Hummingbird (5 page)

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Authors: Nathan L. Flamank

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Hummingbird
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‘Uh-huh, but
it’s all legal; if need be it would hold up in a court of law?’

Kerry tucked a strand of
her long chestnut hair back behind one elfin ear and smiled at Jack; they’d almost dated once but despite her attraction to him she found him too intense and if a quarter of the stories about him that she had heard were even half truth he was one scary ass dude to date.
But still, look at him, that is all man honey
, Kerry’s inner voice said and she felt a stirring in her loins, she closed her thighs and bit the inside of her bottom lip.

‘You anticipate ending up in court Jack?’ Kerry asked with a playful smile turning
up the corners of her mouth.

Jack laughed and again Kerry felt a tingle.

Goddamnit, why couldn’t he be a cop or a fireman, why’s he have to be a leg-breaker
? She asked herself.

‘No, no courts, I just want to be clear before I leave here that the document is solid.’

‘The Attorney General herself could examine that document and wouldn’t be able to find fault with it.’ Kerry picked up a thin A4 sized manila envelope and passed it across the desk, Jack took it and for a brief moment their fingers touched and Kerry felt that magnetism that she had always felt whenever she came in to contact with the Fat Man’s number one enforcer.

Jack sat back and the moment was over and Kerry sat back in her seat, she hoped that she didn’t appear as flushed as she actually felt.

‘So,’ Jack said and he waved the envelope in front of his face, ‘I get her signature on this and its legally binding?’

‘Uh-huh, she signs that and she’s


Jack stood up, he reached in to his back pocket and peeled off a wad of banknotes, he tossed them down on to the desk and turned for the door, he stopped at the door and glanced back at Kerry.

‘This is just between you and me, you better not have any notes or copies
or I’ll be back.’

Kerry laughed. ‘Attorney client privilege.’

‘This is the only time I tell you Kerry, this is just between you and me, if you have notes or copies destroy them, you don’t talk about this to anyone and I mean anyone, you do, and well, our next meeting will not be so cordial.’

‘That’s the only copy Jack, there are no notes, no one will know.’

‘Good.’ Jack opened the door and exited the office, the door closed behind him and Kerry let out a deep sigh.

‘Damn it he’s one scary fucking guy,’ Kerry parted her legs and slipped her right hand beneath her skirt, within moments her fingers were inside her knickers and she closed her eyes as she began to tease her clitoris.

‘Scary but fucking sexy.’ Kerry pushed two fingers up inside her soaking wet slit and cried out as she imagined what it would feel like to fuck a real man rather than the asshat that she was currently dating. Kerry concentrated on the colour of Jack’s eyes and her orgasm hit and it was stronger than any she had had with the asshat.




Jack parked at the kerb
and exited the car, he left the engine running, no one would dream of stealing it, not in this city, everyone knew who it belonged to. Jack crossed the sidewalk and worked his way along a row of payphones, the first three were broken but the fourth was in operation and Jack deposited a handful of change and made his call; the phone was answered on the fifth ring.

‘It’s me, I’ll be coming to the house in the early hours of tomorrow morning, have the fridge stocked, and the house and grounds ready for me, I’ll be staying for a month and I’ll be bringing a house guest.’

Jack listened to the voice on the other end of the line for several minutes.

‘That’s fine, that’s fine, thank you, I really appreciate it, okay, take care and say hi to the kids for me, bye.’

He hung up and walked back to the car; he got in and drove away.




Selena had been waiting in
front of her store for fifteen minutes before she saw the car slowly cruising towards her in the darkness. At exactly one o’clock in the morning.

‘Trust Jack to
be dead on time,’ she said to the empty sidewalk.

The headlights bathed her in their whiteness and she turned to face the on-coming lights, she allowed her long coat to fall open so that Jack would see
what she was wearing before he even got out of the car.

‘This’ll fuck him up,’ Selena said quietly
allowing a bitter smile to play across her stunningly beautiful face and she watched as the five year old Toyota pulled up to the kerb in front of her.

The Toyota stopped and Selena turned face-on and cocked her left foot out at an angle from the rest of her body, she knew this stance
accentuated her curvaceous frame and highlighted her legs; she also knew that Jack, from his lowered position in the car-seat would be able to see all that she wanted him to see, the short dress would not hide the fact that she had foregone the wearing of any lingerie and she hoped that the bastard could see her pussy, she wanted him to want her, to long for her.

ll day she had thought about this moment and the reaction that her outfit would elicit in her one-time boyfriend.

‘Fuck him,’ she said and she waited for the driver’s door to open.

The passenger window buzzed down and she was startled to see the stranger sitting in the car. Selena let go of the extendable handle of one of her three cases and pulled her coat closed, covering her exposure.

sorry; I thought you were someone else.’

That’s okay, he sent us to pick you up,’ the stranger replied cordially and Selena grunted.

Typical of him, more fucking mind games

‘Jack sent you?’

The driver’s door opened and the driver got out, another man she didn’t recognise, but they both looked like the type of man that Jack would hang around with; they looked mean and capable.

The passenger got out of the car and opened the rear door for her.

‘Yes, Jack sent us, told us to bring you to him,’ the passenger said.

The driver walked to the rear of the Toyota and popped the trunk, he came over towards her and Selena took a step backwards.

‘Relax,’ the driver said as he took hold of two of the cases. Selena laughed to hide her nerves.


