Jane's Surrender (Hard World Tour #2) (27 page)

BOOK: Jane's Surrender (Hard World Tour #2)
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Suddenly, he pinched me hard.

Answer me, beautiful,” he demanded, thrusting into me. I was so close to an orgasm, but I wanted this moment to last forever, but at the same time, my body craved release desperately.

But he needed something else, and I would give it to him.


Because it’s you. No one else makes me want—” I breathed heavily through the pleasure his hands and cock were giving me, and continued, “No other man makes me want him.” My hand pulled his head forward as he pushed deeply into me. His lips met mine in a demanding, deep, passionate kiss.

Somehow, what we shared was the most erotic experience for me. I was aware of his feelings for me in his every touch, every kiss, and every breath.

He let go of my mouth and his lips moved to my neck, where he nipped, licked, and sucked.

Drake was leaving marks on me for everyone to see. His dominating nature came out to play only during sex, and the feminine part of me loved him for it. I loved seeing him lose control for me, around me.

I was hot all over. He was planted deep inside me, stretching me. His hands played with my nipples; his mouth caressed my cheek. His actions evoked such pleasurable sensations from my body.

The position was hot, but I needed more. I didn't want to come like this, and I was close. I could feel it.

Drake.” I turned my head to see his hooded blue eyes filled with desire and need. Instantly, his eyes snapped to my lips and he licked them, and then he sucked my lower lip into his mouth.

This man seriously wanted me to come right then, but no.

I needed him.

What?” Although still husky, his voice was softer, and he made another move with his hips.

I want to change my position.” That made him frown.

Not enough friction?” he growled, unhappy I wasn’t satisfied the way we were.

Not enough you.”

He froze and our eyes held each other for several moments, and then he flipped me over. I found myself straddling his hips, my chest to his chest, and I moaned, because his cock was pressed firmly against my womb. I pulled him closer to lose myself in his kiss, while my hips moved up and down on him. I was close, so close. His hands rested on my hips as he guided me toward my release. The bliss that only came from our lovemaking.

I stilled above him, gasped, and threw my head back with a cry. He was still hard inside me. He leaned forward and sucked on my nipples firmly, one-by-one, and then he grabbed my neck and kissed me again. He stiffened inside me then shuddered and groaned against my mouth as he found his release.

We were both breathing heavily as he pressed his forehead against mine. My arms and legs were wrapped around him, our bodies sweaty and sticky, but at the same time, I’ve never felt better in my life.

His eyes gazed into mine, and I couldn’t look away. They had so much inside them, so many feelings he usually hid from me, and it was no wonder. My heart ached at the idea that I hurt him so much with my constant refusal.

We could have had this all this time.

I swear to God,” he started and cleared his throat, his voice hoarse and raspy. “If you disappear on me again, I will run after you, bring your ass back here, and spank it like you deserve. No more of this bullshit,” he said grumpily. His words made me smile, because we both knew, if I really wanted to get away from him, he wouldn't force me.

Not like that. He could stalk me or not give me a divorce, but he would never kiss or touch me unless he saw desire in my eyes. Drake was too proud to question a woman’s attraction to him.

I won’t.” He looked into my eyes as though he needed confirmation that what I said was true. “I want to explore this, give us a chance.”

What changed your mind?” Nothing escaped him, did it?

The girls opened my mind on a lot of things, mainly the ones I didn't want to see.” He frowned but said nothing, expecting me to continue. “Can we clean up and then talk in bed? I think I smell bad.” The joke felt flat, and he didn't look convinced.

Speaking of which, I was reminded the wetness inside me was not created only from my desire, but that he came inside me without a condom.

We didn't use protection.” Saying it sounded dumb, because it was obvious.

I know,” was his only reply, and it made me angry.

You didn't ask me.”

He grabbed my neck and pulled my face forward, making our noses touch. His eyes held traces of fury. “I knew you were on the pill and I get tested regularly, not that I was with anyone after you anyway. I didn't want anything between us, and truthfully, I was so far gone it didn't cross my mind to use condoms, because I knew we were safe. I never would have endangered you like that. I’ve never done this bareback with anyone but you,” he finished and leaned back, waiting for my reaction.

So I blurted out the one thing that was on my mind. “Is it better without?”

His mouth lifted in a wicked smile. “You have no idea. It was like fucking fireworks on the Fourth of July. But then any time with you is the best I’ve had.” His words made me blush and all warm inside.

I, plain Jane, made this amazingly handsome man experience one of the best orgasms of his life.

His beautiful words made me giddy.

I wanna kiss you, but I really want to clean up.”

He laughed loudly, picked me up, and took us to the small bathroom.

God, but I loved the sound of his laughter.



Now talk.”

Jane pouted her lips. “Aren’t you going to feed me first?”


That’s really rude.”

You’re not hungry.”

How do you know that?”

You never eat anything before going to bed. Trust me, I had enough time to notice that.”

