Read Just Because: The Story of Salvation for Children Online
Authors: Steve Copland
Tags: #Children's Books, #Religions, #Christianity, #Inspirational, #Children's eBooks, #Early Readers
At the top of the ladder Jacob saw the Lord, and the
Lord spoke to him. The Lord told him he was the
God of his father and Abraham and that He would
bless him. He also told Jacob that all the people in
the world would be blessed through him and that He
would watch over and keep him safe.
When he woke up, Jacob said, “Wow! This is an
awesome place. It must be the gate to heaven.” So
Jacob made a promise to the Lord to serve Him.
Jacob went on his way and finally reached the
home of his uncle Laban. When he was near the house
he saw a girl looking after the sheep, and he thought
she was very beautiful. Her name was Rachel, and
she was Laban’s youngest daughter. Jacob fell in
love with her, and he agreed to work for Laban for
seven years if he could marry her. Rachel also wanted
to marry Jacob, so they agreed. After seven years it
came time for the wedding. Now Laban had an older
daughter Leah. Jacob wasn’t in love with her, but
Laban wanted Leah to get married first. Laban was
a naughty man, and he tricked Jacob into marrying
Leah by mistake. Jacob was sad when he realised he
Just Because
was married to the wrong girl, but Laban then let him
also marry Rachel if he worked for another seven
years. This Laban was a tricky kind of guy.
So Jacob worked for his uncle Laban for fourteen
years. In those days it was normal for some people
to have more than one wife although the Lord didn’t
like this, because He had created people to have only
one husband and one wife. So Jacob and his wives
had many children until they had a very big family.
Jacob also had many animals, sheep and goats, but
he was still scared that his big brother Esau might
try to pay him back for tricking him. Lots of tricky
people in this family.
Laban and Jacob decided that Jacob and his
family should leave and go back to his own home.
The Lord continued to take care of Jacob. This was a
good thing because as they were heading home they
saw Esau coming, and he had four hundred men with
him. Jacob was scared. He thought Esau might kill
him because he had played a bad trick on his brother.
Jacob did the most important thing to do when we
are scared. He prayed. He asked the Lord to continue
to look after him and his family just as the Lord had
Jacob decided to send his brother lots of gifts so
Esau would like him. So he sent his servants with
lots of sheep and donkeys and goats. He did this with
hundreds of animals, and each time Esau asked the
person what he was doing; he was told they were gifts
from Jacob. That night Jacob crossed the river near
where he was staying, and a strange thing happened
to him. A person came to him, and he and the man
Just Because
had a wrestling match. The wrestling match lasted
until the night was over, but Jacob was hurt during
the wrestling. He asked the person to bless him, and
the man told him he would be blessed and his name
was now to be Israel instead of Jacob.
The next day Jacob saw Esau coming down the
road with his four hundred men. Jacob went toward
him and bowed down on the ground before his big
brother, but instead of kil ing him Esau grabbed him
and gave him a big hug. I reckon it was like a bear hug
because Esau looked a bit like a big hairy bear. Esau
had never met Jacob’s wives and children so they had
a big family meeting, and everyone was happy. Jacob
gave his big brother the gifts even though Esau didn’t
want them, but this was fair because of the nasty trick
Jacob had played on him when they were young men.
After this Jacob returned to Bethel, the place
where he had spoken to the Lord. His wife Rachel
had another baby boy. Jacob, who was now called
Israel, had twelve sons. The nation of Israel and the
twelve tribes of Israel come from these boys.
So Jacob and Esau were final y friends. Jacob
had his family, and Esau had his. From Esau’s family
came many of the people in the world who are now
cal ed Arabs, and from Jacob came al the people who
are cal ed Jewish, the people from Israel. So God kept
His promise to Isaac that from him would come two
great nations. Jacob also learned he should never have
played a nasty trick on his brother. But the Lord still
helped him, Just Because he was truly sorry for what
he had done, and his brother Esau forgave him.
Chapter 12
Sometimes Israel was a silly man. Changing his
name from Jacob to Israel didn’t stop him from
doing silly things. You might remember that Israel’s
parents had favourite children and that this made
some big problems in the family. Well, some people
don’t seem to learn from their parents’ mistakes,
and Israel was one of those. He had a favourite son,
and that son was called Joseph. Israel made his son
a beautiful coat. It was made of lots of different
coloured pieces of cloth.
Joseph’s brothers became very jealous and angry
toward Joseph because their father didn’t make them
a beautiful coat. Jealousy and anger are very strong
feelings, and they can make people do bad things if
they let these feelings take over them. The brothers
did not stop their bad feelings. They made a terrible
plan to get rid of their brother Joseph.
One day when Joseph was out in the fields
looking after the sheep his brothers grabbed him and
pushed him down an old dry well. A well is a hole
Just Because
in the ground that usually has water, but you already
knew that from the story about Rebekah, right?
Anyway, then the brothers killed a goat and put the
goat’s blood all over Joseph’s beautiful coat. As they
were doing this they looked up and saw a slave trader
coming down the road. Now a slaver was a terrible
man. He was a man who bought people and then took
them to the city and sold them as slaves.
