Read Just Because: The Story of Salvation for Children Online
Authors: Steve Copland
Tags: #Children's Books, #Religions, #Christianity, #Inspirational, #Children's eBooks, #Early Readers
like the Lord, then they would have to make a choice
to be like the Lord and follow Him, or be like Satan
and follow him. The Lord would not allow Satan to
come out of the bubble so He made a place for the
new creatures inside the bubble.
So the Lord made the earth, and that’s where you
and I live. Then He said, “Let there be light,” and
suddenly the sun was shining brightly in space. Old
Satan must have started looking for some sunglasses
when that happened. The Lord made the moon to rule
in the nighttime and the sun to rule in the daytime so
the people would have darkness for half the time and
light for half the time. The Lord made it this way so
people could have day and night to remind them of
dark and light, Satan and God. But that doesn’t mean
it is always bad at nighttime; it just means God was
being fair because He never cheats.
And the Lord made trees and plants and lakes and
seas. Into the seas He put heaps of fish and also some
really big dinosaurs, which walked around with their
heads sticking out of the water.
The Lord made everything in six days, and on the
seventh day He had a rest. He decided people should
have at least one day a week to rest as well, and
that’s why most people have a day off on Saturday
or Sunday.
Then the Lord made a place on earth, which was
just like paradise. He called it the Garden of Eden,
Just Because
and He put a wall around it so the demons could not
go in. They probably didn’t want to go in anyway; the
Lord was in there, and they hate being near Him.
After this the Lord made lots of different animals
and birds and put them everywhere on the earth.
Then the Lord said to Himself, “Let’s make a
man.” He bent down and picked up some dirt from
the ground and made it into the shape of a person.
Then He breathed into his mouth, and the new man
came alive. Yep, the dirt turned into skin, and hair
grew out of his head, and fingernails covered the
ends of his fingers. The man smiled, jumped up off
the ground and stood before the Lord. The man was
really happy and started jumping up and down and
almost stepped on a big caterpillar who looked up
and wondered what he was doing.
So if you thought that people came from monkeys
and your great, great, great, great, great grandma was
eating bananas and swinging in the trees you were
wrong. Anyway, most of the science men who know
lots of stuff don’t believe that crazy idea anymore.
They have learned many new things about people,
and they know someone made us. Guess who?
Now old Satan was looking over the wall and saw
this person in the garden. One of the demons asked
him, “Why don’t we go in there and talk to that new
person and get him to follow you as master?”
“No, not yet,” Satan replied. “This creature
would not follow me. He is the image of God. He
loves God. No, we must wait.”
“What are we waiting for, master?” the demon
Just Because
“Haven’t you been watching?” Satan asked with
a growl. “God has made two of everything, and He
will make two of these new people. Then we will
speak to the one who will find me the most attractive,
and we will trick both of them and every other person
who will ever be born, into making me their king.”
“You are truly the king of the world, master,” said
the scared demon and then decided to be quiet.
This time Satan was right, because sometimes he
can guess what is going to happen. The Lord put the
man to sleep, and while Adam was sleeping He took
one of his ribs and made a woman from his rib. When
Adam woke up he saw a beautiful lady called Eve,
and he fell in love with her. She was his “other half,”
and he was her “other half.” So the Lord married
them, and they became the first husband and wife.
They probably had a big kiss and a cuddle, but they
didn’t go on a honeymoon. They were living in para-
dise anyway, and the Lord had told them to look after
the garden.
Outside the garden evil eyes were watching. The
demons and Satan were planning how they could get
into the garden to talk to the man and the woman.
Inside the garden Adam and Eve were having a
wonderful time. They went around and saw all the
animals, and Adam told Eve what he had called them.
He had given names to all the animals.
Eve laughed when she saw a little lamb jumping
on the back of a huge lion. The lion didn’t mind at all.
He just ate some grass and played with the lamb. Oh,
I almost forgot to tell you. All the animals ate grass in
the Garden of Eden, and no animal killed any other
Just Because
animal. That only happened later when some really
bad things happened. Did you know that when your
cat gets sick he goes and eats grass. Cool, eh?
Adam and Eve wandered around the garden
picking fruit and berries and swimming in the warm
pool. The Lord came and spoke to them and took
them to the center of the garden. He showed them
two big trees. One of the trees was called the Tree of
Life, and the other was the Tree of Knowledge. Then
the Lord told them they couldn’t eat from the tree of
knowledge or they would die. Now the Lord didn’t
mean they would die straightaway like “zap, you’re
dead,” but they would start to get old and, worst of
all, would not be perfect anymore. The Lord told
them the fruit of the tree was the knowledge of good
and evil, and if they disobeyed Him and tried to get
that knowledge then they would become sinners.
Now some people today ask, “Why did the Lord
put the tree in there? If He hadn’t, then nothing bad
could have happened.” But remember the Lord put
people inside the bubble because He wanted them to
have a choice about loving Him and being His chil-
dren or hating Him and having Satan as their king.
The tree was a test for them. The Lord knew what
would happen, and He decided they must be allowed
to choose to be good or bad.
Now old Satan was sitting outside the wall
listening to everything the Lord said. The Lord knew
he was listening because the Lord knows everything.
But old Satan thought he was being really clever.
