew forth from between her tightly closed lips. Selena nodded her head.

‘I understand.’

‘Good. Now turn around, put your feet together and bend over the table, place your elbows on the glass table
-top and don’t fucking move until I tell you to,’ Jack began to spoon scrambled egg on to a plate with a wooden spatula and Selena’s stomach rumbled.

‘You clear on what you’ve been instructed to do?’

‘Yes,’ Selena said sharply and she turned away from Jack and put her feet together, the heels of her thigh-high boots clicked together and she bent over the table until her elbows pressed down on the glass. The table’s surface was lower than she had expected and she knew only too well that her ass now presented itself to Jack’s gaze.

Selena started to turn her head, to glance
back at Jack but he stilled her his next words.

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