Joseph’s brothers pulled Joseph out of the well
and sold him to the slave trader and shared the
money. The slaver put big chains on Joseph so he
couldn’t run away and then left for the land of Egypt,
a very long way to walk. Joseph’s brothers then took
his blood-stained coat and gave it to Israel. They
told Israel a big lion had attacked Joseph when he
was looking after the sheep and had killed him. Poor
Israel thought the blood on the beautiful coat was
Joseph’s, and he was very sad that his favourite son
was dead.
But the Lord had seen everything, and He had a
plan as well.
Meanwhile Joseph was taken to Egypt and sold
to one of the king’s most important men, the captain
of the guards of Egypt, a man named Potiphar. Now
Potiphar’s wife thought Joseph was a handsome
man, and when Joseph refused to be her boyfriend
she told her husband bad lies about him and Potiphar
had Joseph thrown into jail. Poor Joseph was not
guilty. He knew that being the boyfriend of someone
who was married was a terrible sin against God, and
he had obeyed the Lord. Just goes to show that even
when we obey the Lord sometimes bad things can
Just Because
happen, at least for a while. But remember: God
always has a plan.
So Joseph was put into jail, and later two guys
who had worked for the king, his wine waiter and
his baker, were put into jail with him. One night both
the baker and the waiter had dreams, and they told
Joseph about their dreams. Now the Lord had given
Joseph a special gift so that he could tell people what
their dreams meant. He told the waiter he would soon
be let out of prison and he would get his old job back.
He had to tell the baker bad news because the baker’s
dream meant the king was going to kill him for doing
bad stuff. He asked the waiter to remember him and
help him, but sadly the waiter forgot.
Well, it happened exactly as Joseph said. The
waiter got his job back, and the baker was killed.
Poor Joseph was left in his cell all alone. But he
wasn’t completely alone because he loved the Lord
and the Lord was with him.
Two years later the king of Egypt had a bad dream
which worried him very much. He dreamed that
seven fat cows walked out of the river Nile in Egypt
and stood on the bank. Then seven skinny cows came
out of the river and ate up the big fat cows. Then the
king woke up and called all his magicians and asked
them to tell them the meaning of his dream. The
magicians thought and thought, and they couldn’t
work out the meaning of the dream at all. The king
was furious, and he sent them away. Standing nearby
was the king’s waiter, and he remembered Joseph.
He told the king how Joseph had understood his
dream and the baker’s dream, so the king ordered
Just Because
Joseph to be brought to him. When Joseph arrived,
the king told him his dream and asked him if he
could tell him the meaning. Joseph replied that it was
the Lord who gave him the answer to the dreams; he
didn’t want the king to think it was his own power.
The king told him the dream.
Joseph said to him, “The Lord has shown me
the meaning of your dream. The seven fat cows are
seven good years when there will be lots of rain to
make the crops grow and much more food than you
need in Egypt. The seven skinny cows are seven bad
years when it will not rain much and there will be no
food for the people of Egypt. The king must save up
the food in the first years, or the people of Egypt will
starve to death.”
The king sat back on his throne and looked at
this young man standing before him wearing chains
like a wild animal. Then he said, “Joseph, none of
my magicians was able to help me, but here you are
a slave who has told me the meaning of my dream.
I know in my heart what you have said is true. Your
God must be very powerful, and I can see He is
helping you, so I have decided to make you a prince
in charge of the whole land of Egypt. Here is my ring
to put on your finger, and all of Egypt will obey you
the same as they obey me.”
Told you God always has a plan.
So Joseph became the prince of Egypt, and all
the people loved and respected him because of the
wisdom he got from the Lord. He ordered huge
buildings to be made, and in the seven good years
he stored lots of food to prepare for the seven bad
Just Because
years. Joseph went from a slave in chains to being the
prince of Egypt with the king’s ring on his finger. He
never gave up hope when he was sold as a slave; he
never forgot the Lord when he was thrown into jail;
and he always had hope that the Lord would rescue
him, Just Because Joseph always made the Lord the
first and most important person in his life.
Chapter 13
Joseph was thirty years old when he became the
prince of Egypt. During the next seven years there
was much more food in Egypt than was needed.
Joseph traveled to each city and stored the food in
huge buildings so that when the bad years came
the people in every city would have enough to eat.
Everything the Lord explained to Joseph about the
king’s dream came true, so Joseph made sure Egypt
was ready for the seven bad years. Often Joseph
wondered how his family was back home, and he
missed them very much. But he loved the Lord and
trusted Him. He knew the Lord had sent him to Egypt
for an important reason, even though his brothers
were only trying to get rid of him.
Now the seven bad years began, and there was
no rain in the land of Egypt or the lands nearby.
Nothing would grow because the ground was so
dry, and there was no water to make the plants grow.
Joseph’s family started to run out of food, and they
were get ing very hungry.
Just Because
One day a slaver from Egypt was passing by,
and he met the brothers of Joseph again. He told
them there was a new prince in Egypt for the past
eight years and he had stored huge buildings ful of
grain for making bread and other food. He told them
people from al over the world were going to Egypt
to buy food.
“Do you think we could buy food in Egypt?” the
brothers asked him.
“Of course,” he replied, “as long as you have
silver or gold you can buy food.”
Now when Israel heard about this he sent his sons
to Egypt to buy food. He sent ten of his twelve sons,
keeping Benjamin the youngest at home. When the
ten brothers arrived they were brought before Joseph.
He immediately recognised them, but they had no
idea who he was. Joseph looked very different from