Satan thought, “I reckon I can get those new people
to eat the fruit from that tree. I’ll tell them God wants
Just Because
them to know nothing, that He wants them to do only
what they’re told and not think for themselves. And
when those stupid little people eat from the tree they
will be just like me, but they will die. Ha ha ha.” He
laughed to himself. He is a rotten dude, this Satan.
Well, the light in Eden was too bright for Satan
so he asked the snake if he could borrow his body for
a while. That silly snake said yes, so Satan got inside
the snake’s body and started into the Garden of Eden.
He slid past the lion and the lamb, which were still
playing, and the lion stood up and looked at him with
a frown on his face. The lamb fell off the lion’s back
then stood up and stared at the snake as it slid past on
its way to the tree of knowledge.
The Lord watched what was happening. He knew
something bad would happen, and it made Him sad.
But He knew it was very important for people to
make a choice—Just Because God is wise and He
always makes the right choice.
Chapter 3
Adam and Eve were still near the center of the
garden when Satan slid up into the tree of
knowledge. Satan rolled himself around a branch and
called over to Eve. “Hi, Eve. What a beautiful day.”
Eve wandered over to see the pretty colored snake
and have a chat.
“This is a beautiful tree, don’t you think?” asked
“Yes, it is,” replied Eve. “But God said we are
not allowed to eat the fruit off this tree or touch this
tree or we will die.”
“Die,” said Satan. “Do you know what it means to
die? No, you will not die if you eat from this tree.”
Eve thought about that question, but she wasn’t
sure what it meant to die because she had never seen
anything die before. She became a bit confused.
“Well, when the Lord said we would die He
meant we would be separated from Him—you know,
like we wouldn’t be able to see Him anymore,” Eve
Just Because
Satan slid around so he was right in front of her.
“God doesn’t want you to eat from this tree because
He knows that when you do you will be like Him,
knowing good and evil. If you eat this fruit you will
be just like God.”
Eve looked at the fruit. It appeared to be deli-
cious. She thought about what the snake had said.
“It would be good to be like God, to know as much
as God. Anyway, why shouldn’t I eat from the tree?
I want to have wisdom, I want to be someone impor-
tant, and I don’t think God should try to stop me.”
Well, you know what happens to people who start
thinking like Eve, don’t you? They get themselves
into bi-i-i-i-i-i-i-ig trouble. Eve was getting proud.
The Bible says pride goes before a fall, and Eve was
about to take a really big fall. Outside the Garden
of Eden the demons were watching as their master
spoke to the woman under the tree. They knew that
if these people ate from the tree then their master
would be the king of the earth as well as space. They
were afraid Satan might fail. And if he failed, they
knew he would be really angry and scary.
Eve stood there with her finger in her mouth
thinking, and then she made her decision. She reached
out her hand and grabbed a fruit off the tree. She
rolled it around in her hand for a moment then took a
great big bite. She ran over to Adam and said, “Hey!
Have a bite of this. It tastes really great.” Adam knew
he was not allowed to eat the fruit. But the silly man
followed Eve, just like so many people do what their
friends tell them even when they know it is wrong.
Adam took the fruit and ate a big bite as well. All of
Just Because
a sudden Adam and Eve realised some things they
had never thought of before. They realised they were
naked, that they had no clothes on.
“Oh, no,” said Adam. “I’ve got nothing on;
neither have you, Eve. We can’t go walking around
here like this.”
Adam ran over to a tree with big leaves and
grabbed some stringy bark and took them over to
Eve. He put the leaves around himself and tied them
there with the bark and told Eve to do the same.
“Here—put this on, woman,” he said, almost
growling at her. “You don’t want the Lord seeing us
like this, do you?”
Eve felt afraid and guilty. On top of everything
else Adam was speaking in a way that made her feel
very sad. He had never spoken like that before, and
she was scared. “Everything has gone wrong,” she
thought to herself as she put on the leaf clothes. “I
should have listened to the Lord.” Now she knew
what evil and guilt tasted like.
Satan was almost falling out of the tree from
laughing at them. He was very happy right then
because these new creatures, these first two people,
had disobeyed God. Outside Eden the animals were
restless; they were changing.
Just about then Adam and Eve heard the Lord
walking in the garden toward them, and they felt very
guilty for what they had done so they hid from Him.
Now the Lord always knows every thought we have
and everything we have done. He called to Adam and
Eve, and they came to Him.
Just Because
“Why were you hiding from Me?” asked the
Lord.“I was. . .uhm. . .hiding. . .uhm. . .because I was
naked and didn’t want You to see me like this,” said
Adam trying to find the words to say.
“Who told you that you were naked?” asked
the Lord. “Have you eaten from the tree of
Adam immediately pointed his finger at Eve and
said, “She gave it to me, the woman You put in the
garden with me, and it’s her fault.”
And so the Lord turned to Eve and said, “What is
this you have done, Eve?”
“The snake tricked me, and I ate the fruit,” said
Eve blaming Satan, who was at this time sliding
down the trunk of the tree and trying to sneak out of
the garden without being noticed.
Then the Lord turned to the snake, and he stopped
where he was. The Lord said to the snake, “You have
allowed Satan to use your body to speak to My people.
Your punishment will be that you and your children
will crawl on your stomachs forever. All snakes will
be this way.” The Lord also said to Satan, “One day
a woman shall have a child. You will fight Him. You