Hummingbird (13 page)

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Authors: Nathan L. Flamank

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Hummingbird
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‘Well, first off, you’re perfectly safe here at the house, if you need to go anywhere then I’ll be right in front of you and we’ll have a fo
ur man team with us wherever we go. As for your many businesses I’ve beefed up security and I’ve put word out on the street that if anyone knows anything to speak up while they can, if any one knows anything we’ll know about it soon enough, but right now boss I could really do with access to the police investigations.’

‘Yeah, sounds good Nicky, I’ll call the commissioner presently.’

The door opened and a stunningly attractive young woman entered the room teetering on incredibly high stilettos, she made her way across the thick oriental carpet and Nicky figured this was Clara.

‘Ah Clara, daddy’s stressed and needs you,’ the Fat Man said and Clara smiled provocatively and as she passed by Nicky he looked up at her and he could clea
rly see the young woman’s hairless sex beneath the very short metallic gold dress that she was wearing, Nicky figured Clara wasn’t a day over fifteen.

Nicky stood up and prepared himself to leave but the Fat Man halted him.

‘Nicky, stick around, we can double-team her, you’d like that wouldn’t you babygirl?’

‘Whatever you wish daddy.’

Nicky knew for a fact that the Fat Man had no offspring and hearing the Fat Man and Clara talk like this to each other made him uncomfortable.

‘I’d love to boss but I really need to
get at those investigations.’

The Fat Man stood up from his chair behind the desk and pushed his pyjama bottoms down exposing his miniscule cock to not only Clara but also Nicky and Nicky couldn’t help but glance between the boss’s fat thighs at the very short but incredibly thick cock bobbing up and down.

‘Jack said you were a pro Nicky,’ the Fat Man said and he chuckled as he walked to the side of the desk and behind Clara, he bent Clara over the desk and pulled her dress up over her petite rump. ‘I’ll call the commissioner in a minute Nicky, keep me posted.’

‘Will do boss,’ Nicky replied and he started for the door, Nicky heard the Fat Man cough up a mouthful of spit.

‘Is daddy going to stick it in my bottom?’ Clara said, her voice that of the child she really was beneath all the make-up and sexy clothes and Nicky fought the urge to not throw-up.

‘Uh-huh, daddy needs his little princess to work her magic…’

Nicky walked out of the room and closed the door without looking back, the last thing he heard was Clara’s squeal as the Fat Man’s thickness caused her pain.

Nicky leaned back against a
wall and took a couple of deep calming breaths.

‘Just think of the money Nicky, another year of this shit and you can retire,’ Nicky said quietly. He took another calming breath and then walked along the hallway heading for the kitchen, he’d grab a cold beer from the fridge and sit out on the veranda to have a smoke, the beer and nicotine would de-stress him.




“Hemingways” had no connection to
the great author and certainly had no artistic leanings, as far as Selena could tell it was a “sawdust-on-the-floor-spilled-blood” kind of establishment full of rowdy working men and under dressed girlfriends and wives.

The place reminded Selena of the old Patrick Swayze film “Roadhouse” and this joint was a lot like the bar that Sam Elliot’s character cooled, Selena liked that film, and she made a mental note to catch it again soon, she had a bit of thing for Sam Elliot.

It had just turned nine in the evening and for the time of the week she was surprised to see just how busy it was; the bar was darkly lit with bare-bulbed lamps mounted on the walls casting small circles of sickly yellow light.

Three member
s of staff manned the long bar at the rear wall – two men and a woman, the woman past her prime but still showing enough flesh to win the occasional wolf whistle and if she was lucky a tip. Two waitresses in impossibly short shorts and tight low cut vests serviced the tables and a dirty mirror ran the length of the wall behind the bar and at the far end of the bar room was a raised area for dancing and off to the stage’s right were three pool tables.

“Guns N Roses” blasted from the jukebox but they were sat far enough away from the speakers that the cacophony was bearable.

Selena was thankful that Jack had led her to a circular table farthest from the pool tables and she was grateful that the bar’s owner didn’t enforce the county’s no-smoking policy and she sucked on the Marlboro’s filter and felt the nicotine hit her system.

Jack was sat across from her and he raised his bottle of beer in salute, Selena raised her glass of red wine and took a sip. She spat the contents of her mouth back in to the glass.

‘Fuck, that’s dreadful.’

‘Told you to get a beer, house wine means piss in this joint.’

Selena glanced around the darkened establishment once more, she saw a young couple groping at each other in a corner and Selena looked away when she caught a flashing glimpse of the young woman’s nipples.

‘Why did you choose this place Jack, it’s a shit-hole?’

Jack nodded his head.

‘It’s the only place in town that serves alcohol.’

Selena did a double-take.

‘For real?’

‘Uh-huh, the guy that owns it makes a fortune.’

‘Is his na
me Hemingway?’ Selena asked with sarcasm.

Jack laughed.

‘No, I don’t know where the name comes from.’

A waitress teetered by on impossibly high high-heels and Jack waved her down and asked for two beers.

‘Sure thing Suga’,’ the waitress replied and she glanced at Selena, the waitress’s eyes scanned Selena from top to bottom and back again and figuring that she was out-classed she sucked her teeth and scoffed at Selena before turning away and heading for the bar.

‘Jesus Christ, what a hussy,’ Selena said and she looked at Jack. ‘Could she have made it any more obvious?’

‘Probably not.’ Jack finished his beer in one long up-turning of his head and he put the empty bottle back down on to the table.

Show me your breasts.’

The command came so out of the flow of the conversation that at first Selena truthfully thought that she had imagined Jack speaking to her and Selena took a drag on her cigarette and flicked ash on to the wooden flooring; the establishment was that run down Selena didn’t expect for anyone to tell her off.