‘No problem Miss,’ the driver said with a boyish smile as he stowed the first case in to the trunk.

The passenger held the rear door open for Selena and she started towards the car, she saw headlights approaching from her left and the driver cast a glance at his companion and Selena saw the look the two men shared and she tried to step back away from the car.

‘Jack didn’t send you.’

‘Fuck Jack,’ the passenger said and he pulled a small .38 from the rear of his jeans and pointed it at Selena’s face.

‘Get in the car bitch,’ the driver said, all attempts at pleasantness now a distant memory.

‘Wait, you don’t know what you’re doing,’ Selena said and she raised her hands in a “stay-away” gesture.

The passenger thumbed the hammer back on the revolver in his gloved hand.

‘Dead or alive we’re fucking y
ou bitch, now get in the damn car.’

Selena started forwards, she saw the approaching car had pulled up at the kerb and as the passenger grabbed her shoulder she caught a fleeting glimpse of the new
arrival’s car door open and then she was pushed in through the open passenger door where she fell across the seat.

From outside she heard a gunshot followed by two others in rapid succession and then another shot followed by the sound of someone cursing.

Selena scrabbled backwards across the seat and she felt a rough hand grab her by the hair and yank her to her feet, it was the driver and he raised a gun, this one a lot bigger than his companion’s .38 and he pressed it against her right temple, she could smell the man’s fetid breath.

‘Don’t move man or the bitch...’

He never finished the threat and it took Selena several stunned seconds to realise that she’d heard another gunshot and she turned around to see the driver crawling away from her on his hands and knees, she could see that the left side of his face was awash in blood and she yelped when someone touched her and she spun back to see Jack standing in front of her, in his hand was a large gun.

‘You okay?’


‘Are you okay?’

Selena nodded her head.

Jack walked past her and aimed his gun at the man crawling on the sidewalk and before she knew what was happening Jack pulled the trigger and she saw the hole appear between the man’
s shoulders and the man collapsed on to the sidewalk. Selena cried out and watched as Jack put another bullet in to the back of the man’s head.

She watched as Jack calmly walked over to the other man who was just then beginning to get to his feet, she could see blood running down the man’s pants and even more flowed from his left s
houlder. The man raised his right hand to plead with Jack but Jack ignored the man’s attempts and pulled the trigger and Selena bent over and threw up as she watched the back of the man’s head splash across the sidewalk.

Selena was shaking by the time her stomach finished emptying and she wiped a hand across her mouth.

‘Jesus Jack, who are you?’ a stunned Selena asked.

Jack put his gun in to the shoulder-rig that he was wearing beneath his leather jacket and he smiled at Selena.

‘I’m the guy that just saved your life,
, it’s getting to become a habit.’

Jack spent two minutes getting her cases from the trunk of the strangers’ car and storing them in his Taurus, he came back for the third case that was still on the sidewalk and then he ushered a still shaken and stunned Selena towards the waiting car.

He opened the passenger door for Selena and she got in, he closed the door once she was seated and he walked around to the driver’s still open door and got in behind the wheel, he closed his door, slipped the car in to gear and pulled away from the kerb.

Selena started to speak but Jack raised a finger silencing her.

Jack slipped a mobile phone from his jacket pocket and made a call.

Nicky, it’s me, there are two dead bodies on the sidewalk outside of Selena Boyd’s shop, I need you to send a team to clear them away.’ Jack drove as he listened to Nicky and Selena turned slightly in her seat to look at Jack as he discussed the incident with the two men; to Selena it sounded like Jack wasn’t fazed by the killing.

Just who is he
? Selena wondered.

‘Nah, she’s fine,’ Jack said, he listened for a half minute and th
en added, ‘I owe you, thanks Nicky.’ He closed the mobile phone and slipped it back in to a pocket of his leather jacket, he glanced at Selena.

‘Take the coat off Selena.’


‘The coat, take it off.’ He held her gaze for three seconds. ‘I won’t ask you again.’

Hands still shaking from the recent gunfight she did as Jack told her and once she had it in her lap she said, ‘I can’t believe you just killed two people.’

Jack didn’t respond but instead pulled in to the side of the road, he snatched the coat from Selena’s hands.

‘Anything of yours in the pockets?’

She shook her head.

‘No, I only bought it today.’

Without saying another word Jack got out of the car and threw the coat in to a nearby dumpster, he got back in to the car and pulled back out on to the road.

‘What the fuck Jack?’ Selena cried. ‘That cost two hundred dollars.’

‘There was blood on the back of it.’

‘Jesus Christ,’ Selena said and she checked her bare arms and legs for blood splatter; in the dimness of the car she wasn’t one hundred percent sure but she thought she was okay.

Selena looked down at her lap and realised that her dress had ridden
up; she moved her hands to adjust the hem.

‘Don’t, you put that dress on for a reason so leave it the fuck alone.’

‘Fuck,’ Selena muttered and sat back in her seat, she had to admit to herself that her whole plan of pissing Jack off had backfired and now with her pubic hair clearly on show she once more felt totally vulnerable.

‘Where are we going?’

‘You’ll know when you need to know.’

They rode in silence for several miles and then Selena said, the bitterness evident in her tone,
‘I’d love to know when you became this big an asshole.’

Jack glanced across at her and Selena was annoyed that he wasn’t even looking at her exposed crotch, his eyes burned in to hers and he offered up a smile, a smile that to her shame she could see was tinged with sadness.

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