She laughed and jabbed her finger into my chest. “Yes, but usually I don’t have sex marathons every night. I’ve discovered sex makes me starved.” She wiggled her eyebrows, lay down with a loud smack on the pillows, and laughed again.

It was as if some kind of switch had flipped inside her. She smiled all the time, and was so open in her feelings and affection that it scared me.

I wasn't used to this kind of Jane. She could flip to the old Jane again, and I wasn't sure my dick or I could take any more rejection from her.

I can make some sandwiches real quick. Let’s go to the kitchen.” The trailer was big, or rather the bus was, and had several rooms and a kitchen. Ryan kept a lot of food inside. Since both of us knew how to cook, it was easier than constantly ordering takeout.

Her eyes grew huge, and she sat up abruptly. My shirt, which she'd put on after we showered together, rose up a bit and gave me a great view of her legs and ass.

I can’t do that! Ryan and Bella will be there. They can’t see me like this!” she shrieked.

I frowned. “Like what?” Did she want to keep this whole thing a secret? So help me, God, if she did after all this time, I would go—

Like I just made love. They would tease me, and the girls would have a fit about it. Plus, it’s embarrassing that they probably heard everything we did.” She groaned and covered her face with her hands. “I mean it’s not like our relationship is a secret, or that I’m spending the night with you, but I just don't want anyone to actually have a glimpse into that,” she finished with a frown.

It was impossible not to laugh at her crazy outburst. She wasn't amused, and threw a pillow at me, which I caught a second before it hit my face.

That’s not funny. I moaned so loud,” she said angrily, and didn't those words put a smirk back on my face.

Yes, you did. Makes a man proud, beautiful.” She threw another pillow, which hit me in the chest, but she had a twinkle of amusement in her eyes that she tried to hide. “And don’t worry. Ryan and Bella didn't sleep here. I asked Ryan to give us some privacy. I think they got a hotel room.”

You did that? When?”

After the scene at the bar,” I replied, and she blushed. “I knew I wanted to talk with you, so my request wasn't that hard for them to refuse.”

She raised her brows. “Sure of yourself, are you, Mr. Jackson?” Her voice was amused, and all traces of uneasiness were gone.

Just hopeful, Mrs. Jackson.” We stood there for a moment, each of us looking at the other and enjoying this. We never had that, the light banter that didn't bring anything heavy. A light bickering between couples I saw other people do.

She was the first to snap out of it. She stood up, came closer, and gave me a soft peck on the mouth.

Feed me, husband mine.”

The pleasure those words brought me was indescribable. I grabbed her hand, and we moved to the kitchen. She sat on a stool while I opened the fridge to check what I could quickly make for my girl. “What do you want? Something heavy like pasta, or more on the lighter side like chicken Caesar salad?” I had ingredients to make both.

She shrugged her shoulders. “Both?” she asked shyly, as she put her hands under her chin and gave me those puppy eyes that Sparky loved to use.

Speaking of which, I glanced by the door and saw the puppy was sleeping soundly on the rug, without a care in the world. He was weird that way, a bundle of energy by day, but once he was out after his nightly walk, he was really out.

I’ll cook both then.” Jane caught me looking at Sparky, and her brown eyes became warmer if it was possible. “He is out. It’s always funny to watch how sometimes when I can’t sleep I try some new tunes, and he doesn't even twitch.”

Yeah, I don’t think anything can wake him up, even the smell of good food.” I took out everything I needed and got started cooking for my girl. “Do you want white or red wine?”

She thought for a minute, finally pointed at the semi-sweet wine, and I opened it. I poured some into a glass, put it in front of her, and went back to chopping chicken and putting pasta in the boiling water.

She tasted it, closed her eyes in pleasure, and licked her lips. It pleased me that I could satisfy all my woman’s appetites. Our sex was amazing, but I wanted us to have more.

I hoped I would finally have the chance to give it to her.

It’s really good.”

Ryan has only the best collection.” My brother was obsessed with all the good things, and although I was the one who grew up with our rich and powerful dad, I somehow didn't share their desire for all those things.

That’s true.” She watched my hands move and chop vegetables, and then she asked guiltily, “Do you need any help?”


You sure?”

I let go of the knife I was holding, leaned over the counter, took her chin in my fingers, and gave her a slow, lingering kiss that tasted of wine and her. What man needed more? “The only thing you are supposed to do is relax, Jane. I have this. Yeah?”

She was silent for a second then raised her hand, caressed my cheek, and smiled. “Yeah.”


For the next half hour, I prepared food for us, while we quietly talked about the tour and the girls. Once the food was ready, I fixed a plate for her, put it in front of her, and occupied the chair beside her. Jane took her fork, winked at me, and raised it to her mouth. She took the first bite, moaning in pleasure.

I swear it’s the best damn pasta I’ve ever eaten.”

Flattered.” Her words made me chuckle, but the food was good. At least for a guy. She nudged my shoulder painfully.

You know it’s good.” She tried the salad and had the same reaction. I was happy to see her eat. She almost never paid attention to food and it drove me crazy.

BOOK: Jane's Surrender (Hard World Tour #2)
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