Hummingbird (4 page)

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Authors: Nathan L. Flamank

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Hummingbird
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‘Ha,’ she said bitterly. ‘
It’s either one cock for a month or fuck knows how many cocks for the rest of my life, Jesus Selena you’re a fucking idiot.’

Her phone started to trill and fear enveloped her and she ran, still naked, back in to the kitchen and snagged the handset from the wall.

Please don’t be Jack, don’t let it be him backing out

‘Hey Selena,
it’s only me, returning your call.’

Selena breathed a huge sigh of relief and took a steadying drag on her
cigarette; she flicked ash from the end of the cigarette in to the kitchen sink.

‘Hi Matilda, thanks for getting back to me, I’ve had a family emergency and I need to leave town for a while, I was hoping you’d be able to run the store while I’m gone.’

‘Oh Selena, I hope it’s nothing bad?’

If only you knew

‘No, just an elderly sick relative but
there’s no one else that can go.’

‘How long?’

‘A month.’

That’s great, I mean, not great about your relative, but I could really use the money, I’m totally up for that.’

Selena let out another sigh of relief and she spent the next ten minutes going through things with Matilda, Selena had no doubts that Matilda would be able to cope, she’d been with Selena since the store’s grand opening. After clarifying everything with Matilda Selena stubbed the cigarette out in the sink and walked back through to the bedroom.

Selena spent another hour picking through her clothes and by the time she was finished she felt that she’d packed appropriately and she smiled at the garment hanging from the back of the door, if Jack wanted sexy tonight she’d give him sexy but he hadn’t told her what not to wear and she was looking forward to the look on his face when he finally saw her wearing what she had picked out.

‘Fuck him’ Selena said.

Selena zipped the cases shut and hefted them out to the hallway, she cast a glance down the stairs and realised that she still needed to clear the mess up in the store.

‘That fucking Fat Man.’

Selena’s insides twisted up as she recalled the look on the Fat Man’s face when he’d told her to get her tits out and she felt tears spring in to her eyes.

‘Don’t think about it Selena, just keep busy.’

Selena headed back to her bedroom and pulled on a pair of jeans, she found a clean sweater and slipped it over her head and shoulders; she’d tidy up down in the store and then go for a shower, she needed to shave her legs and to visit a few stores nearby; there was still plenty to do before Jack was expecting her.




‘Take a seat Jackie-Boy.’

Jack closed th
e study’s heavy door behind him and walked across the room to one of two leather armchairs positioned in front of the ornate mahogany desk; the desk had once belonged to the State Governor but when the Governor couldn’t pay his gambling debt the Fat Man had taken the desk as part payment, he’d also had the Governor’s young wife “spit-roasted” by two of his foot soldiers; the two Hispanics had fucked that young woman to within an inch of her life, the Fat Man had made the Governor watch the whole seven hour ordeal, and it came as no surprise to anyone, least of all Jack when the Governor never missed another marker from that day on.

Jack sat down in a chair t
hat cost more than his own car and tossed the large canvass bag that he had been carrying on to the Fat Man’s desk.

The Fat Man picked the bag up and dropped it on to the expensive Persian carpet alongside his desk. The Fat Man sighed and it was only then that Jack realised that the
boss had somebody beneath the desk giving him head.

‘I can come back boss.’

‘Nonsense, Kenny’s doing fine just where he is, I swear to god you’ve never had a blow-job until you get one from a man that owes you his life, they suck like their lives depend on it, which in Kenny’s case is the truth, isn’t that right Kenny you weasel little fuck?’

From beneath the expansive desk Jack heard the man moaning through the mouthful of cock that he was busy sucking on.

Jack could see that the boss was almost there, the sweat was pouring down the Fat Man’s face, pooling on his thick upper lip and Jack looked out through the study’s window at the opulent gardens.

The Fat Man grunted.

‘Make sure you swallow every drop you weasel.’

Jack watched one of the Fat Man’s
Rottweilers trotting by, there were half a dozen of them around the corpulent grounds, each trained to kill on sight; they were silent when they attacked, the Fat Man had had their vocal chords cut as puppies and Jack had witnessed the dogs on the attack in the past and it was a scary sight to behold; they’d take a 250lb man apart in under eight seconds. The dog disappeared from view and Jack returned his gaze to the Fat Man.

The Fat Man was wiping his face with a silk scarf.

‘Don’t you move Kenny, I’ll need a piss shortly and I can’t be bothered with going to the toilet, and if you know what’s good for you and your tramp of a wife you’ll swallow what comes out the end of my cock.’

Jack could hear Kenny’s weeping but he felt no sympathy for the stranger beneath the desk, Jack figured that Kenny had whatever
was happening to him coming, he’d been doing this job long enough to know that everyone that turned to the Fat Man for help was pretty much a scumbag and the rare few, like Selena that weren’t necessarily bad people, tended to avoid Kenny’s predicament; the only reason that Kenny was about to become the boss’ piss-pot was because he’d failed to repay the Fat Man what he was owed.

‘You look tired Jackie

The Fat Man’s comment snapped Jack out of his thoughts and he nodded his head and rubbed at the bridge of his nose.

‘It’s been a long day boss, and I haven’t had a holiday since the year before last, I’m close to burn-out.’

Jack was one of the very few people that could talk to the boss in this way, the Fat Man respected Jack and he asked if Jack wanted a drink.

‘Bourbon wouldn’t go amiss.’

The Fat Man laughed. ‘Get me a Knob Creek whilst you’re up, no ice.’

Jack got up and walked over to the small bar and fixed them both a drink, he carried the glasses back to the desk and slid the boss’s drink across the vast width of the desk. He sat back down and sipped his bourbon.