Selena looked at Jack and her brain kicked in.

‘I, sorry, did you tell me to get my tits out?’

Jack shook his head and Selena smiled with relief.

‘No, I told you to show me your breasts, you know I hate the word tits.’

Selena laughed and felt her face flush.

‘Here? Now?’


Selena put her half-finished cigarette out on the floor and glanced around the dimly lit room.

Shit, I have to do this, I told him I would do anything

Selena crossed her arms and put her fingers beneath the thin straps of the tight black dress that Jack had picked for her to wear earlier that evening after they had returned from the shopping excursion to procure her several bathing suits.

Selena’s fingers ran along the delicate structure of her shoulders, her knuckles snagging the straps and she lowered the straps down over her shoulders until the straps came to a stop at the crease of her elbows.

Selena wasn’t wearing a bra and she took a deep steadying breath and pulled the front of her dress down over her breasts, she did it slowly and her eyes scanned the room,
so far so good
, no one was looking in their direction and she looked at Jack as her nipples appeared from beneath the dress and then she exhaled and tugged the dress down fully until her large round breasts were totally exposed.

My God I can’t believe I’m doing this in a packed bar, there must be a hundred people in here

‘Cup them, push them together.’

Selena did as Jack wished.

‘Rub your thumbs over your nipples.’

Selena felt her heart rate increase and there was a breathlessness to the moment but she didn’t hesitate and she ran the pads of her thumbs across her nipples and she looked down at her exposed breasts and watched as her nipples grew hard.

‘Tease them,’ Jack told her and he looked over Selena’s shoulder.

‘Here come our beers.’

Selena’s eyes widened.

Shit, shit, shit
! Selena felt her blood pumping through her veins and she so wanted to cover herself but she had made a promise to Jack out on the balcony and Selena intended to keep it, from here on out she intended to never break her word and her hope was that eventually she’d earn a measure of Jack’s trust again.

Selena’s mouth was dry and her tongue was lodged against
the roof of her mouth and she began to twist her nipples and she looked to her left as the waitress reached their table.

The waitress saw Selena’s naked breasts and she put the two bottles down on the table and she shook her head in disgust.

‘This fucking place,’ the waitress spat and she turned away from the table and stalked off across the room.

‘Don’t worry about her Selena,’ Jack said.

‘I’m not,’ Selena replied. ‘I told you I’d do whatever you told me to.’

Jack placed one of the bottles in front of Selena and picked up his own.

‘Cheers,’ he said and he held his bottle up in the air halfway across the table. Selena realised he was waiting for her and she released her breasts and picked up the bottle of beer. She clinked her bottle against his and then raised the bottle to her mouth, she parted her lips and licked her lower lip before taking a long swallow of the ice cold beer.

Selena shivered
as the icy liquid coursed down her throat and she took two more swallows before putting the bottle back down. Selena picked up her cigarette but saw that it had burnt down to the filter.

‘Here,’ Jack said as he offered her the pack of Marlboro. ‘You’ve earned it.’

Selena tapped a cigarette out and put the filtered end between her lips and leaned forwards so that Jack could light the end with the flame from his zippo. Selena sat back.

‘And now?’


‘Can I put them away?’


‘What if someone looks?’

‘In this place? Shit, no one cares.’

Selena looked around at her surroundings and she realised that Jack was right, no one gave her a second’s thought and she also spotted that the couple that had been heavily making out were now taking things to the next stage; the woman was sat on her date’s lap and although the woman wasn’t moving too much it was obvious to anyone who cared to look that she was riding her man’s cock.

And right there, in front of everyone, Jesus what is this place

Selena turned back to Jack.

‘Is it always like this in here?’

Jack chuckled, ‘I’ve no idea, I’ve only been in here twice before.’

‘That couple in the corner are fucking.’

‘I know, she was giving him head a few minutes ago.’

Selena couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all, here she was in a packed bar with her tits out and she didn’t know what was bothering her more; the fact that she didn’t care what anyone else saw or the fact that no one seemed to care.

Selena blew smoke up towards the ceiling and she saw for the first time just how thick the room was with cigarette smoke, her blown smoke mixed with the layer of curling grey-blue smoke already above her head.

‘This is madness Jack, what’s next, you want me to suck your dick in here?’

Jack shook his head.

‘No, finish your beer and cigarette and then we’ll get out of here,’ Jack chugged his beer. ‘That sound system is killing my ears,’ he added by way of explanation.

Selena downed the contents of her beer and took one last drag on the cigarette before dropping
it down in to the neck of the empty beer bottle.

‘Ready when you are,’ Selena said and she started to tug her dress back up over her breasts.

‘Whoa Selena, I didn’t tell you to cover yourself up.’

‘No, you didn’t, I apologise.’ Selena pushed the dress back down to her stomach and stood up. Jack dropped a couple of tens on the table and Selena gasped when he grabbed her and lifted her up in his powerful arms.

Selena thought about it for a second and then wrapped her legs around Jack’s waist, she linked her feet behind him and snaked her hands around his neck. Selena held his gaze, she didn’t want to look away from him and she licked her lips and swallowed, she was full of nervous energy and she waited to see what Jack would do next.

Jack bounced her in his embrace until he had his hands firmly beneath her ass, he could feel the warmth between her legs pressing against his lower abdomen and he headed for the exit, along the way he caught the rapid fire glances of several men as they clocked Selena’s breasts but when Jack
made eye contact with them each quickly turned away and shortly thereafter he and Selena were outside and the cooling breeze and fresh air washed over them.

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