The Fat Man told Kenny to take his cock in his mouth and then he sighed with pleasure as he began to piss.

Jack could hear Kenny struggling to keep up with the boss’ flow and he couldn’t help it and he started to laugh and soon he lost all control and the Fat Man chuckled and began to laugh himself.

‘Don’t spill a fuckin’ drop Kenny or I’ll have my dogs fuck your wife.’

Jack wiped tears from his eyes and waited for Kenny to finish up. Finally the boss was done relieving himself and he told Kenny to get the fuck out from beneath the desk.

Jack watched Kenny crawl from beneath the desk and it was only when the man got to his feet that Jack recognised Kenny as a pro-basketball player; the guy was known from coast to coast and Jack closed his eyes and took a heavy gulp of bourbon. Jack heard the Fat Man tell the sportsman to get the fuck out.

‘But don’t leave the property; I’ll be needing a shit soon.’

Jack breathed slowly and tried not to think about what the Fat Man would make Kenny do later on. Jack heard the door open and shut and then he opened his eyes and looked across at the Fat Man; he’d never seen a more repugnant looking specimen of a human being but Jack was there to
do a job, a job that he was well paid for and he cast from his mind his own thoughts and waited for the boss to talk.

‘Take a week off Jackie

Jack sipped his bourbon and rubbed one palm across his face, he could feel two days worth of stubble and he sighed, he was playing it cool, Jack knew his boss well and he didn’t want to come right out and ask for time off, by staying quiet he had got what he had wanted.

‘You look like shit Jackie-Boy, take the week, bang the delectable Selena Boyd, I take it you’ve told her that you now own her?’

Jack finished his drink and the Fat Man nodded his head and Jack stood up, he took the boss’ glass and refilled them both, he gave the Fat Man his drink before taking his seat again.

‘I’ve informed her of the predicament she’s in.’

Jack knew that the boss had no idea about Jack’s history with Selena, he had always been very careful in keeping Selena and his work separate.

‘So, take a week. Hell, take two, Nicky can handle everything in your absence, you’ve told me often enough how capable and ready he is, so this’ll be a way of killing two birds with one stone.’

‘You’re sure boss?’ Jack asked, with just the right level of doubt in his voice.

The Fat Man nodded his head and Jack watched the ripples coursing through the boss’ obese body.

‘Yeah I’m sure Jackie
, you’re my guy, and it does me no good if you’re so exhausted that you make a slip up.’

‘Boss, that would never happen,’ Jack replied bluntly.

The Fat Man chuckled and raised his hands placating Jack.

‘Whoa son, I didn’t mean anything by it, I just need you firing on all
cylinders; take a break and we’ll see if Nicky is ready.’

‘Okay boss, yeah, I could probably do with the time to recharge.’

‘Well good, it’s decided then.’ The Fat Man opened a desk drawer and tossed a bundle of banknotes across the desk; Jack caught it and looked at the red band securing the money.

‘Twenty grand?
It’s too much boss.’

‘Nonsense, its pocket change, consider it a bonus for handling my safety all these years so professionally.’

‘It’s been an honour boss.’

The Fat Man chuckled.

‘Aw quit it Jackie-Boy or you’ll have me in tears.’ The Fat Man downed his drink and stood up. ‘Now get the fuck outta here.’

Jack threw his head back and downed the remainder of his bourbon. Jack stood up and slipped the bundle of cash in to the inside left pocket of his jacket. He walked around the desk and stepped in to the Fat Man’s open arms, he allowed the boss to slap his back a couple of times and suffered through the boss’ stench without objection; the Fat Man was so colossal that he always smelt of body odour no matter how often he bathed.

The Fat Man clamped Jack by the shoulders.

‘I love you like a son Jackie-B
oy, like a goddamn son.’

Jack could see the old man meant it and he f
elt a momentary pang of guilt at his own thoughts.

‘I love ya too boss.’

‘Good, now get the fuck out of here, and on your way out tell that useless fuck Kenny to get his ass back in here, I need a shit and he’s about to discover a whole new meaning to the phrase “eat shit”, the son of a bitch is a useless fuck but I’ll keep him around for a while, he might be shit at throwing games but he can sure as fuck suck cock.’

The Fat Man sat back down and shooed Jack out of the room.




Jack looked at his reflection
in the restroom mirror, he turned on the faucets and washed his hands before cupping his hands beneath the icy cold running water and he lowered his face towards the sink and splashed his face several times with the chilling water. He wiped the water from his stubbled cheeks and then glanced at his reflection once more.

Jack rubbed his eyes.

‘You sure you wanna go through with this Jack?’ he asked his reflection.

Jack’s reflection offered up a nod and said: ‘
We’ve come this far, me may as well see it through to the end.’

‘She’s going to be a pain in the ass,’ Jack stated and his doppelganger smiled.

‘What woman isn’t?’

Jack switched off the faucet and pulled a couple of towels from the wall mounted dispenser and dried his face, as he exited the restroom he cast one final glance back at the mirror: his reflection nodded his head, ‘I got your back.’




The receptionist at “King and
Laymon: attorneys at law” buzzed Jack through and he followed the richly carpeted hallway to the door at the far end; his lawyer, neither a King nor a Laymon stood up quickly from behind her desk and offered a hand across the expensive black minimalist desk.


‘Kerry,’ Jack replied as he sat down without being asked.

Kerry, an attractive woman in
her early thirties brushed invisible lint from her expensive cashmere suit and sat back down.

‘You have the document I requested?’

‘Yes, I have to say Jack it’s the weirdest contract I’ve ever had to draw up.’

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